An Evening With The Rush Hour Hero

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An Evening With The Rush Hour Hero Page 2

by J. M. Snyder

  "One," Vic said, holding a finger up between them to count off, "I didn't say shit. Not to the police, not to the reporters, nothing. If they had shown that footage, you would've seen me pushing through the cameras without a word. Two, I know where these...these powers of mine come from. They come from you. From loving you. I never asked for them. I don't even like them, you know that."

  "You use them quickly enough," Matt grumbled. He crossed his arms like a sulking child, but his burst of anger had fizzled out.

  Vic could deal with the surly, hurt emotions emanating from his lover--he could reason with them, kiss them away. Beneath them ran the slightest twinge of jealousy, which didn't surprise him. Matt had no super powers of his own--he could speak to Vic mentally, rummage around in his lover's mind, but that was all and it only came from their close relationship.

  From their love.

  Whenever they had sex, Matt somehow triggered the superhuman powers Vic exhibited. After the first time they'd consummated their relationship, Vic had found his mind opened to the world around him, and a million thoughts crowded into his head, none of them his own. Then he'd been imbued with the super strength that had stayed with him. Other superpowers came and went--the ability to fly, X-ray vision, a whole myriad of abilities that made his life a living comic book series. Each time they made love, he was gifted with another power, good or bad, that he had to learn to live with until it wore off.

  Vic loved Matt, loved feeling his lover fit into him like a missing piece of a puzzle, loved the thick length that filled him up inside and finally made him feel whole. He loved everything about the man, from his summery scent to his dark hair to his quick laugh, his flashing eyes, his gentle soul and tender hands. Vic wouldn't give him up even if every act of love brought with it debilitating pain instead of strange super powers. He couldn't.

  "Matty," Vic said, his voice soft between them. His lover's chin crumpled and his lower lip pooched out as he struggled to hold onto his anger. "You know the powers mean nothing to me. It's you I love."

  That pouting lip trembled. Matt ran an unsteady hand through his hair and sighed. "I just don't want you getting hurt because of me."

  "I won't--"

  His lover hurried on, speaking over Vic's protest. "The powers come from me. If you got injured or, God forbid, killed, just because you thought you were some sort of superhero, then it'd be my fault."

  Vic shook his head and stepped closer to Matt. "No, it wouldn't. It'd be mine for doing something stupid with what you've given me."

  "I don't want to lose you," Matt whispered.

  Vic took his lover into his arms. For a long moment Matt let himself be held tightly, his head tucked beneath Vic's chin and his arms still crossed, keeping them apart. But with another wrenching sigh, Matt unfolded his arms, wrapped them around Vic's waist, and in the doorway to their tiny kitchen, they clung together with a desperation born of fear and love.

  * * * *

  After that shower and beer, Vic decided to call it a night. He wanted Matty as well, but didn't want his lover to think his desire rose from a need to boost the powers. He settled for a lingering kiss that enticed Matt to follow him into the bedroom they shared. As Vic undressed, Matt sat at the foot of the bed and watched unabashedly. "I'm sorry I got so upset."

  "You worry too much," Vic told him as he leaned down to plant a rough kiss on Matt's forehead. "I have your powers to protect me."

  But Matt persisted. "What if they go away?"

  Vic shrugged. Dressed only in his underclothes, he sank down to sit on his side of the bed and tugged off his socks one at a time. "I'd be thrilled."

  Pressing his face against Vic's back, Matt sighed. His breath tickled over the undershirt Vic wore, exciting him. "No, I mean, what if they go away while you're using them?"

  "What if the sun explodes?" Vic countered. "What if a bomb levels this building? What if a terrorist attack kills us both?"

  Matt leaned his head on Vic's shoulder. His weight was welcome along Vic's side, heavy and comforting. With gentle fingers he touched Vic's thigh and smoothed down the thin fabric of his boxers until pale skin shone through the cloth. "You know what I mean."

  Vic pressed his lips to Matt's temple. "You can lose a lifetime worrying about what ifs," he murmured against his lover's skin. "I'd rather concentrate on here and now."

  Matt smiled--sadly, but it was something. When he looked up, Vic's mouth covered his with a soft press of lips that hinted at so much more just beneath the surface of that one little kiss. The hand on Vic's thigh drifted to the stiffening cock between his legs. Cupping his lover's genitals, Matt gave them a light squeeze and whispered, "Here?"

  Vic's moan was lost beneath Matt's kiss. "Now."

  Neither needed further prompting. As Vic leaned over, reaching for the mostly empty tube of lubrication on his bedside table, Matt tugged at the top of Vic's boxers and pulled them down to expose smooth, pale skin. He kissed Vic's hip, then pushed the boxers out of the way as he trailed his tongue over one round buttock. When Matt's tongue licked between his ass cheeks, Vic gasped and lifted one leg to afford his lover easier access.

  Matt slipped off the boxers as Vic lay on his side, leg in the air, that gloriously long tongue rimming his tight, puckered hole. Arching his back, Vic pressed his ass against Matt's willing mouth and savored the breath that warmed his flesh, the tongue that licked at him, the teeth that nipped playfully and made him squirm for more. "God," he gasped, burying his face in his pillow as Matt's hand came up between his legs to cradle his balls and rub along his hard shaft.

  The power that linked their minds heightened the moment, flooding them both with the same sensations--a damp tongue slipping into tender places that trembled at the touch, strong hands and heated breath and wet mouths on damp skin. "God," Vic gasped again, half-rising from the bed and resting his thigh on the back of Matt's head as his lover continued to orally explore his anus. "Please..."

  As if coming up for air, his lover pulled out from between his legs and wrapped his arms around Vic's waist, hugging him tight. "I love you like this," he whispered into the small of Vic's back. "So needy. So mine."

  "Take me, then."

  Vic chucked the tube of lubrication over his shoulder, eager to get off so they could spend the rest of the night cuddling. Matt was the one for prolonged foreplay but Vic enjoyed the aftermath, soft words and sated bodies pressed close beneath the covers, as if they were alone in the world. He wanted that tonight, needed it--not so much Matt in him but holding him, loving him. He might be a strong man--and with the damn powers, stronger than most--but Matt made him weak.

  "Matty, don't make me beg."

  His lover's touch disappeared. "Two seconds," he promised, shucking off his pants and briefs in one motion. Over his shoulder, Vic could see him slathering his own erection with the silky lubrication, then that cool hand slid between Vic's buttocks to finger his ass. When Vic backed up against him, Matt lay down behind him in position. "One," he said, counting down as he spread Vic wide.

  The spongy tip of his cock eased between Vic's cheeks, found the right spot, and with one hard thrust, Matt was in. He pulled Vic back to him as he plunged deep inside, his slippery hands rubbing over Vic's chest and down his stomach until they found his hard dick. Kissing Vic's ear, Matt whispered, "Two."

  With one hand Vic reached behind them both and gripped Matt's taut butt, kneading the flesh as they found a steady rhythm. His other hand covered Matt's where it encircled his cock. The bed creaked as Matt drove into him with hard, quick fucks that Vic felt ricochet up his spine to the base of his neck and back down again to shatter the desire coiled in his groin. Matt's teeth closed over his shoulder in a possessive, rough bite and he threw one leg over Vic's hip as he worked himself to a shuddery release.

  When Matty came, Vic felt the familiar burst of energy swirl through him and imagined his lover's seed spiraling into the center of his being to ignite the strange super powers that always blossomed in him after the
ir coupling. Then he found himself being rolled onto his back as Matt climbed onto him, licking down the expanse of his stomach to reach his throbbing cock. As his lips closed over the tip of Vic's shaft, Matt's fingers massaged both his shaved pubic mound and hairless, aching balls. A few thrusts later, Vic bucked into Matt's mouth and clenched his hands in his lover's thick, dark hair as he climaxed.

  Wrapping his arms around Matt, Vic snuggled in close, smoothed the sweaty curls back from his brow, and kissed him tenderly. He could taste his own spunk on Matt's lips and tongue.

  "Love you," he murmured. He couldn't stop touching his lover's face, his neck, the hollow of his throat. Lust dulled Matt's eyes but when Vic looked into them, he saw himself looking back. "You, Matty. You know that."

  "I know." Matt set his head against Vic's chest as if listening to the beat of his heart. They fell asleep entangled in each others' arms.

  * * * *

  One of the first things Vic had learned about the powers Matt inadvertently gave him was that positioning was key. When he woke the morning after the traffic incident, he wondered what their previous night's tryst would bring. It'd been a new position for them, and he almost didn't want to know what superpower it might trigger.

  He slipped from the bed quietly so as not to disturb Matt. With Vic's warmth no longer beside him, Matt moaned softly as he rolled over in his sleep, pulling the blankets tighter around his body.

  In the dim light of the early morn, Vic padded naked to the bathroom. There he clicked on the overhead light, flinched at the sudden brightness and noisy fan, and promptly clicked it off again. Unable to see after that blinding flash, he kept his eyes shut and listened for the splash of water to ensure he didn't miss the toilet. He was careful with the sink's faucet--the first time his powers had ever manifested, he'd almost twisted off the knob with his sudden strength. Since then, he'd forced himself to slow down, take notice of the world around him, and try not to break anything if he could help it.

  Cupping his hands to catch the water from the tap, Vic lowered his face and gasped as the icy coolness chilled his skin. He rubbed water into his closed eyes, along his cheeks, over his scalp; he gulped it in and rinsed the morning murk from his mouth. Then he stretched, letting out a leonine roar that invigorated every inch of his body.

  With a shake of his head to clear the water from his face, Vic opened his eyes, glanced in the mirror of the sink, and did a double take at what he saw there.

  Or rather, what he didn't see.

  * * * *

  When Matt finally woke, Vic was sitting at the dining room table reading the newspaper, barely dressed in the flannel bathrobe that hung open to expose pale, firm skin. The rich aroma of coffee filled the air. As Matt poured himself a cup, Vic folded the paper and came into the kitchen to join him. He gave Matt a quick kiss on the jaw as he reached past his lover to refill his own mug. "Morning, sexy."

  Matt eased one arm into the open robe and around Vic's waist to pull him close for a real kiss, this one on the lips and involving more than a hint of tongue. "Morning yourself, you big lug. Last night was something else."

  "Something different," Vic reminded him, stirring sugar into his coffee.

  With a laugh, Matt teased, "So what'd you get this time? X-Ray vision? Bulletproof skin?" Nuzzling against Vic's neck, Matt kissed behind his ear and murmured, "An erection lasting more than four hours?"

  Vic grinned. "That's a super power? And here I thought it was a side effect."

  "One I wouldn't mind." As Vic closed his eyes, letting his tenuous concentration slip away, Matt asked, "So what--holy shit!"

  He took a step back as Vic disappeared. More precisely, Vic was still there, right in front of him, but Matt could no longer see him--hell, Vic couldn't see himself. His bathrobe seemed to hang in the air, draped around an invisible man; his coffee cup floated inches above the counter.

  The astonished look on Matt's face, green eyes as wide as saucers, mouth open, cheeks slack, was definitely worth the discomfort of not being able to see his own body.

  Setting down his coffee cup, Vic shrugged out of the robe and let it fall to the floor in a rustle of fabric.

  "Vic?" Matt asked, his voice uneven and more than a little scared. "Where are you? Where'd you go?"

  Vic was enjoying this. He took a silent step toward his lover and leaned in as near as he could without touching him. Matt's gaze flickered around the room, unable to pin him down. Into Matt's ear, Vic breathed, "Right here."

  Matt jumped as if goosed. Vic picked the knot at the front of his lover's bathrobe--Matt watched as the fabric began untying itself. "I don't like this," he said in a small, shaky voice. "Vic..."

  Covering Matt's mouth with his own, Vic silenced him. It was odd, kissing someone who stared at him, stared through him, but when his tongue licked between Matt's lips, his lover gave into the moment and shut his eyes beneath the kiss. "Say something," Matt whispered as Vic pulled away.

  "Like what?"

  Matt kept his eyes closed but turned toward the sound of Vic's voice and reached out both physically and mentally. His mind brushed Vic's with a tentative touch as his strummed down Vic's chest. "I can see you when I don't look."

  Vic kissed him again and sighed against his cheek. "You know me so well."

  "I know what I'm looking for," Matt said, hands smoothing down Vic's invisible stomach. "Even if I can't see it, I know it's there."

  "What's that?" Vic asked with a grin.

  Matt's hands found the slight erection beginning to stand between Vic's legs. As his fingers encircled the thick shaft, Vic gasped. With a laugh, Matt squeezed gently. "This."

  Vic's body flickered as his control slipped--invisible one second, there the next. ::Now you see me, now you don't.::

  Matt peeked at Vic, didn't see him, and clamped his eyes shut as his grip around Vic's cock tightened. Taking a step back into the hall toward the promise of their bedroom at the end, he tugged Vic along after him, dick first. "I don't like this power. Let's get you another one."

  Vic didn't argue as he followed Matt back to bed.

  Author's Note

  * * *

  What follows is the actual recipe used in the story, included here for your enjoyment.

  Matt diLorenzo's Mama's Spaghetti

  1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

  1 tsp. lemon pepper

  1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes

  3 cloves garlic, diced

  2 bell peppers, thinly sliced

  1 large onion, chopped

  1 cup chicken broth

  28 oz. can crushed tomatoes

  1 tsp. tomato paste

  1 tsp. sugar

  1 lb. pasta (spaghetti or linguine works best)

  salt and pepper to taste

  1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. In a separate pot, boil water for the pasta.

  2. When the oil is hot enough, add lemon pepper, red pepper flakes, garlic, bell peppers, and onion; cook, stirring frequently, until pepper and onions are tender (6 minutes or so).

  3. Pour in chicken broth and crushed tomatoes. Add tomato paste and sugar; turn heat to HIGH. Cook the pasta according to the package directions.

  4. When the sauce boils, add salt & pepper to taste, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. When the pasta is done, drain and return to the hot pot.

  5. When the sauce is done, stir it one last time, then pour into the pot over the pasta. Stir together well; serve with crisp toasted garlic bread and grated Parmesan cheese. Yum!

  The recipe serves four. It tastes just as good the next day and freezes well (without the noodles, of course). You can also add cooked chopped chicken or ground meat (chicken, turkey, or beef) for variety.


  J. M. Snyder

  J. M. Snyder

  An author of gay erotic/romantic fiction, J. M. Snyder began self-publishing gay erotic fiction in 2002. Since then, Snyder has released several books in trade paperback format and has begun
exploring the world of e-publishing, working with both Aspen Mountain Press and Amber Quill Press. Snyder's highly erotic short gay fiction has been published online at Ruthie's Club, Tit-Elation, Sticky Pen, and Amazon Shorts, as well as in anthologies by Aspen Mountain Press and Cleis Press. A full bibliography, as well as free fiction, book excerpts, purchasing information, and exclusive contests, can be found at:

  * * * *

  Don't miss The Bonds Of Love, by J. M. Snyder,

  available at!

  Vic Braunson has a special kind of problem--his lover, Matt DiLorenzo, somehow imbues him with enhanced superpowers every time they have sex. It's something Vic has learned to live with in the years they've been together, and something he won't let stand in the way of their relationship. Matt hates the powers, however, particularly when they put Vic in danger, but what can they do?

  When Vic stops an armed robbery at a local convenience store, his picture appears in the morning paper. Later that day, Matt receives a phone call at work from Jordan Dubrowski, a guy he knew in high school. Jordan was his first, in every way--it was through him that Matt discovered his ability to transfer superpowers to his lovers. Jordan had a taste of those powers, and after reading about Vic's role in the hold up, he's decided he wants those powers back.

  But Matt is in love...and Vic won't let him go without a fight. Still, Jordan will stop at nothing to get what he thinks rightly belongs to him...

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