Vantage Point (The Point Series Book 2)

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Vantage Point (The Point Series Book 2) Page 6

by Georgia Hamilton

  “Drop your car here Guy.” Kelsey excitedly points to the front of the restaurant. There are about 20 paps and a slew of celebs being photographed making their way inside. Shit! This just made this a million times worse.

  “Kelsey, I thought this was a restaurant opening night? What the fuck is going on?”

  Kelsey looks like I have just eaten her puppy. Her eyes get wide and her lip pops out.

  “Don’t give me that bullshit innocent face Kels, lets just get inside before I spin round and drive us back home!”

  I drop my car off at the front of the bar and duck my head down – launching for the doors and ignoring the noise exploding around me.

  I am greeted by a hostess in a dress that cannot possibly be practical for the job she has been tasked with.

  “Good Evening Mr. Pearce Morgan, you’re the first to arrive, please follow me to the restaurant” She punctuates the statement with a dazzling smile. Her teeth are so artificially white and bright I am sure I can see my reflection.

  “My sister is caught up back there” I thumb towards the throng of wannabes.

  “Can you please let her know I have gone through” She gives me a rather vacant look, I think she even pouts. I mean come on! I am not in the mood for this.

  Just behind the foyer there is a cloakroom to the left and pair of velvet curtains pulled back to my right, I step through them and I may as well have entered the circus.

  Brash lighting, loud music and fake laughter seep into me and it stings like a mosquito bite. I hate this shit.

  I am handed a glass of something and take it. I have no idea where I am going?

  I spot a woman dressed in black with one of those headsets attached to her

  “Excuse me, I need to get to the restaurant, I cannot be squeezing through that throng” I point to the crowd of wannabes.

  “We’re guests of”

  She stops me mid way through

  “Mr. Pearce Morgan, of course follow me and we’ll get you through, your girlfriend is waiting for you”

  My what?

  Perplexed I ask;

  “My who is waiting for me?”

  The poor girl looks like I just pissed on her cornflakes.

  “Erm.. ah.. well sorry Mr Pearce Morgan, I just assumed” The little brunette looks like she might cry.

  “Look, whatever. Can we just head to the restaurant – my sister might enjoy this fools gold attention, but I don’t”

  She meekly nods her head and scuttles through towards the back of the bar.

  “Oh!! You’re here! You made it!”

  And.. there go my balls!

  “Millicent” I sneer through gritted teeth.

  The little hostess is awkwardly standing to the side.

  “Come on. We’re going to be late”

  Millicent grabs my arm and tugs on me like I am expected to go with her. I dig in my heels and pry her fingers from my arm.

  The hostess is shuffling from foot to foot, she is unsure as to what to do

  “What do you mean we?” My head hurts. I can feel the vein throbbing out the side of my head.

  “Dinner with our parents? Why do you think you’re here?”

  That vein must have popped as a searing pain erupts inside my head. My brain is unable to compute the information sprouting from Millicent, who looks like a glitter box spewed up on her. Willie, true to his word has set up dinner with the O’Sullivans. I cannot believe Kelsey tricked me into this.

  I look around trying to find my troublesome sister when I spot a vision in white. She must have been sent down to save me because she looks like an angel.

  An instant calm washes over me. I gravitate towards her. Millicent yapping behind me “Guy! Come back here, where are you going? Guy!”

  Her voice disappears as I get closer to Leilani.

  She’s standing by the bar, a glass of champagne in her hand. It is impossible to take my eyes off her. She’s staring me dead in the face, I don’t see the smirk on her face until I am almost on top of her. I pay no respect to personal space. I crowd her completely.

  She nods behind me.

  “I think you left your date behind”

  I assume she’s referring to Millicent, I don’t need to see because I truthfully tell her

  “I don’t have a date”

  “Hmm” she contemplates my answer. “I think you forgot to tell her that”

  I know Millicent is coming towards us, she must be less than a furlong away as the vibrations of her stomping towards us is running through me.

  I chose to ignore my impending doom and focus on Leilani. I have caged her to the bar. She’s holding her glass up to her mouth, I think its to either stop me from kissing her or her from pouncing on me. It’s a defense mechanism. I know that much about her.

  I get under Leilani’s skin as much as she gets under mine. I can hear Millicent getting closer, clomp clomp clomp


  I roll my eyes and Leilani laughs

  “I think you’re wanted” She dead pans. Before she gets her glass to her lips, I bend towards her and drop the smallest kiss on her and take her glass. I down the contents and turn to face Millicent.

  “Millicent, have you met Leilani Barros?”

  I stand to the side of Leilani so Millicent gets to see her in her full glory. How a woman should look. Leilani dutifully holds a hand out

  Millicent slaps her trotter like hand in Leilani’s

  “I think we have met before! OMG – is your brother here? I am such a fan!”

  Leilani cocks her hip and she leans back towards the bar, except she manages to rest against me.

  I swallow a small groan and am suddenly grateful that the bar is heaving and we are standing room only. I drop my hand to my side and stroke the side of Leilani’s thigh. She shifts slightly at my touch – she flicks me a look and then turns her attention back to Millicent. I know Millicent cannot see what I am doing, I wouldn’t do that to Leilani, not unless she asked. And if she did ask, I may just toss her over the bar and be done with it.

  Leilani lifts her glass to take a drink of her champagne before she remembers I finished it.

  Fumbling she pops the empty glass on the bar and responds to Millicent

  “Yes we have met unofficially. I assume you mean Ethan? He’s here somewhere.”

  Millicent’s eyes pop out of her head – god I hope this means I am off the hook.

  “There he is” I helpfully point to the other side of the bar. Millicent spins round

  I take the opportunity to whisper to Leilani.

  “Help me please. She is like a leech on my balls. I swear they’re smaller than the day I was born”

  Leilani turns to me. A quick squeeze and she’s satisfied.

  “Nope. They are definitely the same size as last night, maybe a little fuller.” The little…

  “No I don’t see him”

  Millicent is back in the conversation.

  “Hang on let me call him” Leilani drops a call to Ethan

  “He’s on his way over. So Millicent, I didn’t realise you and Guy were such good friends?”

  Millicent snorts

  “Oh we are more than friends. Much more. We are almost family”

  What is this woman sniffing? She has to be on crack or something stronger. She’s delusional.

  “Really? Family huh?” Leilani has managed to separate herself from me and there is a gapping space between us.

  I go to speak and Leilani cuts me off with look that 100% shrinks my balls. Fuck this.

  “Yes, our parents are good friends and well it was inevitable that we would end up together” Millicent punctuates.

  “Inevitable eh? Wow. Written in the stars and all that huh?”

  I can’t tell if Leilani is pissed or enjoying this.

  “Millicent. Honestly? Is that really what you think?”

  Millicent dismisses my questions and says

  “Guy. We should be heading to the restaurant, our parents
will be waiting”

  “Cosy. Dinner with your parents? Hmmm!”

  Leilani is pissed. She is not enjoying this, and neither am I. Manners are about to go out the window

  “Millicent, this really needs to..”

  I am interrupted by Kelsey who is dragging Ethan in toe.

  “There you are! Where did you disappear too? I got held up outside, because this stud muffin came outside and there was a chorus of panty dropping”

  She is referring to Ethan who looks a little mesmerized by my pint sized sisters sass.

  “I was looking for my sister who ran off and left me! I thought she had ditched me” Ethan tries to defend himself as he accusingly points at Leilani

  “I wish I had made it out. I have suddenly had my fill” Leilani grunts

  Kelsey holds out a hand for Leilani

  “Hi, I’m Kelsey, Guys sister.”

  “Leilani. Ethan’s long suffering sister. You get used to the sound of panty dropping although he really should be careful, too many thunder pussies trying to get a swab of his DNA.”

  I cant help but laugh. Leilani has a way with words, half the time she speaks her own language. I mean what is a thunder pussy?

  Ethan surprisingly takes it in his stride and just shakes his head at his sister, Leilani pointedly acknowledges that Ethan is still being man handled by Kels, she’s got a firm grip of his arm like she is about to slam him over his head and carry him off to the cave.

  We call Kelsey Tinkerbell, she looks just like a little fairy. She’s much smaller than Gareth and I.

  When she was 16 she shaved her head for charity and she’s kept it really short ever since, it suit’s her though. It would usually bother me, that she seems already acquainted with Ethan but I am more concerned about Leilani right now who had been out of sorts since this morning.

  “How much longer am I needed E? I just wanna go home and crash”

  “About another hour, just have to wait for the restaurant to fill and then we can go. I will come back and have dinner here another day. Let me just find Harrun and let him know.”

  There are many reasons why I love my sister. One of the nest things about her is her intuition.

  “Sorry for interrupting, but Guy, you want to be here as much as Leilani does and Ethan looks like he’s happy to stay, so why don’t you take Leilani home Guy and if Ethan doesn’t mind he can join me, Millicent and the rents at dinner with Harrun. FYI Ethan, our mother Esther has a bit of a crush on you”

  “That makes two of us. Oh I am Millicent, Millicent O’Sullivan” Millicent interjects. I forgot she was here too. Leilani rolls her eyes which her brother also picks up on.

  Ethan starts to talk to Millicent about her parents and her stint on reality television.

  I use the distraction as an excuse to get us out of there.

  “You ready to go Leilani”

  She looks at me a little bewildered and doesn’t answer straight away.

  “Sissy? I don’t mind taking you in a bit if you prefer?” Ethan has a look of concern across his face.

  My heart stops, I wait for her to send me crashing to the ground with some cutting remark.

  Instead Leilani kisses her brother and my sister – leaving Millicent hanging

  “God no! I owe you both for this. My head is splitting and if I don’t get out of here soon, god only knows what I will do”

  I take this as an opportunity to break Leilani away from our crowd

  “Let’s go” I grab her hand ready to haul her over my shoulder if I have to.

  I kiss Kels and Ethan pulls me into a quick ‘man’ hug, with a little more force than I suspect is necessary.

  “That’s my sister” he says as we embrace

  “And that’s mine” I respond

  It’s a mutual understanding. We nod at each other and I pull Leilani under my arm as we head out the back of the bar. I ask a member of staff to have my car brought around to the rear of the building, I am not about to get involved with the paps again.

  It’s only a minute before I hear my baby purr around the corner and seconds later we’re on our way.

  She’s very quiet, so I give her knee a little squeeze. “Thank you for getting me out of there. That woman is a certifiable” I have to say something to kill the silence.

  Considering we’ve seen each other naked, I’ve been in parts of her with several parts of me, I feel awkward around her now it is just us in the car. Probably because the tension between us is usually sexual, and this is anything but.

  “Not being funny Guy, you had plenty of opportunities to put her right but you don’t set her straight. If there really isn’t anything going on why don’t you just tell her to fuck off?” She’s leaning forward in her seat and as much as I want to be concentrating on the road and her words. Her chest is actually heaving and I want to bury my head in it.

  “I have told her. She doesn’t seem to understand. I feel bad upsetting her because she just runs to her family and then I get it in the ear from either Willie or Esther.”

  “Do you need a bigger set of balls to stand up to your parents Guy? Just tell her to fuck off!”

  I chuckle “ I thought you noted that my balls were already big enough? You’re more than welcome to have another feel if you’re still unsure.” I lift my lap up off my seat just incase she takes me up on my offer

  I have never been happier to hear her laugh

  “Down boy! Point taken. That woman just bothers me. Like she has a rite of passage to you. Have you ever slept with her?”

  I very nearly crash my car. Bile has shot up through me and is about to explode out of every crevice

  “Are you insane? I quite like my dick happy and I am sure the mother fucker would never talk to me again if I put it near her”

  “Guy, dicks are not fussy, they are a vessel used to transport sperm from your balls – it just has to be moist and wet”

  “Believe me, if he could even stand up straight, I know for a fact he’d about turn and flee straight up inside me if I tried to direct him her way.

  He may not have been entirely sensible my whole life but he has standards. In fact now his standards are higher than they have ever been”

  She gives me a coy smile “Standards eh?” I watch her body language change, her knee that my hand is still resting on has tilted towards me and she has relaxed into her seat.

  I run my thumb in circles behind her knee

  “Yes Standards. And they are high. Premium pussy only”

  She throws her head back “So I am premium, am I?”

  “You’re not” I say in as serious a tone as I can muster

  “But this” I trail my hand up her leg and rub it over her, with just enough pressure to make sure she can feel me through her trousers

  She swats my hand away as she bellows into another trademark laugh.

  “Uh uh! If she” Leilani replaces her hands where mine were a moment ago “Is such a premium – you’ve got to work harder than that. She’s as fussy as your shaft it seems”

  Its my turn to laugh. “Oh he’s hard enough Leilani and I know she’s already weeping for him”

  This is probably the cheesiest inuendo filled conversation I have ever had but I am not lying. I am so hard for her I don’t think I will be able to stand. My dick is having a scrappy doo moment, fighting against my trousers in an attempt to prove himself worthy.

  I turn my stereo up and head towards the bridge. I need to focus on the drive and get her home before I combust.

  I am singing quietly to Common Go! as we get towards her block, this is the tension I am used to, the car is a heady mix of pheromones and testosterone. I am drunk on anticipation.

  “But I’m an Aries not a cancer” she drools. She’s too damn quick for her own good.

  “So you are still with me then? Thought you were in the middle of some tantric orgasm or something”

  “Maybe I was” She pauses for effect and I really want to get inside her. Inside her head th
at is.

  “I’m just glad we’re not still in that stupid bar. I need to buy your sister a drink or something for helping get us out of there, it’s uncanny how alike you are. You two could be twins”

  “Except the fact she’s the size of a gnat and I am clearly better looking”

  “Well you are very pretty” Her megawatt smile lights up the car.

  “You’re not too bad yourself, now open your gate please”

  I slide into her parking space and we walk to the lift, I am careful not to get too close because if I touch her now it will be over in a matter of seconds.

  She opens the door and practically jumps away from me – “Help yourself to a drink, I’m going to have a quick shower”

  Her back is to me as she heads down the hall. Leilani is nothing short of stunning. Now she’s taken her hair out it’s streaming down her back. I watch, and she takes her jacket off just before she disappears towards her bedroom. I know I shouldn’t but under the guise of using the toilet in the hall, I gravitate down the corridor and stop by her bedroom door. She’s left it open, and where I am standing in the hall I can clearly see her reflection in the huge mirrored doors on her wardrobe. Leilani’s bedroom is an example of pure luxury. It’s full of soft greys and creams. Her bed needs its own postcode as it’s so big. Covered in enough pillows and fluffy things to fill a department store, whilst it isn’t something I’d want in my house, I can’t deny it’s the most comfortable bed known to man. Her room is split into two; The bed and a wall of drawers are all that’s in this bit then you walk through a hallway of mirrors, housing more wardrobes than I could fill with someone else’s clothes, to get to her en suite bathroom. She’s standing just by the first wardrobe. I watch her slowly get undressed. I know that she knows I am there. Each movement is deliberate. She’s giving me a show, making me work for it. The little lace top she’s wearing barely covers her breasts. I know they’re not all a gift from nature but they’re the best set I have ever seen and believe you me, I have seen a few.

  I lean against the hall wall, bracing myself – my balls are so heavy I am scared I will fall face first onto the floor

  She slowly slides her trousers off, her hand tip toeing down each leg, marking a trail that my tongue desperately wants to follow


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