Vantage Point (The Point Series Book 2)

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Vantage Point (The Point Series Book 2) Page 7

by Georgia Hamilton

  “Fuck” It wasn’t supposed to slip out, but it does.

  “Soon” Her back is to me as she says it.

  She positions herself, so I can see her full reflection in the mirror

  Christ alive she’s hot.

  Her hair is like a raven curtain, every time she moves it gives me a better glimpse of her. It sits just on her waist and from behind can’t tell if she’s wearing a thong or nothing at all.

  She’s getting as much of a kick out of this as I am. Every move is deliberate. She stretches up to take that off her top and yep, she’s still wearing her knickers although I don’t see the point in them. Her arse is a sight to behold. Its round and pert like an apple ready for me to take a bite.

  Like a teenage boy, I take hold of my dick releasing it from the restraint of my trousers, I just need to relieve a little pressure, one stroke isn’t enough, this isn’t me. I feel like a peeping tom, hiding in the shadows. It’s like I shouldn’t be watching but I am and I can’t stop.

  A slight turn to the side and her profile is in view. I have seen her naked many times before but there is something about this that shines a whole new light on how stunning she is. She bends to take her thong off completely, giving me an unfiltered view of her. Her hand runs up the back of her legs, teasing me before she brushes her sex.

  Two strokes, three. It shouldn’t feel good but it does. Four, five, six

  I urge her to slip just one finger inside. Fuck. She heard

  Seven, eight, nine

  I catch her eye in the mirror – she looks down and sees me in my own hand.

  A small bite of her lip, she flicks her hair over her shoulder – honestly it sounds like she’s acting in a porn. But this is subtle. Sexy. More ‘boudoir’ than peep show.

  I don’t know if I got to 10. I stopped counting when she closed her eyes and got lost in the feeling. I came the second she said my name.

  “Uhhhhhh” I come in a hot blast. “Fuck!”

  “Shit. Fuck.”

  Her infectious laugh explodes from her. I’m standing in her hall, limp dick in my hand, peering through a gap in a door watching a woman get undressed. What the fuck?

  When did I become that Guy.

  Leilani throws me a small towel and just before she kicks her door shut she shouts

  “You’re right, it’s definitely premium”and another raucous laugh punctuates it.

  Pushing off the wall I head to original destination of the bathroom to try and regain some dignity.

  The warmth of routine is back as I grab a bottle of wine from her fridge and two glasses. I pour hers and put it on the side table next to where she sit’s.

  Deciding against putting the television on, I mean come on it’s not actually my house, I entertain myself with my phone. I text Kels quickly to tell her Leilani is home safely, I omit the fact that I am still with her – let’s not complicate this anymore than needs be.

  Leilani’s phone is going crazy with notifications, I am tempted to look at the screen but it’s none of my business.

  I do want to know what has had her on edge though. She was strange this morning, and then to react the way she did in the bar makes me wonder if something else is going on.

  I am so far in my thoughts, I don’t hear her creep into the room. Her hair is piled up on her head, she’s wearing the same t shirt I gave her (she took) this morning and some running shorts. She puts on the TV and straight to Netflix. We started watching Queen of the South back in Liverpool, it was the first night we got there and we were sifting through mounds of paperwork and files. Think we burned through 5 episodes before we got some sleep and now it’s part of our routine.

  She tucks her legs under her so she’s not quite touching me. It’s no wonder she has an L shaped sofa, those pins go on for days. I’m still glued to my phone, for no reason other than to keep me occupied. I can see her movements out the corner of my eye. Her phone is going off once more. Leilani is the most responsive person I know. She works harder than me and puts in longer hours. So, for her to avoid her phone tells me all I need to know. Something is wrong.

  “You not getting that” I nod my head towards her phone which is in front of her on the coffee table.

  She leans forward, looks at the screen, mutters something under her breath

  “It can wait” She flips back on the sofa and drains a good third of her wine.

  Before I can formulate a response, her phone starts against

  “Fuck sake.” She snatches the phone and answers it


  I watch her face. She’s not angry, she looks panicked. She’s biting her lip as whoever is talking at her.

  Note to self. Don’t push her. This is Leilani she’ll push you away before she lets you in. Tread carefully if you want to find out what’s going on.

  “Why are you calling me? Your messages said it all.”


  “Fuck you. What do you gain from that? Eh? Doing that doesn’t get the result you want does it? No.”

  I can hear ranting on the phone and move to take the phone from her, she spins from me and finishes the call.

  “There’s nothing more to say. 5 days. I get it.” She hangs up and slams the phone down.

  “Want to talk about it?” I sit facing her, letting her know she had my full attention. Come on Leilani, I’m willing her to open up, I don’t know why it bothers me so much, but I want to break that barrier. For whatever reason we’ve invested time in each other. I haven’t invested anything since my ex. I wish I could say something nice about her, but she trampled all over me thinking she was climbing further up the social ladder only to fall from a great height when she was overlooked for his now fiancée.

  “Nope. Nothing to talk about. Just an old client trying to get attention.” She’s not looking at me. She’s gripping her glass so tight it might break.

  “If you need me...”

  “I don’t”

  She snaps back at me. Wow. Good to know.

  It’s time to leave. This is the Leilani I can’t understand. It’s like she bi polar. I don’t need this tonight. After what just happened in the hall, I had hoped we’d just go back to our normal, but alas, the bitch is back. This persona is the reason I never acted on my attraction to her before. How someone who is so drop dead gorgeous, incredibly smart and sexy as fuck can be such a grade A bitch is beyond me.

  I push to stand “Right, well I need to head off”

  “You’re going?” Why is she surprised??

  “Yep” is all I can squeeze out

  She doesn’t say anything else. She doesn’t get up. “See ya later then”

  Leilani astounds me. I would love her to explain how she can justify sulking. I left my sister out in a bar this evening, just to spend some time with Leilani. Our sexual chemistry is undeniable, our working relationship is great but anything else? Friendship? It’s forced. Leilani doesn’t know how to be anything other than the person she is right now, and I don’t like her very much at all.

  I don’t look back, I don’t slam the door. I turn my back and leave quietly. Not quite sure if I will ever be back in her house again.


  I wake up to the overwhelming scent of Guy.

  I know we agreed no sleep overs, but I am glad he came back last night. I didn’t mean to snap, it’s a natural reaction with me. My ice heart melted with that little performance outside my room. Gah! Melts my heart and makes me weak.

  I reach because I want to touch him.

  Cold, crisp sheet greets my hand. He’s not there.

  My heart sinks. He didn’t come back, did he? No Leilani he left after you shut him out.

  I roll back to my side of the bed. I shouldn’t be disappointed that he’s not here, I am the one who didn’t want sleepovers, or emotions or feelings. I wanted guilt free sex.

  So why do I feel so ashamed and ladened with guilty. I didn’t even get the sex!

  My bloody phone starts. I can’t. I can’t deal wit
h yesterday all over again.

  It’s Rayne. Thank god.

  “Sugar tit’s”

  “Afternoon you tramp! Have you just woken up, not like you to sleep in so late? Take it you had a good night?”

  What is she on? It’s not late. I lift my head to look at my screen again. 13.45

  “Damn it! When did it get so late?”

  Rayne laughs. “Funny thing Lei, it’s been 13 hours since midnight.

  “Now. Are you going to let me in or what?”

  I jump out of bed as I hear my buzzer sound. “You’re here?!”

  “Leilani God Damn Barros, we had a lunch date an hour ago. Thankfully Ethan didn’t go on such a bender and answered my frantic SOS letting me know you got home safely, and your dad checked with concierge who said you hadn’t left your apartment all day. I must point out that all of above calls took place as I sped over here, so the very least you can do is open your fucking door”

  I press the release and before I know it, an explosion of curls cannons into my house.

  “Wow! Bitch face. You look terrible” Her frown is so deep I almost call my dad and book her in for a Botox shot.

  “Thanks” I skim passed her and start to make some coffee. “Is it too early for alcohol?”

  I am reaching for the gin because it’s almost 2pm and if I had made it to brunch we’d have been waist deep in champagne by now.

  “Erm Lei. Hair of the dog might not be wise”

  “I didn’t drink last night! I got back here and crashed out”

  Rayne raises her eyebrow at me, silently asking another question

  “Yes. I crashed out alone within minutes of getting home”

  I give her a full in cheesy smile and grab the ice and oranges (yes, you heathen different garnishes for different gins. Google it)

  “Let’s pretend I believe that. It doesn’t explain one little thing”

  Mid stir, I ask

  “What’s that?”

  Taking her gin from me, we eyeball stare and drink (bad sex is terrible, seven years of it would destroy me)

  On a swallow she says

  “It doesn’t explain why you’re wearing Guy Pearce Morgan’s bloody t shirt. I knew something was going on with you too. I thought it when…”

  I remember all too quickly how awful I was to him. He wouldn’t even look at me as he left. I doubt he would even answer me if I tried to call him, much less anything more. I truthfully answer

  “There’s nothing going on. I borrowed this in Liverpool and just grabbed the first thing I could find last night”

  please don’t ask anything else, please don’t ask anything else. I actually cross my fingers.

  “Hmmmm…. Plausible.”

  She takes another sip and flips onto my sofa. She sit’s where Guy sit’s, sat. And I take up my spot. I go to put my gin down and my wine is still there from last night. I know I cried after he left. I had held the tears in all day and it was almost a relief to let them out. I don’t do crying and I certainly don’t cry with an audience. It took every part of me not to breakdown at several points yesterday. Being around Guy was the hardest. I was fighting so damn hard to keep my lip stiff. Guy always manages, managed to make me feel like the sexiest woman alive, just by the way he looked at me. His beautiful grey eyes were as effective as tongue swipe over my clit. Like the batteries I was ever ready for him. And just like that, thinking of him has me good to go. I inadvertently cross my legs to ease the now evident throb. He looked so good yesterday. Since I told him I liked his designer stubble he’s kept it. Not a beard but enough to show he could grow a beard if he wanted. I joked once he should grow one like Aaron. Back when I could joke with him.

  I take another sip of gin to help push down the emotion suddenly rising up my throat.

  “Seen as I royally screwed up brunch how about I order lunch in?”

  “Good shout. How about Wagamama’s?”

  Ha-ha. I love my best friend but she’s as subtle as a brick. I know she knows Guy had Wagas the other night, so she wants me to say “oh no, only had that the other day” which would confirm her suspicions. But what she doesn’t know, is that I know she knows about his dinner, I was his appetizer.

  “Sure” I bluff. Rayne is not the biggest noodle fan. “Or we could grab some tacos and a dozen mini plates from the Mexican?”

  “Marry me” she gushes. Rayne loves food. Like seriously loves it. Her idea of heaven is a table full of finger foods with some night time music RnB playing in the background.

  I throw her my phone to choose her dishes

  “Not sure Connor would appreciate you being off the market”

  Rayne giggles. “You’re probably right. I have big news to tell you too. Before you interrupt, nope not pregnant and no he hasn’t proposed”

  She leaves the longest pause in the middle of her speech, all for effect. This is what she does for a living spins stuff, dramatises everything and nothing. She ‘distorts the truth’ basically she’s an amazing liar. But I digress.

  “With a little help from your amazing brother Alex, we’ve found a house. Got the call yesterday that they’ve taken it out of the auction for us as long as we exchange next week on an auction contract. Trent has gone to have a look at it now with Connor.”

  I leap up and grab my amazing friend. “Eeeeeek I am so so happy for you!!!! Why the hell are you here with me and not there looking at the house?”

  She looks sheepishly at the floor.


  “I had planned to take you with me after brunch but when you didn’t show, I panicked and am just relieved you’re ok, we can go another time”

  “Oh hell no. Where is it?”

  “Other side of the river. Just over Putney Bridge.”

  “Call them and make sure they are still there we can be there in 20 minutes if I hurry.”

  I throw on a pair of jeans and a vest, grab my trainers and am by the front door in record time.

  “I’ll grab an Uber” I say as we head to the lift.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got Connors old car, he insisted that we needed two cars and because he was the previous owner, he said it made sense for me to have it”

  We head to the car park and Rayne walks towards a monster of a 4x4.

  “You need a step ladder to get up there?”

  She’s my best friend in the world but she is vertically challenged and this BMW I can now make out, is twice her size.

  “Think you’re funny, don’t you?”

  I nod, still laughing at half pint sitting behind the wheel of this beast. She throws it around the car park and we’re out the entrance heading towards the Bridge before I’ve caught my breath.

  “Keep laughing Leilani, but FYI, you’re currently sitting on a pile of mine, oh and Connors DNA”

  I gag.

  “Dirty bitch”

  “Takes one to know one”

  I’ve missed this, missed her. She turns up the volume on her steering wheel and Miguel erupts around me.

  “Cause I ain’t leaving alone, feel like I can be honest babe, we both know that we are grown that’s why I wanna know… how many drinks would it take you to leave with me”

  We both sing, loudly as we go.

  “Do you remember seeing him at the I tunes festival? “

  I ask Rayne.

  “How can I forget? I had to pretend I wasn’t bothered, trying to act all cool in front of Adrian. Why did you let me waste my time on that douche bag?”

  I don’t even know the answer to that. Her ex, I suppose, Adrian was a complete melt. Rayne was convinced he was nice deep down. He was like her project. The only thing she’s ever failed

  “I am not taking the hit for him. That was all your doing. Remember I am the eternal single one out of us”

  “That’s bollocks and you know it. You’re readier to settle down than me.”

  “Oh, come on. I am so anti commitment, I am surprised my names stayed the same all these years. You’re the one wi
th the perfect boyfriend. Genuinely I thought real men died out with my dad and Trent’s generation until you managed to find the only exception. I ain’t even mad at you though baby girl because whatever anyone says, he was made for you and you for him”

  It’s not a lie. Never have I ever met a more suited couple. Every weakness in Rayne, Connor makes a strength. Makes me hurl a little.

  “Still can’t believe he’s mine. Whatever lamp I rubbed to get him, I need to throw your way. Maybe you’ll get knocked over by your perfect match”

  “There’s nobody perfect for me. You know me girl, I’m too much for most men. Gonna remain your third wheel for life”

  She hi fives me.

  “My ride or die”

  I wanna laugh but it’s facts.

  Miguel is still caressing us, keeping my mind off Raynes horrific road rage.

  “I’m surprised Connor lets you drive. I forgot how aggressive you are”

  “That’s why he wanted me to have this, it’s big enough that most people just get out my way. He doesn’t let me drive anywhere with him anyway. I am always the passenger. Think it’s only because he enjoys touching me up”

  I love the fact she just said touching me up. Right on cue Connors name illuminates the console

  “Hey” she breaths

  “Hey beautiful, take it you’re on your way? Don’t rush we’ve got the keys all afternoon and I am not about to do this alone, so take it easy and we’ll see you soon.”

  “Ok. See you soon. Love you”

  “Not as much as me” he states.

  Rayne is beaming. Happy looks so good on her.

  “I am so excited about what’s coming up. Not only have we got the house, but we’ve got the launch of Lost Boys Society. You wait until our meeting on Wednesday. Guy is just finalising some small details in the contract and then we’re going to be good to go. Have you spoken to Malachi? Heard he got injured in training yesterday”

  Ah yesterday. All my troubles were just beginning. So, as you may have heard Malachi pulled a suspected groin injury at the England training camp. Thankfully he has just signed his contract extension with Anfield Town, 3 year deal and £128,000 a week. Endorsements are already locked in. With Jonas Terrence leaving for MLS after the European Cup, the only unanswered question is will he get the armband? I took no less than 25 calls, all wanting an update on his condition. Rayne handles the publicity for him personally but the club and the England camp are keeping everything in house until after his medical on Monday. I can tell you now, there’s nothing suspect about it. The way the medical team put it, I am surprised we didn’t all here the pop back here in London. Best case is 6 weeks, worst case is 6 months.


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