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Wild Page 29

by Meghan O'Brien

  Jac’s frown made it clear that the issue wasn’t up for discussion. “No way. Your security stays. If he slips our watch, I don’t want to have to worry about him getting to you.”

  Eve knew enough not to push her luck. She didn’t want to arouse Jac’s suspicion when Selene had such an important secret to keep. Insisting on doing something potentially foolish like shed her police protection when she was under threat of injury or death would almost certainly lead Jac to question her motives. “Okay,” Eve said. “Just trying to spare the department’s resources.”

  “I appreciate that, but protecting you is not where I choose to cut corners. Understand?”



  Wayne cleared his throat from across the lab. “I’m due in court in an hour, Dr. Thomas. Need anything from me before I go?”

  Eve waved him away. “Nope. Drive safe. And good luck.”

  “Thanks.” He gave her a searching look, as though trying to determine how she felt about him leaving her alone with Jac. Always the protector. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Have fun, geek.” Clearly pleased to see him go, Jac grinned and waved. “Try not to gross out the jury too badly.”

  “Can’t make any promises,” Wayne said as he walked to the lab door. “Call me if you need anything, Dr. Thomas.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Black. Bye.” Eve turned her attention back to Jac, rolling her eyes at the satisfied expression she wore as Wayne left the room. Tapping Jac on the knee, Eve said, “Got anything else to report?”

  “Not really.” Jac’s entire tone changed now that Wayne was gone. Warmer and more personal, she was being either flirty or simply affectionate. Eve couldn’t tell which. “You want to grab some lunch? I’ll buy.”

  Selene didn’t have to growl again for Eve to sense her displeasure at the invitation. Apparently Selene had decided that Jac was flirting. Eve put on her best apologetic face. “I’m sorry, I’ve got so much paperwork to finish today. I was honestly just planning to eat at my desk.”

  “I could go grab us a couple sandwiches. We could eat at your desk together.”

  Without allowing her friendly tone to falter, Eve said, “That’s really sweet, Jac, but can I take a rain check? Things have been so crazy lately that I’ve been letting things go here. I promised myself that today I’d play catch-up.”

  Obviously disappointed, Jac gave her a light pat on the knee. “Sure. I get it.” She stood up, running a hand over her kinky hair. “You’ll call me if you need anything?”

  “Always.” Truth was, now that Eve had Selene back—and more important, knew what she was capable of doing—she wasn’t depending on Jac for support nearly as much as she had before. Jac cared about her, but when you had a supernatural force by your side, an all-too-human, albeit talented detective just didn’t inspire the same confidence. “Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate the update.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. He’ll slip up sooner or later.” Jac’s tone conveyed weary experience. “They always do, right?”

  “I hope so.”

  Jac tipped her head and strolled to the lab door. “I’ll let you know as soon as anything changes.”

  “Thanks.” As soon as Jac left the room, Eve glanced down at Selene. “Growling, huh?” Selene gazed at her with sad puppy-dog eyes. Laughing, Eve ruffled the fur on top of her head. “She just cares about me, that’s all. She means well.”

  Selene yawned. She couldn’t have looked more disinterested in the idea that Jac meant well if she’d tried.

  Eve petted her again. “Hopefully someday you two can get along. Even if I don’t trust Jac with my heart, I do trust her with my life. So you two have that in common.”

  Selene flopped back down on the pillow and sighed deeply. Eve exhaled, too, aware that a resolution to Jac and Selene’s tensions wouldn’t come that easily. Not when Jac badmouthed Selene on a regular basis, totally unaware that Selene was there to hear every harsh word.

  “Someday, maybe. Later.” At doggy-Selene’s skeptical look, Eve said, “Much later.”

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Waking up on full-moon mornings was always the same. As soon as Selene came into awareness, a riot of sensation hit her full force, starting between her thighs and exploding outward. What had been merely a heightened libido when she went to sleep had evolved overnight into a painful ache so intense Selene groaned helplessly. All she knew was the need to fuck and be fucked.

  On her first full-moon morning with Eve, who knew exactly what to expect and yet still slept beside her in the nude, the presence of a warm body pressed against Selene’s introduced brand-new torment into an already-difficult morning ritual. The faint, light scent of Eve’s pussy filled Selene’s nostrils, so sweetly fragrant it made Selene’s mouth water and her blood surge. She fisted her hands at her sides, all too aware that acting on her instincts was not an option.

  After their frenzied coupling the last time Selene had been under the sway of the full moon, she’d sworn to herself that she wouldn’t allow her need to overwhelm her sense of caution toward Eve. It didn’t matter that Eve had gotten pleasure from their rough sex. Selene was stronger than normal on full-moon days and less connected to reality. That was a dangerous combination.

  A warm hand landed on Selene’s thigh. “Are you all right, darling?”

  Selene rolled onto her side away from Eve, drawing her knees close to her chest. She closed her eyes and tried to control the trembling of her hands. Eve’s soft touch had very nearly snapped her tenuous hold on her control. “It hurts,” Selene moaned. Now that Eve knew everything, Selene didn’t see any reason not to be honest. “I’m sorry.”

  Eve moved closer, making Selene quake at the gentle press of bare breasts against her back. “Let me help you.”

  “You shouldn’t touch me.” Selene had trouble forcing the words out. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t hurt me,” Eve murmured, pulling on Selene’s shoulder. “I trust you.”

  But Selene didn’t trust herself. “Maybe I should touch myself first. Take the edge off.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Eve tore the comforter off Selene’s body, exposing her oversensitized skin to the cool air. “You’re in pain. Let me try to ease it.”

  Selene moaned again and rolled onto her back. Her legs fell open and she dropped her hand to brush against her clit, wincing at pleasure so razor-sharp it hurt. Masturbation usually helped, but right now it was hard to concentrate on what she was doing. Selene gasped when Eve crawled between her legs and pushed her hand out of the way. Then she shouted hoarsely when the soft, wet heat of Eve’s mouth covered her throbbing pussy, triggering an orgasm that spread instant relief to the tips of her toes.

  “Oh,” Selene cried out, tangling her hands in Eve’s hair to keep her close. The slow, gentle motion of Eve’s tongue against her labia kept her climax going, each contraction and wave of pleasure further lessening the pain of arousal. Staring down the length of her body into Eve’s loving gaze, Selene tightened her fingers in Eve’s hair, full of gratitude. “Just like that, darling. Don’t stop.”

  Eve’s eyes twinkled as she shook her head, swiping her tongue around Selene’s clit. She didn’t pull her mouth away to answer.

  It took almost twenty minutes of Eve’s ministrations before Selene felt capable of rational thought. Aware that they both needed a break, Selene tapped Eve on the shoulder. “Come here and kiss me.”

  Eve surged up the length of Selene’s body, a fabulous grin on her face, and kissed her hard on the mouth. Selene wrapped one arm around Eve’s back and slipped her other hand between Eve’s thighs, pushing her fingers between Eve’s slick folds. She angled a single finger inside Eve, then pressed her thumb against Eve’s clit, rubbing fast circles. Without breaking their kiss, Selene quickly brought Eve to orgasm with a few practiced strokes of her hand.

  Pulling away with a whimper, Eve dropped her forehead onto Selene’s shoulder and squeezed her t
highs closed. “Good morning.”

  “Morning.” Selene put her arms around Eve, savoring the way their bodies fit together. “Thank you for that.”

  “Did it help?”

  “You have no idea.” Selene’s desire hadn’t disappeared but it had abated, allowing her to focus on the day ahead. This evening would be the ultimate test of their relationship. Selene wanted to be able to face it with as clear a mind as possible. “I could get used to having you around.”

  “I hope so.” Eve lifted her head so she could stare into Selene’s eyes. “You shouldn’t have to suffer alone anymore.”

  Selene scratched her fingernails along Eve’s bare sides, delighted by the shiver her touch caused. The love that poured from Eve flowed into Selene’s chest, filling her up until she thought she might burst. She had never not been alone. The very notion that someone had her back brought tears to her eyes.

  “How about I make us breakfast?” Eve murmured, stroking her knuckles over Selene’s cheek. “We can talk about how we’re going to sneak me past the detectives outside tonight.”

  Selene frowned. As much as she appreciated that Eve wanted to help her through the full moon, she didn’t love the idea of helping Eve intentionally elude her protective detail while Kevin Pike was still walking around free. But she’d already agreed to let Eve tie her down—all she could do now was make tonight as safe as possible for Eve.

  “Okay.” Shifting beneath Eve’s weight, Selene could already feel her ardor rising again. “Let me take a quick shower and I’ll join you.”

  A cold shower and one self-induced orgasm later, Selene wrapped a robe around herself and shuffled to Eve’s dining room. Until tonight’s transformation, the effects of the moon would only get stronger. Last month she’d managed to stay away from Eve for most of the day, so this was the first time Eve would really see the extent of the moon’s influence on her behavior. Embarrassed by the way it seemed to dumb her down and reduce her to base instinct, Selene avoided Eve’s eyes as she sat at the table and tried not to squirm against the chair.

  Eve set a plate of pancakes on the table in front of Selene, then handed her a bottle of syrup. “Are you hungry?”

  Selene nodded vigorously. She picked up the bottle and squirted a large pool on her plate, then grabbed her fork and sawed at the stack of pancakes with its edge. Shoving a forkful into her mouth, she tried hard not to look as ravenous as she felt.

  “Yummy?” Eve swallowed her own dainty bite, watching Selene shovel down her breakfast with obvious good humor. “Should I make more?”

  Selene shook her head and swallowed her last bite. She could eat another stack, no doubt, but her real hunger took over at the sight of Eve’s amusement. Her fork clanged against her plate as she set it down, clumsy with desire. Less than an hour had passed and already she wanted Eve again.

  “I’m sorry,” Selene whimpered, but Eve had already scooted her chair closer, undoing the sash of Selene’s robe with a firm tug. Eve ran her hand over the hardened peak of Selene’s naked breast, then lowered it between Selene’s thighs.

  “Spread your legs.” Eve gave her a sympathetic kiss on the cheek.

  “You don’t have to do this again.”

  Eve laughed. “It’s hardly a sacrifice. Now spread them.”

  Selene obeyed and Eve immediately rewarded her with the delicious sensation of two fingers sliding deep inside her pussy. Leaning back in the chair, Selene moved her hands to her own breasts, pinching and twisting her erect nipples as Eve set a fast, hard pace. The torrent of pleasure began almost instantly, building to a crescendo over the span of breathless minutes. Eve fucked her energetically, fingering her pussy in exactly the way Selene loved best. Selene contracted around Eve, coming again and again, until the dull roar inside her head had quieted to a manageable hum.

  Wrapping her fingers around Eve’s wrist, Selene stilled her with a quiet plea. Eve withdrew slowly, searching Selene’s face. “Better?”

  “Yeah.” Sheepish, Selene brushed a lock of sweat-dampened hair from her face. “Sorry.”

  “No more apologies.” Eve stood and gathered their plates, taking them into the kitchen. She raised her voice so Selene could hear her from the other room. “I love making you come, especially when I know it’s literally bringing you relief.”

  Selene retied her robe. “That it is.”

  Eve returned to the dining room wearing a sexy expression. “There are worse gigs than being your full-time sex machine, trust me.”

  Snorting, Selene said, “If you say so.”

  “I do.” Eve sat down at the table and exhaled. “So about tonight…if I want to leave my apartment without the detectives knowing, we’ll need a distraction.”

  Clear-headed for the moment, Selene beamed as the perfect plan occurred to her. Since meeting Eve, she had been forced to start thinking about her unique skills in creative ways. It was so satisfying to solve problems that relied upon using her ability to hide in plain sight. After years of fearing her own nature, she finally saw its potential when it came to getting out of impossible situations.

  “I know exactly how we can do it.” Selene grabbed Eve’s hand, appreciating the tether to her human concerns. “We just need to get the timing right. If we do, we’re golden.”

  “Tell me more.”


  They agreed that it was best to wait as long as they possibly could before escaping to Selene’s house. The longer Eve was gone, the more likely someone would notice. Wanting to give Eve enough time to return to her apartment before dark, Selene planned for them to depart at six in the evening. That would let them sneak away from Eve’s apartment unnoticed, travel to Selene’s place, then go over the details of her monthly ritual. Selene didn’t want Eve to linger outside of police protection any longer than necessary on the one night she couldn’t protect her.

  By a quarter to six, Selene had once again descended into the throes of agonizing, moon-induced desire. It seemed to peak every hour or so, and each time it did Eve sated her need passionately and without hesitation, conveying pure, unconditional love in every stroke of her fingers and tongue. The longer the day went on, the more primal their connection began to feel. In her lucid moments Selene was embarrassed by the instinctive, wholly physical state the moon had reduced her to, but she was also in awe of how Eve handled the situation. Instead of feeling reduced to some kind of sexual servant, Eve seemed to relish the opportunity to give Selene something no one ever had before.

  That’s why when Eve got on her knees in front of the couch and pushed Selene’s thighs apart fifteen minutes before they had to walk out the door, Selene didn’t tell Eve not to help or apologize for her body’s betrayal. Instead she cradled the back of Eve’s head and moaned as her hot tongue slid over Selene’s puffy, hypersensitive labia. Eve’s touch was the only thing that had ever eased the pain of the moon, and Selene surrendered to it with gratitude.

  Eve lifted her face and stared at Selene’s pussy, obviously entranced by its permanent state of wet, swollen arousal. “Oh, sweetheart, that does look painful.”

  Selene tightened her fingers in Eve’s hair, moving her mouth back to where Selene needed it most. “Not when you suck it, darling.” She shuddered as the first wave of pleasure rolled through her body, relaxing her muscles. Wrapping soft lips around Selene’s impossibly distended clit, Eve milked her length with deliberate care. Grunting her approval, Selene pushed her hips into Eve’s mouth greedily. “Good girl. That’s so good.”

  Eve was beaming by the time Selene pushed her away. “It’s probably best this only happens once a month, for both our sakes, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying every second of it.”

  Laughing weakly, Selene struggled to her feet. This was the best full-moon day she’d ever had. “We’ll see how you feel in a year or so.”

  Eve’s bright giggle preceded a burst of warm happiness that hit Selene in the center of her chest. “Crazy, supernatural sex once a month? With orgasms we can both feel
? I’m pretty sure that’ll take more than a year to get old.”

  “That’s a relief.” Selene gave Eve a quick kiss. It was time to put their plan into action. This was as clear-headed as she would feel for the rest of the night, so they needed to move fast. “Ready to go?”


  Selene handed Eve the backpack that held her clothing, as well as her keys and wallet. They’d decided that Selene would create a diversion, but that meant she needed to leave Eve’s apartment naked. They would meet after Eve slipped away and made it around the block, then walk to Selene’s car, which she’d parked out of sight nearly three blocks away. If all went as planned, they’d get to Selene’s house with over an hour to spare before she changed. The cops watching Eve’s apartment wouldn’t even realize she’d left until she returned in Selene’s car.

  Selene had come up with this plan because she knew that Kevin Pike was being watched. If he did anything suspicious, if he approached Eve in any way, the police would arrest him. Allowing Eve to sneak away tonight was a risk, but a calculated one. And it was clearly important for reasons neither of them needed to vocalize.

  Selene walked to the window that faced the street and opened it, glancing down at the black sedan parked at the curb. She couldn’t see the detectives from this floor, so it was impossible to know how closely they were observing the situation. Playing it safe, Selene stepped away from the window and met Eve’s excited gaze. “Okay. As soon as I fly out the window, I want you to leave your apartment. Don’t forget to lock up. Go downstairs to the lobby but don’t go outside until my signal.”

  “Which will be?”

  “You’ll know. My goal is to get the detectives looking at me so you can slip out the door and reach the end of the block without them noticing. Leave when you’re confident that they’re not paying attention to the front door.”


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