The Sarran Senator

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The Sarran Senator Page 2

by A. C. Katt

::No, not new, but I hope it’s different here than the chaos of Earth.::

  ::Different in many ways, but in others, the same. We may have the Codex, but we still deal with humanoids.::

  ::At least you don’t have tribalism and nation states.:: Sam sighed and shook his head in disgust.

  Naffie and Michael came running back, each carrying a kitten under one arm and holding hands with the other. “Mommie, Zadda, and Poppie, this is my bonded, Michael.”

  Sara and Syn stared at the offspring in shock. ::How does he know?:: Sara was astonished.

  Zaron, Bron, and Juraens all answered at once. ::You just do. I can’t explain the pull. Fems don’t experience it the same way.::

  Sara’s face’s betrayed her alarm. ::They’re not going to…::

  ::No,:: Juraens assured her.

  Mark said, “Just like on Earth, that doesn’t become a problem until puberty. Right now and until puberty, the bond is purely emotional. Being the only Earthen male bonded to a Sarran, I made a study of this. But bonding early usually occurs around ten or twelve, so this is unusual.”

  ::Aren’t they young to be bond stirred? They’re bebes.:: Sara’s face betrayed her consternation.

  ::Yes, they are, but by the time they are able to complete the bond, they will know each other so well it will be like they inhabit one mind. It will be interesting to see if their bonded is one of the current crop of bebes.::

  “Bron and I bonded young. We bonded physically at sixteen and went off to the Academy early. But we knew we were bondmates at ten. It must have something to do with the power of their psy,” Zaron interjected.

  In a mercurial change of mood, Michael and Naffie changed the subject and became a four and six-year old again. Naffie held out the tuxedo kitten in his arms. “He says his name is Bandit. He wants to be with me. May I keep him, Mommie?”

  ::We have to ask Duchess.::

  ::She’ll say yes. She likes the way I brush her coat.::

  ::Why don’t we all head home and ask Duchess for permission,:: Zaron suggested.

  ::Can I go with Naffie, Mommie?:: Michael begged. Sara looked at Garlance, who nodded his head.

  Mark knelt next to Michael and Naffie. ::Michael, you may teleport with Naffie and Garlance, but stay in the courtyard until we arrive.:: Naffie dragged Michael and Garlance to the transport station in the council chambers. Shadow and Bandit tried to keep up with their short legs.

  Juraens put his arms around Sara. ::Don’t worry about Michael, Naffie has a minder, Garlance. We’ll be getting one too, for security purposes. They won’t be doing anything other than what a normal pair of boys do together. The only difference is that they’ll be closer than just friends.”

  “We’ve kept poor Syn and Sara standing here long enough. Let’s go home.” Zaron patted Juraens on the back. “Mark, Juraens, we host this moontine. The gatehouse has been readied for your occupancy and work is mostly completed on Castle Water. Maybe you could take Sara and Michael to inspect it the rising after next. Sam, you’re welcome in the gatehouse for as long as you wish to stay.” Zaron started the procession to the field house.

  * * * *

  Chapter 2

  Love is born of faith [and] lives on hope…

  —Gian Carlo Menotti

  Castle Air: 14:00 tines

  Garlance and Emot set the table as Syn relaxed in her sitting room with her feet up on the fainting couch Bron had devised for her comfort. It was made of an upholstered, heavily-cushioned material like that used on the Brightstar’s walls. Covered with what looked like lavender silk velvet with silver piping and gilded silver wood, the couch conformed perfectly to her body.

  She mused. When the Earthen fem first found out that everyone was pregnant, the Ta took it on themselves to go to the hidden fem archives and gather up any information on pregnancy and birth for Anya, a physician—albeit a pediatrician—and Ellen, a psychiatrist, to analyze.

  Both fems had done an ob/gyn rotation in medical school but had to study the procedures in the archives and Earthen medical journals to get the most current data. It was a good thing that Tonas and Jonal had brought the contents of all of Earth’s media with them, stored on crystals.

  Syn remembered the conversation regarding their conclusions from a tide before the Brightstar landed. Having juice and cookies, they sat at a round table outfitted with the comfortable chairs Bron designed for pregnant fems that had made him another fortune in credits because of the many downloads from the fabricator.

  “My best guess is that we are due in about three to four tides or about thirty to forty risings plus, taking into account the different gestational periods of Sarran and Earthen bebes.” Anya finished her juice.

  “If you look at Naffie, Sarran children are big, yet the Sarran fems were the same size as Earthen woman.” Ellen straighted her red tunic top over her belly. The fems found Sarran clothing to be perfectly suited for a pregnancy.

  “If it were an offspring, the bebe would grow too large to exit through the vaginal canal, if we went the full twenty-seven tides of Earth’s gestational period,” Adele postulated.

  “However, the femspring will be smaller. How will the femspring be fully developed if we go only fifteen tides?” Syn poured them all another glass of juice.

  “We’ll just have to have faith that the Goddess won’t let anything happen to her fems.” TaEllen Macavoy, the psychiatrist and Earthen fem who had been the most skeptical of the Goddess existence, said in an offhand manner.

  “Ellen, did you hear what you just said? You are officially a believer.” Syn, Anya, and Adele giggled.

  An amused expression crept over Ellen’s face. “So I am.”

  Syn came back to the present time with a sigh. For the moontine meal, she would have Anya and Mark’s Triads along with Senator Johnson, Princess Sara’s father.

  I wonder what they’re like. Sara seemed nice when we were running around the field after Naffie and Michael. When Mark and Juraens made their first report two tides out from home, they said she was horribly abused and would have died if not for Sarran medical technology. I’ll have to watch her aura to make sure she’s okay.

  Syn heard a knock at her door. ::PaChette, do you want to lie down before you get dressed?::

  ::Yes, I think it’s time.:: She looked at the lovely diamond watch Bron and Zaron had presented to her on the anniversary of their sixth tide together. It was fourteen tines, just enough time for her to take a short nap, get ready, and arrange the flowers.

  The door opened and her WarriorPair came into her sanctum. Bron strode over to the couch and picked her up. “I can walk,” Syn protested.

  ::You’re uncomfortable, my little love. The risers are high, made for Sarran Warriors.::

  “You don’t have to keep carrying me around. You probably didn’t do it for Nara.” Syn didn’t want to be considered less capable than her predecessor.

  “PaChette, Nara stayed in bed for most of her pregnancy by her own desire. You are active and constantly going up and down the stairs.” Zaron kissed her hair.

  “I’ll be doing more of that when our femspring comes and you won’t be around. Sometimes you have to go away on council business. I can handle the stairs.”

  “Handling the stairs after you give birth isn’t a problem. You can teleport to the bebe’s slumber chamber. For that matter you could teleport to the slumber chamber now. We just like to carry you.”

  “Speaking about the bebe’s slumber chamber; did anyone in your engineering prototype lab come up with a design for a bebe monitor?”

  “With the arrival of the Brightstar on my mind, I forgot to tell you. One of our unbonded engineers, Tarin, designed it and will get a dukedom for the project. He’s called to council next rising. We wanted to surprise you with it. He finished it two days ago. Every bonded fem is pregnant and every fem wants one and when they explain the purpose, their Warriors insist they have it. I have one for us downstairs.”

  “I’ve never met, Tarin have I?”
r />   ::No, little love, you haven’t. Tarin is a high ranking Warrior, an Honorable, who retired to his home after the Zyptz War took his bonded. It’s a shame. He was headed for council. He gave in to depression and finally worked his way out the other side this past cycle. When he heard that members of the council were able to bond in Triad again, he came out of seclusion, hoping the Goddess would favor him once more with a PairBond and maybe even a Triad. He’s about forty-six and a gifted engineer.”

  ::Why don’t you invite him to the moontine meal? I have plenty and he’s near Sam’s age. When you said his name it occurred to me that it would be the right thing to do. After all, Sara’s now pregnant too and Sam needs someone to talk to who isn’t shoulder deep in bebe preparations.::

  ::Oh, Jonal and Tonas are bringing their aides, Einar and Frick, to meet Garlance and Emot as all four of us are on council and the aides will be working closely together. They’ll eat with Garlance, Emot, and Hilnut in the kitchen. Zaron and I have to make up another list of qualified aides because it’s already been decided that Mark and Juraens are being called to council next rising and we’re going to offer Sam a position as Advisor on Earthen Affairs. He’ll need an aide, too.::

  Syn clapped her hands. “It’s good that Sam will have something to do where he feels useful. The Democratic Party was going to nominate him for President of the United States. He should be able to do more here than sit back and play grandsire.”

  ::Not to take advantage of Sam’s expertise would be a waste of Goddess given talent.:: They reached the slumber chamber door. It opened. Bron walked in and he laid Syn down on their bed.

  ::You’ll call Tarin. I have a feeling that Tarin being here this moontine is important.:: Syn delicately covered a yawn.

  ::I’ll call Tarin. It shall be as you ask. I’ll have Garlance and Emot set another place in the dining chamber and two in the kitchen for Tonas and Jonal’s new aides. Now it’s time for you to rest.::

  Zaron kissed Syn and she closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  Gatehouse: 18:00 tines

  Sam stood in the courtyard just outside the gatehouse looking up at the sky. He saw the six small moons and Ulna the White. He didn’t know where to look to find Earth’s Sol. I’ll have to ask Juraens.

  His grandson, Michael, was excited about having dinner with Naffie in the kitchen with Garlance, Emot, and Hilnut. Sam had met the aides and the driver earlier in the day when Emot was out in the garden with Naffie and Michael and Hilnut was bringing in their bags. He didn’t care for Hilnut; he wasn’t sure why, but he planned to keep an eye on him, especially around Michael and Naffie.

  Juraens and Mark need to pick out aides, if what Zaron and Jonal said is true and they are about to be elevated to council. I’ll speak to my new offspring about due diligence in appointing staff. I have a feeling there wasn’t enough due diligence when Hilnut was appointed to the Chief Elders’ Household.

  The council meeting was next rising at eight tines. Sam had already asked for the genetic vial and the council would administer it the next rising under Mark’s supervision, with Zaron and Bron acting as witnesses and Juraens as Sam’s advocate. Sara had also requested the vial for Michael and given the holos taken by the medical staff as evidence of the horrible abuse, and given the fact that Bradley was still alive and in the United States, Zaron and Bron said the council would be inclined to make an exception to their rule that the offspring must decide themselves at the age of culpability.

  When he asked about its effects, Mark said, “Read the history of the last voyage. Search for my name and Bane’s and you’ll find out what I know about the vial. It knocked me out for about a half-tine, but I think it was because of Bane and the phony bond rather than the vial itself. However, there is a small conference room off the council chambers where you and Michael could lie down, if necessary.”

  The vial would finalize Sam’s decision. Unlike the fems who could breed both with Earthen men and Sarrans, once Sam became Sarran in body, he was completely Sarran and there was no going back. But here is where I want to be, with Sara, Michael, and my new sons-in-law. This time Sara comes first.

  When asked if he wanted to wait, his grandson had said, “I want to be with my bonded,” and that was that.

  * * * *

  Soarer’s Peak: 16:00 tines

  Tarin sat in his easy chair. Earlier in this cycle, it seemed as if a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulders. In his heart he knew he had finally said goodbye to Nezier. This phase he removed the second slightly seedy, comfortable chair from the sitting room and gave away Nezier’s things to which he now realized he held on to for too long. Keeping Nezier’s things hadn’t lessened his grief, only prolonged it.

  He didn’t know what to make of the sudden invitation to TeZaron and TeBron’s home for the moontine meal. TeBron said their fem wanted to thank him for the bebe monitor. It amplified the bebe’s psy so that the Zinna could hear its distress from anywhere on the planet.

  The mother would carry the amulet that connected her psy to a capsule the size of a tiny seed of grain. The capsule would be inserted in the back of the baby’s neck at birth by a pneumatic injector. It would be removed when the offspring or femspring’s psy was developed enough that they could call out for help, if necessary.

  I can’t refuse an invitation from TeBron. We’re working on the Sky Shield together. Add to that fact TeBron is an Elder, I simply have to go.

  I’ve hidden myself away long enough. I don’t want to lose my friendship with Bron and my access to the facilities at the lab. I could never afford such quality equipment on my own and TeBron is famous for his engineering skills. Goddess, I know I’m going to feel out of place with all the Triads. It will only remind me of what I no longer have.

  A voice spoke inside his mind. ::This phase you have put away your past and now know that there is hope for a future. You will bond again. The Council Elders have called you before them. There will be someone for you. To prepare for your future; you must put away your past in your mind as well as in your home. Be patient, all will come in time. Go to the moontine meal.::

  Was that the Goddess who spoke to me? Could I be that blessed? Maybe TeBron invited me to brief me as to why I am being called to council next rising. I suppose I’d better get moving; wash and dress. It wouldn’t do to be late and ruin one of TaSyn’s famous dinners. From what I’ve tried from the fabricator, she is an excellent cook and prepares most of the meals herself rather than using the Castle Air chefs. A home-cooked meal with fresh ingredients; that is something to look forward to. I never cooked, that was Nezier’s area of expertise.

  It wasn’t Nezier that appeared in his mind. He had a brief flash of a Warrior with silver hair and laughing green eyes. His hair was the color of a silver fox, one of the mammals Tarin discovered when he looked in the Earthen media files for small mammals to find out about the cats. There was an abundance of wildlife on Earth. He thought back to what compelled him to research the cats and what drew him to the fox. It made him wonder what the voice in his head was trying to tell him. It gave him hope. His attraction to the man he saw in his mind’s eye was intense.

  * * * *

  Castle Air: 19:30 tines

  Syn had put the last flower in her arrangement by nineteen tines. Her guests began to arrive at nineteen-thirty. Despite living halfway across the planet, Anya’s Triad was the first to arrive, accompanied by their two new aides and, of course, by Tigger. Tonas was using the sticky brush Syn supplied on his trews almost as soon as he walked in the door.

  Tarin came after Anya, traveling from the next village over and brought Syn some candies made that day in a shop opened by one of the unbonded fems with fresh chocolate that had arrived that rising on the Brightstar.

  “Bon bons!” Syn was delighted.

  Michael bounded in next with Naffie and after Michael was formally introduced to Tigger, Duchess, and Tarin they went down to the kitchen with Garlance and Emot. The last to come were Juraens,
Mark, Sara, Sam, and their felines, Aloysius, Chou, and Shadow. Sara came with a tray of scones in hand for Anya.

  ::Syn, Sara’s brought scones, I’m going to be blissful at breakfast next rising. If you’re nice, I’ll share,:: Anya teased.

  Anya smiled broadly at Sara mouthing, “Thank you.” Sara nodded and smiled.

  Syn started to introduce Sam and Sara’s Triad to the rest of the party when she heard two loud gasps, quickly smothered. Syn shot a look at her Warriors, who nodded. She discreetly changed the seating arrangement with a bit of misdirection and sleight of hand to put Sam and Tarin together.

  Both men were wary but obviously interested. Syn went on her private channel to her mates. ::Get Tarin and Sam to talk about themselves. They have a PairBond but they’re wary. Sam just got here and it looks like it’s Tarin’s first time out in company since his bonded went to the Goddess.::

  Syn passed around the fruit wine which the fems refused because of their pregnancies. They took Tierest juice instead.

  As the Senior Elder at the table, Zaron began the conversation. “Sam, we hear you and your new offspring handled an incident on the way back from Earth.”

  “Mark and Juraens had to deal with the former Lieutenant Septis. Unfortunately Septis carried a poison on the arms the Zyptz changed to tentacles and that poison entered my offsprings’ bodies through a series of small cuts. Back on Earth we have deadly reptiles called snakes whose bites can paralyze and kill. An old trick to help a snakebite victim is to suck the poison out of the wound and spit it out. It won’t remove the venom from the bite completely, but it does buy time to get medical attention. Although, you do run the danger of ingesting venom yourself.”

  “Our sire’s quick thinking saved our lives,” Mark said. “I’m a doctor and I didn’t even think of that.”

  “I watched too many westerns as a kid,” Sam laughed, attempting to divert attention away from himself.

  “Kid?” Jonal asked.

  “Offspring,” Juraens supplied. Zaron took some of the antipasto and put it on his plate. Syn served both Sarran and Earthen cured meats and pickled vegetables, along with Earthen and local cheeses. He passed the plate along.


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