The Sarran Senator

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The Sarran Senator Page 8

by A. C. Katt

  “It’s beautiful, Bron, Zaron; we don’t know what to say except thank you. We’re glad you’re here. We’re going to host in a half-tide for Sam’s name day. We’d like to invite your Triad. I’ll send an invitation via courier to you, Jonal and Tonas, and of course Sara, Mark and Juraens,” Tarin stuttered.

  “You might want to invite the whole council seeing as the two of you will be joining our number at the next formal meeting if you bond after the dance which is the Earthen word the fems insist on calling the great mixing.” Bron’s eyes twinkled.

  “I must admit that I’m not that surprised at the council seat especially because Sam has so much to offer, but, I expected to wait until Sky Shield was tested and it worked before a seat was offered to me. How do you know we’ll bond at the mixing? We have to bond to be on council.”

  “You’ll bond. Syn sensed it, just as she sensed Sam was your bonded and insisted you be invited to the moontine meal. As far as Sky Shield goes, we tested it this rising.” Bron had an aura of satisfaction that was almost visible to the naked eye.

  “Why didn’t you call me in to assist?” Tarin asked, puzzled.

  “Because you were spending time with your new bonded and that was necessary to seal the bond. There were only two engineers on the planet who could conceive of and build Sky Shield and that was you and Bron. Anyone could test it and spending time with your newly bonded is something only you could do.” Zaron chuckled at the awe on Tarin’s face.

  * * * *

  Falling Waters, Residence of the Duchy and the Duke of WaterClan: Half-tide or Five Risings Later

  Syn opened her freezer and offered Sara carte blanche for the party but Sara declined.

  “I’m going to use my Cordon Bleu culinary education for once. I intend to use Sarran ingredients to make Earthen dishes and Earthen ingredients to make Sarran dishes to convey a theme of blending two peoples.”

  So Syn acted as Sara’s party planner with linens, flowers, and the table settings.

  They wondered what to do about dishes and linens until they found the linen press and dining cabinet at Falling Waters, which Sara would have called a butler’s pantry. There was a set of china for fifty and silver place settings, elaborate candelabras, and serving dishes. Sam owned silver serving bowls from his time in the Senate and Tarin had some candle holders and serving utensils at Soarer’s Nest. Sara mixed these in with the Duchy dinnerware and linens to spectacular effect. Sara was surprised that there was silver, gold, and diamonds on Sarran.

  “This is a humanoid habitable planet. The same forces that formed Earth formed Sarran. There are some minerals that one planet has that the other doesn’t, but gold and silver are fairly common on rocky planets and diamonds are carbon based,” Syn told Sara.

  “And humans are a carbon based life form…” Sara thought for a moment. “Then they must have had fossil fuel. Yet the planet is so pastoral and idyllic.”

  “The Sarrans have had ten thousand years to get over using fossil fuel and switch to crystal technology. That’s something our council will give Earth if the planet can be united. Earth would become Sarran’s closest ally.” Syn sat down and put her feet up.

  Sara and Syn put an elaborate dinner party together in record time without the Warriors except for Tron and Exton, Sam and Tarin’s new chef and butler. Sara made several cakes, breads, and pastries, but the name day cake was a surprise. Sara refused to tell even Syn what she planned. Sara learned that it was a Sarran custom to give small gifts for the guests to take home at name day celebrations. She fashioned chocolates, and linzer torte cookies, fabricated Tiffany-like boxes but colored in navy blue instead of turquoise with silver lace ribbons to contain the treats. Everything was in hand the day of the party.

  * * * *

  Duchy of Clan Air: Sam’s Name Day 19:00 tines

  TeAllen and TeWell were the last to arrive. They joined Sam and Tarin at the bar where Sam was introducing the council to the many variations of a Martini. “Who planned the party?” TeAllen asked Tarin.

  “My femspring, Sara, bonded to Mark and Juraens, with the help of Syn, Zaron, and Bron’s bonded.”

  “We all know Syn. That fem has single-handedly done more for the fems on Sarran with her agile mind and her uncanny ability to know exactly what is needed than any council member.”

  Tarin stood up straighter and gave a small bow. “TeAllen…”

  “Te is not necessary; we’re not in council nor are we at a formal occasion. Name Day parties are supposed to be fun.”

  “Sara hopes to do the same as Syn. She needs to give back. Sara wants to make a contribution to the general welfare of the people who saved her life,” Sam said grimly.

  Tarin changed the subject to chase the clouds from Sam’s eyes. “The dinner gong has sounded, my fox, let’s gather up and go to dine.”

  They sat twenty-two down at table. Sara unconventionally used the place cards as pickup sticks and everyone was pushed out of their comfort zone and forced to get to know those seated next to them. The only WarriorPair or Triad who remained together at table were the hosts and their femspring who sat at the head of the table.

  After dinner, before the name day cake, another new custom for the Sarran, the men drank Asta.

  “So your femspring planned the party…” TeAxit said to Sam.

  “As I said, Sara, who as you know is bonded to Mark and Juraens, planned the party with Syn and my new staff, Tron and Exton. Sara did all of the fancy bread and cakes.”

  “I see she used mostly Sarran ingredients in Earth-like desserts for example, Tierest fruit shortcake. I have tasted strawberry shortcake from the fabricator. The addition of spel instead of Earthen sugar gives the cake a sweetness that is not as cloying as Earthen sugar and whipping liquid cha until it’s fluffy with spel to use as a confection is something that never occurred to our chefs. The result is spectacular,” Allen said and licked his spoon.

  Well came up and kissed his bonded on the neck. “Mixing Earthen cooking styles with Sarran ingredients is true genius.”

  “This is the first time Sara has been able to use her education out of her own home. She made us so proud of her this moontine and we haven’t even seen the name day cake yet.”

  “Michael offered me a chocolate chip cookie. He confided that he likes Syn’s chocolate chip cookies better than his mommie’s. Sara was right behind him. She laughed and said that she did too.” Well chuckled

  “Naffer whispered that the cookies were Syn’s and that he and Michael helped. Offspring and Warriors in the kitchen is something we need to encourage. Axit and Zuron’s Ellen doesn’t cook and neither does Jonal and Tonas’ Anya. Their Warriors are talking about taking lessons from Syn and Sara to please their fem.” Allen marveled at the way Sarran life was changing.

  “Your femspring is wonderful, she is not haughty as one of her social station both here and on Earth might be. She’s beautiful, kind, and witty. We’ve gotten to know all of the fems that bonded to council Warriors and every one of them is bright and eager to embrace Sarran. I only lament that Allen and I have yet to bond,” Well complained.

  “Although Tarin and I are newly bonded, we have high hopes for the dance.”

  “You too. We called it a mixing and all of the Earthen fems insist on this dance word.” Well shook his head.

  Sam laughed. “On Earth, if there is music, food, and a place to gyrate on the floor, it’s a ‘dance.’ Unless everyone is dressed in gowns and formal wear, then it’s a ‘ball.’ Sara and Syn have been to balls and maybe some of the others, but balls are not as common as dances. Your mixing would have gotten more respect if you called it a ball.”

  “I suppose you could call it a ball. The WarriorPairs will be in formal trews and Sara and Syn say that all of the unattached fems have either had made or fabricated gowns for the evening.” Zaron observed.

  “I’m glad it’s next week. I don’t think the pregnant fems will be up to dancing in a tide or two.” Sam looked around. “Everywhere I loo
k I see fems with a baby bump.”

  “Anya and Ellen think they will deliver in two tides.”

  TeAxit joined the group. “Sam, you have to attend the birthing class. Every Sarran Warrior is required to take the course. We have too many pregnant fems and not enough doctors. We want to reserve the doctors for cases with complications. Anya can give you the course tomorrow, if you have nothing scheduled.” Sam glanced at Tarin who nodded his head.

  “I’ll go with my bonded. I must admit I didn’t take notes the first time because I didn’t expect to bond again, but this time I’ll pay better attention. If we are blessed by the Goddess with a fem, I certainly want to know how to help her.”

  “We can expect the same situation in another fifteen tides with the new Earthen fems. How wonderful it will be to see the planet overrun with bebes. I’m for having as many bebes as our fems agree to bear,” Jonal added as he joined the group. “Anya said that her pregnancy has been pleasant, not at all like the pregnancies on Earth. She believes that having her Warriors and the psy make the whole thing easier.”

  “How so?” Sam asked, very interested. “I remember my late wife, Mary, being quite uncomfortable during her pregnancy.”

  “The Warriors help out around the house. She uses her psy to avoid the stairs and she wasn’t nauseous. Her only problem is the bebe kicks her bladder but she says that isn’t that bad because we have restrooms all over Sarran and retiring rooms for pregnant fems to put their feet up. Anya claims Sarran is fem paradise,” Jonal laughed.

  “Anya insisted on starting work with the offspring and femspring that came with the latest fems. Since some of them were homeless, they need special care from a pediatrician who can recommend strategies to undo any damage their earlier life might have engendered,” Tonas observed. “They were all vaccinated against Sarran organisms when they boarded, but it takes time to undo the damage caused by starvation and abuse.”

  “Syn and Ellen are working with the abused fem as well as the Warriors, fem, offspring, and femspring affected by PTSD. Several of the new fems are psychologists and psychiatrists and have offered their services as well, even the unbonded ones,” Zuron added.

  “We were lucky. With all of the over seven thousand fems we brought to Sarran we only had to send one back as unsuitable and, better yet, none of the others have wanted to leave. Several have approached me and asked if they can stay even if they don’t form a bond.” Bron raised his eyes and made a small bow. “Thank the Goddess; those fem may be meant for Warriors that have not as yet formed a pair bond. There are some older Warriors who lost their bonded; Warriors like Tarin who may bond again and find a fem. We only need about twenty-five hundred more fem to have one for every possible WarriorPair on the planet. The rest are the younger fem that I would guess the Goddess has selected for young Warriors at the Academy who have not, as yet, pair bonded.”

  “Is it true that every unbonded Warrior as well as every unbonded WarriorPair are required to attend? You handled this Axit. Was it made mandatory like the birthing classes?” Tonas asked.

  “Yes. Those who are manning the fleet who are unbonded to a Warrior or are a WarriorPair without a fem are being replaced for the moontine by their brethren in Triad. Everyone is being given a chance. As members of the council, we are required to attend the mixing, but Saxon and Lunas are leaving, taking Kristen with them and going back up to command Brightstar. Kristen liked living on the ship. She is an adventurous fem. The fleet will be fully manned that moontine in case of trouble,” Juraens stated.

  “Are we expecting trouble?” Tonas asked.

  “We’re always expecting trouble. There have been too many incidents. Remember just before the last voyage council traitors tried to kidnap Naffie. We must remain prepared.” Bron looked grim.

  The door opened and Midnight came in, followed by a dozen cats who walked by the group. A very elegant red Abyssinian stopped in front of TeWell and TeAllen. ::I have chosen your fem as my person. She is preparing for the dance in two risings. My name is Zorah.::

  Allen’s and Well’s jaws dropped. ::Zorah, welcome. Can you tell us our fem’s name?::

  ::She’s what you could call a ‘romantic’ and wants to meet you at the dance. I’ve told her she has a WarriorPair waiting, but she wants you to see her at her best. She hasn’t had much time to heal and wouldn’t use the healing chamber more than once because they were many worse off than she was. She and her offspring were badly used. I didn’t tell her who you were. That would frighten her.::

  ::What do you mean badly used?:: Well and Allen asked, bristling.

  ::Her husband was unfaithful and beat her. When she confronted him with the evidence, he broke her arm. He kicked her and her offspring out of their home and moved in with his mistress. She went for legal help but he is rich and powerful and Legal Aid could only do so much with their limited resources. She was out on the street for a while until she made her way to a shelter with her offspring. The head of the shelter told her about the new dissolution law. The shelter took pictures, so he was arrested, fined, and a dissolution was granted. She’s very fragile. She and her offspring spent a week on the streets. One of the fems who is a doctor took care of her on the ship.::

  Bron told them. ::There was information on every fem in Mark’s report.::

  ::No offense, Sam, but the Warriors who run your world are barbarians.:: TeWell and TeAllen shook with anger.

  ::Not all Earthen Warriors are barbarians. But we have enough of them to be ashamed that they exist.:: Sam shook his head.

  ::Sarran has their share of bad Warriors. We performed the Rite of Dissolution recently for a Warrior who struck TaSyn.:: Tarin stood up for his bonded.

  Well considered what Tarin said. “That may be true, but…”

  “Consider the reason our laws are there to begin with. We slaughtered our fem. The Goddess forced our hand with the Codex and the genetic modification to mate in Triad.”

  TeWell had the grace to look shamefaced.

  Jonal added, “We’ve had more than a few thousand years with the law in place and still occasionally need to execute a Warrior for this crime. Earth hasn’t had civilization as long as we have and the topography lends itself to nation states, which are too busy fighting each other to take care of their people.”

  Sara came up behind them. “Daddy, you’re not enjoying your own party, standing here talking politics. The fem are not pleased.” She stood there tapping her foot.

  Zaron looked about. “She’s right. We shouldn’t be speaking about neglect of fem when we are in the process of being guilty of a mild offense of the same nature. Come, let’s enjoy the party.”

  Tron rolled out the name day cake on a beautiful wooden silver-inlaid tea cart. The cake towered with four tiers. Each tier was three thin layers, one flavored with raspberries, one with Tierest fruit, and the last with vanilla. The layers were covered with white chocolate, silk meringue buttercream, alternated with raspberry jam. There were spun sugar flowers arranged over the top two layers. Sara served coffee with her cake.

  Sara clapped her hands. “This is Daddy’s birthday cake, but it’s also his and Tarin’s bonding cake. On Earth we celebrate bondings with friends and family. Our friends and family are gathered here this rising so we can celebrate both of my sires.”

  Sam and Tarin came up to Sara and took her in their arms for a hug. Sam and Tarin cut the cake together.

  “You have to put the top cake in the freezer and eat it on your anniversary,” Sara said.

  “Better still, we’ll eat it on the rising we find our fem,” Sam said.

  Sara clapped. “What a good idea. I could make bonding cakes.”

  “You’d be doing a lot of baking. The mixer is two risings from now.” Zuron chuckled.

  “I didn’t think about that.”

  “Truthfully, if you cost it out, the Earthen ingredients make this particular cake beyond the means of many WarriorPairs who have to save from the time of puberty for their rings and glasses.
Asking them to save for a cake that you eat once is too much for the younger Warriors. However, those older, more settled Warriors who wish to entertain for their or their fem’s name day would gladly pay the twenty credits it would cost for you to make a profit,” Zuron spoke and Axit nodded his head. Sara’s face fell.

  “On the other hand,” Axit said as he finished a forkful of the cake, “if you use Sarran ingredients like you did with the Tierest shortcake, you could charge two credits and make a decent return. With your training there could be quite a variety. Look what you did with the bread. I have never tasted bread so fine.”

  “And the Tierest shortcake could be a name day cake if cake on a name day is an Earthen tradition.”

  “Sounds to me like you’ll do well with your bakery when you decide to open one.” Sam hugged his femspring.

  Sara walked away mumbling, “I wonder what fruit they have for pie and pastry.”

  * * * *

  Chapter 8

  Each meeting occurs at the precise moment

  for which it was meant. Usually, when it will have

  the greatest impact on our lives.

  ―Nadia Scrieva, Fathoms of Forgiveness

  The Hanger, Birthing Class 08:00 tines

  When word got out on the comm that there was to be another birthing class the rising after Sam’s party, other Warriors like Tarin who felt they hadn’t absorbed the material at the first class and had since bonded, came to take the class again. Mark assisted Anya and the new ob/gyn, Dr. Lisa Fox. Lisa had come to the ship because of the Sarran television commercials.

  “The contract stated that we could go back home if we wanted and the print ads said they were looking for ob/gyns. If nothing else, I thought I would get to actually see another planet. But now I know I’m needed here and the Sarran Warriors are amazing. I’m hoping to be bonded at the dance.”

  “How did you get to a place where you decided to come here,” Anya asked Lisa. Anya and Lisa became close very quickly. Lisa had also trained at Manhattan General Medical Center and knew Mark. She’d been a few years ahead of Anya.


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