The Sarran Senator

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The Sarran Senator Page 11

by A. C. Katt

  Two by two the newly bonded Warriors came back to the hangar accompanied by their fem. While the Ta delivered, Meg had stayed in the background in case someone needed her. She was about to slip away back to the barracks when Syn called her name.

  ::Meg, please come over here. Zaron, Bron, Meg is the reason that the Ta are alive. She took charge; sent for Menalaus and the antidote. She also dispatched the cats to chase after Hilnut and another squad of felines to guard the fems. Meg asked Sara to go to the barracks to make sure the fem were not distressed. In short, she took charge of an explosive situation and handled it admirably. She deserves a commendation.::

  Sam and Tarin were among the last to arrive to collect their fem. They found the four Zinnas standing: Syn, Zaron, and Bron with Nara, Anya and her Warriors with their femspring and Ellen, Adele, and their Warriors with their offspring.

  “Sam, Tarin, we’ve been waiting for you. There will be a council meeting next rising at nine tines. We would like you and your fem to attend. Congratulations on bonding to such a bright, resourceful, and capable fem. She saved the Ta and the bebes from poisoning.”

  “Who?” Tarin asked.

  “Hilnut,” Bron spat through gritted teeth.

  “Not surprised. I didn’t like him the moment I met him. I wouldn’t have left Michael and Naffie in the kitchen the moontine of Syn’s dinner if only Hilnut had been there.”

  “Why didn’t you say something, Sam?” Bron asked grimly.

  “It was my first moontine here and I wasn’t sure of the reason for my antipathy. I thought it best to watch him, but got caught up in the bonding and Hilnut wasn’t on my radar, Tarin was,” Sam said, a bit shamefaced.

  “You at least saw something. He’s been working as our driver for cycles and we noticed nothing,” Zaron said.

  “What tipped you off, Sam?”

  “ A feeling in my gut. It always served me well in the military. His aura was wavy. I’ve been able to see auras since my first rising on Brightstar. His just didn’t look right.”

  * * * *

  Chapter 10

  Very little is needed to make a happy life;

  it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.

  ―Marcus Aurelius

  Falling Waters, The Duchy 01:30 tines

  ::Little one, come home with us. You did good work this moontine. You must be exhausted. We’ll teleport home.:: Tarin and Sam locked arms around Meg’s shoulders and they transported into the slumber chamber at the Duchy.

  ::I only did what needed to be done. I tried to think about what Syn would do and that’s what I did.:: Meg’s mind voice sounded as if she was belittling her own accomplishments. She looked around, “Oh my goodness, it’s beautiful here.”

  ::Never mind the décor. Don’t make light of your own accomplishments. The point is, little one, you did it, not Syn. Syn was incapacitated. Everyone else panicked when the Ta went down. You didn’t, you kept a cool head. Your steady hand on the helm gave the fems confidence that the situation was under control so that they didn’t distract their Warriors in the midst of a short, but very intense battle.:: Sam kissed her palm. Meg stood up.

  ::Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I didn’t think…:: Meg moved her hands over Sam, then Tarin as if she were checking for injuries.

  ::We’re fine, little one. We were more worried about you. We go to council next rising, early, so let your Warriors take you to bed, to sleep. We want to do nothing more than hold you this moontine and keep you safe.:: Tarin kissed the back of Meg’s neck. ::You’re irresistible.::

  ::I never doubted your ability to keep me safe. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I know it’s crazy but I think I love you both, but I’m not sure. I’ve never been in love. You’ll just hold me this moontine?:: Meg was hesitant.

  ::We promise and when a Sarran Warrior makes a promise to a fem, the only thing that will prevent him from keeping it is his death. Let’s get your suitcase and you can go into the bathing chamber to change into your moontine clothes.:: Sam kissed her forehead. ::Now go, we’ll be waiting for you in bed. Take the left side. Sam sleeps in the middle this moontine. We all have to appear in front of the council next rising.::

  ::You mean I have to go to Council, too?::

  ::Yes, little one, you were there while the battle raged above. You spoke to the Ta and sent the cats after Hilnut. Hilnut was executed midmoontine and his body was spaced. This is what happens on Sarran if someone so much as strikes a fem. Hilnut attacked the Ta because he knew that if the Ta perished, the Te would know right away and would be incapacitated and therefore unable direct the fight. Some of them would not have survived the death of their Ta. You, plus Tarin and Bron’s Sky Shield saved Sarran next rising.:: Sam handed Meg her suitcase. ::We’ll fabricate a dress from one of your designs in the dawntine.::

  ::After that, we’ll either get one of our tailors to make you some new things to your specifications or buy made material for you to work on yourself,:: Tarin assured her.

  “All right then, I’ll go and get changed. The bathing chamber is that way?” Meg pointed to the closed door.

  “Yes, little one, we’ll get a shower at the rising.” Meg took her suitcase to the bathroom. Sam turned his head to Tarin. “Let’s take the opportunity to get undressed so we don’t make Meg uncomfortable. We better fabricate sleep pants quickly.”

  When Meg came out of the bathroom, her Warriors were waiting for her in bed. Sam drew the covers and Meg scurried inside. Tarin spooned Sam and Sam pulled Meg into his arms and within minutes she was asleep against Sam’s chest.

  ::Our fem has had her self-confidence eroded.::

  Snowy and Midnight came into the slumber chamber.

  ::I’ll sleep with Midnight this moontine, but next rising, I want my own bed.::

  ::Certainly,:: Sam assured her.

  ::Snowy, do you know anything about Meg’s life before she came to Sarran,:: Tarin asked.

  ::Yes, I peeked before Tigger told me it was impolite. Her father was mean to her. He hit her when he was drunk, which was often. The majority of the time he belittled her. Is that the word, belittle?::

  ::If you’re trying to say that he made her feel like she was less than she is, yes, that’s the word,:: Sam growled.

  ::Thank you for telling us, Snowy. We just want to help her. We think she needs to see TaSyn for coffee a few times a week. TaSyn will help her feel better about herself.::

  ::Duchess told Midnight and me what TaSyn does. Meg needs to see her. She needs to think more of herself. If she wasn’t amazing, I wouldn’t be with her. I’m going to sleep.:: The little cat turned around and curled up in a circle under Midnight’s belly.

  Sam and Tarin chuckled, kissed each other good moontine, and went to sleep themselves.

  * * * *

  The Duchy: 07:30 tines

  Sam and Tarin leaned over and took turns kissing Meg good rising. She opened her sleepy eyes and said, “Is it time to leave?”

  “No, little one, it’s time for breakfast. Tron has prepared breakfast for us before we have to go to council.

  “I have to fabricate something to wear.” Meg looked a little frazzled. “And I need a cup of tea.”

  Sam’s face scrunched up in consternation. “Tea is another import item we need to investigate.” He looked over to Tarin and said, “We have to fabricate the tea. I didn’t know that Mark and Juraens didn’t bring tea. Maybe Syn has a box of tea she could spare. I’ll pop over and see.”

  “You don’t have to do that for me.” Meg seemed to be uncomfortable with the idea of anyone going out of their way for her.

  “Yes, I do. We’re your Warriors.”

  * * * *

  Syn’s Kitchen/Duchy Slumber Chamber

  Sam transported himself to the courtyard and knocked on Syn’s kitchen door. Syn opened the door in her robe. “What brings you here so early, Sam. I was just about to feed the bebe.”

  “It’s Meg. She asked for a cup of tea and I can only make it if I fabricate it.
Sara told me you had a well-stocked larder. Do you have any teabags, if it’s not too much trouble?”

  Syn smiled. “For the woman who saved our collective asses last moontine, I have three boxes of one-hundred Irish breakfast teabags each. I’ll get them.”

  “You’re a lifesaver. We didn’t want to have to refuse her the first thing she asked us for.”

  Sam transported back to the slumber chamber. “Meg, I have three hundred bags of Barry’s Irish Breakfast teabags. How do you take your tea?”

  “You found tea! Oh my Lord…you are incredible. The tea in the fabricator isn’t that good. I take it strong and black with sweetener.”

  “Would you like to try spel instead of fabricated sugar?” Tarin asked.

  “Yes, I had some last rising and I liked it. I can’t believe it—Barry’s Irish Breakfast Tea. When I could afford it, this was the brand I bought at home.”

  “How does Tron make it for you? I’ll have it for you as soon as you dress,” Sam promised.

  Meg laughed. She had a full throated laugh. “Just put the bag in a cup. Pour boiling water over it and let it steep until I get to the kitchen. Thank you so much. I’ll have to thank TaSyn.”

  “Syn would want you to call her by her name. She told me you saved them last moontine. You’ll see her, the others, and their bebes at council.”

  “I’ll put on my good dress,” Meg stammered.

  “No, Tarin got up at four and had a tailor use some handmade fabric to make what your design portfolio called a Sunday morning dress. The tailor tried to come as close to the material specified as he could.”

  Tarin into the room. “Here’s your dress, little one, and the small clothes. The bra is Bron’s design, you fit it under your breasts, and it will adhere and hold them up without putting uncomfortable creases in your shoulders. Now, Sam and I will meet you in the kitchen. Normally, your Warriors would help you dress and do your hair but I don’t think you’re comfortable enough with us for that yet.”

  Fifteen mots later Meg came into the kitchen. “I used the brush in the bathroom. It dried and curled my hair. I don’t look wanton, do I. I mean by wearing it down.”

  “You look beautiful. Sam and I are proud to name you as our fem. Now drink your tea. I had Tron make you some Sarran cheese on bread. Snowy said you liked that. I can’t wait to spend a lifetime finding out what you like.” Tarin kissed the top of her hair.

  “We’re so happy that you accepted us.” Sam leaned over and gave her a hug. “We let you sleep as long as we could, but now we have to hurry to get to council on time.”

  “I’ll be done in a minute.”

  * * * *

  Council Chambers 09:00 tines

  Meg sat quietly in the front seats between Sam and Tarin. TeBron called the meeting to order.

  “What happened last moontine was unforgivable. How is it that after we caught Stoker, yet we missed Hilnut? Thank the Goddess we didn’t discuss Sky Shield at home. The Zyptz meant to destroy us last rising by killing our fems and rendering us helpless. I personally, wouldn’t have survived the loss.”

  “It was the quick thinking and leadership of Meg O’Neil that prevented total disaster for the galaxy. We wouldn’t have been able to recover from another loss like that,” TeWell added. “TeAllen and I just bonded. Without the leadership of TeBron and TeZaron we would have lost the fight. I was never so frightened as when we received the report from the surface.”

  TeAxit spoke. “Are all of the feline leaders present?”

  Aloysius led the feline contingent to the front of the chamber. TeJonal continued, “You not only guarded the Ta and the fems, you captured and executed the Warrior who tried to rip apart Sarran. How did he hide his aura?”

  ::He mostly stayed out of sight of the cats. We did notice it was wavy, but he was good at being unobtrusive. If we didn’t notice him, we couldn’t see what he was doing.:: Tigger hissed. ::He suffered before he died. Thirty of our biggest and best fighters mauled him. Personally, I took an eye and left it for the bancs.::

  ::We waited until we scratched out his liver before I slit his throat.:: Aloysius put up one paw and started cleaning a long talon.

  TeJonal spoke. “I saw the body before it was spaced. The cats gave us justice for what he tried to do.”

  ::We have three awards to give out this rising. The first is the key of Sarran. It is awarded to the feline sentients with whom we now happily share our planet. Any cat or kitten who wants one is entitled to a collar with the ribbon Defender of Sarran. It should be worn on formal occasions.:: TeTonas held up the ribbons.

  ::Sarran has been good to felines. It is a pleasure to serve our new home.:: Aloysius circled and padded to the back of the room.

  TeZaron stood. “My Syn was at risk last moontine. We not only almost lost our fem but also our bebe, Nara. Words cannot express our gratitude. We would like to award the Star of Sarran to Meg O’Neil whose quick thinking saved the council fems, thereby preventing our defeat at the hands of our enemies. The only weakness in a Sarran WarriorPair is their love for their fem and family. The Zyptz couldn’t get through our shield but almost ripped out our hearts. We have you, Margaret Mary O’Neil, to thank; because of you, it didn’t happen. We won the battle and returned to our fems who were safe due to your timely intervention. Please approach the dais.”

  Zaron held an open box that held a diamond necklace with a star encrusted with diamond and sapphires. “Please allow our fem to give this to you.”

  Syn walked up to Zaron, took the box from his hands, removed the necklace, and attached it around Meg’s neck.

  “I don’t know what to say…”

  “You need to say nothing. You are a true Ta. You may be seated.”

  “In order for Meg to be a Ta, her WarriorPair have to be Te. Bron and Tarin designed the shield that saved us from invasion. Sam fought like a man possessed for his new home. For these and many other reasons too numerous to mention, we are awarding the title of Te to Tarin and to his bonded Samuel James Johnson, late of Earth but now a hero of Sarran.”

  Tarin bowed and Sam copied his motion. TeTonas said, “Will our newest Te take a seat at the dais and our newest Ta join the others in the box reserved for the Ta.”

  The packed chamber broke out in cheers. Meg began to sob until Syn, with the bebe in her arms, came over and said, “You earned this and so much more. Your life on Sarran will be sweet. Come meet your new femspring and her offspring, Michael.”

  “What about me?” Naffie’s voice cut through the room, causing a few to chuckle. “I’m Michael’s bonded. Tarin and Sam are my grandsires too. You are our Zinna.”

  “I think TaMeg is a bit young to want to be called a Zinna, Naffie.”

  “No, TaSyn, it’s a great honor to have such brave grandspring who will grow into a proud Sarran WarriorPair. I have only been on Sarran for three tides and yet these have been the happiest tides of my life.”

  The audience burst into applause. The Ta all ran up to Meg to show off their bebes and give her a hug. “Next time it’s your turn.”

  “Aren’t I too old?”

  “With the snippet of DNA you were given with your vaccination for the Zyptz plague, you have the potential to live to two hundred cycles here on Sarran. You can have bebes safely until your hundred and twenty-fifth birthday. Sarran had Elders once who had seen many cycles. Hopefully now with the Zyptz beaten back again, we will see many Elder WarriorPairs ready to give good counsel to the next Te,” Anya said. “Goddess bless you. My femspring is named Mary, after you.”

  Tears flowed down Meg’s cheeks. “I don’t deserve this.”

  TaEllen rejoined, “Yes, you do. You must come for coffee with Syn and I to rid yourself of the pink in your aura that makes you believe you’re not worthy, because you are worthy, a true Sarran fem.”

  “Besides, you have to pick up your tea. All of the fems on Sarran looked through their household goods this rising and we found six more boxes of Irish Breakfast Tea from various vendor
s along with several boxes of Lipton and English Breakfast tea. Tea has been officially added to the import list. The Brightstar returns to Earth in a half-cycle. We hope we found enough tea to last you until then.” Meg got to hold and admire the two femspring and the two offspring and then sat down with the rest of the Ta.

  “Last moontine proves that we have relaxed our vigilance. Sky Shield cannot guard against a cancer within. Did Hilnut take the birthing classes? I would have thought his black aura would stand out,” Zaron asked.

  “We believe he learned how to suppress his aura so it became wavy and the color became harder to detect. Now we need to find those traitorous Warriors who have wavy auras that seem to change colors and question why.” Jonal stopped pacing and sat next to Tonas.

  “All of the older WarriorPairs bonded last moontine. We still need fems for the younger ones. We leave for Earth in one-hundred and eighty tides. If any fem wishes to leave they may leave at that time,” TeBron announced.

  A loud chorus of “No…” rang through the chamber.

  One of the younger fems stood and said, “Sarran is now our home. We’ve discussed this. Not one of us wants to return to Earth.”

  “Sarran welcomes all of the new fem and wishes them happiness with their Warriors. The council watched the mixing last moontine. We would not be averse to holding one once every three tides to entertain the unbonded fem and unbonded Warriors. TaAdele, you are in charge of this project and may enlist any help you need from the Warriors and the fem. This meeting of the council is concluded. The Te have some fem and bebes to spoil. And to all of you due in the next two phases, the Ta managed birth despite horrific circumstances without pain and were up and walking thirty mots after the birth, so there is nothing to fear. Good dawntine to all of you on this special day.” TeZaron sat to be soundly kissed by his bonded, TeBron.

  * * * *

  Chapter 11

  I love those who can smile in trouble,


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