The Sarran Senator

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The Sarran Senator Page 14

by A. C. Katt

  Sam moved in and out of Tarin, going deep each time. That propelled Tarin in and out of Meg. Tarin made sure he continuously fingered her clit. She started to cry out. They reached the summit.

  The Goddess came. ::I bless this Triad. Meg, you are the heart of this union, Tarin, the soul, and Sam the strength. Love each other always.:: A bright light came, then vanished. The Triad went down on the bed in a jumble of arms and legs.

  “Concierge, please kept a recording of the bonding to certify for the house archives.”

  Sam sat up. “Let me get the cloths and towels. We’ll need to change the sheets! I can’t believe we forgot to put down a towel. I love both of you so much that all practicality leaves my head as soon as one of you touches me.”

  “You do the same to me, dearheart.” Tarin kissed the inside of Sam’s elbow.

  Sam ran his fingers through Meg’s silky black hair. ::And you, our Meg, are the worst of all. You make me completely lose my mind.::

  ::It would be better if we all took a shower together then changed the sheets,:: Meg suggested, blushing. ::I bled a little, you don’t want them to stain.::

  ::I’m not worried about the sheets, little love. I’m worried about you. Are you sore?:: Tarin asked her.

  ::I’m fine. I wouldn’t say no to some fooling around in the shower.:: Meg giggled and ran into the bathing chamber. Sam stopped, looked at Tarin, and laughed. Grabbing his bonded’s hand they ran in after her.

  After some shower play the Triad came out of the bathing chamber to be greeted by a very annoyed Snowy. ::I don’t see my bed and I refuse to sleep with Midnight again, he rolls on top of me.::

  Tarin put on his robe and transported to the kitchen. With a few keystrokes he fabricated a very frilly cat bed for Snowy and transported himself and the bed back into the slumber chamber.

  ::Here is your bed, little beauty. Where do you want it?::

  ::Right here by the side of the bed, up near the head so you don’t get out and squash me in the middle of the moontine.::

  Still laughing at their own little scold, the Triad lay down to sleep with Sam spooning Tarin and Tarin holding Meg on his chest. ::Our fem likes your chest hair too.::

  ::When did she tell you that?:: Tarin asked.

  ::Just now,:: Meg answered. ::Go to sleep.::

  * * * *

  Chapter 13

  Anybody can become angry—that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way—that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.


  Falling Waters: Rising

  The next rising Meg woke up to find tea on what she would call a teacart next to the bed, prepared just the way she liked it and still hot. Folded over her boudoir chair was a smart pantsuit she had designed while she was in the fem barracks and browsing through the fabricator archives.

  The suit in the fabricator catalog on the comm had reminded Meg of a type of Pakistani tunic and pants for fem. Meg changed the weight of the material to the Sarran equivalent of cashmere to accommodate the cooler climate of the Barren phase on Sarran, but the original design was a good one so Meg made only a few decorative adjustments, adding a Mandarin collar and pockets. Meg detested handbags and on Sarran she didn’t need to carry anything but a comm unit the size of an old flip phone that would fit in the pocket.

  She had finished her tea and was about to do her hair when Tarin and Sam knocked on her dressing room door. “After last moontine, darlings, I wouldn’t think you’d need to knock.”

  Tarin came over and kissed the nape of her neck, followed by Sam who kissed her behind the ear. “Good rising, dearheart. Are you ready for the dawntine meal?”

  “What are we having?” Meg asked, curious.

  “Eggs, from a Sarran waterfowl that looks like a duck but is called a gulleal, borad strips, fried monk with vallions, bread with churned cha, Tierest jelly, and juice,” Sam told her.

  “I think I’ll stick with the bread, cha, and juice,” Meg said in consternation.

  “Remember, the Tierest juice controls your weight. You can eat a good meal at rising.”

  “Okay. I find I’m hungry, so we’ll see what happens.”

  “Take your time, little love. We’re not due at Syn’s until ten tines.” Tarin kissed her hair and both Warriors left the dressing room.

  * * * *

  Castle Air: 10:00 tines

  Meg’s Triad was the last to arrive. Syn made a pot of tea for Meg and coffee for the rest of the council. They sat in Castle Air’s conference room. “Have Tigger and Aloysius swept the room?”

  ::We found two listening devices last rising, but we think they were left over from Hilnut.”

  ::Zaron, ward the room. We can’t take chances,:: his bonded told him.

  Bron waited to speak until Zaron finished the warding.

  ::Did anyone think of an alternative to Meg’s plan?:: Bron asked.

  ::Personally, I think it was the best idea put forward. My idea of passports is too Orwellian for Sarran sensibilities. Meg’s idea to have the unbonded Warriors come forward so we can see how many more fems we need is a good one. I hope we got all of them. We can’t afford to lose any more Warriors or any fem.::

  Bron raised a brow. ::Orwellian?::

  ::George Orwell, a British writer, wrote a novel about a dystopian society where everyone spied on everyone else and loyalty was fluid. You probably have it on your comm, 1984,:: Anya noted. Her bebe was laying quietly in her sling.

  Bron produced baby slings that left the Zinna or Sire’s hands free but would still enable them to hold the bebe over their heart and Syn had given one each to Anya, Adele, and Ellen. Bron improved the design from the Babies R Us catalog, so now the bebe couldn’t inadvertently fall out of the sling when the Zinna leaned over or stood.

  “Are the Warriors ready for the births?” Syn asked.

  “They’ve all been through the training. We have twenty medical doctors among the fems who arrived on this last voyage so they will be able to render aid without being liable to give birth during the process,” Mark reported. “I will also be available because although Sara is pregnant, she isn’t due until the next wave. We also have the doctors in the fleet who have been trained.”

  “I’m most concerned about the younger Warriors who might fall apart if they’re fem is in any discomfort,” Jonal said seriously.

  “There are few things that can panic a Sarran WarriorPair. One of those things is their fem in pain. The mind blocks work but the Warrior has to be calm enough to use them.” Zuron smiled and grabbed Ellen’s hand.

  “Our Ellen remained calm so we were able to deliver Aron without a problem, but if she hadn’t remained calm, I don’t know if we would have been able to do it.” Axit shuddered. “Especially after losing our first fem to the Zyptz.”

  “Vocar knew how the Te would react if the Ta passed. A WarriorPair’s only weaknesses are their fem and bebes. If Meg hadn’t figured out what was going on, we’d all have been incapacitated,” Juraens said bluntly. The government would have been overthrown and the Federation would have come in to restore order.”

  “They haven’t figured out yet that it’s the Sarrans and only the Sarrans that keep the Zyptz away from this galaxy?” Sam asked, incredulous. “Even the hot-heads on Earth have figured that out and they’ve had a lot less time to take it all in.”

  “That’s why we need them, Sam. Because after less than one and a half cycles, they have figured it out. If we could take all of your planet’s hostility and unleash it on the Zyptz instead of them unleashing on each other, the Zyptz would disappear from this galaxy and go elsewhere.” Well poured himself an Asta.

  “We recognize your former compatriots as worthy allies if they could just act in consort. There doesn’t have to be a single head of state. The eight WarriorPairs on council don’t always agree, but we work it out. If only Earth could do the same and stop shooting at each other.”
Bron put out his glass. Well poured Asta for all sixteen Warriors.

  “Instead of where they should be pointing their guns, at the Zyptz,” Zaron said with finality.

  “We have a saying on Earth, ‘You’re preaching to the choir.’ What it means is that you’re trying to convince the already convinced. It’s John Morgan we have to strong arm, him and the other members of the United Nations. Earth, unlike Sarran, is not united by a common culture. In each region of the planet they have different mores and different needs. On Earth, there is great inequality. There is poverty and disease. You are helping to alleviate some of Earth’s problems, but Earth has to work on some of the others. It may take the full twenty years.” Sam downed his drink.

  “After what happened two moontines ago, I don’t know if we have that long.” Jonal stopped pacing and sat down next to Anya, taking the baby. He glanced at Anya who raised her brow, “She calms me,” he said with a shrug. Anya giggled.

  * * * *

  Courtyard, Castle Air

  “You hear her, too. She calls us,” Michael whined.

  “But they haven’t let us see the bebes yet. They’re afraid we’ll be loud and disturb them. I don’t know what to do.” Naffie didn’t often admit defeat, especially to the younger Michael.

  “I know what we can do. I’ll get Tigger and Duchess to help. All they have to do is stand by the door and it will open. We’ll follow them in and then we’ll get to see her.”

  “We really should tell them anyway. Aron and Dov belong to Nara and Mary belongs to us,” Naffer decided. “Michael, did you ask for the playground for us yet? It would be nice if they put it by the fieldhouse and the Warriors Academy; one like you said was on the Brightstar.” Naffie wanted a swing set and a sandbox.

  “We can ask for that too. Let’s get the cats. They’ll help.” Michael went to call Tigger who was hanging out with Duchess in the kitchen.

  * * * *

  Castle Air Kitchen

  ::…So you see, Tigger, Duchess, we have to see her. We understand we can’t play with her yet, but we can help watch over her. We could teleport to Castle Light once a half-tide and talk to her. Get her used to us. When she gets older she can play on the swings and in the sandbox with us.::

  ::I don’t know why I let you talk me into these things. They’re not going to like being interrupted.:: Tigger washed behind his ears.

  ::They’ll be done soon. The bebes have to eat and Mommie will want to take them to the sitting room to be on the comfortable couches.::

  ::All right. Follow me, but if you two get in trouble, I had nothing to do with it.::

  * * * *

  The Conference Room

  The door swung open and in walked Tigger and Duchess followed by Naffer and Michael. Zaron raised his brow. “I know we’ve told you to knock, offspring. What is the emergency?”

  “Michael and I had to see Mary. We’re her bonded. We want to talk to her. She calls to us, but it’s small.”

  “Small, offspring?” Bron asked.

  “Not very loud…” Michael supplied.

  Anya regarded the two of them. “Are you sure about this? Naffie, Michael?”

  “We’re sure, she talks to both of us. We’ll sit quietly on the chair if you put her in our lap. We wouldn’t let anything happen to our fem.”

  Anya shot a look to Syn, who regarded her offspring with exasperation. “It’s up to you.”

  “Mommie, Nara’s bonded are Aron and Dov,” Naffer announced.

  Ellen and Adele blanched. “Is it true that he always knows?”

  “Unfortunately, he knows too much for his own good, about things like pregnancies and bonding. He’s always right.”

  Ellen threw up her hands. “Who are we to stand in the way of the Goddess.”

  “Mary will be a strong fem and so will Nara. They’ll be good friends and Michael and I will watch over all of them,” Naffie pronounced.

  “While Michael and I are here, Michael says Saxon and Lunas put something called swings, a sand box, a slider, and a jungle gym on Brightstar. There are more offspring now. If you put one by the field house, we could all get to know one another. TaSherry has an offspring who might like to play too.”

  “You can have your park, the swings, the jungle gym, and the slider. But when you go, both Garlance and Emot and TeJuraens and TeMark’s minders have to go with you to play.”

  Michael chimed in, “That’s okay, they can push.”

  “Push?” Bron asked.

  “The swings. I’ll tell you later.” Syn laughed.

  The offspring sat down on a chair and Anya put the bebe on their lap, staying in front of them to ensure her safety.

  “TaAnya, don’t worry. We’ll be good. When we come you won’t even know we’re there.”

  “That’s exactly what TaAnya is worried about, offspring.” Syn stared at them. They fidgeted.

  Michael grabbed the bebe’s fingers. ::She says we’re big. She can’t play till she’s bigger, but she likes talking to us but can only do it if we’re near her.::

  ::Son of a…I thought they were making it up, but that’s exactly what she said.:: Anya was stupefied.

  ::The others are talking too. Aron says Nara’s cold.::

  Syn looked down and sure enough the blanket had slipped. She made and executive decision. “The Ta and Te will retire to my sitting room for some tea and coffee. I trust you brought your tea, Meg.”

  Meg laughed and nodded.

  Naffie said, “TaMeg, you’re having an offspring. Poor Jimmy is going to have to wait a while for his bonded.”

  Sherry and Meg were dumbstruck. “He’s never wrong,” Syn told Sherry. “You better get used to looking for Jimmy at Meg’s.”

  “But Jimmy’s not even Sarran yet,” Sherry said to Syn.

  “If he’s old enough to bond, he’s old enough to make the decision,” Well said, “But let him find out about the bond on his own.”

  “That means you two aren’t going to tell him.” Mark gave them both the stink eye.

  Naffie shrugged. “He’s HiPsy. He’ll know as soon as he gets near him. He may not know it’s a bond, but he’ll want to be around him.”

  “Out of curiosity, who’s their fem?” Sherry asked.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t heard her yet. We didn’t hear our Mary until she was in Castle Air.”

  “So can we come to see Mary, TaAnya?” Michael asked. “I’m going to be five next week, right, Mommie. I’ll be old enough to be good around Mary. Besides, Naffie will be with me and he’s older.”

  “By all of a year…” Sara said dryly.

  “At least they won’t have to go through the agony of trying to find their bonded and fem.” Juraens pulled Sara to him. “I thought it wasn’t going to happen. And although Jimmy will have to wait until Meg’s offspring is sixteen, at least he’ll know he’s there.”

  “Will the ten-year age difference make a big difference?” Sherry asked worriedly.

  “Not when you live to be two hundred,” Well said.

  “Jimmy will live to be two hundred?” Sherry gasped.

  “Once he takes the vial, he will. Just as you will. Once the Sarran DNA was activated by taking our seed, you have the same life span we do,” Well told her. Allen nodded in agreement.

  “I want Jimmy to take the vial,” Sherry said firmly. “If he has a bonded, he’s going to want to stay, so why shouldn’t he take the vial now?”

  “PaMer, that’s up to Jimmy,” Allen said gently. “You can only present him with the option. The council will agree for the same reason they agreed to allow Michael to become Sarran, but ultimately, it’s Jimmy’s decision, not ours.”

  “I’ll ask him when we go home. He already thinks he is Sarran. He has a tutor so he can enter the Warrior Academy on time.” Sherry was stubborn. She obviously wanted this for Jimmy.

  “It’s all right, PaMer, I promise we’ll ask him when we get home, but he has to find his bonded on his own. Naffie can’t help,” Well said. “Remember
a Warrior never breaks a promise he’s made to a fem.”

  “No one helped Michael and me. We heard her. Jimmy will hear the bebe as soon as he’s born…as long as he’s Sarran.”

  “Can we go play now, Mommie? Naffie has some nice toys like the one that Zadda gave me where you move the ball with your head,” Michael asked.

  “Now that you two have disrupted an informal meeting of the council and dropped a few bombs, you can go play,” Syn told him, her voice heavy with disapproval.

  “I forgot, can we have the…”

  “What’s the word, Michael?”

  “Park or play ground?” Michael answered.

  “Can we have the playground, Zadda, Poppie?”

  “We’ll see,” Bron answered.

  “That’s what they say when they’re not going to do it…” Michael started to shuffle out of the room.

  “Michael, that’s not how it works on Sarran. When I said, We’ll see, that’s what I mean. The council has to investigate where it should be located and find Warriors who would be willing to work there to protect the off and femspring that come to play. We can’t just put it up. If you remember, on the Brightstar there was always a Warrior there to observe and help. We’re very conscious of the safety of our bebes, even when they get older,” Zaron explained.

  “So, we’ll see, doesn’t mean no like it did with him.” Michael shuddered.

  “No offspring, it doesn’t.” Mark went over and gave Michael a hug.

  “Let’s go play, Naffie. You’re going to really, really like the jungle gym.”

  The two offspring put their arms around each other’s shoulders and headed to Naffie’s room, which now had an extra bed for Michael.

  “We have to get Michael some more Sarran toys.” Sara looked at her Warriors.

  “We have toys in the fabricator, but the toymakers closed their shop when the fem passed. Maybe we can speak to Tanner and Troi to see if they would be willing to open again for the new offspring and femspring,” Well said.

  “Some Psy toys would be appropriate and things for the bebe. He’s in the village of Vineleaf by Tarin’s old home. Maybe they’ve bonded and have a pregnant fem, in which case they’d be more inclined to reopen the shop.” Juraens turned to Tarin. “You know Tanner and Troi, could you talk to them?”


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