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by Freddy Silva

  1. Figueiredo, Historia da Militaria Ordem de Malta, 116.

  2. Inquisitions of 1314.

  3. Cardinale, Orders of Knighthood, 27. Confirmed in the bull Ad ea exquibus by Pope John XXII, March 14, 1319.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Cited Hancock, Sign and the Seal, 168.

  6. Prestage, Portuguese Pioneers, 170.

  7. Baigent and Leigh, Temple and the Lodge, 131.

  8. See Roux, 1; and Baigent and Leigh, Temple and the Lodge, 118–20. A bull of 1178 from Pope Alexander III also officially confirms the Order’s possessions. The original charters by the French king are in the town’s municipal archives (Archives du Loiret, serie D.357). See also Rey, Les familles d’outre-mer, 31ff; and Le maire, historie et antiquitez, pt. 2, chap. xxvi, 96ff. See also Charnier, Guide des archives du Loiret, 86. The Order was officially registered with the French police on June 25, 1956, in the Journal Officiel, a weekly government publication in which all societies and organizations must declare themselves. The address in the sub-prefecture of Saint Julien-en-Genevois is untraceable. Other documents detailing the factual existence of the Priuré de Sion are found in Le livre des constitutions.

  9. Baigent and Leigh, Temple and the Lodge, 122.

  10. Daehnhardt, Paginas secretas, 41–62.

  11. Prestage, Portuguese Pioneers, 215–16.

  12. Ibid., 168–70.

  13. Ibid., 27.

  14. Ibid., 154.

  15. Alvarez, Prester Joam das Indias.

  16. In Ariosto, Orlando furioso.

  17. Daehnhardt, Paginas secretas, 37.

  18. Alvarez, Prester Joam das Indias.

  19. Ibid.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Alvarez, Prester Joam das Indias; and Beckhingham and Huntingford, Prester John of the Indies.

  22. Alvarez, Prester Joam das Indias; and Beckhingham and Huntingford, Prester John of the Indies, 226–27.

  23. Ibid.


  1. See Hancock, Sign and the Seal, 3–8.

  2. Dimotheos, Deux ans de sejour en Abyssinie, 141–43.

  3. West, Traveler’s Key to Ancient Egypt, 236.

  4. Sayce, Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments, 67–68.

  5. Morgenstern, Ark, the Ephod and the Tent Meeting, 121.

  6. Hancock, Sign and the Seal, 428–48.

  7. Ullendorff, “Hebraic-Jewish Elements,” 253.


  1. Paraschi, Portugal magico dos Templarios, 58.

  2. Pritchard, Recovering Serepta, 314.

  3. Paraschi, Portugal magico dos Templarios, 59.


  1. d’Albon, Cartulaire général, no. 194, 135–36.

  2. Sède, Les Templiers sont parmi nous.

  3. Butler and Dafoe, Warriors and the Bankers, 206.

  4. i.e., Figueiredo, Historia da Militaria Ordem de Malta.

  5. Lamy, Les Templiers.

  6. Guinguand, L’Or des Templiers.

  7. Seward, Monks of War, 205.

  8. Stewart, Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland.

  9. St. Clair, Histoire genealogique; and cited in Hopkins, Simmans, and Wallace-Murphy, Rex Deus, 108.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Knight and Lomas, Second Messiah, 114.

  12. Cowan, Mackay, and Macquarrie, Knights of St. John, lxviii.

  13. Ritchie, Crétien de Troyes and Scotland, 18.

  14. Cited Baigent and Leigh, Temple and the Lodge, 82.

  15. Ibid., 111.

  16. See Coppens, Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel.

  17. Wallace-Murphy and Hopkins, Guardian of the Secrets, 7.

  18. Forbes, Account of Roslin, 28.

  19. Warren, Temple or the Tomb, 163–65; and Wilson and Warren, Recovery of Jerusalem.

  20. Cited Knight and Lomas, Second Messiah, 70.

  21. Silva, Common Wealth, 33–41.

  22. Ibid.

  23. Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, 241.

  24. See Cooper, Voyages of the Venetian Brothers; and Andrea, Irresistible North,154.

  25. Wilkins, Concilia Manae Britanniae et Hiberniae, 380–81.

  26. Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, Hold Blood, Holy Grail, 78.

  27. Herculano, Historia de Portugal, 201; and Ferreira, Memorias e noticias historicas, 800–12, 824–28.

  28. Daehnhardt, Paginas secretas, 62.

  29. Knight and Lomas, Hiram Key, 290.


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