CHOSEN (Rock Star Erotica)

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CHOSEN (Rock Star Erotica) Page 1

by Taylor Grace

  CHOSEN (Rock Star Erotica)

  by Taylor Grace

  © Taylor Grace. 2013, all rights reserved.

  WARNING: This story contains explicit sexual situations and is meant for adult audiences.

  Carrie could hardly contain her expectation. She looked around and saw that everyone in the audience had the same look in their eyes—anticipation. And they were all anticipating him—the moment when Dalton Lee would appear on stage—and the possibility that perhaps he would even glance their way, giving some lucky woman the hope that those beautiful lyrics were truly meant for her and nobody else.

  The fact that Dalton played to stadiums full of adoring fans every night didn’t dissuade any of them from fantasizing that somehow he was waiting for just that right woman to change his wild ways. Carrie liked to tell herself that as a journalist, she was immune to such feelings, but standing in the arena with everyone else, she had to admit that the butterflies in her stomach were real. She felt it too.

  The lights slowly faded, leaving the concert hall in complete darkness.

  There was a lengthy pause where everything fell silent, almost like a moment of silence—a brief prayer. It was that sacred.

  Then the first heavily distorted guitar chords resonated. An elaborate light show, pulsating in sync with the drumbeat flooded the stage.

  Rays of white light suddenly merged into a single beam, revealing a pedestal at the center of the stage where Dalton stood. The light flooded on his bare chest, outlining his muscular body.

  He was gorgeous but also dangerous—tattoos inked his shoulders and biceps. He had a mischievous, sexy grin that seemed to say anything was possible. And his eyes roved the audience as if looking for the one, or perhaps just the one for tonight.

  He raised his mike and the sound of his powerful, seductive voice elicited a roar from the audience. Carrie, standing in front, was watching the groupies in particular.

  Girls from every walk of life—redheads, blonds, young old, girls with big fake boobs, skinny women, girls with big butts. They all wanted him. Some went as far as to lift their tops, exposing themselves to the crowd and Dalton, hoping to get his attention in whatever way they could.

  Carrie closed her eyes and listened to his voice as he sang one of his hit songs.

  She imagined what it might be like if she was somehow able to use her press pass to get backstage and alone with Dalton Lee. Even though he was known for his refusal to give interviews even to the very biggest names in the industry—Carrie couldn’t help but fantasize that somehow she would be the one to convince him.

  She pictured Dalton sitting down across from her in one of his open shirts, chest exposed, answering the brilliant questions that she asked, laughing at her jokes. And then, just supposing he felt a real connection with her…

  Carrie smiled, knowing that it was impossible. If she was lucky, maybe she’d get to ask a question of one of the roadies, a sound engineer, or one of Dalton’s PR people. Even the other members of his band were typically unwilling to talk to the media.

  Forcing herself out of her reverie, she opened her eyes and was stunned by what she saw—Dalton Lee standing right in front of her.

  There he was, the man every woman dreamt of, singing within arm’s reach. The crowd roared as he sang the chorus to the song, and most of the audience had now joined in. Meanwhile, Dalton was still standing right in front of Carrie. His eyes suddenly locked onto her, and she felt paralyzed.

  This feeling was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. Sure, she’d had plenty of guys make eye contact with her—at bars, clubs, a dinner party, standing in line for coffee. Sometimes she might get a little jolt of excitement if the guy looking at her was cute or handsome.

  But this—this was like someone had just injected her with straight electricity. Her entire body was thrumming, and her thoughts were completely obliterated, because Dalton Lee was staring right into her eyes.

  She felt her mouth literally drop open, her eyes go wide.

  Dalton’s lips twitched into a sexy little grin, and he seemed to laugh in the midst of one of his lyrics. And then he moved away from her, turning his attention elsewhere.

  Oh God, she’d made a fool of herself. That was it; there was definitely no chance that she’d ever be able to interview him. And she needed to do a good job so her boss would send her to more major events like this one.

  It was her first important assignment for the paper and she’d already made a fool of herself, acting like some star struck groupie instead of a hardened music journalist.


  When the show ended sometime later, Carrie decided to try and redeem herself.

  She gathered her composure and headed backstage to see if she could catch a glimpse of the band. Maybe she would even get lucky and talk to one of the musicians. She was well aware that most of what had been written about Dalton came from interviewing the band members, which was probably why even they had stopped talking to the media recently.

  Her colleagues were already all over Greg, the lead guitar player.

  “—Greg, this has to be one of your best shows to date. How do you do it night after night? —“

  “—Amazing show. Tell us about your new release. “

  “—Is it true that Dalton got involved with Jennifer Aniston? —“

  Greg was trying to evade the questions as best he could, staying away from any personal comments, as he knew that the tabloids would make a feast of whatever they could get their hands on.

  “I can’t comment on personal aspects of Dalton’s life, but I can tell you that our new record is our best to date. We’re really proud of this one.”

  Carrie felt out of her league.

  But before her doubts could take an even stronger hold of her, a man in a leather jacket appeared in front of her.

  “Miss, would you follow me?” he asked.

  She examined him. He was wearing a black jacket with the word SECURITY written in large yellow lettering across his chest.

  “I’m sorry, but where are we going?” She asked.

  “I can’t tell you right now, but don’t worry, you’re completely safe.” He smiled.

  “Am I being kicked out?” she joked.

  He shook his head no. “Someone wants to meet you.”

  Carrie felt a bit uneasy, but decided to follow the colossal figure.

  He led her to a corridor further off the stage. When they reached an unmarked door, he swiped his pass into the keyless entry and invited her to enter.

  The room was amazingly furnished with all the amenities you’d expect from a suite in an expensive hotel. Two large sofas surrounded a long coffee table. Sitting on top the table, a large collection of liquors. Behind the larger sofa, there were two more doors.

  “Please take a seat. “ said the hulk, gesturing to the largest of the two sofas.

  Carrie sat and the giant left her there, all by herself. Ten minutes later she was starting to wonder what this was all about. Shouldn’t she be with the other journalists, trying to get any nugget of gossip from the band members?

  But a voice behind her quickly interrupted her thoughts. “I was hoping I’d see you again.”

  That voice was so familiar, but it couldn’t be--

  She turned around and froze once again in utter disbelief. Here he was again, the ever-elusive Dalton Lee. He was wearing a clean white shirt with an open collar showing his magnificent upper chest and his customary necklaces. Everyone had been speculating about what his unique jewelry meant –nobody knew for sure, just that the symbols pictured on the album cover were the same ones.

  He sat on the sofa facing Carrie. “You look like you just saw a ghost.” He ran his hand in his hair, whic
h was beautiful, reaching down below his shoulders in curly waves. Carrie felt a chill up her spine just from his energy. He exuded so much self-confidence and charm that she couldn’t help but recall her earlier fantasy of sitting across from him. Instead of hitting him with hard journalistic questions, she was tongue tied.

  “This is just so unexpected,” she replied, “Why did you invite me back here?”

  “Are you really so surprised?” Dalton toyed with an empty wine glass, his fingers playing gently over the rim.

  “You never talk to journalists—“

  “I didn’t invite you as a journalist.” His eyes met hers and she felt another paralyzing jolt of electricity. “I invited you as a person.”

  “Journalists aren’t people?”

  “Not all of them. Maybe not even most of them.”

  She looked away from his penetrating gaze. “Well, I am a person. But I’m also here to do a job.”

  “I can respect that.”

  This was her moment. “Do you mind if I record this?” She asked, reaching into her purse for her digital recorder.

  “Hey, what’s the rush?” he said, flashing a charming grin. “You’re not even going to butter me up a little first?”

  Of course, he didn’t want his voice to be caught on tape. Carrie stopped her hand from grabbing the recorder. Instead, she reached for a notepad and a pen.

  “Sure. No problem.”

  She crossed her legs and placed the notepad on her lap. She was ready.

  Dalton burst into laughter. “Are we role playing?” he teased. “Am I the old perverse teacher who likes young innocent schoolgirls?”

  Carrie blushed. “Of course not.”

  “Relax and put your homework back in your bag. No test today,” he continued.

  Carrie was embarrassed but she quickly got a hold of herself. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and she wasn’t going to let it go by.

  “You do realize that I’m a journalist. I’m just trying to do my job,” she said.

  “And a cute one. I might add.”

  She was going nowhere with the interview but she had to hand it to him, He was charming and this last comment awoke something in her body. She felt a chill down her spine and a rush in her head. He liked her.

  “You aren’t too bad yourself.”

  “That’s more like it.”

  She gave him a furtive smile. She now realized that this was going to go his way. But if she played her cards right, she would be able to gather enough information to do a great article. After all, everyone knew about the music and the image he gave, but no one knew who he really was. And she had a golden opportunity to access the man himself. So what if she couldn’t take notes or record the conversation? She’d just have to remember.

  “So, what are we doing now, professor?”

  He smiled, apparently satisfied with her.

  “Well, first, you look like you could use a drink.” He smiled and pulled a couple of glasses from under the table

  “Yeah, definitely, but how do you know I’m not under age? This could get you in a lot of trouble, mister.” She gave him a defiant look.

  “I won’t tell if you don’t.” He placed a glass in front of her.

  Even though she now felt more at ease, she couldn’t wait to get her hands on this drink.

  “Let me prepare you something. I think I’ve got a pretty good idea of what you might like.” He started mixing different fruit juices. “Something not too strong, but not weak either.” He poured some strong liquor in the mix.

  “Sweet but with substance.”

  She observed him as he mixed her drink. Her mind started fantasizing again, watching his hands move from one bottle to the next. He had such long sensual fingers. She imagined how his touch would feel on her skin, caressing her breasts, his long fingers gently stimulating her nipples.

  “Here we go. Tell me if I got it right.” He looked right into her eyes as he handed her the glass. His penetrating gaze was intense. She felt like he could see right through her.

  Suddenly she felt like she wanted to seduce him, tempt him. This was completely unlike her, but she felt sexy and desirable in front of this godly man. She wanted to show him how he made her feel

  She slowly put her lips on the glass while staring at him. She barely tipped the glass to let the sweet liquid enter her mouth, one drop at a time. He was starring at her with obvious enjoyment. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, but as the liquor entered her mouth she felt like she wanted to tease him even more. She slightly spread her legs apart under the table as if to secretly invite him. She realized how badly she wanted him.

  She pulled the glass off her lips for an instant and let her tongue lick the sweet liquor while starring at him. Their eyes were glued together, speaking to each other. It was the language of desire and she had never wanted to speak it so badly.

  She’d never before had the guts to tease and tempt a man like this. She felt a sudden surge of fear as she realized what she was doing. She didn’t know him or what he was capable of. She was in a completely unknown territory. His territory.

  She knew there would be no way back and that he would take the lead anytime now. He wasn’t the kind of man you could just tease. He was the controlling type. She had no idea what she was getting herself into but she did not want to backup.

  He was sitting there, with a smile on his face, a toothpick in his mouth. He was turning it with his tongue in circular figures, enjoying watching her tease him.

  Suddenly the toothpick stopped and the minute his hand reached for it, she knew the time had come for him to take charge.

  “I want you to please yourself,” he simply said.

  She felt another surge of fear, but it was accompanied with a type of excitement she had never felt before. It was fueled by danger and it was stronger than anything she had experienced.

  She reached for her neck and slowly released a button from her blouse, then another, revealing her cleavage. She felt her nipples hardening as he kept gazing at her.

  She took another sip of the drink, enjoying the sensation of the strong liquor going down her throat. She felt the disinhibiting power of the alcohol, helping her to go even further. She released another button, now revealing her red bra. She could feel his excitement, but he did not move. He kept his cool allure, but she knew that his silent gaze was commanding her to keep going.

  Yet another sip of the delicious drink helped her dare to go a step further. She spread her legs apart and let her hand run down her skirt, lifting it to reveal her panties. Her finger reached inside as he kept watching. She was so wet. She found her clit and started moving her finger back and forth. She felt a surge of heat spike down to her legs and moaned with pleasure. It wouldn’t take long to get her to orgasm. She put the empty glass on the table and reached inside her bra with her free hand, her finger found her nipple, which became immediately harder and another spike filled her body with even more heat. She was wondering how much longer he’d allow her to please herself. Would he let her come or would he stop her? She hoped that he’d let her finish and then take her. He was smiling at her, clearly enjoying what she was doing.

  She knew she could not hold it any longer as she increased the rhythmic stimulation of her clit with her finger. She could sense that she was going to have a glorious orgasm right in front of Dalton.

  But he intervened. “Stop. I’ll tell you when to come.”

  Dalton finally stood up and approached her. She wanted him so badly that she thought she could come, just looking at him in anticipation of what he was going to de to her. He was standing in front of her and he put his hand in her hair, his grip was firm and powerful. She reached for his chest and lifted his shirt. She put her lips on his muscular abs, kissing him and gently licking. She could taste the sweat from the show and it excited her even more. He smelled sweet but pungent. He tasted like a real man. He let her explore him, his hands in her hair, holding the back of her head.

rrie reached for his zipper. She could feel his manhood through the fabric of his pants. He was big and she wanted to taste him and feel his length in her mouth.

  She pulled his pants down and reached in his boxer shorts. She was impressed. He was even bigger than she had originally thought. She gently stroked his length, looking up towards him. Her eyes met his and she felt like a naughty girl. She felt like she could do things with him that she’d never dared do with anyone else. He had that bad boy attitude that just bid her to behave badly.

  “What are you going to do to me, naughty schoolgirl?” He said.

  She didn’t reply but instead took his cock in her mouth. She’d never sucked such a big penis. He held her head and started to push, forcing his incredible length deeper. She was eager to see how far she could go and held him as far deep in her throat as she could. He moaned with pleasure.

  “You are such a naughty girl.”

  She badly wanted him to come in her mouth, taste his cum. But he did no let her.

  “I’m going to fuck you now.”

  He pulled out and pushed her towards the end of the sofa.

  “Lie down on the armrest. I’m going to take you from behind.”

  Carrie wanted him so bad that she was ready to let him do anything he wanted. She’d obey him.

  She placed her belly on the armrest, her butt sticking up.

  He was standing behind her and suddenly he spanked her.

  She barely had time to register the slight pain she felt as he thrust into her. The intense pleasure that followed made her forget the spanking.

  He was so big inside her and he was fucking her so hard. She had never been treated that way, but she loved it.

  He spanked her again and the pain mixed with the intense pleasure of feeling his cock deep inside her was delicious. She’d never thought that pain could be so exhilarating when mixed with such pleasure. It made the experience so much more intense.

  He kept spanking and thrusting into her and she began to moan louder and louder. She hoped that he’ d let her come, as she knew she wasn’t going to be able to hold herself for much longer.

  He was now holding her at the hips with both hands, guiding his cock even further inside her. Carrie was overwhelmed by his incredible stamina. She wanted to come so badly. But he suddenly slowed down and almost removed his manhood from her. She moaned in disappointment but he immediately brought his length back into her, but very slowly. He went deeper that he ever did before and held her there, his cock so deep inside her. Carrie let out a long moan of pleasure. “Oh, My God.”


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