Threads Of Desire (Creative Hearts Book 3)

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Threads Of Desire (Creative Hearts Book 3) Page 13

by K. M. Jackson

  His eyes shot up. Damn. What the hell did she say that for? Why the hell was she bringing up the next when she was still in bed with him hoping for a next go around herself? She knew there was nothing permanent here but still she wouldn’t thumb her nose at a repeat or three. The lights weren’t even back on yet.

  Time to get this train back on track. It wasn’t like an impromptu black out happened in New York just every week—a smart woman didn’t miss out on an opportunity such as this.

  Gabby mentally washed away her last statement even though she knew come morning she’d start replaying it over and over in her mind. She then wiggled her hips and thrust her breasts forward, bringing them up to connect with Nick’s cheek. Spreading her legs wider, she wrapped her ankles around his calves. Trapping him.

  He looked down, skepticism still in his eyes as the smallest hint of a smile crossed his lips. She wiggled against him once more and felt his cock pulse against her. His gaze went glossy. She saw his Adam’s apple bob as his throat worked. He was growing harder by the moment. “What about your ankle? I don’t want you hurting yourself.”

  She gave him a confused look and lifted her head a bit to look over his shoulder. “Did I do something to my ankle? Funny, I don’t feel anything at all.” She tightened her thighs, pulsing against him.

  Thankfully he grinned wide and leaned in, capturing her already swollen lips once again with his own, cutting off her next retort. The need to speak was replaced by only feeling as his sensuous mouth curved to fit perfectly with hers and his tongue eased in, twining with hers. Silky and sweet. Soft, but still so firm and just slightly rough. Her body heated once again, tingling from the inside out, like little sparks of energy were trying to escape. His shaft grinded against her pelvis, making her twitch from deep in her core.

  Gabby sighed. She blocked out all sound and let the only sound be his breathing mingling with hers. That and the thump that she swore was the pounding of her heart. That was the existence of the world for now. Putting her hand between them, she stroked his full length, loving the feel of the hard muscle. She played with it, massaging it along the seam of the very softest part of her skin. He let out a breathy gasp. “You’re killing me, Gab.”

  “Don’t die on me yet. The night is still young.”

  Nick came up on his knees, leaving her chilled, but giving a view of his gorgeous, brown chest and ridged abs. He leaned over her, going to the nightstand again and grabbing another condom. And with that any coherent thoughts left her mind.

  Chapter 13

  The world had gone quiet. Dark and still. Gabby lay there, staring at the candle as it threatened to burn out. Smoldering and intense, it was down to the very end of its life. And a part of her felt the same way.

  She was curled on her side with Nick behind her, his thick arm around her waist and his breathing low and slow as he slept. A man at ease. Satisfied sexually. And really, she was satisfied too, after having been brought to orgasm no less than four or maybe it was five times. Counting got crass after three times.

  So why was she now staring at this stupid candle with her mind churning and a burning in her chest, as she listened to his breathing, thinking of the repercussions that would surely come in the light of day? She let her mind go to the work she should have gotten done tonight. The blackout had set her back.

  She frowned and her stomach growled. Again.

  “Okay, I think it’s definitely time I got some food in you.”

  Gabby stopped breathing. Crap.

  Nick nudged at her, his chin now scruffy and tickly on the back of her neck.

  “I thought you were asleep,” she whispered.

  “With all that racket?”

  Gabby turned over toward the ceiling, tangling up in the sheets and giving him a look. “Come on my stomach wasn’t that loud.”

  “Wasn’t talking about your stomach this time.”

  “All what racket then? It’s finally quiet now.”

  “You with your hard thinking. Do you ever relax, woman? With you, a man could get a complex. I thought I was really doing some good work tonight. Clearly I need to up my game.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at that. “Oh now, don’t beat yourself up. I was just thinking about work and how inconvenient this blackout is.”

  He stared at her, focusing on her lips, causing them to feel like they were plumping up under his gaze. “Inconvenient, huh? Funny. I’d call it lots of things but inconvenient is not one.”

  Her lips quirked at the corners and her tongue longed to lick his full lips. A sigh threatened. This was bad. Nick Ross could definitely become a habit—one she couldn’t afford to pick up. She let her eyes slide away. “You know what? I am hungry. You want me to make you a sandwich?” She gave him a wink. “You did earn it and more, you hard worker, you.”

  He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. “No, you stay here. Despite what you say, you should rest that ankle. Let me do for you tonight.”

  She grinned. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”

  He looked at her with a gleam in his eye. “I wouldn’t go that far. The weekend is not over yet. Now you stay put.”

  Gabby’s breath caught. Damn, the man was good. He had a recovery for everything.

  “Can I at least go to the bathroom?”

  He looked at her seriously. “Sure, but let me put the flashlight on first.”

  Carefully, Nick led her to the bathroom and Gabby let out a much-needed restorative breath when she closed the door. Looking at herself in the mirror by the light of the eerie flashlight she could not believe what had just happened. What had transpired since she’d last been in that bathroom. She’d made love with Nick. Multiple times. She circled around and looked down at the floor, bringing her hands to her mouth. Just hours before she’d been flat on her ass on this very floor. Shit. She must have lost her mind. This was Nick. The Nick she’d sworn to hate. Her eyes went wide. Maybe she was still knocked out on the floor and had just passed out. She pinched herself and looked back up in the mirror at her wild hair, swollen lips, the dark circles under her eyes. Nope, she was there and yes, she had done it.

  Suddenly her heart went still as her stomach knotted. She banged her hand lightly on the sink. Damn. How could she have done it to herself? It was ridiculous what the body could talk the mind into. And Steve. Oh God, what would Steve say if he knew? She let out a breath. She’d have to have a talk with Nick about him finding out. She turned the water on and splashed her face. Suddenly the image of them and the closet came snaking back. Well, it wasn’t like there would be a big problem there. She was sure Nick would be fine with keeping this under wraps. He was used to keeping her a secret, so this would be nothing new.

  Gabby took some more deep breaths, fighting to compose herself. She washed quickly, surprised and grateful that the hot water was still working, and slipped on the loose tee she hadn’t gotten around to putting on earlier. It was old, sleeveless, and fairly shapeless with its low V-neck and hem that hit a few inches above her knee. She looked in the mirror once more and gave the tee a downward tug as she made her way carefully back to her bedroom. Good enough was going to have to be good enough. Morning would be here soon and it was time to wake up from this lovely erotic dream.

  Gabby stood at the threshold of her bedroom and starred at her rumpled sheets. They mocked her with fabulous disorder. She got a sexy zing down below and let out a sigh, annoyed with her body’s reluctance to give up on the fun of the evening. As if possessed, Gabby rushed over to straighten them up. She couldn’t talk to him with the sheets calling her to strip down and do all she could to get Nick back in bed with her.

  Gabby turned and her foot came in contact with the ice pack. Funny, she hadn’t even thought of her ankle. She guessed there were healing powers in good loving. She picked up the bag then paused, sniffing at the air. There was the distinct smell of oil burning mixed with something delicious and savory. Either there was a fire going on or something was cooking.

/>   Gabby went out to the kitchen. “You’re cooking? How are you cooking in the dark?”

  Nick turned around and gave her a look. The kitchen area was lit by three candles and Nick was standing in front of her stove wearing her apron, his boxers, and nothing else. He looked way too sexy and way too at ease. “The stove is gas so I just gave it a light. And it’s not all that dark with the candles.”

  Gabby forced her mouth closed as she took in the sight before her. No, it wasn’t all that dark, but it was definitely was too romantic. Nick had a tray set up with cut-up strawberries and some peaches, two glasses, and a bottle of something that she thought was bubbly. To top things off, on the tray there was a single yellow rose. She looked beside it and saw a larger bouquet of yellow roses clustered together in one of her old vases.

  “What are you, a magician or something?”

  “Hardly,” he said, like this was no big deal.

  She let out a breath. “Well you didn’t need to do all this.” Her eyes swept over the flowers and she squirmed uncomfortably. “Go out of your way for me, I mean. It wasn’t necessary.”

  She saw the muscle in Nick’s jaw twitch. But then he just shook his head, and he smiled.

  “It’s cool. You’ve got to be you. What are you doing up and walking around, anyway? I thought I told you to get back in bed. You’re not one for following the rules, are you? I knew I should have tied you down.”

  Gabby’s eyes shot up and damn if her legs didn’t go to jelly. Nick gave her a saucy grin then reached out to grab a strawberry. She watched as he popped it into his mouth, breaking it apart with his front teeth. “I see I hit on something there. Next time, love. Don’t think I’ll forget.”

  She forced her lips together and crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t push my buttons, Nick.” She tried to look around his shoulders to the stove. “What are you making?”

  “Grilled cheese.” His smile was now huge.

  She gave him a good side eye.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Gab. I’m working the hell out this of sandwich here—and in the semi-dark, I might add.” He turned back to the stove and removed two sandwiches from the pan, placing them on one plate.

  Gabby swallowed, her mouth instantly watering.

  Nick swept his lashes up at her. “You go and sit, please.” When she made a move for the counter stools he shook his head. “No. Not there. Over to the couch, at least. I want that foot up.”

  She let out a long breath. “My foot is fine. I don’t feel a thing. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  He pointed to the couch. “Would you humor me then? Come on. Get comfy.”

  Now that he mentioned it, she did feel just slightly something in her ankle, but she wasn’t going to tell him. She could feel his eyes burning into her back as she flopped down on the couch. Her head falling back, Gabby closed her eyes and felt her shirt ride up. In that moment she didn’t care. A few seconds later she felt a hint of coolness as he stood over her.

  The tray was in his hands and the silhouette of his body was outlined by the candlelight at his back. Nick placed the tray on the coffee table.

  Gently, he reached down and picked up her feet, lifting her legs and bringing them up on the couch. He leaned down and kissed the top of her feet then looked up at her and grinned, showing off those perfect, white teeth in the candlelight. Gabby swallowed. Didn’t she have something she was supposed to talk with him about? She shook her head to clear it. Damn her traitorous body. Willpower was a muscle she really needed to work on.

  “So, you feeding me or what?”

  His grin went wider as he reached over for a triangle of the sandwich. “As you wish.”

  She pulled back, colliding with the arm of the couch and put her hand up. “I didn’t mean for you to literally feed me.” Her eyes narrowed, her former anxiety bubbling back up. But still she fought to keep her voice steady and light. “You don’t have to do this, you know. It’s not a game; I’m not a prize for you to win. You’re wasting all your moves on me.”

  He looked at her, his eyes hard, his jaw even harder. He spoke through clenched teeth as if he was doing all he could to hold onto his temper. “Then quit blocking me at every turn and just relax and take what I’m offering you. If anyone is treating this like some sort of strategy, then it’s you. Now I know you’re hungry. Take a bite of the damn sandwich.”

  His pitch didn’t rise, but his hurt and anger was clear in his tone. Gabby felt shamed and she lowered her eyes.

  “No way. I’m not having you do that.” He reached out and lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. “You are going to taste this good-assed sandwich, and you’re going to smile while you do it, if it kills me.” He picked up the sandwich, spun it a bit then stopped, letting it hover inches from her chest right above her breast. Nick took his other hand and gently tore it in half. Some of the warm cheese dripped down onto her chest.

  “You did that on purpose!”

  He gave her a playful look then his gaze went to her breast. He raised a brow. “Ya think.”

  She smacked his arm. “You are awful.”

  “And now you’re smiling.”

  He tilted his head and took a bite of the sandwich, making her stomach twist with hunger pains or maybe it was something else. Damn him, it really did look good—or maybe it was him. Her mind and her body were quickly turning into a swirling cloud of passion and longing that she was having trouble separating. She watched him, anticipation tingling on the edge of her senses as Nick leaned down and licked the errant drip of cheese off the swell of her breast. Her nipples instantly hardened to the point of near pain. Damn that man.

  He leaned in and kissed her. Gently. His lips soft and playful as they brushed against hers. She fought against the burgeoning smile and lost. He licked his tongue out, swiping it across her lips. She couldn’t help but stick the tip of her tongue out just to get a taste of him. He tasted warm and creamy with a hint of the smokiness from the cheese that she found perfectly matched his personality. Greedily, she stuck her tongue out to stroke his even more. A low moan escaped her throat at the same time that her stomach growled. This time she didn’t care. Turning away from his lips she leaned to the side and took a bite of the sandwich, then leaned back, satisfaction blooming from deep down in her middle. It was delicious.

  “God, you are so damned sexy.” Nick let his hand glide along her thigh.

  Gabby took the rest of the sandwich from his hand as her eyelids lowered to slits. He looked so good on the edge of her couch in her apron. So freaking hot she could almost believe all his words of flattery. She took another bite of the sandwich. “And you really do make a mean sandwich.”

  He was busy massaging her calf now in these perfectly deep long strokes and he seemed so intent on it that she didn’t think he heard her, and honestly she didn’t care. It felt so good that she just wanted him to keep on stroking, and she just wanted to keep on eating. But he did stop and when he did, he looked up from her leg to her face, his gaze hot and intense. She paused mid chew as Nick reached over to the tray and picked up a small slice of the peach. “Now take a bite of this, then a bite of the sandwich. I would have gone ahead and just put it on the sandwich but I didn’t want to startle you.”

  Gabby scrunched up her face. “I thought you weren’t all that adventurous in your food.”

  “You’d be surprised just how adventurous I can be,” he said, a wicked undercurrent in his voice. Then he waved the slice in front of her lips. “Now take a bite.”

  Gabby bit. The ripe peach flavor burst on her tongue with a sweetness and, at the same time, a tartness that surprised her, causing her to purse her lips. But she had no time to contemplate it because Nick was there hovering over her with another wedge of the cheese sandwich.

  “Now a bite of this.” His deep voice had an instant wetness pooling between her legs. She opened her mouth again and let him feed her. The richness of the butter and the creaminess of the cheese melded perfectly with the
sweet tartness of the fruit. Gabby moaned.

  “Good, huh?”

  She didn’t answer. All she could do was moan and nod her head as all the rich goodness slid down her throat and she looked up at Nick with sticky lips and glazed eyes. He leaned over and licked at her lips.

  “Hmm. Peaches. Just how I imagine you everywhere.”

  She felt herself blush from head to toe. How did he do that? She thought she’d aged out of the blushing phase of life years ago. But with Nick she was blushing and tingling and feeling all sorts of things, both old and new. It wasn’t right, and it wasn’t real. She had to keep that part straight.

  Nick went to feed her another bite, and she turned away. “This has to stop.”

  He froze. “But you said you were hungry.”

  She looked at him with hard, serious eyes. “You know I’m not talking about the food here, Nick.”

  He looked down, his eyes not going hard as she expected. Instead they went soft. Too soft for her to resist. He stared at her, his chest rising and falling as if suddenly he were having trouble breathing. “Can’t you just let go? Just for now and let me feed you? Let me be good to you tonight?”

  The way he said it had her breath hitching. It was as if he needed to do this. Needed to take care of her. She was totally taken off balance, as it hit her how much she wanted it too. Wanted him to keep feeding her, to keep caring for her. To keep touching her leg in that loving, easy way, to keep kissing her like he did, to keep looking at her like he was. And more than anything, she didn’t want the night to end. Didn’t want the lights to come back on.

  “Okay fine,” she breathed out. “Give me the other half of that sandwich. I did work up an appetite.”

  Nick grinned wide and handed her the sandwich at the same time as he picked up a piece of strawberry and proceeded to lift the hem of her tee. She gasped. “What are you doing?”


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