The Price We Pay

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The Price We Pay Page 3

by Alora Kate

  “She’s mine!” I heard Mack yell and Jaxon stopped, turned his head to the side and yelled back, “She’s a fucking rat!”

  “I’m no-”

  “Get on the bike.”


  “What do you mean, she’s a rat?” Keylan’s voice tore through the empty parking lot and I froze.

  Jaxon slowly turned, not letting go of me and I heard Latch tell Keylan to put the gun down.


  What did I get myself into?

  “I’ll deal with her,” Jaxon told him and his grip on my arm tightened and his head tilted to the side. He lowered his voice and I felt his breath against my ear. “Get on the fucking bike before you end up dead.”

  Without thinking, because I was so afraid for my life, we both climbed on the bike and he turned the key, bringing it to life. Keylan wanted to kill me for being a rat, but I wasn’t a rat. I was a mole. I had no idea what was going to happen to me now, but I’d rather be with Jaxon than Keylan.

  The engine roared and the whole bike vibrated, intensely. I adjusted myself the best I could but I couldn’t escape the way it felt between my legs.

  “Hold on,” he ordered and I slipped my arms slowly around his waist. I looked back at the three men, and Mack was on the ground. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

  We drove back down the alley and when he took the corner too sharp, I held on tighter. I swore I felt his chest rumble with a chuckle. The vibrations of the bike were getting to me and when he hit a small bump in the road it made it worse. I laid my forehead against his back and tried to adjust myself again. I couldn’t escape it and I wanted badly to start grinding against the bike.

  No! I yelled inside my head.

  I wasn’t going to have an orgasm on the back of this asshole’s bike.

  He slowed down and I popped my head up. He was taking back roads that led out of town, on the north side of San Diego.

  I leaned forward so my mouth was at his ear. “I want to go home.”

  He just shook his head and made no attempt to stop.

  I repeated myself but slower this time.

  He looked into his mirror and caught my eye. “You keep doing that, and I’m gonna make a pit stop and finish the job myself.”

  My cheeks were on fire. I turned my head and lost his eyes.

  God, I was so stupid sometimes.

  He barely came to stop and then peeled out. I gripped him again and the vibrations hit my clit, over and over. I couldn’t allow this to happen, but holy hell did it feel good. It was so intense and strong. My body hadn’t experienced this much pleasure for over two years.

  Finish the job himself. He knew! He knew the bike was rubbing against my clit. And he wanted to have sex with me?

  I had to think about something else. No sex. No sex with a hot, sexy stranger. Not again. The one and only time I had a one-night stand and it turned out to be a horrible experience. Well, the sex was great, but then he got kind of clingy.

  I was just kidnapped. I had to distract my mind and figure out what the hell I had just gotten myself into. I’ve never done anything like this before but I couldn’t sit around and do nothing. No one was doing anything to solve my brother’s murder. I needed to give my parents a sense of closure so they could move on. We all needed it.

  What I didn’t need was to be sitting on the back of a motorcycle with a stranger, while trying to hold off having the best orgasm of my life.

  I can’t let this happen.

  It’s wrong.

  It so fucking wrong, but it felt so good.

  Maybe he wouldn’t even notice.


  I knew the bike was doing its job. I’ve had a few girls tell me how much they loved the feel of my bike between their legs, just as much as they liked my cock. She was fighting it and I didn’t blame her.

  She didn’t know me. But, I knew her. Latch and I both knew her.

  She was Harry Ziegler’s sister.

  Harper had no idea what Mack and Harry’s relationship really was. I don’t think anyone knew.

  Mack also didn’t know that Harper was Harry’s sister. She was fucking stupid for hooking herself to Mack and putting her life at risk.

  Detective Smith, Latch’s uncle, said she had visited him several times at the station but that he kept sending her away. He obviously wasn’t doing his best. Somehow Harper found out who Mack was and got him to trust her.


  I chuckled as I continued to drive to the safe house Latch was just at. He had some woman following him earlier today so she was already there. Now this. Shit like this wasn’t supposed to happen.

  The house was in the middle of nowhere and titled in his real name, which no one knew except his uncle and me.

  For the past two years, people knew him as Latch Lexington.

  I used my real first name, but changed my last name for this operation.

  I felt her fingers dig into my stomach so I reached down and covered one of her hands with mine. I wanted her to know it was okay. I’ve seen her pictures. I know her. I know everything about her and her family, and it baffles my mind that she got herself into this situation.

  But she did. She’s here now, and I’m the only one that can keep her safe. Outing her as a rat wasn’t the best idea but the shit just rolled off my tongue.

  I felt her lay her forehead on my back and her fingers tensing again on my stomach.

  It was hot as fuck and my cock was starting to get jealous.

  She stopped fighting back and was now about to have one of the best orgasms of her life on the back of my bike. I wish it was me but life’s too short, and if she thought I was going to kill her she might as well have one hell of an orgasm before that.

  I turned down a dirt road and after a few seconds of having the extra bumps added to the vibration of the bike, her fingers dug deeper and I knew she was coming. I gripped her hand as she started to loosen her grip and then waited a few seconds before grabbing the handle of the bike. I had to concentrate on driving.

  I drove the three miles it took to get to the house and parked by the porch. Randy was sitting outside smoking a cigarette.

  Harper climbed off the back of the bike before I could turn it off.

  “Where the fuck am I?” she yelled at me as I shut the bike down and popped out the stand.

  Randy laughed and kept smoking his cigarette.

  “Somewhere safe,” I told her swinging my leg off the bike and standing in front her. I was six foot five, built strong and wide, and she froze in her spot. She slightly tipped her head back to look at me. Her cheeks were still flushed from her orgasm.

  It was sexy as hell.

  She jabbed me with her finger. “You kidnapped me.”

  “I saved your life, sweetheart.”

  Her hair was a little windblown and she ran her hands through it but it made no difference. “I was fine!”

  “You were with Mack,” I countered, turning around and heard her follow me. “You weren’t fine.”

  “How the hell do you know that?!” she asked frustrated and I ignored her.

  “Hey, Randy,” I greeted, coming up the steps.

  “Another one?” he asked blowing out smoke. “It’s nice of you boys to think of me in my time of need.”

  “Don’t touch her,” I warned.

  “Don’t worry. Already got a lecture from Latch about his woman, don’t need one from you.”

  “I’m not his woman!” Harper yelled behind me.

  Today was weird for both Latch and I. I wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but these women were stupid to put their lives in danger by following people they knew nothing about.

  “It’s one of those days.”

  “Who’s this guy?” she asked somewhat nicely from the bottom of the steps.

  “I’m Randy,” he paused, “your new roommate.”

  Randy lived here temporarily. He’s been here for a year, alone, hiding in a witness protection-type program, and now
he was our babysitter. Latch and I would take turns visiting him once a month, which would have to be more frequent now with the addition of the women, to bring him food and smokes since he wasn’t allowed to leave. He was smart and didn’t want to die, so he never gave us problems.

  “We’ll need more food,” he informed me and I made a mental note to bring out more food. Latch and I had no idea what to do with the women except keep them safe.

  “I’m not staying here!” Harper yelled at the same time the door opened and another woman walked out.

  Latch had texted me, telling me her name was Marvey.

  “I said the same thing!” she told Harper smiling. She glanced at me but said nothing and I wasn’t sure what else Latch had told her about this situation. She was just as hot as Harper was but had darker hair.

  Marvey was taking her situation a lot better than Harper was.

  I turned around and watched Marvey walk down the steps towards Harper and she asked, “Who are you?”

  “Marvey, but please call me Marv because I hate my name.” She stuck her hand out and Harper took it.

  “Harper,” she said then tucked her hands in her pockets.

  “You were kidnapped also?” Marvey asked Harper and Harper glared at me.

  “Yes. I. Was.”

  I laughed and walked into the house to take a piss. I needed to hear from Latch so I could stop worrying about what happened after I left.

  Keylan saw her, but for all he knew she was a rat, and we dealt with rats one way.

  We killed them.

  She wasn’t going to die, though.

  After I was done in the bathroom, I went back down the hallway towards the kitchen to grab something to drink but ended up catching the end of the girls’ conversation. “Her name is Sofia.” I heard Marvey say. “Sofia Blackstill. She’s rich and got me into this mess, so she’ll get us out. I sent her a text but the reception is shit here. I’ve been exploring the house trying to find a signal.”

  Latch should have taken her fucking cell phone.

  I stepped around the corner, startling both of them.

  “Oh great, you're still here,” Harper said sarcastically. She was standing next to Marvey, who was smiling at me. She had a nice smile but I knew Harper’s was better.

  “Give me the phone,” I ordered.

  “What phone?” Marvey asked playing dumb, pushing her purse away.

  “Your purse,” I jerked my chin, “toss it to me.”

  “No!” Harper yelled grabbing it, hugging it tightly to her chest.

  “Just do it, Harper,” Marvey said. “I think it’s useless to fight with these people.”

  Harper jerked her head at her in utter disbelief. “Why would I do that?”

  “My kidnapper had a gun. Randy has a gun.” She reached for the purse and Harper slowly gave it to her. “I’m sure he has one also.” She tossed the purse to me and I fished the phone out and made sure nothing else was in there before tossing it back to her. I shoved the phone into my pocket and my eyes never left Harper’s. Fuck, she was pretty.

  “Don’t worry, Harper,” Marvey said moving around the kitchen island, “they aren’t going to rape us.”

  Harper’s jaw dropped open and Marvey continued, “Or sell us. No drug trades either.”

  “What hell are you going on about?” I asked her while Randy walked into the room.

  “I talked to Latch about it,” she told me.

  “I highly doubt that,” I replied.

  “What’s your name anyway?” Marvey asked, staying close to Harper's side.

  “His name,” Harper answered for me, “is Jaxon and he totally ruined my cover!”

  “Not much of a cover, sweetheart.” I tossed in a wink and Randy interrupted us before she could reply, thank God.

  “Are you staying for dinner?” Randy asked as he started opening the cupboards. “There’s not much here considering it’s almost been a month since my last delivery.”


  I pushed from the wall and walked outside. I called Latch with my phone, pulled out Marvey’s, and noticed she didn’t have a screen lock. I started searching for information when he answered.

  “Bring food,” I told him.


  “More than normal if the girls are staying here for a few days.”

  “Until we get some answers, I think that’s best. Besides, Harper can’t leave now.”

  “I know, but we had to get her out of that situation. Better for Keylan to think she’s dead.”

  He told me that Keylan was going to ‘deal with’ Mack and Latch left before they did, so he wasn’t sure what Keylan would do, but it wouldn’t surprise us if Mack’s body turned up dead. Our target was to get closer to the club’s President, Carlos Hermosa, but we haven’t been able to get a meeting with him.

  “You suck at your job,” I told him. “She had a cell phone.”

  “Christ. I didn’t even think of that, but there’s no reception in the house anyway.”

  “Well, you got lucky. I’ve got some info on the Marvey chick.”

  “What kind?”

  “She texted a woman named Sofia Blackstill.”

  “Shit, it was a woman,” he muttered.


  “She said she worked for a woman.”

  That information helped a lot. “I’ve heard of the Blackstills man, rich fuckers.”

  “We need to find out why they had her follow us. What their involvement is.”

  “On it. I’ll make some calls.” I put her phone back in my pocket. “I need a drink.”

  “That does sound good.”

  “I’m making a mental list of shit we need.”

  “Good, meet me at our spot to discuss this Sofia chick.”

  Chapter 3 – Sofia & Kennedy


  “You look beautiful tonight,” Kennedy told me before giving me a small spin under his arm. He pulled me back into him and the song changed but he wasn’t done, and I didn’t mind. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with my father tonight.

  “You don’t say,” I teased because he’d told me that at least ten times tonight.

  Kennedy Weston was a wonderful man. He’s been my boyfriend since I was born. His father and mine set it in motion all those years ago. I grew up with him at my side and after all this time, I still had doubts. I still had mixed feelings.

  I loved him, I did; he’s my best friend. But I wasn’t head-over-heels, madly in love with him like everyone thought I was, and expected me to be. We were comfortable with each other but I wanted sparks and fireworks, I wanted to feel butterflies in my stomach at the sight of him. That’s the kind of love I wanted.

  He was taller than me but most people were, considering I’m only five foot five. His black hair was kept short, trimmed, and always perfect. He had a great body, it was his temple and he took very good care of it. Every inch of it was toned and perfected. Something he was trained to do while growing up. It was a part of our lifestyle. He was smart, graduated with honors. He had a Bachelor degree in Engineering and would soon start his Masters.

  Kennedy had everything a woman would want, but he still didn’t have my heart. Not completely. I loved him but he loved me more. I cared for him but he cared more for me. He’s been nothing but kind and caring my entire life. He’s always been there for me.

  I wasn’t allowed to date, ever. It was Kennedy and only Kennedy. I’ll never get to experience a breakup, or a broken heart.

  “Are you done?” he asked when the song changed again. “You seem distracted tonight.”

  “My feet do hurt,” I lied and walked with him, hand in hand, to our table. My father smiled at us as we approached and went back to his conversation with Kennedy’s father.

  My grandfather built his oil company from the ground up. He made the right investments, did the right things, and now we were filthy rich. Well, my father was, I just benefited from it. I had to keep up appearances.

  I had to be t
he perfect daughter.

  Kennedy’s father owns hundreds of high-end golf courses across the country. He and my father met back in college.

  We sat down and Kennedy engaged in conversation with my mother. I sat up straight and smiled while sipping on a glass of water. We were at another fundraiser that my parents were board members of. I honestly don’t pay attention anymore; I just go where I’m told to go. Do what I’m told to do.

  I’m a puppet and the strings have been getting tighter now that my graduation is just around the corner.

  My mind slipped to Marvey like it had been all night. She wasn’t returning my messages. I’ve been drinking extra water tonight to make sure I had a good reason to keep excusing myself to use the restroom so I could check my phone. It was rude to be on your phone while at a dinner.

  It's been at least three hours since I left the house. I wanted to leave and check on her but I certainly wasn’t allowed to leave early.

  I did have an option, though. I could leave with Kennedy and then go our separate ways. He’s let me do that a few times and never questioned my motives. It wasn’t the polite thing to do, though. If my parents ever found out, I’d never hear the end of it from my father.

  I hate that I’m this person.

  Fake living.

  But this is my life.

  This is all I know.

  Marvey thinks she has it bad but I’d give anything to live her life, even if it was just one day. I fake most of my happiness for the good of everyone around me.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Kennedy whispered into my ear and I leaned into him to whisper back, “I’m worried about a friend.”

  His brow furrowed, looking concerned he asked, “Something I can do?”

  “I need to use the bathroom again,” I whispered again with a small smile.

  “I’ll come with you.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

  “If you’ll excuse us,” he said standing, reaching for my hand, and then whisking me away. As long as I was with him, my father wouldn’t ask questions because he loves Kennedy and thinks he walks on water.

  We walked hand in hand across the large dance floor and I stayed close to his side. We slipped into the elegant hallway lined with crystals hanging from the ceiling and I pulled my phone out from my small white clutch purse.


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