The Price We Pay

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The Price We Pay Page 8

by Alora Kate

  He stood and put both hands behind his head.

  I also stood. “I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I should have told you yesterday and none of us would be here. Kennedy wouldn’t have been shot…”

  “You should have.”

  “Again, I’m sorry, Latch.”

  “My grandpa…” he muttered and dropped his hands. “Latch is a nickname. My grandpa used to call me that when I was young because I was short and couldn’t reach the latch on the barn door. He’d teased me about it, but in a good way, and the nickname stuck.”

  “What’s your real name?” He paused for a long time, I could almost see him deciding whether or not to reveal that to me, He lowered his chin, twisted and looked at me. “Another time.”


  “Jaxon and I are undercover,” he forced out. “I’m only telling you this so you’ll understand the situation you’ve put yourself in. I had no clue who you were yesterday, or who you worked for. We were on our way to a meet and you fucked it up. You could have been killed.”

  “The meet that Harper was at?”

  “Jesus Christ,” he roared.

  “We were drinking Tequila,” I countered sheepishly, knowing I’ve just made it worse for my friends inside the house.

  “I’ve heard.” He walked down the steps. “Let’s go,” he ordered.

  “Please don’t be mad at her.”

  He ignored me and I rushed to keep up with him. He was on a mission.

  “Latch.” I reached out to him, to stop him or at least try to slow him down, and I tripped over my own two feet. I gripped his arm during my fall, but it wasn’t enough. I hit the ground. Hard. The pain shot through the back of my head forcing my eyes shut and my arms flew around my head. I couldn’t make out what he was saying but I felt him pick me up. I passed out before we got in the house.

  Chapter 7 - Jaxon & Harper


  “What the fuck did you do?” I roared, charging towards Latch who was holding Marvey. She hung, passed out, in his arms.

  “It was an accident, you asshole.” He sat down on the couch with Marvey on his lap. “Get some ice!” he yelled at the room.

  I kneeled in front of her listening to her mumbling incoherent words. At least she wasn’t completely out of it.

  “She hit her head,” he paused. “She grabbed my arm when I was trying to turn around. She fell.” Latch cradled her head like a baby. “I tried to catch her. Fuck!” His frustration oozed in each of his words. His anger clearly had not improved and I couldn’t blame him. It was an accident but he felt like it was his fault. He was going to let this eat away at him; let it bother him for a long time. He had problems letting shit go.

  “Is she okay?” Sofia asked, handing him a bag of frozen peas and a washcloth.

  “She might be out of it for a bit,” Randy said behind me.

  “Probably,” I added.

  “Should we put her in bed?” Harper asked. “Or take her to the E.R.?”

  “I vote for the E.R.,” Sofia said, rounding the back of the couch. “I know the hospital Kennedy is at has a great E.R., you know,” she shrugged a shoulder as her cheeks pinked, “kill two birds with one stone.”

  “I agree with Sofia,” I said standing but keeping my eyes on Marvey. “She might need a CT scan to make sure her head is okay. We need to make sure she’s okay, Latch.”

  Latch said nothing, just stared at Marvey while gently holding the peas at the back of her head. I knew he didn’t like the idea but he wasn’t going to fight it either. I didn’t like the idea but it needed to be done, the girls were in our care.

  “Alright,” I said standing up. “Get your shit together.”

  Sofia ran out of the room, Harper followed giving me a quick look over her shoulder. I took the opportunity to break the bad news to her. “You’re not going.”

  She immediately stopped and turned around. “Why not?”

  “It’s not safe for you.”

  “I’m going,” she demanded.

  “No. You’re. Not,” I said firmly, then turned my attention to Latch. “Let’s go and get this shit over with, man.” Latch stood with ease, careful not to jostle Marvey at all. Before I could blink, Harper took off across the house, the slamming of the door against the wall making my heart race. “God dammit,” I muttered and went after her.

  “You’ve got a runner!” Randy yelled from the kitchen. “My opinion doesn’t matter, but I’m giving it to you anyway. Just let the girl go.”

  I doubt Keylan or any of his buddies would be at the hospital but still, can’t take the chance. Plus, she might run off and I don’t need to be chasing her ass around town all day.

  “Bring back some food?” Randy added.

  “It’s on the fucking list!” I yelled walking out the door.

  “Add beer and Tequila to that list!”

  While Latch and Marvey were outside talking, we had all ate breakfast together. I liked hanging out with my sister, and of course Pacer, but I found out that the girls and Randy drank all the Tequila last night and talked too much. They talked about everything. Everyone knew everything. Harper told them about the meet she went to with Mack, despite my efforts to stop her. She also told them that Latch and I had been there, her mission to find her brother’s killer and that she had no plans to quit. I would have to remind her in the nicest way possible that she was stuck here with us, but I’d remind her of that in private.

  If Keylan saw her again or had any indication that she was alive, it wouldn’t last long; he’d make sure and take care of her. Plus, she didn’t need to know that Mack was dead.

  Latch and I were still unclear with what to do with Marvey and Sofia, but we decided to take one day at a time and figure shit out as we go. This house was safe, they are safe, and leaving wasn’t an option for anyone at the moment.

  The trip to the E.R. wasn’t going to be easy but Kennedy’s parents got him in a private room, less traffic on that floor, and we had a police officer outside his door. I’d have to make sure everything goes smoothly because Latch wasn’t going to be any help to me. I’d leave him in the E.R. with Marvey and take Sofia and Harper with me.

  I could contact Latch’s uncle, have him keep an eye out in the background. It couldn’t hurt having an extra set of eyes on Harper, just in case she tries to run.

  “Do you need any help?” my sister asked catching up to me, while Pacer went to his truck. I loved the man as a fighter, I’ve followed him for years, but I didn’t know him. I also didn’t know my sister was seeing anyone.

  “Is it serious?” I asked, jerking my head at Pacer who was walking to his truck.

  “Not sure yet.”

  “How long you been seeing him?”

  She pursed her lips together and scrunched up her face. “Long enough?”

  I highly doubted that. “Huh.”

  “He’s cool, and I barely know anything about the job you’re doing, so he knows nothing.”

  “Let it stay that way.”

  “Do you want help? You know I’m a PI. I could help.”

  I was proud she was a PI but at the same time, I hated it because I never knew what kind of shit she’d get herself into. “Not with this, Laken. Best you stay away; don’t come back out here. Ever.”

  I started walking towards the van.

  “Love you too, asshole,” she said behind me.

  “Keeping you safe!”

  “See you soon,” she yelled back. Pacer, like a gentleman, opened the passenger door for her and she jumped in. I wanted more information about what was going on with the two of them, but it’d have to wait.

  “I appreciate this,” Sofia said sitting in the passenger seat of the van.

  I glanced over my shoulder at Harper. She was already glaring at me with her arms crossed on her chest.

  “Be good,” I warned.

  She smirked.

  “I’m serious. Just remember we’re the good guys. You try and run, I’ll find you.” She turned her
eyes away from mine. I needed to get her on the back on my bike again, loosen her up and get her to relax a little more.

  Latch was sitting in the second-row seat with Marvey still cradled in his arms.

  I heard Marvey mumble but I had started the van when Latch replied so I didn’t catch what he said. This was a horrible idea but she needed medical attention.

  I decided to send the text to Latch’s uncle.

  I had the radio on low during the drive there and no one spoke. Sofia was nervous, her hands in her lap rubbing each other, and I’m sure Harper was planning her escape. I parked the van in an open and visible spot in front of the E.R. door and turned it off.

  I twisted in the seat and saw Harper's hand on the door handle.

  “You’re coming with me and Sofia.”

  “Marvey needs a wheelchair,” she replied.

  “Right. Then you’re at my side.”

  “Whatever,” she mumbled opening the door.

  I watched her walk off in hopes that she was getting the damn wheelchair because it was too hot and humid to chase after her.

  “She likes you,” Sofia sang and jumped out of the van.

  “I know,” I said with a smile.

  I walked around the van and Latch was climbing out with Marvey still in his arms.

  “You’ll be okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah. You got this?”

  “Your uncle’s lurking around somewhere.” I glanced around but didn’t see him. Sometimes he was good at his job. “I’ll take the two girls with me and meet back up with you later.”

  “In and out,” he grunted.

  “No shit. Don’t need any more crap than what we’ve already gotten ourselves into.”

  “We need to get to Carlos and get this job done.”

  Harper came back with the wheelchair and we went our separate ways. I grabbed her hand when we got off the elevator on Kenny’s floor.

  She didn’t pull away, but glanced down at our hands and I reminded her, “You’re staying with me.” Not to mention it was just another chance I had to touch her.

  “I’ve thought about it, talked about it with the girls, so yes, I’ll stay… but only because I want your help.”

  “Your brother’s killer?”


  “We’ll discuss it later.”

  Sofia was ahead of us by a few feet but as soon as she saw the police officer, she took off running down the hallway.


  Harper and I picked up the pace, saw the police officer stand to greet Sofia, but she didn’t stop. She ran right into the room, with the officer hot on her heels.

  When we got to the room, Sofia was sitting on the side of the bed holding Kennedy’s hand. The officer with his hands on his hips turned around when he heard us walk in.

  “He’s not allowed to have visitors,” he stated firmly. The guy was young, probably just out of the academy, with dirty blonde hair. We’d have to get someone else on Kennedy’s watch.

  “We’re with Detective Smith.”

  Harper pulled her hand from mine and glared at me. Those cute little lips of hers pursed together.

  “I got this,” I told the rookie. “Just sit at the door and make sure we’re good.”

  It took a second but he nodded and left the room. That was too easy. Definitely getting him switched out.

  “Kenny,” Sofia whispered and dragged my attention to her. She ran her hand softly down the side of his face and his eyes fluttered open. He cracked a small smile, which made the tears she’d been holding in fall down her cheeks.

  “Hey, honey,” he whispered back.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she barely whispered and I jerked my chin at Harper, telling her to follow me. We’d let them have some privacy.

  I leaned against the wall across from the door and Harper wasted no time.

  “You know Detective Smith?”


  “He’s handling my brother’s case.” I knew that but I said nothing, so she continued,

  “Maybe you could talk to him, get his fat ass out of his chair and find my brother’s killer.”

  I kind of felt the same way, he could be lazy but he wasn’t that bad. I gave her a smile that pissed her off, and in return, she smacked my arm. “I’m being serious, Jaxon. It’s been six weeks and nothing. No leads. No clues. Nothing.” Her frustration radiated off her as she flung her hand up in the air. “Whoever is responsible has to be found.”

  “I agree.”

  “Good, so you’ll help me.”

  “This isn’t a job for you.”

  “Why?” She settled her hands on her hips. “Because I’m a girl?”

  “No,” I leaned down and whispered in her ear, “because you’re a woman.”

  Her body shivered and she put her hand to my chest, pushing me away. I had nowhere to go other than hitting the wall behind me, and I let her have that.

  “This woman wants to find her brother’s killer. You and Latch ruined it for me yesterday. Ruined all the work I’ve done.”

  “I’ll help you,” the young officer said behind her.

  Harper spun around, the officer still sitting in his chair grinned at her. I grabbed her arm, getting her to turn back around. “Hell no,” I said slowly shaking my head at the same time.

  “I can hear you,” the newbie shot back.

  “Mind your business, newbie.”

  I pushed off the wall and grabbed Harper’s hand, leading her down the hallway out of earshot but still close enough that I could keep an eye on Kennedy’s door.

  “For God sakes woman, shut the hell up.”

  “He’s a police officer, he can help me.”

  “He’s barely out of the academy. Can’t do shit.”

  “I want to find-”

  I kissed her. I wrapped her sweet body in my arms and kissed her hard. She didn’t fight it that long. She gave it to me and I took it all.

  “That’s enough,” she said panting, pushing away from me.

  “You liked it.”

  “Hardly,” she huffed and stomped away. She went back to Kennedy’s room and I took the time to check in with Smith. He said he was at the nurses’ station around the corner chatting with Kennedy’s doctor. I shot a text off to Latch and when he didn’t reply a few minutes later, I went back to the room and joined them.

  Harper was standing at the window, looking out at the neighborhood, and Sofia was still at Kennedy’s side. Her tears were gone and she was smiling, listening to something he was saying. I leaned against the doorframe and pulled my phone back out. Nothing from Latch, but a message had just popped up from Keylan.

  Need to meet

  I replied, When?

  Dusk, same spot

  I replied, All good?


  Shit. We needed to wrap this up and get the girls back to the house. I stepped out into the hallway and tried calling Latch, but got no answer.

  “Fuck,” I grunted and then sent another text.


  I popped my head up and saw Smith walking down the hallway. “The parents are on their way; need to wrap this shit up. Don’t need them getting pissed off their daughter’s not at the safe house.”


  “They’re a pain in my ass,” he started. “Calling all the time, bringing their lawyers into this shit of a mess.”


  “They want their daughter. They think they can do a better job.”

  “She’s fine.”

  “I know this. I trust you boys.”


  “Kennedy asked them to back down, got them to hold off on the lawyer thing, but they still want their daughter back.”

  “It’s only been a day.”

  “No shit,” he said, almost reaching the room.

  “Wait.” I put my arm out stopping him from going any further. “Harper’s in there.”

  “Fuck that,” he muttered, turning around and walked
back the way he came.


  I liked the house, the view, and the fact that it was in the middle of nowhere. I really did. But it wasn’t helping me any. I couldn’t get anything done. My purse, phone, and all my personal information were in my purse, which was in the car. Mack’s car. A car I had no access to, and probably would never get back. Mack might find my real ID, then I’d be screwed.

  I haven’t checked in with my parents, and I was supposed to do that daily. They didn’t approve of my mission, but they also knew they couldn’t do anything about it. I graduated the year Harry dropped out and I haven’t found a job yet. My grandmother left my brother and me a small inheritance and now that he was gone, the bank transferred that money to me. I moved into a small dingy apartment, so if shit got bad no one would know about my parents or where they lived.

  I had no idea what Mack would think about me leaving with Jaxon and not contacting him. He didn’t know where I lived and I could only hope he didn’t snoop through my purse. That cover and idea were blown now thanks to them.

  The girls set me straight last night. I was safe here, and Jaxon seemed to care, but I had to find my brother’s killer. I was on a little break at the moment but I’d figure things out eventually and start over. Or get Jaxon to help me. I wasn’t sure what he actually did for work, but I knew he was undercover, so that meant police officer or detective and that was good for me. Maybe they could do a better job than Detective Smith.

  I moved from the window and saw that Jaxon was talking to someone out in the hallway; probably that cop at the door. At least he wanted to help and as much as I liked a man in uniform, he was too young for me.

  Jaxon swung his arm out as if he was stopping someone, so I made my way across the room and out the door. I barely caught a figure of someone walking around the corner when Jaxon spoke, “We need to leave.”

  “We just got here,” I informed him.

  “Sofia’s parents are on the way and I don’t have time for that meeting.”

  “I’m sure she wants-”

  “No,” he cut me off, walking passed me and yelled, “Yo!” into the room.

  Sofia popped her head up and knew right away that it was time to go. She bent forward, kissed Kennedy a few more times, whispered a few words, and had tears down her cheeks when she slipped off the bed and walked towards us. I wasn’t here to make friends, but I liked the girls and Randy. I also told them my story. It wasn’t planned but I had a few shots and it just came out. It felt nice talking about it with someone. Randy was a hoot also. He talked, but never said much. We knew he was in some kind of witness protection, but that was it. He said the less we knew, the better we were.


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