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Wicked Page 5

by Sasha White

  “Master, Sir, Karl.” He shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. You can call me what you want, whatever feels natural.”

  Excitement heated her blood and kicked her pulse up a notch. “Okay, how do we do this?”

  “Why don’t we start with something simple?”

  “I’m ready when you are.”

  His voice lowered. “Are you wearing panties?”

  Adrenaline surged through her. “Yeah.”

  “Take them off, please.”

  She started to slide out of the booth only to be stopped by his foot blocking her way. She glanced from the black boot to the man across the table, her forehead wrinkling. “Excuse me?”

  “Stay here and take them off,” he commanded softly. “You proved the other night that you were adventurous when it came to taking risks in public. This should be nothing to you.”

  He was right—it was nothing. So why was her heart suddenly pounding so hard it vibrated through her chest?

  Without bothering to think about it, she shifted forward on her seat a little and reached under the table. Keeping her eyes locked with his she slid her fingers up her outer thighs and under her denim skirt. She planted her feet on the floor, lifted her hips and tugged at the elastic until the thong slipped from between her cheeks and down her legs.

  Bunching the lace in one fist she felt the damp proof of her excitement against the palm of her hand, and pride zipped through her.

  “Can I get you anything, sir? Another beer?” The waitress stood at the edge of their table, eyeing Karl.

  Deliberately, Lara put her hand on the table between them, and opened it up, offering Karl her panties. Karl smiled his approval and reached for them while he spoke. “No, thank you. I have everything I need for now.”

  Lara tried not to smirk as the waitress stomped away. When she saw Karl lift the bundle of lace to his face and inhale, her moment of satisfaction faded into a blur of uncertainty.

  “You smell wonderful,” he said. “Already turned on, are you?”

  “Yeah.” She shrugged. Trying not to let him see just how affected she truly was.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “Yes, what?”

  “When I ask you a question, I’d like you to answer clearly. ‘Yeah,’ isn’t a proper answer.”

  “Okay.” She nodded, feeling like a chastened child.

  “Okay isn’t acceptable, either.” His body didn’t move, but the energy around him shifted. Becoming almost palpable in its force as he stared at her. “Clear communication is essential, Lara. So is honesty. You always have the right to say no, or stop, at any time, and I will honor your choice. But you have to be clear. Yeah and okay imply uncertainty or disinterest, and that does neither of us any justice.”

  Her nipples ached and she squeezed her thighs together. He wasn’t touching her, and his words weren’t particularly dirty or sexy, but her body was reacting in a big way to his tone of voice.

  Pushing the heady clouds of lust away from her brain, she focused on what he’d said. “I can say no at any time?”


  “But aren’t I supposed to do whatever you say?”

  “Only if you want to. That’s what makes the power exchange of D/s so potent. It’s a free exchange, one that is meant to give us both what we need.”

  Need. She nodded, even though she didn’t really understand what he was saying. She’d understood she could say no at any time, and that was all she cared about at the moment. Need was flooding her pretty damn fast and she hoped he was going to do something about it soon.

  Oh hell, he wanted honesty. She licked her lips and leaned forward. “I need you to fuck me, and soon. Is that clear enough?”

  Heat flashed through Karl, straight to his cock at her words. “Very good. Shall we go then?”

  He slid out of the booth and waited for her. Lara’s eyes widened and she stared up at him. “It’s as easy as that?”

  “It is tonight,” he said as she slid out of the booth and stood in front of him.

  Karl kept his hand on the small of her back, ignoring the looks as they headed for the door.

  Lara was going to get looks wherever she went, for sure, but right then he knew it was more the pheromones she was giving off that was drawing attention than anything else. The heat that they, as a couple, were giving off would draw attention even at the Dungeon, it certainly drew attention at that yuppie pub.

  When they were outside, Karl glanced down at Lara’s pretty face. “Where’s your car?”

  “I took a cab,” she smiled wickedly. “I figured I’d be getting a ride from you.”

  Anticipation tightened his gut. “Oh, you’re going to get a ride all right.”


  He led her toward his truck and opened the door for her. When she was in the seat, instead of closing the door and walking around to the driver side he stepped in close and put his hand on her bare thigh. “Spread your legs.”

  Her head snapped around and she gazed at him, her pupils dilated with excitement.

  Without a word she parted her knees, watching him as he slid a hand up under her skirt and skimmed his fingertips over her pussy.

  So much heat. She was like a furnace, totally hot for him. For what he was going to do to her. “You’re so wet, sugar. Are you enjoying this?”

  She nodded, and he raised an eyebrow, pulling his fingers away. Before he could correct her and ask for a verbal reply, her eyes widened fractionally and words tumbled from her mouth. “Yes!” she sounded almost panicked. Then calmer, “I’m enjoying it very much.”

  As a reward, he leaned in, and pressed a quick, hard kiss to her lips. “Good girl,” he praised, then backed away to close the door.

  When he climbed into the truck and started it up she was watching him carefully, and he could almost see the wheels in her mind, shifting gears, sorting things out.

  “Would you be more comfortable at your place, Lara?”

  “It’s close,” she said, and recited the address.

  He’d planned to have her play with herself while he drove, but instead, he said nothing. He watched the traffic while letting her stew.

  She was fighting herself. He knew the signs of arousal, the look in her eyes, the glow in her cheeks, the rhythm of her breathing; she was definitely turned on by being the focus of all of his attention. But he had to remember this was all new to her.

  Lara was a strong, independent woman, and if he wasn’t careful, things could end very badly.

  He pulled up to the curb in front of a small house and looked at her in surprise. “You live here? Alone?”

  “I rent the basement. Graham and his boyfriend, Peter, live upstairs.” When she saw his look, she smiled. “It’s Peter’s house, and don’t worry, they leave me alone, mostly. We’ll have privacy.”

  He climbed out of the truck and met her on the walkway. “Are they going to come running when they hear you scream my name?”

  She slanted him a look. “You think you can make me scream your name?”

  His balls tightened. “More than once, sugar.”

  Flames leapt in her eyes and she licked her lips. “I can’t wait,” she murmured before leading the way up the walk to the back door.

  Neither of them spoke as they entered the basement suite. Lara kicked off her shoes and waved him in, locking the door behind him. In three steps he stood in the middle of the living room looking around.

  There wasn’t much to look at. No plants, or personal photos anywhere. Generic pictures of fields of flowers and lakes set in some mountains, a knitted throw spread over an overstuffed sofa, and a twenty-inch TV.

  The only thing in the room that hinted at Lara’s personality was the laptop on the coffee table and the cluttered bookshelf along one wall. Before he could move close enough to see what type of books interested her, she was in front of him.

  “I’m ready when you are.” Feet planted shoulder width apart she thrust out a hip and cocked her head to the side. “Where d
o you want me?”

  Tamping down the hunger that rose shockingly fast, Karl stepped forward and cupped her face in his hands, looking deep into her eyes, searching for what she was really feeling.

  Arousal was there, but buried deep he could see a small bit of worry.


  Karl’s head lowered and his lips pressed against Lara’s. He started slow and sensuous, his hands roaming over her body, cupping her butt and pulling her close.

  “Don’t worry, sugar. Nothing will happen that you don’t want.”

  Arousal formed a hard knot low in her belly and she writhed against him, impatient, wanting more. She’d been on the erotic edge ever since he’d walked away from her that first night. He’d interrupted her manhunt at the pub, and as much as she relished the look on his face when she’d walked away from him, her body had hated her for it. No amount of masturbating had satisfied her.

  She clutched at his shirt and lifted a leg, wrapping it around his hip. Closer, she wanted to be closer.

  A hot hand landed on her thigh and pushed her leg down. “Slow down, sugar. Show me your bedroom now.”

  Heart pounding and pussy throbbing she took his hand and led him to her bedroom. With a flick of her hand she turned the light on and led him to the middle of the room. She reached out, but before she could touch, he grabbed her hand and pulled her forward, spinning her into his arms. Her back slammed into his front and heat flashed through her.

  “For tonight, you don’t do anything but get used to my touch,” he purred into her ear. “Understand?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Excuse me?” He swatted her on the ass.

  “I mean, yes. Yes, touch me.” When he didn’t immediately start touching, her lips parted and she surprised herself. “Please.”

  One large male hand flattened against her belly, holding her tight to him as the other one inched under her short skirt. “You’re a fast learner, sugar. I like that.”

  Something like happiness made Lara’s chest tight, and she puffed out a breath. She wanted to talk, to tell him to hurry up and touch her, to stop being so slow with that hand under her skirt. But she wasn’t sure if she was allowed to talk right then, and the last thing she wanted was to have him stop. He felt too damn good.

  Then he touched bare skin and all thought of talking fled. His agile finger tickled over her swollen pussy lips before dipping between them and Lara’s eyes drifted shut, her head falling back against his shoulder. Shifting her stance, she spread her legs and bent her knees, wordlessly begging for more.

  Pleasure ripped through her when he immediately answered her actions with a stiff finger thrust deep.

  “That’s my girl,” He said when she gasped and her hips started to roll. “Ride my hand, show me what works for you.”

  Desire swelled inside her, filling her throat and tumbling out in a garbled expression of primal need. But she didn’t know…couldn’t say…what it was that she needed. A pressure built inside and she fought the urge to stamp her foot in frustration and instead reached up, and popped the snaps on her leather vest, thrusting her chest out.

  Karl’s hand instantly cupped a breast, thumb and forefinger grasping a nipple and squeezing. She moaned and he squeezed it harder, “You like a little pain there, huh?”

  “Yes,” she hissed, raising her arms and clasping them behind his neck, her whole body tight with need.

  Another finger filled her, stretching her and making her hips jerk as she started to pant.

  Her heart was pounding, the sound of blood rushing through her head taking away everything but the sensations flooding her system. The hand between her legs shifted, and another finger was added. She gasped, her nails digging into his neck as she bore down on his hand. So good, so full. More, she wanted, more. The fingers twisted and moved, wiggled and tickled her until her lips opened and words started tumbling out. “More, please, Karl, more, my clit, please, don’t stop, my clit.”

  Everything inside her was focused on the new sensations overwhelming her.

  “That’s it, baby. Ask for it. Tell me what you need.” His hand left her breast and joined the other one between her legs.

  Fingers tickled her insides and rubbed her clit as his words washed over Lara. Her muscles trembled, a long low moan building in her throat, until he pinched her clit and pleasure exploded inside her.

  Her eyes flew open and she stared unseeingly at the ceiling as her body trembled and shook, her knees buckling.

  When she was able to breathe again, she realized Karl was sitting on the foot of her bed, and she was cradled in his lap.

  Holy crap! They were both still clothed, and he’d just given her the best orgasm of her life.

  Unable to think—not wanting to think—Lara tucked her head against his neck and sighed, just enjoying the way his hand stroked up and down her back.

  “Wow,” she finally whispered a minute later.

  “Did you like that?”

  “Do you really need to ask?”

  There was a rumble in his chest; she felt it before she heard it. “Communication is key, Lara. Remember that.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They sat in silence for a few more minutes, Lara becoming increasingly aware of the hardness of his cock beneath her butt. Her sex clenched and her nipples hardened.

  She’d asked him to fuck her once already. Pride wouldn’t let her ask again—not verbally anyway.

  She slowly slid off his lap to stand before him. She slipped off her vest, and then undid the denim skirt. With a little shimmy, the skirt was on the floor, and she was completely naked.

  Without a word, she reached for the snap of his jeans, undid them, but when her fingers touched the tab of his zipper, a strong hand clamped down on her wrist. “What are you doing, little girl?”

  She raised her eyes to his, but didn’t speak. Suddenly and inexplicably shy, she didn’t know what to say. When he didn’t move, or ask again, she licked suddenly dry lips and pressed her thighs together.

  “What do you need, Lara? Tell me.”

  She was so empty. Her insides itched and tingled, crying out for him, but the hard look in his eyes said she might not get what she needed. But suddenly she knew…if she didn’t tell him, she definitely wouldn’t get it.

  “Please,” she whispered. “I want you to fuck me.”

  “You want me to? Or you need me to?”

  She bit her lip, and the grip on her wrist tightened minutely. She didn’t want to beg, but she needed this. She needed him.

  “I need you,” she said, her voice trembling with arousal, and maybe a little bit of anger. She really hadn’t wanted to beg. “I need to feel you inside me.”

  He smiled slowly, his lips lifting and eyes gleaming as he tugged her back onto his lap. Her arms went immediately around his neck as they kissed. His tongue met hers with such agility that her sex clenched and she ground down on the hardness beneath her.

  She wasn’t sure exactly what Karl wanted, but submissive she wasn’t. Not if it meant being passive. Her hands went everywhere, over his shoulders, down his back, up his chest. She pulled his shirt off, and froze. Awe and desire blended as she took in the sight before her. She’d known he had a tattoo, she’d seen the tip of it. But now she saw it all, and it made her sex clench.

  A big black tribal mark covered the top of one side of his chest with wicked-looking slashes that curled over his collarbone, up his neck, and over his shoulder. A small patch of downy hair was in the middle of his well-muscled chest, and shiny gold hoops speared through both of his nipples.

  Saliva pooled in her mouth, and Lara reached out and nudged one of the hoops, making the light glint off it. A cross between a sigh and a gasp came from Karl, and her body responded. The primal lust he inspired returned full force and she pushed him back on the bed, stretching out on top of him. Her tongue came out and she licked his neck and nipped at his earlobe while her fingers toyed with his flat nipples and the jewelry that adorned them. His muscles d
anced beneath her hands, and she couldn’t get enough.

  Wiggling down his body, she circled one nipple with her tongue and reached into his pants to free his hard cock. It throbbed in her hand and she squeezed it gently. The perfect size, long and thick and hot. Wetness eased from the head and coated her hand as she stroked him.

  “Tighter,” he urged, one of his hands covering hers and showing her how he liked it. “You won’t break me, darlin’.”

  Eagerness swam through her veins, blending with the heat and need there. All thought fled, making her a purely sexual creature. Soon she had the stroke just right, and his hands slid to her back. One moved up and down in a full body stroke from tip to tail, sure fingers dipping between her cheeks and then skimming up her spine. The other hand slid under her hair to cup her head as she worked back and forth between his nipples.

  She tongued the little gold hoops, gripping them between her teeth and tugging until he groaned and his hips arched into her.

  Need overtook sanity as she arched her back and slid his cock between the folds of her sex. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she balanced her weight, her nipples rubbing against his as she rocked her hips and felt the hard length of him slip and slide through her wetness.

  She rested her forehead against his, eyes locked and breathing his air. Her pussy clenched and she hungered to be filled by him, but the slow and oh so sensual feel of his cock rubbing up and down her slit, nudging her clit with each pass, then nudging her entrance, then her clit… Oh God, she was going to come!

  “No,” Karl commanded softly, his hand in her hair and on her butt tightening, making her freeze.


  “You can’t come until I say,” he said.

  A surprised whimper echoed through the room and she bit her lip, begging him with her eyes.

  He shifted his hips and his cock nudged her clit again. “I need to know how safe you’ve been.”

  “Huh?” Pleasure shot through her and she shuddered, her need overriding everything else she felt. She could feel the pulse throbbing in his cock, right against her core.

  “How safe sexually. When’s the last time you were tested, are you taking birth control?”


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