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TanglingWithHisTiger Page 3

by VictoriaVallo

  “I’m going to come in your mouth, and you’re going to swallow every drop,” he said as he tightened his grip on Eric’s head.

  Eric closed his eyes and moaned again as Byron quickened his pace. He came in a hot blast, his orgasm crashing over him like a wave. He watched Eric struggling to swallow the cum, and their eyes met, causing a completely different type of pleasure to wash over Byron.

  “Mine,” he whispered, his beast roaring in triumph as he emptied his last drop into Eric’s mouth.

  Eric panted as Byron stumbled back, and then Byron pulled him to his feet for a wild, searing kiss. The man slumped against him and clung to him, and Byron led him to the bed. “Naked. Now,” Byron said before shoving his own breeches down.

  Eric undressed quickly and then sprawled across the bed, his legs spread and his posture completely submissive. His cock leaked as it bobbed against his stomach, and Byron bent to lick it and then draw it into his mouth.

  * * * *

  Eric cried out and thrust up as Byron sucked him. Then he felt something soft brush his balls. When Byron backed away, he held up a silk scarf.

  “I’m going to bind you so you can’t come until I tell you to,” Byron said. He bent over Eric and brushed their lips together. “If you’ll let me.”

  Eric could only nod as desire seized his body. His mind had wanted to resist when Byron had practically growled the word mine, but his body had welcomed the sound of the word. Byron wrapped the scarf around his balls and tied it securely, and Eric already felt the pleasure of the denial, which both surprised and fascinated him. Byron sucked him again, making him shiver. His tongue and teeth tortured Eric in equal turns, and Eric hovered on the edge of release.

  When Byron finally drew back from the exquisite teasing, he said, “On your hands and knees. Lean forward on your forearms and raise your ass for me.”

  Eric flipped over and got into position. But Byron made him wait. So when the first brush of fingers came, Eric moaned at the light touch. Byron’s fingers ran up and down his crack and then massaged his hole. Just when Eric expected penetration, Byron stopped touching him and moved off the bed.

  Eric started to turn around and look, and that’s when Byron’s hand came down on his ass. He gasped at the sensation, the pleasure jolting up his spine as his balls tightened even more. Byron caressed the tender flesh, then struck the other cheek. Eric widened his stance and tried to lift his ass even higher.

  Byron laughed softly. “I knew from the moment we met this was what you needed.”

  The strikes continued until Eric was twisting the blanket beneath him in both fists. Byron kissed and licked his tortured flesh, and then his mouth was on Eric’s hole, as hungry and passionate as it had been when he’d kissed Eric’s mouth.

  Eric gasped and began to murmur, though he was sure he wasn’t making any sense. Byron rolled him to his back and hoisted Eric’s legs over his shoulders. Eric was almost hanging upside down, suspended in the man’s arms. After rubbing a little oil on his cock and then massaging the remainder over Eric’s hole, Byron slid into him in a long, tortuous stroke that made Eric ache. Pain and pleasure mixed as Byron’s huge cock stretched him. Byron lowered him to the bed again, practically bending him in half. Then he reached between them and slowly unbound Eric’s cock.

  Eric cried out as he came, but Byron didn’t give him even a moment to recover. The large man gripped the side of the bed and nearly fucked Eric through it and down onto the floor. Eric loved the sound of the frame banging against the wall, and he held to Byron tightly as the man took him. The feel of his hole clenching around the thrusting shaft was like nothing he’d ever felt before. His orgasm had been so good it had almost hurt, and he tangled his fingers in Byron’s hair and pulled hard as another burst of cum came out of him and spread over his chest and stomach. The mix of pain and pleasure became intoxicating, and the pleasure soon overshadowed every other sensation.

  “Mine,” Byron said again before taking Eric’s mouth in a bruising kiss. Within seconds, Eric felt the warm surge of cum inside of him, and Byron emptied himself in shorter and more frenzied strokes. Their gazes held, and Eric felt his chest clenching as tightly as the rest of his body had. He felt branded. Claimed.

  As they stilled, Byron feathered soft kisses all over him, licking up his cum in places and grazing his teeth across other, more tender spots. Eric couldn’t even move when Byron settled beside him.

  “Tell me that meant nothing,” Byron whispered.

  Rolling to look into the man’s eyes, Eric said, “You know I can’t.” He paused. “I … what happens tomorrow?”

  “That’s hours away,” Byron said. He drew Eric beneath him again, and the pleasure began to build anew as Byron claimed him all over again.

  * * * *

  Byron watched the land disappearing. His men had cast questioning looks his way when they’d been roused two hours before sunrise, but apparently Christian had filled them in on what was going on and why they had set sail so early.

  And now they were all waiting for the show to begin.

  Byron wasn’t sure how angry Eric was going to be when he woke up, but he believed the risk he was taking was worth it. Eric’s main fear seemed to be Byron leaving him, so taking Eric with him would certainly solve that problem. Byron had even cleared it with Vane Harold, who had laughed in delight at the plan and even promised that someone from his household would look after Eric’s house.

  Byron glanced back and listened but only heard his men working. Many men who liked to be completely dominated in bed didn’t like the same treatment when morning came, yet Byron had a feeling Eric would take to his domineering behavior.


  Also, Byron simply couldn’t stay in port in Dannis any longer, not when he finally had a good lead on Drake. The man was getting old, and Byron wasn’t about to let him die on his own terms and escape punishment. If the information Harold had given him was reliable, they would have Drake bound in their hold within a week.

  “Seems you still have some pirate in you after all.”

  Byron turned to see Eric standing behind him, his arms crossed and a surprisingly neutral expression on his face. Since Byron had never seen the man get angry, he couldn’t guess if this was normal or not.

  “Yes. I’ve stolen what I determined to be the greatest treasure Dannis had to offer.”

  “A joke. Of course. What else could I expect?” Eric turned from him and went to stand by the railing and stare back at the land.

  “It’s not a joke. I admit I’ve done something wrong.” He walked over to stand beside Eric. “But I won’t apologize. I meant it when I called you mine last night.”

  Through clenched teeth, Eric said, “You said we’d discuss what came next.”

  “We still can.”

  “I have work to do. I can’t simply abandon my position. I was already toiling twice as hard to make up for my brother’s failings.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that. I’ve already spoken to Vane Harold about taking you with me. And gotten his approval.”

  “What?” Eric stared at him. “You had no right to do that.”

  “I had no time to do anything else. I knew four days ago I had to have you.”

  Eric turned from him again. “You don’t understand.”

  “Then make me understand. Seems to me you didn’t want to get involved with me because you worried I’d simply take my pleasure of you and then sail off.”

  Eric sighed heavily and turned to look over at him. “I’m not angry because I didn’t want to come. I’m angry because you took my choice from me. I’m not a possession just because you fucked me.”

  “How long will you be angry with me?”

  Eric looked at him as if he’d just spoken another a language. “It’s not something you can predict the passing of like a cold or a storm. The only reason I’m being this civil is because your men are here. You need their respect.”

  “That’s very considerate of yo

  “Well, that’s what you do when you care about someone. You consider their feelings. Their position. Their needs.”

  Though Byron didn’t dare smile, he asked softly, “So you do care about me?”

  Eric’s jaw clenched. “Will you turn around and take me home?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because then we’ll part with you angry with me. By the time I return, you’ll want nothing to do with me.”

  Eric scanned the horizon. “Where are we going? How long?”

  “Not sure how long. But we’re heading to the archipelago of Edo. One of the smaller islands. I’m told Drake is recuperating there at one of his hideouts. He had a bad fall, breaking his leg and some ribs. There are sure to be men guarding him, maybe even one of his ships docked somewhere close, but if we’re patient we can get him and some of them as well.”

  “Sounds dangerous.”

  “Yes, it will be. But I’ll make sure you’re safe.”

  “That’s not why I was saying that.”

  “I’ll be safe as well. Nothing’s going to take me down now I’ve found you.”

  Now Eric turned to glare at him. “You’re underestimating how angry I am simply because I’m not yelling and making a scene.” Arms crossed, Eric advanced on him. “I’m not yours unless I choose to be, and I am not coming back to your bed until I want to.”

  Until I want to. That gives me some hope. “I see.”

  “I hope you do.” He moved back to the railings, and Byron thought he’d been dismissed until Eric said, “I’ll need a sword. And a knife, if you can spare them.”

  “What for?”

  Eric laughed, but the sound held more astonishment than humor. “To fight. You don’t actually think I’m going to sit here wringing a handkerchief in my hands while you go off to fight a man who wishes you dead?”

  “You can fight?” Byron asked, looking Eric over. His well-muscled body proved he kept in good physical condition, but he wouldn’t be a match for most of the men they’d be facing when it came to size.

  Eric marched over to him and slammed his hand on the railing while pointing a finger in his face. “I can fight even better than my brother can! His only advantage is fighting dirty, and I can do that too if I have to!” he shouted. In a lower voice, he added, “I’m not a docile, frightened pushover, despite what you might think after last night.”

  “Those are two separate things. I’d never assume anything about you because of what you desire.” Swallowing, he dared to ask, “Do you feel differently about last night?”

  Eric searched his face a while before saying, “No, but I feel foolish for trusting you so completely.”

  “Don’t look at it that way. I’m the fool. I should’ve asked you to come with me instead of…” He cleared his throat, thinking of Eric’s embarrassment outside the Hall of Vanes. “Never heard my ship so quiet. Everyone’s listening, if you’d like to take this elsewhere.”

  “What do I care if they hear? They all know you kidnapped me.”

  “Very well.” What else could he say?

  “I’m serious about being able to fight. I’m going with you.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “I’m going with you. No debate.”

  Not wanting to make Eric even angrier, he said, “All right. You’ll come with me.”

  Eric reached out and straightened Byron’s waistcoat, toying with one of the buttons. “When I woke, I reached for you. My first thought was of asking you to take me with you.” He looked up into Eric’s eyes and said, “You robbed yourself of that moment. Think of that before you try to control me again.” His hand dropped, and he pivoted on his heels and walked away, the gaze of every man on the ship following his movements.

  Once Eric was below again, Byron took a deep breath and looked around. “The curtain’s descended. Time to exit the theatre,” he said as he strode across the deck to stand by Christian. “How much of that carried?”

  “Most of it. I may be the only one who heard all of it.” Christian eyed him. “If it makes you feel better, I thought it was romantic.”

  “I thought so, too. At first.” He smiled at his friend, though his heart wasn’t in it. “Perhaps we should pick up some improving and edifying books in the next port. Give up the adventure stories and romantic epics.”

  Both of Christian’s eyebrows went up. “Sounds awful.”

  Byron shoved his hair off his face as the wind picked up. “I almost wish he’d yelled at me instead.”

  “I’m sure he will eventually.”

  Byron sighed. “Don’t you have work to do?”

  “I’m sure I can find something, sir.” He took a few steps and then turned back. “Shall I hang an extra hammock in my quarters?”

  “Yes. I’d rather he bunk with you than with the men. Their tongues might wag a bit too much.”

  “Oh, I meant for you. After all, you’re the one who’s in the dog house.”

  Byron counted to ten before answering. “Hang the hammock. Give him the choice of whether to sleep in your room or mine.” He sighed. “Might as well start making amends now.”

  Christian smiled, barely containing a laugh. “Aye, sir.”

  Byron turned back to the railing. “Blast,” he whispered.

  * * * *

  Three Days Later

  Eric sat in the corner of Christian’s quarters, reading a book. Even though he was enjoying the narrative, he frowned at the page before him. The hero, a sea captain who was both dashing and daring, as the author had now told him about ten times, burst through the heroine’s balcony windows. Her heart “leapt with ecstasy” as he yanked her from her bed and carried her off. Once atop his horse, they shared a passionate kiss, and she clung to him, thanking him for saving her from a loveless marriage before “yielding to his rough embrace” yet again.

  He skipped ahead a couple of pages and then put the book down. They’d soon reach their destination, and he and Byron hadn’t exchanged more than a few words since that first morning. He’d noted Byron’s admiration for his skill as he’d practiced his swordsmanship with Christian, but the captain had kept his distance. Eric didn’t know if he was pleased or not. He appreciated that Byron hadn’t made any seduction attempts, but he hadn’t expected the man to do nothing more than gaze at him longingly and nod in his direction every now and then.

  Seeing Byron work side by side with his men had given Eric more of an idea what kind of man the captain was. The crew was small, but not too small for the ship. Everything ran smoothly, and they all looked out for and helped each other. He’d learned that most of the men had at one point or another had some bad dealings with pirates. He felt he could trust these men, though he was still a bit nervous about the conflict to come.

  He wondered what Byron was thinking and feeling. Christian had told him a few stories about Byron’s life under Drake. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, not sure what he should do. He wanted to be here, wanted to be with Byron, but he wouldn’t stand for being controlled, not by anyone. Eric had left the door open, and Christian strode in a few moments later.

  “Everything all right?” Christian asked as he sat down and reached into the top drawer of his tiny desk and drew out a sharpening stone. He turned his attention to the knife in his hand but still sent a questioning look Eric’s way.

  “Thinking. That’s all.”

  “Lots of thinking and brooding going on around here lately.”

  “Well, there’s a lot to think about.”

  Christian sat back in his chair, his eyes still on the blade he sharpened. “He’s not asking about you. In case you’re wondering.”


  Christian paused and examined the blade before putting it back in its scabbard. “He’s not using me as a spy. Thought you might like to know.”

  “Thanks, but I wouldn’t care. It’s a small ship. I’m sure he knows every move I make.”

  “Won’t deny it. I don’t wan
t it to seem like I’m trying to influence you, but I’ve really never seem him like this before. He’s been generous to many lovers, but he’s never tried to keep one before. Never seemed sad for more than a few moments to part from anyone.”

  “We haven’t parted. He has no reason to be sad.”

  Christian leaned his elbow on the desk and moved to the edge of his chair. “If you’re sure you’re going to forgive him—to be with him—can you tell him that before we land? Put his mind at ease? We’re going to dock in a little cove and rest up tonight and tomorrow. He’ll be distracted if you two are still not speaking.”

  “We are speaking! Maybe not that much, but we are speaking.” After a brief hesitation, he added, “He’s moping!”

  Christian laughed. “Hadn’t thought of it that way, but he kind of is.”

  “Did he think I wouldn’t come with him? Or is he so accustomed to getting his way?”

  “Both are equally likely. You could ask him, you know.” The man gave him a teasing grin, one Eric had seen him give the captain many times. “Since you two are in fact speaking.”

  Eric sighed and put the book back on the little shelf by the desk. “You should stop reading those. They rot your brain.”

  “Says the man who’s read three in as many days.”

  Eric rose. “Don’t start with me. I’m about to do as you’ve asked.”

  “Good. We’ll all sleep better tonight.”

  “I’m coming back here to sleep, though. He’s still got to earn my trust back. I’m going to put his mind at ease, like you said. That’s all.”

  “Oh, I meant the pacing. Don’t you feel it at night? He shifts to his bear form and paces above on the deck.”

  Eric had heard it, and felt it. And he remembered Byron mentioning it back in Dannis. “Yeah, I’ve noticed it. Maybe I can put a stop to that. Get things back to normal around here.”

  Christian laughed. “I think the men are enjoying the excitement, but we certainly don’t need it now.”


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