Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories)

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Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories) Page 6

by Christie Sims

  I wanted to touch him back then, but I didn't know if I was allowed or what to do so I just enjoyed what he was doing and moaned lots. Eventually he told me to rinse out my hair, what smelled like fancy perfume now, and got a big bit of cloth to wrap round me.

  I got out of the water feeling much better and never even thought about covering my body. Well, it was what he wanted and all I had to give, so I let him have a look. His eyes was burning when he looked up and down me and I smiled at him. He wrapped me in the cloth and led me to another room – this one had a bed in the middle.

  My heart started to beat really fast and hard when I thought about what he wanted to do to me, part of me wanted to run away and part of me wanted him to do it. He took me over to the bed and sat me down.

  “Are you hungry,” my master asked grabbing a plate from somewhere I hadn't seen. I nodded and he picked up a bit of fruit, feeding me while his greedy eyes watched. Every time he fed me something else his fingers brushed against my lips, staying there for longer each time. I wondered whether I should lick or kiss his fingers and decided to see what happened if I did. From the look on his face, I didn't think he'd mind much.

  So, when he brought a green berry up to my mouth, I took it and darted my tongue along his finger while he brushed my lips. His eyes went a bit wild and he chucked the plate of food away. He grabbed a pair of metal goblets what had some really strong booze in it and got me to drink it all down,

  He drained his drink as I coughed and spluttered, the drink burning its way into my tummy, making me even hotter than I already was. He grabbed the goblet and threw them both across the room too then put his hand in my hair and moved his face in front of mine.

  It felt like the whole world had shrunk down till there was just me and this Orc in it. He licked his blue tongue across his greenish lips, only a fingers width away from my own lips. I did the same and he clamped his mouth over mine, sucking at the tip of my pink tongue and feeling my lips with his tongue. I would have thought his tusks would have got in the way but they just sat in the right place cos his face was so much wider than mine.

  I could feel his tongue inside my mouth, feeling and battling with my own. I could feel his growls of pleasure rattling in my own chest and heard my own high-pitched moans. He tasted of the drink we had just had but mixed with his own taste which was all male and sexy.

  He pulled away, looking into my eyes, “If you want to stop, we will have to stop now,” he swallowed, “While I can control myself.” Something exiting thrilled through me knowing he couldn't control himself around me and I shook my head, taking the cloth off my body.

  He snarled and pushed me back on the bed, covering my body with his own and planting kisses all over my neck and face, moving fast like he couldn't touch enough of me at the same time.

  “How I have waited for this,” he hissed between nipping along my collarbone and working down my titty.

  I nearly came up off the bed when he sucked on my nipple. I knew they were sensitive, but not like this! Heat and pressure flashed through my tit as he sucked and licked at my hard nipple. I wrapped my arms around his head and scratched my nails across his back and shoulders as he did the same with my other nipple and tit.

  The wet heat in my belly started to ache, feeling as if I needed him to touch me in between my legs. He gripped my titties in his big hands and squeezed them gently, rubbing his thumbs across my nipples then moving his hands down my heated belly and over my thighs.

  He stroked my legs and thighs, getting closer and closer to my burning, aching sex with every touch, teasing me to a height I hadn't never reached before. He pushed my legs wide open and I screamed din delight when he stabbed his thick fingers over the top of the really sensitive bit.

  “You are so beautiful,” that Orc breathed making me feel heat inside me, “And wet. You are so ready for me.” I didn't barely hear what he was saying cos of the feelings what was shooting up my burning hole.

  Every time he flicked his stubby finger over the top of my swollen nub, my whole body felt like it was gonna explode and I was calling out, really shouting loud as something I'd never felt before exploded through my body. Ripples and waves of satisfying delight washed out through my body starting from deep inside my pussy.

  I could see him stand up, in the dim light what was in here and he dropped the kilt what he wore. I looked down at his cock, what stuck straight up and out from the bottom of his belly, and his balls was swinging about underneath it like a big pair of them kiara fruits.

  The end of his cock was purple and flared out, it looked like it was thick and blunt and hard and scary.

  “Please don't be hurting me.” I begged in a small voice.

  “Loorlee, it might hurt for just a little bit to start with,” he told me gentle, like, “But it will feel really good in the end.”

  I looked in his eyes and nodded, then he curled his body over mine and I lifted my hips up so he could poke me. He watched my face as he pushed his thick cock towards my aching hole and I felt it touch my opening. He stopped for a moment, letting my nether regions open up around his thickness.

  His hands come down on ether side of me and I felt as if I was in a cage made completely of Orc. I felt him pressing his dick forward, trying to poke it inside me and even though I wanted him to, I was scared too.

  I grabbed his iron hard arms and gripped tight as I felt my cunny being stretched wide enough for him to fit that thick cock inside. I squeaked when something inside me snapped, but the flash of pain disappeared when he pushed himself right up inside me.

  I thought I was gonna burst, it was too big to fit inside my little hole and I thought I couldn't breathe as his heavy balls come up against my ass cheeks. That Orc was as far inside me as he could get now but he just looked down into my eyes while I lay there filled to the brim with his cock.

  “Are you alright?” He asked and I nodded, biting my lip a bit cos of how it made me feel. I did feel right, I felt as if this was why I was a girl, this was what I was for, it was just right.

  I gasped when he moved his hips, dragging his whole length out of me before slowly shoving it all the way back in. It felt best when he was right deep inside me but none of it was bad.

  That Orc kept on going slowly like that for a long time till my cunny felt like it was on fire. I was breathing out in little squeaks every time he speared me with that big thing of his and I could feel every bit of him moving up and down against every bit of me inside.

  My Orc master started going faster then, pulling it out and shoving it back in real hard. I thought I wouldn't be able to put up with it, but it just felt even better than it had when he was going slow.

  All my body was burning hot and I was sweating, he was sweating, panting, grunting and growling and I could see the pleasure in his face. Pleasure I was giving him. For some reason I didn't know, my little cunny got all tight, squeezing his hard shaft and I couldn't see properly.

  My cunny clamped and squeezed his fat manhood shooting waves of ecstasy through my whole body. I think I screamed but I couldn't hear right. I was just laying on a bed of sheer pleasure while he pounded his thick cock up my wet hole.

  Once I come back down from wherever I had been floating, I felt his whole body shake and jerk, his hips jamming forward, slapping against my ass as a keening howl escaped his throat. Something hot squirted all over me inside, then again and again as his massive body jerked when he come.

  We both lay there for a long time, just panting while his member went soft inside me. I never knew why but I started to laugh a little and he looked down at me, “What is funny?”

  “I don't be knowing,” I told him, grinning, “It was just...that was...” I couldn't say what it was.

  “Fantastic? Amazing? Earth shattering?” He asked and I nodded laughing again. “It was all those things, Loorlee, and so much more.” He laughed himself then, “By all the Gods of Earth and Sky! Your body is so amazing. How do you feel?”

  I moved around a bit,
feeling muscles I hadn't never known I had ache, but in a nice way, “I feel happy, master,” I told him, “Can I ask something?” He nodded and I smirked, When can we do that again?

  The End

  Genetic Gryphons

  After the massive abandonment of Earth for other, less abused, planets in early 2243, I was one of the few people left behind to look after the billions of automated systems left behind by man.

  Lots of these machines had been designed to help process the shit humans had left all over the place, spending years removing all manner of contaminants from soil and water, dragging in the poisonous atmosphere and pumping clean air out the other side.

  More of them were potentially dangerous, ancient nuclear reaction chambers which needed laborious cleaning and decontamination, as well as the anti-matter reactors which the Dorans had revealed to us. We had been reliably told they couldn't be shut down without losing most of the planet.

  Just goes to show how fucking stupid humans are really; aliens tell us of an immensely powerful energy source which might cause half the planet to vanish if not run correctly and what do we do? Build four of the things! Unbelievable!

  I learned all this in school of course, once I'd uploaded this information, I moved on to other subjects, physics, quantum physics, particle physics, theoretical physics, well I'm sure you know the middle grade subjects as well as me.

  A sixteen I had uploaded a portfolio of subjects allowing me to take part in the United World Education Program, Multiple Doctorates Fellowship. I managed to surprise myself by surpassing the predicted results forecast by the UWEP's AI. (I did hear the AI was a little pissed off he got it so wrong when he examined my brain and made his predictions.)

  My brain was apparently not only able to accept the uploaded information from multiple AI's across the globe, but I could access, recall, cross-reference and use every byte of the data I'd added to my brain.

  Needless to say this attracted the attention of the CIA (Cognitive Information Alliance). They 'recruited' me through their usual channels of kidnapping and intimidation. Odd really, if they'd have asked, I'd have been glad to work of them.

  They installed the most advanced Doran-Human implants in me. Technology only a handful of people have ever been given. My brain became one of the most powerful devices on Earth.

  Unfortunately for them, I'm also a homebody type of girl at heart and wanted nothing to do with piloting one of the new Doran interstellar craft to another star system, nor helping to establish a new colony on a different planet.

  News-feeds claimed I had gone as mad as the Undermount Corporation's unfettered AI, but I pointed out, in a global news report I hacked into the world's media channels, that I hadn't suffocated thirty two thousand people living in my local area before disengaging my coolant supply and terminating my own existence like the UC's AI.

  Eventually, with a great deal of effort on my part, I managed to get my own way. I would be one of only a billion people left behind to help clean and maintain Earth. I know it really made the United Earth Governments angry they had to leave anyone to look after the planet. The Doran came to Earth's aid there by threatening to withdraw all their technology and never having contact with man again if we didn't look after our planet of origin. After all, their contacts pointed out, if we didn't look after our old planet, how could we look after any new ones we had?

  And there was a species only a few million light-years from Earth which would evolve far enough in the next ten thousand years, to benefit massively from Doran technology. So if humans wished to stay on Earth with no contact from the Doran, we could. This was another brilliant quality the Doran possessed, they would think nothing of waiting three hundred generations for a civilization to evolve to the point they could be helped by the Doran. Their plans were immense in both time and scope and no one really knew what their purpose in helping us was. Of course, no one really cared why they gave their technology freely to us as long as they did.

  So, here I am, in charge (pretty much) of the planet Earth. I have direct contact with the Doran, on the unlikely off chance something happens I can't handle and I can speak directly to any of the billion people who either volunteered to stay, were too old to go or just got left behind due to any number of complications.

  I also have limited contact with the human settlers aboard the Doran craft, traveling between hundreds and thousands of light-years through space. I can leave them messages, letting them know what has happened and how things are progressing here. Until I eventually die, I suppose, then the messages will have to come from my successor, whoever that might be.

  That's one of the many pitfalls with interstellar travel, the people leaving are really letting the people who stay die. Once the space bound travelers enter FTL (faster than light) travel, time slows to such a point for them that we would seem to live our whole life and die in the fraction of a second.

  It was hard to say goodbye to my parents, they had both donated their DNA to create me and paid for my upkeep and maintenance for as long as I needed so I felt a little sad to bid them goodbye forever. My mother even cried when she realized, in effect, I would be long dead by the time she got to her new planet.

  I do have companions here, though, even though they're not human. The Doran long ago developed technology which could produce hybrid creatures.

  Not long after the last humans left orbit, a representative from the Doran actually came to Earth to see me. It (that's the correct term, as they're both sexes) offered me the opportunity to have some hybrids to keep me company.

  I thought it was a bit odd, initially, and wondered why they offered this to me. Eventually I decided I might like a pair of little companions who could share my life and to care for. I decided upon a form I'd been almost obsessed with as a child, the supposed magical union of eagle and lion, known as a gryphon.

  A few hours into the following day, the Doran had returned with a pair of large eggs in an automatic incubation device. It told me they had manipulated the DNA strings of the two creatures and managed to arrange for them to hatch in the next eight hours.

  They didn't tell me they would be sentient.

  True to the hermaphrodite Doran's word, later that day I had two little gryphons to feed. They were awake and alert after only a few days and learned to fly after a month. Once airborne, the pair could feed themselves from the local wildlife which had begun to flourish around the local area.

  I continued monitoring the machinery, computers, AI's and people which were gradually returning the Earth to a clean state as I had decided I would. I had conversations with the few friends I'd made through the psionic link the CIA had grafted into my consciousness. This link gave me global access to every access port on the planet and allowed me to communicate with systems and people across the globe.

  Once I'd done that, I would take a walk with my gryphons, enjoying the sunlight, rain, wind or whatever the weather might be, as I planted one foot before the other over whatever the terrain happened to be. I'd chosen a verdant valley filled with trees and other forms of flora, some of which had not been seen on earth for thousands of years, when they spoke to me first.

  I admit I was shocked to learn my gryphons could speak at all, let alone to me! The pair had reached about the same size as Shetland ponies by now and had only ever seemed to talk to each other in grunts and squeaks.

  “Why don't you have a mate?” Jaslina, the female, asked me abruptly. I nearly fell over with the surprise of it. She stood before me, her slightly longer front legs ramrod straight, and her eagle-eyed head canted to one side.

  “What? How is it you can talk?” I wondered. Jaslina nuzzled against my thigh.

  “We've been able to talk for a while. Why don't you have a mate?”

  I hadn't bothered to have a male companion with me as I could easily have contact with any number of people to speak to, through my psionic link. I was also easily able to stimulate myself to orgasm by utilizing the numerous programs available to me for
such an event.

  I could immerse myself in a sex scene with anyone I chose and implants within my body would send different sensations to either my vagina, breasts, clitoris or g-spot for as long as I desired.

  “I never felt the need for one.” I told Jaslina. “Why haven't you said anything to me before today?” The marginally larger male, Toramas, replied, “We had nothing to say before. Don't you feel lonely?”

  I shook my head. “With you two for company and access to around a billion people to talk to, I'm never lonely.”

  The two gryphons stood next to each other, their feathered flanks rubbing against each other, Toramas nuzzled up against Jaslina's neck and preened her before me. I wondered, at that point, whether I had made the right decision or not.

  Having a mate to share my life would not just revolve around conversation and sex. We may have had a closeness like these two genetically created creatures seemed to have. I spent the remainder of the day thinking about it.


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