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The Skeptics Annotated Bible Page 218

by Wells, Steve

  (20.25) “I gave them also statutes that were not good, and judgments whereby they should not live.”

  26 And I polluted them in their own gifts, in that they caused to pass through the fire all that openeth the womb, that I might make them desolate, to the end that they might know that I am the LORD.

  (20.26) “I polluted them in their own gifts, in that they caused to pass through the fire all that openeth the womb, that I might make them desolate, to the end that they might know that I am the LORD.”

  27 Therefore, son of man, speak unto the house of Israel, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespass against me.

  28 For when I had brought them into the land, for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to them, then they saw every high hill, and all the thick trees, and they offered there their sacrifices, and there they presented the provocation of their offering: there also they made their sweet savour, and poured out there their drink offerings.

  29 Then I said unto them, What is the high place whereunto ye go? And the name thereof is called Bamah unto this day.

  30 Wherefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Are ye polluted after the manner of your fathers? and commit ye whoredom after their abominations?

  31 For when ye offer your gifts, when ye make your sons to pass through the fire, ye pollute yourselves with all your idols, even unto this day: and shall I be enquired of by you, O house of Israel? As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will not be enquired of by you.

  32 And that which cometh into your mind shall not be at all, that ye say, We will be as the heathen, as the families of the countries, to serve wood and stone.

  33 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out, will I rule over you:

  34 And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out.

  35 And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face.

  (20.35) “I plead with you face to face.”

  49 Can God be seen?

  36 Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord GOD.

  37 And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant:

  38 And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

  39 As for you, O house of Israel, thus saith the Lord GOD; Go ye, serve ye every one his idols, and hereafter also, if ye will not hearken unto me: but pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts, and with your idols.

  40 For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land, serve me: there will I accept them, and there will I require your offerings, and the firstfruits of your oblations, with all your holy things.

  41 I will accept you with your sweet savour, when I bring you out from the people, and gather you out of the countries wherein ye have been scattered; and I will be sanctified in you before the heathen.

  42 And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall bring you into the land of Israel, into the country for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to your fathers.

  43 And there shall ye remember your ways, and all your doings, wherein ye have been defiled; and ye shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for all your evils that ye have committed.

  44 And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have wrought with you for my name’s sake, not according to your wicked ways, nor according to your corrupt doings, O ye house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD.

  45 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

  46 Son of man, set thy face toward the south, and drop thy word toward the south, and prophesy against the forest of the south field;

  (20.47-48) God will set a fire in the southern kingdom that will devour everything and burn everyone. “And all flesh shall see that I the LORD have kindled it.”

  47 And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein.

  (20.47) “I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein.”

  48 And all flesh shall see that I the LORD have kindled it: it shall not be quenched.

  (20.48) “And all flesh shall see that I the LORD have kindled it: it shall not be quenched.”

  49 Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! they say of me, Doth he not speak parables?

  (20.49) “Ah Lord GOD! they say of me, Doth he not speak parables?” (Roughly translated, “Is he fucking crazy?”)


  21 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

  2 Son of man, set thy face toward Jerusalem, and drop thy word toward the holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel,

  (21.3-5) God will kill everyone—good and bad, just and unjust.

  289 Does God destroy both the righteous and the wicked?

  3 And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.

  (21.3) “Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.”

  4 Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north:

  (21.4) “I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh.”

  5 That all flesh may know that I the LORD have drawn forth my sword out of his sheath: it shall not return any more.

  (21.5) “That all flesh may know that I the LORD have drawn forth my sword out of his sheath: it shall not return any more.”

  6 Sigh therefore, thou son of man, with the breaking of thy loins; and with bitterness sigh before their eyes.

  7 And it shall be, when they say unto thee, Wherefore sighest thou? that thou shalt answer, For the tidings; because it cometh: and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as water: behold, it cometh, and shall be brought to pass, saith the Lord GOD.

  8 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

  (21.9-32) God is sharpening a sword for the slaughter of his people.

  9 Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith the LORD; Say, A sword, a sword is sharpened, and also furbished:

  (21.9) “Thus saith the LORD; Say, A sword, a sword is sharpened, and also furbished.”

  10 It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter; it is furbished that it may glitter: should we then make mirth? it contemneth the rod of my son, as every tree.

  (21.10) “It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter.”

  11 And he hath given it to be furbished, that it may be handled: this sword is sharpened, and it is furbished, to give it into the hand of the slayer.

  (21.11) “This sword is sharpened, and it is furbished, to give it into the hand of the slayer.”

  12 Cry and howl, son of man: for it shall be upon my people, it shall be upon all the princes of Israel: terrors by reason of the sword shall be upon my people: smite therefore upon thy thigh.

  (21.12) “Cry and howl, son of man: for … terrors by reason of th
e sword shall be upon my people.”

  13 Because it is a trial, and what if the sword contemn even the rod? it shall be no more, saith the Lord GOD.

  14 Thou therefore, son of man, prophesy, and smite thine hands together, and let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain: it is the sword of the great men that are slain, which entereth into their privy chambers.

  (21.14) “Let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain.”

  15 I have set the point of the sword against all their gates, that their heart may faint, and their ruins be multiplied: ah! it is made bright, it is wrapped up for the slaughter.

  (21.15) “I have set the point of the sword against all their gates, that their heart may faint, and their ruins be multiplied: ah! it is made bright, it is wrapped up for the slaughter.”

  16 Go thee one way or other, either on the right hand, or on the left, whithersoever thy face is set.

  17 I will also smite mine hands together, and I will cause my fury to rest: I the LORD have said it.

  18 The word of the LORD came unto me again, saying,

  19 Also, thou son of man, appoint thee two ways, that the sword of the king of Babylon may come: both twain shall come forth out of one land: and choose thou a place, choose it at the head of the way to the city.

  20 Appoint a way, that the sword may come to Rabbath of the Ammonites, and to Judah in Jerusalem the defenced.

  21 For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he made his arrows bright, he consulted with images, he looked in the liver.

  22 At his right hand was the divination for Jerusalem, to appoint captains, to open the mouth in the slaughter, to lift up the voice with shouting, to appoint battering rams against the gates, to cast a mount, and to build a fort.

  23 And it shall be unto them as a false divination in their sight, to them that have sworn oaths: but he will call to remembrance the iniquity, that they may be taken.

  24 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ye have made your iniquity to be remembered, in that your transgressions are discovered, so that in all your doings your sins do appear; because, I say, that ye are come to remembrance, ye shall be taken with the hand.

  25 And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end,

  26 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high.

  27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.

  28 And thou, son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning the Ammonites, and concerning their reproach; even say thou, The sword, the sword is drawn: for the slaughter it is furbished, to consume because of the glittering:

  29 Whiles they see vanity unto thee, whiles they divine a lie unto thee, to bring thee upon the necks of them that are slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity shall have an end.

  30 Shall I cause it to return into his sheath? I will judge thee in the place where thou wast created, in the land of thy nativity.

  31 And I will pour out mine indignation upon thee, I will blow against thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliver thee into the hand of brutish men, and skilful to destroy.

  (21.31) “I will pour out mine indignation upon thee … and deliver thee into the hand of brutish men, and skilful to destroy.”

  32 Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it.

  (21.32) “Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it.”


  22 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

  2 Now, thou son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the bloody city? yea, thou shalt shew her all her abominations.

  3 Then say thou, Thus saith the Lord GOD, The city sheddeth blood in the midst of it, that her time may come, and maketh idols against herself to defile herself.

  4 Thou art become guilty in thy blood that thou hast shed; and hast defiled thyself in thine idols which thou hast made; and thou hast caused thy days to draw near, and art come even unto thy years: therefore have I made thee a reproach unto the heathen, and a mocking to all countries.

  5 Those that be near, and those that be far from thee, shall mock thee, which art infamous and much vexed.

  6 Behold, the princes of Israel, every one were in thee to their power to shed blood.

  7 In thee have they set light by father and mother: in the midst of thee have they dealt by oppression with the stranger: in thee have they vexed the fatherless and the widow.

  8 Thou hast despised mine holy things, and hast profaned my sabbaths.

  9 In thee are men that carry tales to shed blood: and in thee they eat upon the mountains: in the midst of thee they commit lewdness.

  10 In thee have they discovered their fathers’ nakedness: in thee have they humbled her that was set apart for pollution.

  (22.10) “They humbled her that was set apart for pollution.” (They had sex with a menstruating woman.)

  11 And one hath committed abomination with his neighbour’s wife; and another hath lewdly defiled his daughter in law; and another in thee hath humbled his sister, his father’s daughter.

  12 In thee have they taken gifts to shed blood; thou hast taken usury and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbours by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord GOD.

  13 Behold, therefore I have smitten mine hand at thy dishonest gain which thou hast made, and at thy blood which hath been in the midst of thee.

  14 Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong, in the days that I shall deal with thee? I the LORD have spoken it, and will do it.

  15 And I will scatter thee among the heathen, and disperse thee in the countries, and will consume thy filthiness out of thee.

  (22.15) “I will … consume thy filthiness out of thee.”

  16 And thou shalt take thine inheritance in thyself in the sight of the heathen, and thou shalt know that I am the LORD.

  17 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

  18 Son of man, the house of Israel is to me become dross: all they are brass, and tin, and iron, and lead, in the midst of the furnace; they are even the dross of silver.

  19 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ye are all become dross, behold, therefore I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem.

  (22.20-22) God will gather all of Israel and consume them in the fires of his anger.

  20 As they gather silver, and brass, and iron, and lead, and tin, into the midst of the furnace, to blow the fire upon it, to melt it; so will I gather you in mine anger and in my fury, and I will leave you there, and melt you.

  (22.20) “As they gather silver, and brass, and iron, and lead, and tin, into the midst of the furnace, to blow the fire upon it, to melt it; so will I gather you in mine anger and in my fury, and I will leave you there, and melt you.”

  21 Yea, I will gather you, and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath, and ye shall be melted in the midst thereof.

  (22.21) “Yea, I will gather you, and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath, and ye shall be melted in the midst therof.”

  22 As silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so shall ye be melted in the midst thereof; and ye shall know that I the LORD have poured out my fury upon you.

  (22.22) “As silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so shall ye be melted in the midst thereof; and ye shall know that I the LORD have poured out my fury upon you.”

  23 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

  24 Son of man, say unto her, Thou art the land that is not cleansed, nor rained upon in the day of indignation.

  25 There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst
thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof.

  26 Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.

  27 Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain.

  28 And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken.

  29 The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully.

  (22.30-31) God couldn’t find anyone to stand up to him, so he’s going to destroy everyone.

  30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

  (22.30) “I sought for a man among them, that should … stand … before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”

  31 Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD.

  (22.31) “Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath … saith the Lord.”


  (23.1-49) Two sisters were guilty of “committing whoredoms” by pressing their breasts and bruising “the teats of their virginity.” As a punishment, one sister’s nakedness was discovered, her children were taken from her, and she was killed by the sword. But the fate of the surviving sister was even worse. Her nose and ears were cut off, she was made to “pluck off” her own breasts, and then after being raped and mutilated, she is stoned to death.


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