by Wells, Steve
No. Gen 3.6, Job 37.24, 1 Cor 1.19-20
Did God create evil?
Yes. Is 45.7, Lam 3.38, Amos 3.6
No. Ps 5.4, 1 Jn 4.7
Is it good to be foolish?
Yes. 1 Cor 1.21, 3.18-20, 4.10
No. Ps 5.5, Eph 5.15-17
Where does God dwell?
In Zion. Ps 9.11, 76.2; Joel 3.17, 3.21
In the heavens. Ps 123.1, Ec 5.2
Is it OK to call someone a fool?
Yes. Ps 14.1, 53.1; Pr 28.26, Mt 23.17, 19; Lk 11.40, 24.25; Rom 1.21-22; 1 Cor 15.36; Gal 3.1
No. Mt 5.22
Does anyone ever do anything good?
No. Ps 14.3, 53.3; Ec 7.20; Is 64.6; Rom 3.12
Yes. Jn 5.29, 2 Cor 5.10, 3 Jn 11
Is the law of God perfect?
Yes. Ps 18.30, 19.7
No. Heb 8.6-7
Can God be found?
Yes. Pr 2.3-5, 8.17; Mt 7.7-8; Lk 11.9-10, 13.23-28
No. Ps 18.41; Pr 1.28; Lam 3.8, 44; Amos 8.12; Lk 13.23-28
Is wealth a sign of righteousness or of wickedness?
Righteousness. Ps 37.25, 112.3; Pr 13.22, 15.6
Wickedness. Mt 19.23-24, Lk 6.24-26, Jas 5.1
Does God sleep?
No, God never sleeps. Ps 121.3-4
God sometimes sleeps. Ps 44.23
Should we rejoice when our enemies suffer?
Yes. Ps 58.10
No. Pr 24.17
Is salvation by faith alone?
Yes. Mk 16.16; Jn 3.18, 36; Acts 16.31; Rom 1.16, 3.20, 28, 4.2, 5.6, 13, 5.1, 10.9; Gal 2.16, 3.11-12; Eph 2.8-9; Tit 3.5
No. Ps 62.12; Pr 10.16, 28.18; Ec 12.14; Jer 17.10; Ezek 18.27; Mt 5.20, 12.37, 16.27, 19.17, 25.41; Lk 10.25-28; Jn 5.29; Rom 2.5-6, 13; 2 Cor 5.10, 11.15; Phil 2.12; Jas 2.14; 1 Pet 1.17; Rev 2.23, 20.12, 22.14
Will the righteous flourish?
The righteous will flourish. Ps 92.12-14
The righteous will perish. Is 57.1
Can only God work wonders?
Only God can do great wonders. Ps 136.4
Satan can also do great wonders. 2 Th 2.9
Is anyone justified?
Yes. Mt 12.37
No. Ps 143.2
Should we believe everything?
Yes. 1 Cor 13.7
No. Pr 14.15, 26.24-25; 1 Th 5.21; 1 Jn 4.1
Does wisdom make people happy?
Yes. Pr 3.13
No. Ec 1.18
Do bad things happen to good people?
Yes. Hab 1.4, 13; Heb 12.6
No.Pr 12.21, 19.23; 1 Pet 3.13
Does God want some to go to hell?
Yes. Pr 16.4, Jn 12.40, Rom 9.18, 2 Th 2.11-12
No. 1 Tim 2.4, 2 Pet 3.9
If God likes you, will everyone else like you too?
Yes. Pr 16.7
No. 2 Tim 3.12
Is it good to be happy?
Yes. Pr 17.22, Ec 8.15
No. Ec 7.3-4, Lk 6.24-26
What’s new?
Nothing is, or ever will be, new. Ec 1.9
Some things are new. Is 43.19, 65.17; Jer 31.22; 2 Cor 5.17; 2 Pet 3.13; Rev 21.1
Is money a good thing?
Yes. Ec 10.19
No. 1 Tim 6.10
Will everyone see the majesty of God?
Yes. Is 40.5
No. Is 26.10
Does God ever get furious?
Yes. Is 34.2; Jer 21.5, 30.23; Mic 5.14-15; Nah 1.2; Zech 8.2
No. Is 27.4
Is anyone good?
Yes. Mt 5.45, 13.48, 22.8-10; Lk 23.50
No. Is 64.6, Mk 10.18
Should you pray for everyone?
Yes. 1 Tim 2.1
No. Jer 7.16, 11.14
Should we look for signs in the heavens?
Yes. Lk 21.11
No. Jer 10.2
Will those who call on the Lord be delivered?
Yes. Joel 2.32, Acts 2.21, Rom 10.13
No. Mt 7.21, Jer 14.12, Ezek 8.18, Mic 3.4
Will Ephraim return to Egypt?
Yes. Hosea 8.11-13, 9.3
No. Hosea 11.3-5
Who cast Jonah into the sea?
The sailors. Jon 1.15
God. Jon 2.3
Was Jonah swallowed by a fish or a whale?
A big fish. Jon 1.17
A whale. Mt 12.40
How many leverations from Jesus to Abraham?
42: Mt 1.17
41: Mt 1.2-16
The Genealogy of Jesus, Matthew vs Luke
See the contradictory lists in Mt 1.6-16 and Lk 3.21-31
From which of David’s sons was Jesus descended?
Solomon. Mt 1.6-7
Nathan. Lk 3.31
Who was Jesus’ paternal grandfather?
Jacob. Mt 1.16
Heli. Lk 3.23
Was Joseph the father of Jesus?
Yes. Acts 2.30, 13.23; Rom 1.3, Gal 3.16, 2 Tim 2.8; Heb 2.16; Rev 22.16
No. Mt 1.18; Lk 1.34, 20.44
When was Jesus born?
Before 4 BCE. Mt 2.1, Lk 1.5 (Herod the Great died in 4 BCE.)
After 6 CE. Lk 2.1 (Quirinius became governor of Syria in 6 CE, nine years after king Herod’s death.)
Where did Joseph and Mary live before the birth of Jesus?
Nazareth. Lk 2.1-7
Bethlehem. Mt 2.11, 22-23
Did Jesus, Mary, and Joseph go to Egypt or Nazareth?
Egypt. Mt 2.14
Nazareth. Lk 2.39
Where did John baptize?
In the Jordan River. Mt 3.6, Mk 1.9
In Bethabara, beyond the Jordan. Jn 1.28
Were the Pharisees baptized by John?
Yes. Mt 3.7-11
No. Lk 7.30
At his baptism, did God address Jesus directly?
Yes. Mk 1.11, Lk 3.22
No. Mt 3.17
Should you serve God alone?
Yes. Mt 4.10, 23.10
No.Eph 6.5; Col 3.18, 20, 22; 1 Tim 6.1-4; Tit 2.9-10; 1 Pet 2.18
Which came first: the calling of Peter and Andrew or the imprisonment of John the Baptist?
The imprisonment of John the Baptist. Mt 4.12, 18-19; Mk 1.14-17
The calling of Peter and Andrew. Jn 1.40-42, 3.24
Did Jesus preach his first sermon on a mountain or a plain?
On a mountain top. Mt 5.1
On a plain. Lk 6.17
Should we let others see our good works?
Yes. Mt 5.16, 1 Pet 2.12
No. Mt 6.1-3, 23.3-5
Should Christians pray in public?
Yes. 1 Tim 2.8
No. Mt 6.5-6
Do Christians know how to pray?
Yes. Mt 6.9
No. Rom 8.26
Is God’s will always done in heaven?
Yes. Mt 6.10
No. Rev 12.7-11
Should Christians be concerned with material things?
Yes. 1 Tim 5.8
No. Mt 6.31-34
Who can cast out devils in the name of Jesus?
Only the followers of Jesus. Mk 16.17
Others can do it, too. Mk 9.38, Lk 9.49
Did the Centurion ask Jesus directly to help his slave?
Yes. Mt 8.5-6
No. Lk 7.2-10
Did Jesus know everything?
Yes. Jn 16.30, 21.17; Col 2.2-3
No. Mk 5.30, 13.32; Mt 8.10; Lk 7.9
What will happen to Jews when they die?
They will go to hell. Mt 8.12
They will be saved. Rom 11.26
How many men were possessed with devils?
One. Mk 5.2, Lk 8.27-37
Two. Mt 8.28
Is Jesus God?
Yes. Mt 9.2-6; Mk 2.3-12; Jn 1.1, 14, 5.18, 8.58, 10.30, 38, 14.9, 20.28; Acts 20.28; Col 1.16, 2.9; 1 Tim 3.16; Tit 2.13; Phil 2.6; Heb 1.8; Rev 1.17, 22.13
No. Mt 19.17; 27.46; Mk 10.18, 15.34, 16.19; Lk 18.19; Jn 8.40, 14.28, 20.17; Acts 17.31; 1 Cor 11.3, 15.28; Col 3.1; 1 Tim 2.5; 1 Pet 3.21-22
Was Jairus’ daughter alive when Jesus was approached?
es. Mk 5.23, Lk 8.41-42
No. Mt 9.18
What were the names of the apostles?
See the conflicting lists in Mt 10.2-3, Mk 3.16-19, Lk 6.13-16, Acts 1.13
Should the gospel be preached to everyone?
Yes. Mt 28.19; Mk 16.15; Acts 1.8, 8.25, 15.3, 22.21, 28.28; Gal 2.2
No. Mt 10.5-6, 15.22-26; Acts 16.6
Did Jesus tell his apostles to go barefoot and without a staff?
Yes. Mt 10.10; Lk 9.3, 10.4
No. Mk 6.8-9
When will the end of the world come?
Before the gospel is preached to all the cities of Israel. Mt 10.23
After the gospel is preached to all the nations of the earth. Mt 24.14
Is Jesus peaceful?
Yes. Mt 26.51-52, Lk 2.14; Jn 14.27, 16.33; Acts 10.36
No. Mt 10.34; Lk 12.51, 22.36; Rev 19.11
Was John the Baptist Elijah?
Yes. Mt 11.11-13, 17.12-13; Mk 9.13
No. Jn 1.21
Who is for or against Jesus?
Those who are not with him are against him. Mt 12.30, Lk 11.23
Those who are not against him are for him. Mk 9.40, Lk 9.50
Is there an unforgivable sin?
Yes. Mt 12.31-32, Mk 3.29, Lk 12.10
No. Acts 13.29
How are people judged by God?
By their words and deeds. Mt 12.37, Lk 10.25-28, Jn 5.29
By their belief in Jesus. Mk 16.16; Jn 3.3, 5, 18, 36
Did Jesus perform many signs and wonders?
Yes. Mk 16.20; Jn 3.2, 20.30; Acts 2.22
No. Mt 12.39, 16.4; Mk 8.11-12; Lk 11.29
Did Jesus have secret teachings?
Yes. Mt 13.10-11
No. Mt 16.4, Jn 18.20
Did Herod think Jesus was John the Baptist?
Yes. Mt 14.1-2, Mk 6.16
No. Lk 9.9
How did Peter find out that Jesus was the Messiah?
God revealed it to him; no human told him. Mt 16.16-17
His brother Andrew told him. Jn 1.40-41
Have Christians been raised with Christ?
Yes. Col 2.12, 3.1
No. Rom 6.4-5, 1 Cor 15.51-52
Is it a a good thing to be childish?
Yes. Mt 18.3, 19.14; Mk 10.15, Lk 18.17
No. 1 Cor 13.11, 14.20; Eph 4.14
What was Jesus’ sixth commandment?
Though shalt love they neighbor as thyself. Mt 19.18-19
Defraud not. Mk 10.19
There was no sixth. He only listed five. Lk 18.20
Did Jesus forewarn the apostles of his death and resurrection?
Yes. Mt 20.18-19, 26.1-2, 31-32; Mk 8.31, 10.33-34, 14.28; Lk 18.33, 24.6-7
No. Jn 20.9
Who asked for the best seats in heaven?
James and John. Mk 10.35-37
The mother of James and John. Mt 20.20-21
How much power did Jesus have?
Not so much. Mt 20.23, Mk 6.3-5
He could do anything. Mt 28.18
Was Jesus a ransom for many or a ransom for all?
For many. Mt 20.28, Mk 10.45
For all. 1 Tim 2.6
How many blind men were healed near Jericho?
One. Mk 10.46, Lk 18.35-43
Two. Mt 20.29-30
When was the blind man (or men) healed?
After leaving Jericho. Mt 20.29-30, Mk 10.46
Before entering Jericho. Lk 18.35-43
When did Jesus’ temple tantrum occur?
At the beginning of his ministry. Jn 2.11-15
The day he entered Jerusalem. Lk 19.36-46, Mt 21.1
The day after he entered Jerusalem. Mk 11.15
On what did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
On an ass and a colt. Mt 21.1-7
On a colt. Mk 11.7, Lk 19.35
On a young ass. Jn 12.14
When did the cursed fig tree die?
Immediately after Jesus cursed it. Mt 21.19-20
The morning after. Mk 11.20
Was Jesus the son of David?
Yes. Acts 2.30, 13.23; Rom 1.3; 2 Tim 2.8; Rev 22.16
No. Mt 22.41-45, Mk 12.35-37
Will Jesus’ second coming be visible to all?
Yes. Mt 24.30, Mk 13.26, Lk 21.27, Rev 1.7
No. Jn 14.19
When was heaven created?
At the same time as the earth. Mt 25.34
After Jesus’ ascension. Jn 14.2
Did Jesus say before the cock crow or before the cock crows twice?
Before the cock crow. Mt 26.33-34, Lk 22.34, Jn 13.38
Before the cock crows twice. Mk 14.30
Did the cock crow before or after Peter’s denial?
Peter denied Jesus three times before the cock crowed. Mt 26.33-34, Lk 22.56-60, Jn 18.17-27
The cock crowed after Peter’s first denial. Mk 14.66-72
Did Jesus ask God to save him from crucifixion?
Yes. Mt 26.39, 42; Mk 14.35-36; Lk 22.42
No. Jn 12.27
Did Judas identify Jesus with a kiss?
Yes. Mt 26.47-49, Mk 14.43-45, Lk 22.47-48
No. Jn 18.3-5
Was Jesus taken to Caiaphas or Annas first?
Caiaphas. Mt 26.57, Mk 14.53, Lk 22.54
Annas. Jn 18.13
Did Jesus say, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”?
Yes. Jn 2.19-21
No. Mt 26.59-61, Mk 14.57-58
How did Jesus respond when questioned by the high priest?
He did not answer directly. Mt 26.63-64, Lk 22.70
He answered by saying, “I am.” Mk 14.61-62
To whom did Peter deny knowing Jesus?
A servant girl, another girl, and then a crowd of people. Mt 26.69-73
A servant girl, the same girl again, and then a crowd of people. Mk 14.66-72
A servant girl, a man, and then another man. Lk 22.56-60
A girl at the door, several anonymous persons, one of the high priest’s servants. Jn 18.17-26
How did Judas die?
He hanged himself. Mt 27.3-5
He fell down and his bowels gushed out. Acts 1.18
Who bought the potter’s field?
The chief priests. Mt 27.6-7
Judas. Acts 1.18
What did Judas do with the silver?
He bought a field. Acts 1.18
He threw it on the ground. Mt 27.6-7
Was Jesus silent during his trial before Pilate?
Yes. Mt 27.12-14, Mk 15.3-5
No, he made long speeches. Jn 18.33-37
Who put the robe on Jesus?
Herod’s soldiers. Lk 23.11
Pilate’s soldiers. Mt 27.27-28, Mk 14.15-17, Jn 19.1-2
What color was Jesus’ robe?
Scarlet. Mt 27.28
Purple. Mk 15.15-17, Jn 19.1-2
Who carried Jesus’ cross?
Jesus. Jn 19.17
Simon the Cyrenian. Mt 27.32, Mk 15.21, Lk 23.26
What did the soldiers give Jesus to drink?
Vinegar and gall. Mt 27.34
Wine and myrrh. Mk 15.23
Vinegar. Lk 23.36
Vinegar and hyssop. Jn 19.29
What did the sign over Jesus’ head say?
This is Jesus the King of the Jews. Mt 27.37
The king of the Jews. Mk 15.26
This is the king of the Jews. Lk 23.38
Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews. Jn 19.19
Did both thieves revile Jesus?
Yes. Mk 15.32, Mt 27.44
No. Lk 23.39-42
What were the last words of Jesus?
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Mt 27.46
Father, into they hands I commend my spirit. Lk 23.46
It is finished. Jn 19.30
When did the Temple curtain rip?
Before Jesus died. Lk 23.45-46
After Jesus died. Mt 27.51, Mk 15.37-38
What did the Centurion call Jesus when he died?
The Son of God. Mk 15.39, Mt
A righteous man. Lk 23.47
Where did the women watching the crucifixion stand?
They stood far away. Mt 27.55, Mk 15.40, Lk 23.49
Near the cross. Jn 19.25
Who buried Jesus?
Joseph of Arimathaea. Mt 27.57-60, Mk 15.43-46, Lk 23.50-53
Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus. Jn 19.38
The Jews and their rulers. Acts 13.27-29
How many women came to the sepulchre?
One. Jn 20.1
Two. Mt 28.1
Three. Mk 16.1
Five or more. Lk 24.10
When did the women (or woman) arrive at the sepulchre?
While it was still dark. Jn 20.1
At sunrise. Mt 28.1, Mk 16.2
Whom did the women see at the tomb?
An angel. Mt 28.2
A young man. Mk 16.5
Two men. Lk 24.4
Two angels. Jn 20.12
Was the tomb opened or closed when the women arrived?
Open. Mk 16.4, Lk 24.2, Jn 20.1
Closed. Mt 28.2
Were the men or angels inside or outside the tomb when the women arrived?
Outside. Mt 28.2
Inside. Mk 16.5, Lk 24.3-4, Jn 20.12
Did the women immediately tell the disciples?
Yes. Mt 28.8, Lk 24.8-9
No. Mk 16.8
To whom did Jesus make his first post-resurrection appearance?
The two Marys. Mt 28.9
Mary Magdalene. Mk 16.9, Jn 20.11-14
Cleopas and another woman. Lk 24.13-16, 33
Cephas. 1 Cor 15.5
Did Mary Magdalene recognize Jesus when he first appeared to her?
Yes. Mt 28.9
No. Jn 20.14
He didn’t appear to her. (Angels told her about it.) Lk 24.23
Was it OK to touch the risen Jesus before his ascension?
No. Jn 20.17
Yes. Mt 28.9, Lk 24.39, Jn 20.27
Was Mary Magdalen happy or sad when she saw the risen Jesus?
She was filled with joy. Mt 28.9
She was grief stricken. Jn 20.11-14
Where did Jesus tell his disciples to go after his resurrection?
Galilee. Mt 28.10, Mk 16.7
Jerusalem. Lk 24.49, Acts 1.4
How many disciples did Jesus appear to in his first post resurrection appearance?
Ten. Jn 20.24
Eleven. Mt 28.16, Mk 16.14, Lk 24.33-37
Twelve. 1 Cor 15.5
In whose name is baptism to be performed?
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Mt 28.19
Jesus. Acts 2.38, 8.16, 10.48, 19.5
What did Jesus do after his baptism?
He went immediately into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil for 40 days. Mk 1.12-13
He called his disciples and attended the wedding at Cana. Jn 1.35, 43; 2.1
Where did Peter and Andrew live?
Capernaum. Mk 1.21, 29
Bethsaida. Jn 1.44
Are those who believe that Jesus is the Christ born of God?
Yes. 1 Jn 4.2, 15, 5.1
No. Mk 1.23-24, 3.11-12, 5.7; Jas 2.19