Love by the Slice

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Love by the Slice Page 4

by Heather Young-Nichols

  He lived here while I went to high school in Michigan so we got summers together. Then we were both away at school. When I moved to The Point, he had moved away for work. It sucked. Walking over to where he stood near the office, I couldn’t keep the smile from forming on my face.

  “I didn’t know.” The kiss I placed on Nick Scherzer’s cheek came with a loud, intentionally wet smack followed by a punch in the arm. “Why didn’t you call, Jackass?” Nick didn’t have a chance to answer before Gramps spoke up again.

  “Well, I asked him to dinner tonight. I’m grilling steak. You be there.” It wasn’t a question. It didn’t need to be because I wouldn’t miss hanging out with Nick for anything. “How long are you here for?”

  “Just a few days,” Nick said.

  “Well, then I have to be at dinner,” I said nudging him with my elbow, eliciting a wide grin.

  “Hey, Gio, you should come tonight, too,” Gramps called out right as Gio came out of the kitchen. I gave him the “Really Gramps?” look he never picked up on.

  He’d been hinting he wasn’t blind to the attraction between Gio and me. He didn’t come right out and say it, thank god because it would’ve been weird, but he made sure I knew. Another thing to be thankful for was that he never “hinted” with Gio around.

  “Where?” Gio asked shaking Nick’s hand as they introduced themselves.

  “Dinner tonight. Nicky, you, Bianca, me. Steaks on the grill.”

  “Trust. Gramps makes the best steak,” I said not knowing when I decided to encourage this expanded get together. But I did know that while sometimes I needed some distance from Gio to get my hormones under control, most of the time I yearned to be near him, thought about him when he wasn’t around and would find reasons to be with him whenever I could. This might turn out bad for me.

  “Tis true,” Nick agreed. “It’s really the only reason I come home.”

  “Uh, what about me?” I folded my arms and glared at him. It was the game we played.

  “Nah. It’s the steaks.”

  That response got him another punch to the arm.

  I pulled a sundress out of my closet and held it up to me. No. That wasn’t right. The next one didn’t work either. I tossed it onto the floor with the other one. Then I slid on a pair of Bermuda shorts and a tank top. Oh man. I wasn’t going to a baseball game. Those ended up in the ever-growing pile next to my full-length mirror. Why was this so hard? Three more tshirts helped the heap grow. My last hope came in the form of a pretty, lilac dress which turned out to be exactly what I’d been looking for. None of this should’ve mattered, it was just dinner at Gramps, yet I found myself making sure my hair hung down in loose curls past my shoulders, which would be its natural state when not in a messy bun for work. Sometimes I took the time to straighten it but had grown to appreciate the natural curl. A little more makeup than I’d wear to work completed the look. To be honest, I had to acknowledge it had more to do with Gio than anyone or anything. Gramps would’ve given my hair a yank and said “duh” to my honest realization.

  As soon as I entered the house, Gramps went to work on the grill leaving me in charge of sides until our company arrived, which wasn’t long enough to get anything done. He put them to work as well so I wasn’t alone. Gio got started on the salad, which meant chopping veggies while Nick started making the shortcake for strawberry shortcake and I started the strawberry topping after I took the potatoes out to Gramps. We worked quietly at first until I couldn’t take the silence anymore.

  “So, loser…any girls I should know about?” My hip bumped Nick’s making him snort as he put the biscuits in the oven. As a kid, he loved baking with his mom. I always thought he’d be a pastry chef when he got older and I wasn’t far off. When Bailey and I went off to college, he went to culinary school and now worked in a fancy restaurant.

  Nick laughed at my rip. “You didn’t always think I was a loser.”

  “True, true and I don’t think you are now. In general.” I waved my hand in the air in a circle to accentuate my point.

  A strawberry, one I hadn’t even seen Nick throw, hit me dead center in the forehead. If my stomach wasn’t about to revolt from hunger, I’d have started a full-on food fight in retaliation but Gio groaned under his breath so I didn’t make a move.

  Nick was one of my best friends though he’d once been my summer fling and with Gio as a new friend, more like my new crush if I chose to admit that part, I didn’t want to get those two off on the wrong foot. I didn’t want Gio to feel ignored, either.

  Something cold and somewhat slimy hit my chest and skidded into my cleavage.

  “What the hell?” My hand went in after it. “Is this National Pick on Bianca day and I didn’t get the memo?”

  “Something had to get your attention.” Gio gave me a slow grin. “Need me to get that out for you?”

  Scowling at him I said, “I think I can manage.”

  “Well, if you need any help…” Fishing around between my boobs, I pushed the carrot through my bra then pulled my shirt away from my stomach forcing the baby carrot to slide out onto the floor.

  “That’s a waste of a perfectly good carrot.” I threw it back hitting him in the shoulder blade because he turned to dodge the projectile at the last minute.

  “I would’ve still eaten it.”

  “Gross.” I laughed believing he would.

  “How long have you two been together?” Nick asked waving a knife in the air from me to Gio.

  “We’re not,” I answered a little too quickly garnering a sharp eye from Gio. I wasn’t trying to hurt his feelings but with Gramps unknowingly giving me this opportunity to see if I could be a normal human around the guy, I wanted it out there. When he suggested Gio come to dinner, I did a little dance on the inside. It gave me a little hope that maybe Gramps would be ok with us seeing each other. Though if it ended badly there could still be problems at work.

  When did I decide I wanted Gramps to be ok with me dating Gio? I hadn’t made any decision.

  “Really?” Nick cocked an eyebrow. He didn’t believe me. I hardly believed me because we did kiss which realistically I knew didn’t make us a couple. But I think I kind of wanted to be. I think I wanted to be. And I think I might be almost ready to break the rule which had worked my entire life.

  “Yeah, she won’t have me,” Gio said under his breath, but I heard it. Even if he didn’t intend me to.

  We finished up as Gramps came in with some delicious smelling steak making my mouth water then we headed for the table. Loaded up, Gramps kept the conversation going by telling old stories of me and Nick. Which brought questions from Gio and some groans from me.

  “They got in so much trouble together. This one,” Gramps jabbed a fork my way, “could hardly pass a date up.”

  “My personal favorite was when Sparky brought you home. Man would I have loved to be a fly on the way that night.” Nick’s laugh muddled his words making him hard to understand. I knew the story of course but hoped Gio might’ve missed it.

  “Yeah, except someone ran like a baby instead.” My scowl was real. It still annoyed me all these years later with him for leaving me. Who deserts their friend?

  “I always knew Officer Sparks would have to bring you home eventually. I just expected you to have some clothes on.”

  Gio choked. I don’t know what he put in his mouth but it didn’t make an easy journey to his stomach. Once he cleared it and had a quick sip of water, his eyes fell on me.

  “Clothes?” He exclaimed. It might have been the most animated I’d seen him yet.

  I felt the blush even if they couldn’t see it and I shrugged it off as no big deal. “Whatever. It was a dare and a chicken boyfriend who ran off leaving me to deal with the fallout.”

  “Hey,” Nick butt in, “my dad would’ve skinned me alive if he found out we were—”

  “Stop right there,” I directed throwing my hand up. “I have to be able to work with him almost every day.” I motioned to Gio. �
�The story ends here.”

  Nick almost couldn’t contain himself but Gramps moved us along to safer stories and topics keeping us occupied through dessert. With four of us and a pretty roomy kitchen, we got the dishes done quickly but then Nick had to go. We’d been talking for hours and none of us realized how late it’d gotten. By the time Nick wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me off the cement step outside into a big bear hug, I was exhausted. I still watched until I couldn’t see his car in the night. We never had enough time.

  “Miss him already?”

  I nodded. “We don’t see each other very often. Hard to believe his sister’s getting married.” The wedding is what brought Nick home. His sister wanted to tell him and his mom together, in person. Gramps and I would be invited, of course, we’d known them forever. Such a grown-up thing to do.

  “He the one that got away?” Those dark eyes threatened to see into my soul.

  Nick had asked him a few question and Gio answered, which is what you’d expect a person to do but it wasn’t anything too personal and all things I already knew. Everything remained on the surface with him. There were no funny stories about his childhood or about trouble he’d gotten into with his sister. All he’d said is he didn’t have a big family.


  “I’m heading up kids. Lock up before you leave.” Gramps poked his head out the back door.

  “We’re going, Gramps. You can lock the door now.”

  He did and within seconds all the lights were off downstairs. Gio and I started the short walk to my apartment.

  “Bianca, go out with me,” he asked softly, his voice melting my heart. The yes sat on the tip of my tongue. I had to wrangle it back because it was close to escaping.

  “I can’t, Gio. We work together. I’m not sure Gramps would be okay with it.” I leaned my back against the door while he shoved his hands into his pockets keeping an appropriate distance from me.

  “So, it’s all about Gramps?”

  “I…yes and no. I do worry about what he’d think. He puts a lot into making all the employees part of the family but look what happened in the kitchen today with the sauce.”

  Gio allowed a knee spreading smile to cross his face while he took a step closer. “That only happened because we kissed and you want more.”

  “Pretty cocky aren’t we?” When faced with the absolute truth about my mishap in the kitchen, I could only respond with snark. My DNA demanded it. I did want more and was coming perilously close to caving.

  “Confident.” His eyes went from mine to my lips but when I bit on the bottom one, he smiled a little wider. “So, if I get Gramps’ go ahead, you’ll go out with me?”

  I didn’t know. Would I? We’d still have to work together and see each other every day even if things turned out badly. Since I took too long to give an answer, Gio nodded his head and walked away. After about five steps, he turned back.

  “By the way, your hair looks beautiful down. You should wear it down more often.”

  He noticed. The knowledge sent satisfaction throughout my body. If he could do such a thing with a few words, I wondered what else he could do if given the chance.

  Chapter Five

  I sat flipping through a magazine on Gramps comfortable couch to pass the time until he got home. He went into the restaurant almost every day but I knew he wasn’t staying because he mentioned that there was a ball game on and he hadn’t seen one since opening day. If he came home to watch it, I planned to join him. It’d give us some time together, which, even working side by side, we never got enough of. Also, I wanted to feel the old guy out on the whole dating Gio issue because the more I denied myself the awesomeness of Gio, the less I wanted to.

  I was about to give up on him after an hour. It wouldn’t be the first time he got sucked into a workday that wouldn’t let him go. Taking a deep breath, I dropped the magazine back on the coffee table and slid to the edge of the cushion when the kitchen door finally opened.

  “Hey,” I called out. “I thought we could watch the game together.” Off the couch and hitting the threshold, bare feet slapping the wood floor, I found out Gramps wasn’t alone. “Or not.”

  “He invited me.” Gio gave me a sheepish smile answering the question I hadn’t asked out loud. “I love baseball.”

  “You can join us, Bianca-bear.”

  “First, don’t start that, Gramps. Secondly, I guess I’ll leave you two to your man-date.” I threw my hands up in frustration. Gio wasn’t supposed to be there and it threw a monkey-wrench at my plans.

  “I like to think of it as more of a bromance,” Gio tossed back.

  On my way to the door, I grabbed a bottle of beer from one of the six packs. “I’ll take this to console me, though.”

  Grabbing my book, I made my way into the backyard and settled into an old Adirondack chair in a shaded corner.

  “Good book,” Gio’s voice cut through the quiet.

  “Shit.” I gasped as I flung myself forward and dropped my book at my feet.

  “Sorry.” The smirk on his face told me he wasn’t really.

  “Not enjoying the game?” I asked once he stood close enough as I shoved my bookmark in place.

  He squatted beside me, folding his arms over the chair and resting his chin on them. His musky scent flooded my senses—his proximity well inside my comfort zone. I’m not ashamed to admit that if someone bottled and sold his scent, I’d spray it all over my bed.

  “I am. And hanging out with your Grandpa is great.” I nodded in agreement because my grandpa was the best. “But I wanted to let you know as soon as possible that we’re having dinner tonight.”

  “Gramps is allowed to see whoever he wants. He doesn’t need my permission.” I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling.

  Gio shook his head and chuckled. “I meant you and me. Seven.”

  “Oh, we are?” What? My face broke out in a wide grin and I chewed on my bottom lip as my heart kicked up a couple of notches. He didn’t look away. “How’d you manage that?”

  “I asked. He likes me. Although he did say that if anything happened to you I’d know what my balls taste like.” He didn’t look bothered by the statement.

  “Gross!” I shook my head, but it sounded like Gramps. He’d said roughly the same thing to Nick and the reason he never met anyone I dated in college. My gramps loved me and wasn’t against defending me if he needed to.

  Gio kissed the crown of my head before heading back into the game. My pulse raced faster and my skin flushed warm as he walked away. I was going out with Gio. The thought of which made my mouth go dry. I jumped up from my chair, racing toward my apartment but had to turn back to grab my book. I had time, but choosing the perfect outfit was going to take a while. Gio didn’t ask me to go out with him this time. He told me. I’m not sure what it said about me, but I liked it. Deep down I was afraid that if he’d given me the choice, I would’ve taken the safer choice of saying no. I already knew I could lose my heart to him. Not that I would but that I could.

  I did a half turn, admiring my long white skirt in the mirror. Pouting, I gave my reflection the nod of approval, hoping Gio would agree. As I waited for him to arrive, I twisted a lock of hair around my finger over and over, and when he finally knocked on my door, my stomach flipped as nerves threatened to get the better of me.

  “You look nice,” he said with a small smile as soon as I opened the door.

  “Thanks.” My stomach fluttered as took in just how gorgeous Gio was. When my fingers twitched to touch him and I wet my lips, I had to rein my thoughts in. It wouldn’t help if I acted like a horny teenager on our first date.

  We stepped out and while I locked up, he asked, “Whose car is that?” Gio pointed at the little blue beetle convertible.

  “Mine.” His eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Hey, just because I don’t use it doesn’t mean I don’t own it.”

  “Why don’t you use it?”

  “I do in the winter, but the summers
are so beautiful I can’t bring myself to do much besides walk.” I loved feeling the sun on my skin and the air off the water. Being cooped up in a car should’ve been illegal when the world around you offered beauty and warmth.

  “Ok, I thought about taking you to Dawson’s which seems to be the nicest restaurant you don’t work at. I even thought about going out of town. But a picnic on the beach seemed like the best idea.”

  It’s like he knew me already. I couldn’t think of anything better than sitting on the beach, away from swimmers, with him by my side. “That sounds perfect.”

  I followed him to his truck and got in without balking at the idea of being inside a car instead of out in the night air. I had no idea where he wanted to head and didn’t want to waste most of our time walking miles to get away from the more crowded area. Once we were further down the beach closer to the pier, a place far too rocky and shallow for much water fun, Gio pulled his big black truck into a parking lot. Before we hit the sand, he grabbed a neatly folded blanket and a large basket from the back.

  We settled in on the blanket once we got as close to the water as we could without getting wet. Slipping my sandals off, I pulled my legs comfortably underneath myself, I waited until Gio pulled some of my favorites out the basket Delicious roast beef sandwiches on Hawaiian buns with Swiss cheese, a fruit tray they made for special orders and lots of water.

  “Normally I would try to wow you, but, I didn’t want you to think I was trying to get you drunk to take advantage. I save that for the third date. Also, I had beer with your gramps earlier and didn’t want to push it.” He almost looked boyish with his admissions.

  Tiny little ballerina’s danced perfect pirouettes to create a swirl in my stomach. I let my hand fall to the area in hopes of them calming down.

  Falling into a comfortable silence, the waves lapping at the sand helped to calm any nerves. Every time his eyes scanned over me, I got rewarded with those rolling waves through my body. I could feel my cheeks flush from only a look. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t notice the skin color changes.


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