Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel

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Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel Page 13

by Natasha Thomas

  “We need to talk,” I say pushing the door further open, effectively moving her out of my way.

  I hear the quiet sigh behind me, but I don’t acknowledge her just yet, I can’t. I’ll fucking cave if I turn around and see the resigned look on her face.

  “Sure, come in, make yourself at home. Anything I can get you? Coffee, a beer, a foot up your ass?”

  There’s my girl, my little firecracker. This I can work with. Sad, dejected, resigned I can’t, but this, anger, I can definitely work with this.

  “I’ll take a beer, but I’ll get it. You can sit your cute little ass down on that couch right there,” I say gesturing to the black suede sectional against the far wall, “and get comfortable. This isn’t going to go quick Princess, no matter how fast you want me out of here.”

  With an exaggerated roll of her eyes she does just that, but not without trying to get the last word in.

  “Help yourself, it’s not like it’s my place or anything.”

  Chuckling at the obvious snit she’s working up to, I walk into the kitchen wrenching the fridge open and notice the vast array of fresh fruits and vegetable first. At least my girl is taking care of herself, or wants it to look that way. I know Lex better than that though. Her secret stash of junk food will be hiding around here somewhere, and if she thinks this is fooling anyone that knows her better than a passing acquaintance she’s kidding herself. There’s one thing that’s a guaranteed with my woman, and that is she will have at least three bags of Cheetos, two six packs of soda, and a bag or two of peanut M&M’s in this kitchen. If I was a stupid man I’d seek them out and walk out into her lounge room eating them, but I’m not a stupid man and I don’t intend to die tonight, so I settle for one of the four bottles of Bud hiding at the back of the fridge.

  She’s sitting right where I told her to, I want to go sit next to her, take her in my arms, reassure her we’ll work all this out together, but I need distance to keep my head straight. To keep my thoughts ordered. Because I know, I just know if I get one whiff of her subtle perfume, smell her cherry scented shampoo, or feel her softness against me, tonight will be a fucking write off.

  Collapsing into the single wing chair almost directly opposite her position I start us off.

  “So, you want to try tell me why you kept something like this from me? Why you’d keep something as important as carrying my kid from me?”

  I should’ve gone in softer, but I’m a biker not a fucking banker.

  “Would you like to explain why you went AWOL, ignored me, my calls, my messages, and avoided me like I’m carrying the plague?” She retorts with an air of incredulity in her voice.

  The answer to that is quite simply, no. Hell no in fact. I don’t want to tell her about her dads warning and his surprise visit. And I sure as shit don’t want to tell her I agreed with the man and his reasons either. But I’m going to have to give her something, because the other guaranteed thing I know about my woman is she is stubborn as all get out, and she won’t drop this until she gets an answer she’s satisfied with.

  Leaning back further into the chair, I cross one ankle over my knee and stare at her, watching every emotion flit across her face. Hesitation, anxiety, trepidation, but the one thing I see that give me some hope is love. Lex still loves me, and that makes the iron fist clutching at my insides release its death grip. Only a little, but every little bit counts, right?

  “If we talk about this it doesn’t leave this room, Lex.” Seeing her perfect eyebrow arched in curiosity I add, “I mean it Lex, it stay between us.”

  “If I didn’t tell you does it look like I’m chomping at the bit to tell anyone else? Jesus Glock, I don’t want to be having a conversation about this at all, let alone go out there and broadcast it for the world to hear.”

  I get that, but I need to hear the words.

  “I need you to promise Lex, and not like when you promised not to tell your mom I let you have an extra cupcake for dessert promise. I need you to fucking swear this stays between us.” And I do, need it to stay here because fuck me, if she goes and tears strips off her dad there’ll be no containing the damage.

  She rolls her eyes again. Most guys would get annoyed at this habit of hers but me, I think it’s adorable.

  “Yes Glock, it stays inside these four walls.”

  Eyeing her carefully I nod, satisfied with her agreement.

  “I woke up the morning after I dropped you off happier than I’d been in for-fucking-ever. Had every intention of calling you as soon as I was dressed to take you somewhere, get out of Blackwater for the day, but your dad showed up.”

  “What?” She shrieks. Jesus the woman can squeal.

  I rub my poor abused ear drum and sigh. If this is her reaction already, I hate to see what she’s going to say after the next bit of the story.

  “Yeah, he woke me up at the ass crack of dawn actually. Don’t know if he had a sixth sense something went down between us, or he just figured we were too close already, but his timing couldn’t have been better if he’d known. He didn’t say shit about the day before, so honestly I don’t think he knows, but like I said it was pretty coincidental if you ask me.”

  “What did he say? Was he horrible,” she asks running her hands through her hair until she realizes it’s tied up and her fingers get caught. Pulling the twisty thing free, her blonde locks fall around her face, and half way down her back.

  I shake my head to free myself from thoughts of grabbing all that hair, wrapping it around my fist as I plunge into her tight, wet heat.

  “When is he ever not horrible,” I reply as I see her fighting a smile. It’s true though. Cage is an asshole on the best of days. The only people he seems to be genuinely nice to, is his wife and kids. Everyone else he tolerates. “I’m paraphrasing here but the general message was; stay the fuck away from my kid or we’ve got problems.”

  Conveniently I leave the part about, or he’ll send Lex away and her writing being a phase, but it’s for the best. I already know by the look of fury on Lex’s beautiful face she’s not going to keep this between us and the paint on the walls.

  “So what you’re telling me is; my dad came here, with I can only assume Uncle Steel and probably more than just him, threatened you, and walked out? Am I getting that right?”

  Now, when faced with a leading question from a woman you don’t want to piss off the only answer is not to answer, so I nod instead. Laughing with no humor she says,

  “Try again Glock because I’m not stupid, so don’t treat me like I am. I’m not a kid either, you don’t need to dumb things down for me. I know for a fact my dad said more than just stay away from my daughter to make you listen to him, and there’s no way I wouldn’t have heard about it from him if it wasn’t any worse than that.”

  Damn her for knowing us all so well. This is not going the way I’d hoped, and it’s only going to get worse. Releasing a long suffering sigh, I uncross my legs and stretch out seeing as it looks like I’m here for the long haul.

  “You’re right, he did say more but it’s not important, Princess,” I say trying for diplomacy and only a slight diversion from the truth. Because it was important, every word he said broke a little more of my heart when I realized what he was saying was true.

  Curling up with her feet underneath her she says,

  “Uh-huh, and I’m the Virgin Mary and Mother Theresa all rolled into one.”

  Sarcastic little shit, there’s obviously nothing virginal about her, not with the topic of tonight’s conversation between us.

  “Look, what he said doesn’t matter, because regardless he’s not getting his way now, is he?” I say grinning. Ducking the cushion narrowly missing my head I add, “Needless to say, he said some shit, I said some shit, we both agreed on some shit, and he left, end of story,” or I hope it is. “Now you didn’t answer my question before, Princess. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I almost ask if it’s because she was scared to, thought I’d be pissed at her, but I don�
�t. I want the words to come from her, all of them. I don’t want to be putting any ideas in that pretty little head of hers.

  “You were ignoring me, what did you want me to do, crawl up to you on all fours and beg you to listen to me in front of everyone at the club?” Now there’s an image I don’t need. Lex on all four crawling to me does shit to me, like making my cock stand up and take notice. It’s been ten weeks, three days, and a handful of hours since I’ve been inside her, inside anyone, and that vision isn’t one that’s going to leave me any time soon.

  I had a few of the club whores climbing on my lap, whispering offers of fast, hard fucks in my room at the club, but after being with Lex I couldn’t do it. I don’t think I could ever do it again. After being with perfection how do you go back to mediocre? The answer is, you don’t.

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what you do. Well not exactly, I could do without the in front of everyone, especially if you and I were in private somewhere, and with a lot less clothes on, I’d have listened to you for sure.”

  Snorting an unladylike laugh she goes on to say,

  “I’m sure you would like that, but I’m also sure you wouldn’t have listened to a damn word I said if the bulge going on in your jeans right now is anything to go by.”

  Hmm, she’s not wrong. I highly doubt I would have heard a word that came out of her beautifully pouty, pink lips, but no matter, we would’ve got to the talking part eventually.

  “Probably not, but there are better things to do with your mouth anyway.” Another pillow is launched at my head, but I don’t duck this time, I grab it and shove it behind my head grinning at her.

  “You’re such a pig, you know that right?”

  That’s probably true too but what can I say, not that I’m sorry because this is me, faults, Neanderthal qualities and all.

  “Yep, well aware of that fact Princess, and it’s not the first time I’ve heard it either,” I say smugly. Not that I’m really smug about it, or the reasons for why I’ve heard it either. Directing her back to my original question, I motion for her to keep talking with my hand.

  Sighing and tilting her head back she complies. Good girl.

  “I was scared Glock, terrified actually,” she says with a sad shake of her head. “And before you ask, no, not of you but the situation. I’m nineteen, the daughter of one of your brothers, and my grandpa’s are the President and Vice President of the MC. You’re thirty-two, nearly thirty-three, and while our age gap doesn’t bother me I know it bothers you.”

  Stopping her there, I dispel her of that shit right now.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart. I was never worried about how much younger you are. I was concerned about the feelings I had for you, and what I wanted to do about them.” I never wanted her to know this shit either, but I can see I’m not getting out of this one either so I go on. “I’ve wanted you since you turned sixteen. Do you know how much of a fucking creep that makes me? That I wanted to make love to you when you were just a kid. Jesus, I wanted to do more than make love to you, Princess. I wanted to throw you up against a wall, rip your jeans and panties off, and fuck you into the wall. Every time I saw you I wanted you more, needed you more. I fought it every step of the way, but there was no changing how much I needed you in my life, and there still isn’t.”

  Her breaths are coming in pants now and her pupils are dilated, she’s as turned on by hearing this as I am by saying it. The steady throb of my cock reminds me I need to take it down a notch.

  “More than any of that though, I craved you, still do. Every time I see you, hear your voice, any time I think about you I want to touch you, have you at my side, and hear you sigh my name.”

  I crack my neck, something I do when I get uncomfortable and Lex notices it instantly, and picks up on why.

  “If you needed me that much then why did you let my dad warn you off? Why did you listen to him?”

  The tears gathering at the corners of her eyes break my heart all over again. I hate seeing her cry, but I still can’t go to her. The situation between us is still too volatile, and far too important for me to get distracted by comforting her. I will though, comfort her that is, just not yet.

  “I didn’t listen to him warning me off, Princess. I listened to him when he told me I’m not good enough for you, that you deserve better. That’s what I listened to because it’s true, you do deserve better than me. I’m a broken man Princess, and you are so sweet and beautiful. You’re everything that I’m not, and I don’t blame your dad for wanting more than that for you.”

  At her gasp I look up. I wasn’t even aware I’d hung my head until she made that startled sound of shock. Before I can blink, Lex is in my lap with her arms flung tightly around my neck squeezing the life out of me. I can’t deny the urge, and I wouldn’t, not when she now openly crying. Big, fat tears are running down the side of my neck, soaking the collar of my shirt.

  I gather my woman into my arms and hold her back just as tight. Holding on to her for dear life, I don’t let her go for long minutes. Not until her sobs quieten down and her tears begin to dry up.

  “Don’t cry for me, Lex. Please don’t cry for me, I’m not worth all those tears coming from your beautiful eyes.”

  She jerks in my arms, her body going solid. Looking at me with a burning intensity I’ve never seen from her before she holds my face steady in both her tiny hands.

  “I don’t ever, ever, want to hear you say that, or something like that ever again Thomas Xavier Davis. Do you hear me?” My eyes widen comically at the fierceness in her voice, and a grin stretches across my face. Batting my chest with her tiny hand she goes on to say, “It’s not funny, I mean it. Not only is my dad an epic asshole, whose epic asshole ass I’m going to kick as soon as I see him mind you, what he said is not true, far from it.”

  Readjusting herself in my lap so she’s straddling my thighs now she look directly into my eyes. God I love her eyes, they’re one of my favorite things about her. Gorgeous Mediterranean, crystal clear blue eyes look at me with such compassion and sympathy it’s all I can do to hold her gaze rather than crack under her scrutiny.

  “You looked after me when I was young. You were my friend, my very best friend, and you protected me with everything in you. Later you became the person I told everything, and I don’t trust easily, so you know that made you special seeing as I told you everything, even things that were embarrassing. You make sure I’m safe and cherished. You’re loyal, dependable, strong and patient. You put everyone else before yourself, and you treat my little brothers like they’re your own. You defend people you care about fiercely, and you love even harder.” Wiping a stray tear away she says, “There are so many good things about you, great thing, things that make you special that we’d be here all night if I listed them, but how I feel, what I see; you’re smart, devoted, have an enormous capacity for empathy, your brothers love you and so do mine, people are drawn to your personality, especially me, you’re handsome, sexy, and you love me. That’s all that matters, Glock. At the end of the day what I see, how you feel about me and how I feel about you is what’s important, not whatever bullshit lies my dad fed you.”

  I should’ve known I was no match for all the beauty that is, Lex. My heart cracks wide open at her words, and not in a bad way. In a good way, a very, very good way. Instead of darkness, blackness seeping out; light, love and joy seeps in. For the first time I feel like I do truly have a chance a happiness. Happiness with Lex, and with the baby she and I created in love. Nothing else, only in love.

  Leaning forward I run my nose up her neck and reply,

  “I fucking love you, Alexis Rose Marks, and you’re right, none of that other shit matters. I don’t care why you didn’t tell me about the baby. I don’t care what your dad said, and I definitely don’t give a damn what anyone else says or thinks. From now on it’s you, me,” I stretch my big hand across her still flat belly, “and peanut here against the world.” Kissing her neck I ask, “You know what this mea
ns though?”

  I know she’ll have no clue what this means to me, but it’ll be fun listening to what she comes up with. But instead of answering me she moans low in her throat as I continue to pepper the long column of her throat in soft, wet kisses. That fuckin moan has my cock going from half-mast to full wood in less than a second. Taking advantage of my position, I grab her hips and grind her down on my painfully erect cock.

  The answering moan at my repeated grinding signals the conversation part of the evening is over. And good thing too, because I don’t think I’ll be able to get my zipper undone if this goes on much longer. Whispering in her ear I say,

  “This means you’re mine. Only mine. And I protect what’s mine like you said. I also take care of what’s mine, so let me take care of you now, Princess.”

  “Only if I can take care of you too,” Is her husky, arousal filled response.


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