The Quickening

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The Quickening Page 3

by Antonia Tiranth

  The knowledge we needed to get moving before it was too late to help my brother propelled me out of the bed. I pulled on my jeans and went to the kitchen, from which the heavenly scent was emanating. As I got closer I could hear soft music.

  Josephine stood at the stove, a sizzling pan before her, spatula in one hand, swaying lightly to the Madonna tune coming from the radio nearby. I stood in the doorway watching her. The song ended and another began, this one I didn't recognize but it was a catchy tune and obviously she liked it. Her dancing became more pronounced, hips swaying with the rhythmic beat. I was mesmerized by those swaying hips, and I felt myself hardening in response.

  She did a quick little turn and saw me standing in the doorway, letting out a soft cry. “Damn it, Aer,” she gasped, putting a hand to her chest. “Haven't you scared me enough today? Shit."

  "Sorry.” I wasn't really. I was enjoying the show. “Please, keep dancing."

  "Kiss my ass,” she grumbled, turning back to the stove. “You better be hungry, I'm cooking a whole pound."

  There was something I wanted to kiss all right, but it wasn't her ass. “I am,” I replied, walking across the room and standing beside her. “Can I help?"

  She shook her head. “No, I can handle cooking bacon. Go sit, you jerk."

  I chuckled and sat at the table, setting my elbow on the table and resting my chin on my hand as I went back to admiring her.

  Time had only made her more beautiful. The short haircut had thrown me at first, but I liked the way it showed her neck. It didn't take Phi long to finish cooking the bacon and fry a few eggs. She set a plate on the table in front of me, and I looked up at her, cocking an eyebrow. “I have to eat with my hands?"

  She glared at me with those stormy blue eyes. “You know where they are,” she said, sticking her tongue out at me, as she pointedly got herself a fork and not one for me. I snatched a fork from the drawer as she closed it, barely getting my hand free before it shut.

  We ate in silence. I wondered exactly how freaked out she was by my earlier transformation, though she seemed to have taken it in stride. I also wondered how she would take seeing my other form—maybe she'd think I was cute. Okay, I really needed to stop thinking like that.

  I finished my breakfast and waited for her to finish hers. She was avoiding looking at me, which hurt a bit, but I understood. She could hold a grudge, and I'd given her several years to stew. “So,” I started when she cleaned the last of the egg from her plate. “You want to hear the rest?"

  Phi folded her arms, which accentuated her breasts, and she nodded. I looked down at the tablecloth a moment, regaining my thoughts. “Again, I want to say that if there was anyone else I would ask them to do this."

  "Yeah, you said that before. You don't want poor little me getting hurt,” she said, with a touch of sarcasm. “Just spill it. You know beating around the bush just pisses me off, and I'm still mad at you."

  "I'd be surprised if you weren't. Anyway, I know where my brother is, but I can't get inside. They know when a Rikashi is within fifty feet of that building."

  "And you want me to go in and get him out?” she interrupted. “They have security, right?"

  I shook my head. “Very little. I don't know if they're stupid or very smart, but you should have no problem getting inside."

  "And I'm supposed to do what when I get inside?"

  "Find my brother,” I replied, thinking that would have been obvious.

  "And how do you propose I get him out? I'm assuming he'll be drugged or chained or something like that.” She leaned forward now.

  I almost wanted to shake her and ask her why in the hell she was going along with my idiotic plan. That's just what it sounded like now that I'd said it.

  "You won't have to worry about that. Even if you have to carry him, he won't be a burden."

  She gave me a questioning look, and I knew I'd have to reveal my other form. It would be better to do it now and let her get over the shock before her life depended on her keeping her wits. “All right, I'll show you why."

  I closed my eyes and let the transformation take over again, though this time into my smaller form. Shifting to my draconic form was always a little painful, and a soft grunt escaped me as I shrank and my body changed.

  The clothes I wore became tent-like once I was fully transformed. When the transformation was complete, I shook myself free of the clothes and climbed up on the table. I was still young, my dragon form didn't quite take up the whole table, but I had to watch my tail so I didn't knock anything over. I stood before her, looking up at her. She was wide-eyed but again not screaming. I waited to see what her reaction would be.

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  Chapter 3

  Josephine Erlina Moreau

  There was a dragon on my kitchen table. A real live, wings folded, scaled dragon. Aer called himself Rikashi, but he certainly looked like a dragon to me.

  I'd guess he was about two feet from nose to tail. His wings were carefully folded along his sides. The scales covering his body were the same beautiful navy blue as had covered his chest before and, I realized, the color of his hair when he was in human form. His deep purple eyes shone with the same intelligence as when he was human.

  He looked up at me expectantly. I guess he thought I might scream or run away, and to tell the truth I'm very surprised I was sitting there calmly—not entirely calmly but still I wasn't freaking out as much as I thought. I had an overwhelming urge to touch him, wondering what a dragon felt like.

  "Can ... can I touch you?” The question came out as a whisper.

  He dipped his head and slipped it under my fingertips, allowing them to brush his navy scales. They were cool to the touch, smooth, the edges a little sharp. He leapt from the table to my shoulder, draped himself around my neck, and rubbed his snout against my cheek. He was a lot lighter than I expected.

  "Your brother is the same size?” I asked and then wondered if he could talk to me in this form. His answer came not in words but as an image in my mind. I saw Aer in this dragon form and next to him another dragon, bigger by about a foot, with violet scales and brilliant blue eyes.

  "That's your brother?” Aer leapt back to the table and nodded. “I should be able to carry him if I have to."

  Good God, was I stupid? I was actually beginning to think this crazy plan could work. And not only was I thinking that it could work, I was thinking about going along with it.

  Another image formed in my mind, this one of me turning around. I gave Aer a questioning look, and he walked over to the other side of the table, lifting his clothes in his mouth. “Your clothes don't just kinda shift with you, huh?"

  He stamped one clawed foot impatiently and hissed. Even though he couldn't speak, I could almost hear a “Damn it, Phi."

  "All right, all right, I'll turn around."

  I turned around and noticed the shiny, new, stainless steel toaster on the counter across from me. I was pleased to see that the mirror bright finish provided a nice reflection of Aer. From the waist up only, but that was better than nothing.

  "No peeking."

  "Of course not,” I said, grinning to myself as I admired his well muscled chest. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

  Too soon he was dressed. “Okay, done."

  I turned to look at him again. “I'll do it."

  Aerandir pursed his lips, looking for a moment like he was going to argue with me.

  "This is your idea,” I reminded him. “I know that look. You want to try to talk me out of it. You had that same look when I said I was going to join the guys’ soccer team."

  He glared at me a moment and then started to laugh. “Yeah, well, this is a lot more dangerous than joining a guys’ soccer team. I told you, I don't want you to do it, but I don't have anyone else to ask."

  I waved a hand in dismissal. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll do it. You said they don't have much security, what do they have? Dogs? Guards? Electrified fences? Retinal scans?"

nbsp; "None so far as I could tell. I don't think they want to draw attention to themselves. They're working out of a house, not some crazy Area Fifty-One facility."

  I leaned forward, rubbing my hands together. “So, when do we do this?"

  "Tonight, after dark."

  Of course, I'd have to worry about it all day. “Do you know anything about the house, like maybe the floor plan?"

  "A little, I can draw it out for you."

  "Then I guess the only thing we can do is sit and wait, huh?"


  That awkward silence fell between us again. That had never happened before he'd disappeared. Sure, there had been silences, but they'd always been comfortable. Had we changed so much since then that we had nothing left to talk about?

  "So ... you still like the same old movies?"

  He smiled at me. “Yeah. Please tell me you have Monster Squad. I could use the laughs."

  "Yep,” I said. “Do you want to shower or something? I'm sure Dad has some clothes that would fit you."

  "Might be a good idea."

  "Why don't you go get started and I'll dig something out."

  Aer nodded and started to clear the table. I touched his shoulder as I passed. “Just leave the plates, I'll get them later."

  I left the kitchen and headed for my parents’ room. I searched through the drawers and found a pair of sweats and a shirt. Only then did I realize I would have to go into the bathroom to leave the clothes for Aer.

  "Brilliant, Jo, just brilliant,” I muttered to myself.

  I hurried to the door and listened for the shower, hoping he wasn't in yet. My usual luck held, the water was running. Oh well, there was no help for it, I had to give him the clothes. My cheeks were red already as I raised a hand to knock on the bathroom door. After I knocked, I opened it a little, steam escaping.

  I risked peeking my head in. The shower curtain was completely opaque and not see-through, but I could still see the silhouette of his body as he showered. I swallowed the lump rising in my throat, pushing back the idea of climbing in there with him.

  "Aer, I've got the clothes. I'm gonna put ‘em on the sink, ‘kay?"

  He peeked out, wet hair plastered to his head, squinting one eye. “Thanks, Phi."

  I put the clothes on the sink and shut the door. That was stupid. I wondered what he would have done if I had stripped and joined him. I shook the thought from my head. “Josephine Erlina Moreau,” I muttered to myself as I returned to the living room. “You are being a complete moron. Knock it off."

  I flopped onto the couch and reminded myself that he only came back because he needed me. He had said he would have gone to someone else if he could. So what did that mean? That he had no other friends? Or maybe that there wasn't anyone else he trusted?

  I sighed, feeling slightly used, but at the same time I knew I wouldn't have turned him down. Aer was my best friend, and even if I felt more for him than he did for me, he still cared about me. I had to stop hoping there would be more than friendship between us. His vanishing for five years with no word and only reappearing now that he needed me was enough of a clue. I didn't need a building to fall on me.

  As I sat there berating myself for wishing for the impossible, the excitement, tension and lack of sleep of the night before caught up with me, and my eyelids grew heavy. I blinked several times, trying to fight the inevitable, but finally succumbed to the exhaustion.

  * * * *

  I was walking down those corridors again. Behind me the other Rikashi were crying now. Why were they crying over broken pottery? I came to another cavern and found more broken pottery. Ahead of me was a mound of hay. In the mound was something round and broken. I took a step forward, dread clenching my chest. As I neared I realized it wasn't broken pottery, they were eggs. In the hay were a dozen broken eggs, within them bodies of dragons, dead now.

  Who could have done such a thing? And why did I feel like it was my fault? There were others entering the room, looking at me with accusing eyes. I shook my head, it couldn't be my fault.

  "This is your doing,” one of them said, though the voice seemed sympathetic.

  "No, this is not my fault!"

  "Yes, that human lover of yours. He led the men who came here."

  "No, I didn't mean to, I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't know,” I cried, falling to my knees among the shards of broken eggs.

  A hand gripped my shoulder comfortingly.

  How could they forgive me for this? I was the cause of all this death. How could they possibly forgive me?

  "You are still young, hatchling. You know nothing of treachery."

  "No, no, it's not true. It's not true!"

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  Chapter 4

  Aerandir Cirdan Gwindor

  When I'd finished showering, I found Phi passed out on the couch. I stood behind it, resting my arms on the back, watching her sleep. She would need the rest, and I could admire her in her sleep without her knowing.

  Gods above, I wanted to touch her, feel that smooth skin and silky hair slide through my fingers. The phone rang and her brow furrowed, a frown appearing on her lips as she turned. I rushed to grab the cordless nearby, not wanting her to wake up. Gods only knew when we'd get to sleep next. I pushed the ‘talk’ button to silence the ringing and hurried into the kitchen before answering.


  "Mr. Moreau? You're back already?” I recognized the voice on the other end. Another girl from high school, whom Phi had become good friends with. I'd never liked her much, she was too pushy.

  "No, Karen, it's Aaron.” Only Phi knew my real name. It seemed difficult for most humans to pronounce, so I went by Aaron.

  "Jo didn't tell me you were back in town.” She sounded confused and a bit annoyed at the same time.

  "I just arrived this morning."

  "Is Jo there? I want to make sure she's coming for our double date tonight.” Her tone was smug, and I could almost see the self-preening look on her face.

  I didn't like the sound of that. Jealousy flared, and I almost told her that Phi wouldn't be seeing anyone, but I shook it off. I couldn't have her, but there was no reason to wish her be miserable.

  "I woke her up to pick me up from the airport early this morning. She went back to sleep for a little bit."

  "Oh, I see. Have her call me when she wakes up, all right? Her date is really excited that he's going to meet her."

  "Sure,” I replied, faking cheerfulness, even though there was a knot in the pit of my stomach.

  "Bye, Aaron."

  "Bye.” Resisting the urge to toss the phone across the room, I gently placed it on the counter.

  I walked back into the living room, relieved to see Phi was still asleep. I resumed my place behind the couch, happy to merely watch her. She started to frown again. A soft moan issued from her lips as she turned her head from side to side. The moan became a word.


  I jumped over the couch and knelt beside it placing a hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently. “Phi? Phi, wake up, you're having a bad dream."

  "No!” she cried, sitting bolt upright, her eyes wide.

  "Hey, it's all right,” I said. “You were dreaming."

  She blinked a few times and then looked at me in confusion. “Aer? I ... Sorry, bad dream."

  "Yeah, I could tell. What was it about?” I rubbed her shoulder, hoping to rid her of that look on her face.

  She shook her head, putting a hand over one of mine. “Nothing.” I gave her a look that said I knew it was more than nothing. “Really, I don't even remember it."

  I knew she was lying. It was a gift I had as a member of clan Gwindor, I always knew when someone was being untruthful. “I know it's been awhile, but I'm still the same old guy you used to know. I'm still here for you, through thick and thin."

  She smiled. “I know, but it really is nothing."

  Her eyes met mine, and before I knew it I was leaning forward. Her lips were only inches aw
ay and, thanks to my sensitive hearing, I could hear her heart speeding up. She wasn't making any attempt to stop me, but I had to stop myself. I pulled away, removing my hands from her shoulders and clearing my throat. “Um, I can draw that schematic now if you want?"

  She glared at me, lightening flashing in those gray-blue eyes.

  Great, I'd pissed her off.

  She didn't say anything though, just got up and yanked open a drawer savagely. Paper was slammed onto the coffee table in front of me, along with a pencil. “There, I'm going to clean up the kitchen."

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  Chapter 5

  Josephine Erlina Moreau

  I stormed into the kitchen, ready to scream. God, that man was impossible! Had I still been dreaming? I could have sworn he was going to kiss me, but no, he pulled away at the last second. Or was I just imagining things?

  I cleaned up the dishes from breakfast, putting them in the dishwasher, making an effort not to take my aggression out on the helpless dishes. It wasn't their fault I was an idiot and acting like such a ... a ... well, there was no other word for it, I was acting like a freaking girl. I didn't like it one bit.

  The cordless phone from the living room caught my eye. I knew I hadn't left it there. “Aer?"


  "Why is the phone in here?"

  "Karen called while you were sleeping, something about a double date tonight."

  Shit. I had forgotten all about that. “Ah, I better call her back."

  I picked up the phone and dialed the number. Of course she would have been impatient and not waited for me to call her first.


  "Hey, you called?"

  "Yeah, I wanted to see if you were still coming tonight.” She paused. “Aaron's back, huh?"

  "He came back this morning. So, about tonight—"

  "You still have to come,” Karen protested, more demanding than I'd ever heard her before. “You can't just let that man waltz back into your life, Jo."


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