The Quickening

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The Quickening Page 7

by Antonia Tiranth

  I let them each buy me one and smiled at their lines, laughing like I'd never heard their lame jokes before. Soon enough my anger and pain faded into a wonderful buzz. I perched on the bar stool, drunk enough to be happy, swaying with the beat of the music. I felt someone approaching behind me, like I had back at the house. I had figured out that what I was feeling was the approach of a Rikashi.


  Well, fuck him. He could come and talk all he wanted, but I wasn't going to listen. Not tonight. Not now. I was drinking.

  "May I buy you a drink?” a voice said in my ear. I recognized the voice, and it sent a shiver down my spine.

  I turned my head, putting a hand on the bar to steady myself against the spinning, and came face to face with Mr. Creepy. And it was literally “face to face.” My nose touched his. I reared back. The stool tipped dangerously, and he placed a hand on the small of my back, steadying me.

  "Careful now,” he said, and vaguely I wondered how I could hear him so clearly over the music. “I think you don't need any more alcohol."

  He signaled for the bartender. I was at the point where I was going to drink anything someone put in my hand. He handed me a glass, and I downed the contents quickly—water. Frowning, I looked at the glass and Mr. Creepy, who was asking for more water. This time he didn't let me drink it as quickly.

  "Who are you?” I asked, peering at him. “Do I know you?"

  "Not yet,” he said, his hand still on my back. “But I would certainly like to know you. You intrigue me, Katie. Or should I call you by your real name, Josephine?"

  I swallowed, alarm breaking through the alcohol. “How do you know my name?"

  "A mutual friend,” he replied. “Shall we go somewhere quieter?"

  I knew I shouldn't go with him, but I didn't resist as he helped me off the barstool. He put an arm around my waist, guiding me through the crowded club. I stumbled once or twice, but his strong grip kept me from falling. He was strong. Too strong, the way Aer was strong.

  The warm, stuffy air of the club gave way to a cool, fall breeze and the world went silent as the loud music was suddenly gone. Common sense tried to take hold and I pushed away from Mr. Creepy.

  "Hey, where are you taking me?” At least that's what I tried to say, but it came out in a jumble of words. This was the best thing about me being drunk. I knew exactly what was going on, I knew that I was being stupid, but I couldn't stop myself.

  He let me go and I fell to the ground, not feeling it at the moment but knowing I would feel it in the morning or after I wasn't drunk anymore. Mr. Creepy took hold of my arm, pulling me to my feet. “Come now, Josephine, you are in no condition to be walking alone. Let me help you."

  "Who are you?"

  "My name is Maedhros, and I would like to get to know you, Josephine."

  He was still Mr. Creepy to me.

  "No, let go.” I pushed weakly against him. Curse my low alcohol tolerance. “My friend is going to come and kick your ass."

  "I doubt that very much.” Maedhros chuckled. It was cold and sinister.

  "If you don't let me go, I'm gonna kick your ass.” “Ass” came out like “ash” but I think I got the point across.

  His chuckle became a laugh. “You can barely walk, much less attempt to injure me. Now just come along and we can talk after you've sobered up. You've fallen in with the wrong sort of Rikashi, and I'm trying to give you a chance to rectify that."

  I swallowed around the lump that rose in my throat. Damn Aer for not following me. Damn me for being stupid enough to get plastered.

  I mustered as much strength as I could from my inebriated body and pushed. “I said, let me go!"

  Maedhros released me, and I spiraled away from him. I started running. I didn't care where I was running, as long as I was running away from Mr. Creepy.

  "Josephine! You cannot run from me,” I heard his voice echoing behind me.

  "Want to bet?” I yelled over my shoulder as I ran. I almost tripped on a rough patch of sidewalk and concentrated on my steps. I turned a corner and slammed into something or rather someone.

  Whoever it was held on and I struggled to no avail. The strength I had summoned was gone. The alcohol was taking its toll, though I had a suspicion that maybe Maedhros had slipped something into the water. Blackness crept into the edge of my vision. I tried to fight it but eventually surrendered.

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  Chapter 12

  Aerandir Cirdan Gwindor

  I was an idiot. I can't believe I'd let her walk out like that, especially now. Shirak flew along the rooftops above me, giving me directions.

  "The club. That is the last place I could touch her mind."

  I should have gone after her when she first left the motel. Now Shirak couldn't find her. Despite my lack of shirt and the hole in the back of my jeans, I started to go into the club, but the bouncer at the door stopped me.

  "Back of the line, buddy."

  I pushed against the hand on my chest. I could easily overpower this buffoon if I had to. “My friend is in there."

  "I don't care if the Pope is in there and you're his towel boy, I said back of the line."

  "She is not in there anymore, Aerandir. She left with someone."

  Shirak sent me an image he extracted from the bouncer's mind. Phi was obviously drunk and being supported by a man who matched the description she had given me earlier of the guy she called Mr. Creepy. I left the club, moving into the alley. Shirak glided down to the ground, taking hybrid form.

  "She wouldn't have left with some random stranger,” I said, more to assure myself than Shirak. She wasn't the kind to do something like that, unless ... unless she's pissed. I let out a snarl, turning and taking my frustration out on the wall behind me. The bricks cracked, leaving stinging cuts on my knuckles.

  "Think rationally, brother,” Shirak said, his voice calm and soothing as always. “Even if she left with this man—"

  "I think I know who he is and where they might be."

  He raised an eyebrow at me, his vertically slitted eyes gleaming in the street lights. “Oh?"

  "Come on."

  "Wait.” Shirak stopped me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

  "Damn it, Shir, there isn't time to wait. She's pissed at me and hurt and drunk and doing something she's going to regret in the morning."

  "Maybe not."

  "I swear, brother or not, I'm going to beat the living hell out of you if you don't let me go."

  "She is not with some random stranger."

  I looked at Shirak expectantly, but he was silent. “Stop playing games and tell me what you're talking about."

  "I have seen that man before, and he is no man."


  He nodded. “Not just any, but a very angry Rikashi. He appeared before the Council once, spouting nonsense about Rikashi reclaiming their place in the world."

  "Nonsense? Let me guess, the Council turned him out on his ear after laughing in his face?"

  "Something to that effect."

  Could this Rikashi be the one behind the kidnappings? I couldn't think about that right now, I needed to find Phi. “That doesn't make me feel any better, Shir,” I growled. “Let's go."

  "And we are going where?"

  "Just shut up and follow me.” I shifted to draconic form and climbed up to the rooftop for a better vantage to take off. I'd never flown so fast in my life.

  Even as I raced toward Phi I berated myself for not seeing what had been right in front of me. A friend might have listened to my tale and sympathized but they didn't put their life in danger. Phi had done that just to rescue my brother because I asked. The way she'd snuggled up to me as she slept, looked at me when she thought I wasn't watching. If I'd been in human or hybrid form I'd have smacked my head. I'd been an idiot. I swore to myself if I was able to get her out of Mr. Creepy's clutches I'd never let her go again. Council be damned.

  Something tugged painfully on my tail, and I let out a shriek as I beg
an to spiral downwards. I turned in mid-tumble, searching for my attacker, pissed that Shirak hadn't warned me.

  The only other creature near was my brother. He was making easy circles around me as I fell. I spread my wings, regaining control of my flight. I was already shifting before my feet hit the ground. Shirak did the same, though his landing was a bit more graceful.

  Show off.

  I cast a brief glance at my surroundings, though it was a little late now to worry if anyone had seen us. We'd landed in someone's backyard, behind a green house.

  "What the fuck did you do that for?” I snarled, flaring my wings wide.

  He flipped his long, dark violet hair over his shoulder then folded his arms across his chest. “You are acting irrationally."

  "Irrationally? What the hell do you mean I'm acting irrationally? Phi's been kidnapped, I'm going to get her back. How is that irrational?"

  Shirak shook his head at me in that typical “little brother is throwing a tantrum” way of his. It took a major effort not to punch him.

  "And you think that barging into a secured facility, only the two of us, unprepared and unarmed, is going to accomplish your goal?"

  I knew he was right, but that didn't make me any less angry. I looked around for something to shred, punch or kick but finding nothing I settled for pacing. “All right, since you're so rational, what do you suggest we do?"

  "I suggest we wait."

  "Wait? While that lunatic does gods know what to her?"

  Shirak shook his head again. “I do not think Maedhros will harm her. He is more likely using her to get to us."

  I crouched, holding my head in my hands. This was all my fault. I had brought her into this. She would be completely justified in hating me now. I'd promised to protect her, and now I could do nothing but wait. I felt Shirak's hand on my shoulder and looked up at him.

  The cool look was gone, replaced by a sympathetic one. “We will get her back,” he promised. “We just need to be smart about it."

  I nodded and stood again. “We should find some clothes.” Shirak had none and mine were in a pile in an alley. “Maedhros will make his demands known."

  Shirak nodded and we took off in search of clothes, waiting for Maedhros to contact us. I didn't bother to tell Shirak that if we didn't hear from the bastard in twenty-four hours I was going in after him.

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  Chapter 13

  Josephine Erlina Moreau

  The darkness began to lift, leaving my head throbbing with every beat of my heart. I gingerly cracked open my eyes. The small amount of light coming from the partially opened door was a blessing, but even that little bit of light caused my head to pound more.

  I squinted to minimize the pain and took inventory of my situation. I was lying on a cot, covered by a thin blanket. The only other pieces of furniture in the room were a chair and a small table. The table held a glass and a pitcher filled with ice and a clear liquid. I sat up slowly, a wave of dizziness almost forcing me to lie back down.

  Where the hell was I? I put a hand to my head, which felt heavy. My thoughts were too muddled at the moment to think clearly. I considered lying back down, but then I remembered last night.

  "Real smart, Josephine, getting yourself kidnapped.” My voice sounded thick, and my mouth felt dry. I really shouldn't have had so much to drink.

  "I take offense to that."

  I jumped at the voice, nearly falling onto the floor. Mr. Creepy stood in the doorway, a hurt look on his face.

  "You should. You're the one who kidnapped me,” I snapped, getting shakily to my feet.

  He stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. “Now, is that anyway to speak to someone who is trying to help you? You'd had entirely too much to drink last night, and I was merely looking out for your well-being."

  "Then I suppose I'll just be going,” I replied, starting to cross the room, headed for the door. “I'm feeling better."

  I completely ruined that “I'm okay” lie when I took one step and nearly fell again. The only thing that kept me from hitting the floor was Maedhros's hand on my arm.

  "It would seem your assessment is incorrect."

  I wanted to punch him, but my head was pounding and it was taking everything I had to stay on my feet. He set me back on the cot and went to the table, pouring what looked like water from the pitcher into the glass. He brought the glass to me. “Drink. You need to hydrate yourself."

  Hydrate yourself? Who the hell talks like that anymore? I knocked the glass from his hand. “You need to go fuck yourself."

  He frowned. “I am swiftly losing patience with your insolence, Josephine."

  I gripped the edge of the cot as the room spun around me. What the hell had he given me? This couldn't have been just from alcohol. “Then why don't you just kick me out if I'm pissing you off so bad?"

  He sat in the chair across from me, crossing his legs and folding his hands atop his knee. “My curiosity about you, unfortunately, overrides my temper."

  Just what made me so interesting to this Rikashi? Why did he keep looking at me like that? “Stop staring at me."


  "Because it's creepy,” I muttered. I started to say something else but then I heard it. Those voices, whispering to me. They were nearby. My head turned toward the door.

  "What are you looking at, Josephine?” he asked, though from the sound of his voice, I guessed he already knew.

  "Nothing.” I turned back to glare at him.

  "I think it is more than ‘nothing.’ You hear them, don't you? You can hear the hatchlings."

  "I don't know what you're talking about.” I shook my head, making it pound even more. My legs and arms felt less shaky already, and I was just waiting for my moment to run.

  Where the hell was Aer? Isn't this the point where the hero comes dashing in to save the damsel in distress? And wasn't he a dragon? Looked like I was on my own.

  "You are a horrible liar, Josephine.” He rose and put a finger under my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes. “You can hear them, and you can feel the presence of Rikashi. Not to mention that I find myself drawn to you for some reason. So, you can see why I am so intrigued by you."

  "Don't touch me.” I raised my hand to smack at him, but his hand shifted so his fingers closed around my throat.

  "Do not try my patience, Josephine.” His eyes flickered and I could feel his muscles tensing as he shifted form, inky black wings coming into view as they grew from his shoulders. “You are nothing but an oddity to me. Behave and you shall live. Annoy me and you shall die. Do you understand?"

  I swallowed hard, trying to contain my temper before it got me killed, and nodded. To my relief, he let me go and bent to pick up the glass I'd knocked from his hand. He wiped it off on the corner of his shirt and filled it again. “Now drink and I will show you what is calling to you."

  I looked suspiciously at the glass but in the end I took it, draining it in one gulp. I was incredibly thirsty. He offered his hand, but I didn't take it, standing on my own, swaying slightly on my feet. “I can walk."

  "Suit yourself."

  I wanted to punch him but managed to keep myself under control. I needed to wait for this shakiness to go away before I tried anything else. He was a lot stronger than me, probably faster too. I needed to play the docile, harmless female until he dropped his guard. Then I could make my move.

  I had no idea where I was, which created the problem of how I was going to get help if I got out of here. Right now what I needed to do was get a look at my prison. Once I escaped I could bring help and crush Mr. Creepy and company, because I'm sure he had henchmen. Didn't all tall, creepy guys who kidnapped women?

  Maedhros went out the door and I followed. The silver Rikashi I'd rescued was curled up on a window seat in the hall. I glared at the little bitch, wanting to break her tiny little wings. She didn't even twitch.

  "Come, Josephine."

  I turned away from her and followed Maedhros. M
y feet seemed to be acting on their own, following the pull of whatever it was that was calling me. It was just lucky for me he wanted to show it to me.

  He led me down two flights of steps. I held tightly to the railings, taking the steps slowly, all the while making note of the doors and windows. Something about the place made me guess I was in the house I'd first seen him at. He flipped a switch on the wall at the base of the stairs, revealing a wide, empty space. There was no furniture, just a pair of crates on the far side of the basement.

  I moved forward now, drawn to those crates by whatever it was calling me. The tops were open and they were filled with straw, something curved and white peeking through the straw. I reached out to touch it and the one voice became louder, singing songs of birth and flight.

  "A dragon egg,” I whispered reverently, though how I knew so certainly I wasn't sure. It was about the size of a soccer ball, much smaller than I had imagined dragon eggs being but now was no time to contemplate the differences between dragons of my imagination and dragons in real life.

  "Yes.” Maedhros's voice was close to my ear, but I didn't move, I was entranced by the song in my mind. “The last of the Great Dragons. They are close to hatching."

  "How is this possible?"

  "My father was charged with guarding this clutch before the Melwasul. We were lucky that the corrupt Council forgot them in an attempt to hide their villainy. I have guarded them closely for eight hundred years."

  I pulled my hand away from the egg and took a step back. “Why are you doing this? Why are you killing your own kind?"

  Maedhros looked at me with those eerie white eyes, for a moment I saw a flicker of insanity but it was gone quickly. “Ah, you think to draw me into some villain's soliloquy in which I reveal my plan in hopes to find a way to destroy me, is that right? That is how the stories go, is it not?"

  I shook my head. “No, I—"

  "I told you do not toy with me, Josephine. I am no villain from one of your Hollywood fantasies, and I am no fool."

  I took another step back, my heels hitting the wall. He advanced toward me. “Now, to figure out what you are,” he murmured, stroking my cheek. The touch made my skin crawl. It was now or never.


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