The Quickening

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The Quickening Page 11

by Antonia Tiranth

  Apparently, me telling her not to laugh let loose whatever restraint Phi had, and she burst into gales of laughter. Leena walked carefully across the mattress to curl up on a pillow. I glared at the little silver terror, who blinked at me and promptly went to sleep. Or at least pretended to. I took my hand from my ear, searching for blood. Thankfully, she hadn't broken the skin.

  "It's not funny,” I insisted again.

  Phi finally controlled herself, an occasional giggle still escaping. “How did she get in here anyway?"

  I pointed to the dumbwaiter on the other side of the room. We sat in silence for a little longer and finally I cleared my throat. “They sent some Rikashi to check out Maedhros's house."

  "Good.” The suddenly awkward silence was broken by a knock on the door. “Come in."

  Shirak came into the room, a stern look still on his face. “The Council wants to apologize."

  "They better damn well apologize,” I grumbled. “They could have killed her."

  "Where the hell are my clothes?” Having finally noticed the shirt she was wearing, Phi pulled a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around herself.

  I chuckled, but ignored her question for the moment. “They're probably hoping you'll forget it ever happened and not want them to apologize."

  "You better believe I'm getting an apology. Just as soon as I get dressed."

  The auburn haired Surion returned and shooed Shirak and I out of the room. We waited in the hall, not speaking.

  From the muted arguing coming from inside the room, I knew there was some kind of problem with the clothes, but I couldn't tell exactly what the problem was. I caught Shir's eye and raised an eyebrow as I indicated the door with a nod. He could mentally eavesdrop on the situation if he wanted to. Which he obviously didn't.

  The door opened, and Phi marched out of the room, a very annoyed expression on her face. Behind her, the healer definitely looked liked she'd been in a fight—she was straightening her own clothes and her hair was disheveled.

  Shirak stared, but I almost laughed. Phi was wearing a dress, a very pretty, very girly, very dainty, white, short-sleeved, blue-trimmed dress. Leena was draped across her shoulders like a silver necklace.

  It wasn't the fact that she was in a dress that had me stifling laughter, she'd worn dresses before for special occasions—it was the look on her face. Which very obviously displayed that according to her this was no special occasion, and she'd been forced into the dress.

  She glared at me. “Don't you dare laugh!"

  Shirak looked from her to me and back again. “Why would he laugh? You look beautiful."

  "I look ... girly."

  I bit my lip to keep from laughing at her distaste for anything she deemed “girly.” Shirak was right, she did look beautiful, and there was nothing girly about her appearance. No, she looked womanly, and I was fighting my very male reactions to that vision.

  "Nonsense,” said the female Rikashi. “As Shirak says, you look beautiful. Now scoot."

  I offered her my arm and got another glare. “My lady, would you do me the honor of allowing me to escort you to your ass kissing ceremony?"

  She laughed and shoved me but hooked her arm in mine. “You're impossible."

  "You know it."

  We followed Shirak through the halls of the mansion until Phi suddenly put on the brakes, nearly yanking my arm out of my socket.

  "Phi?” I looked at her.

  She was staring at a door we had just passed, her eyes distant. “What's through there?"

  "Basement storage.” I turned to see my father coming toward us from the other end of the hall. “Why?"

  "Who owns this mansion?"

  "The Head of the Council."

  "Phi, what is it?"

  She shook her head. “I think there's something down there."

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  Chapter 19

  Josephine Erlina Moreau

  "Yes, there is something down there ... storage.” Mr. Gwindor's voice dripped with sarcasm and an obvious question about my intelligence.

  I was getting a little tired of the attitude I was getting from him, but for now I ignored him. The pull toward the door was too strong to ignore. As I started toward it, Leena's claws dug into my shoulders. I put my hand on the doorknob.


  "Anyone got the key?"

  "Dad?” Aer's voice sounded strained, almost like speaking to his father was something he didn't want to do.

  "I can get one, but I would like to know what is going on."

  I whirled around, Leena's claws digging in painfully, but the pain only added to my anger. I might have blacked out, but I could remember every single Rikashi that had invaded my mind, and Mr. Gwindor had been one of them. “You and your friends should know after messing around in my head what I think might be down there. Now get the goddamned key and while you're at it get the owner of this house too, because if it's what I think it is, someone has some explaining to do."

  The senior Gwindor pulled himself up to his considerable height and glared at me. “Now see here human, what right do you—"

  Aer growled, Shirak shook his head, Leena hissed and I lost my temper.

  "I have the right because I found the Great Dragon egg, because I rescued your son, because Maedhros has kidnapped me, and because you invaded my mind.” I poked him in the chest with each reason. “You want to deal with Maedhros on your own? Be my guest, but Leena is coming with me. I wouldn't leave a goldfish in your care.” I spun and started down the hall only to find my way blocked by Aer and Shirak. “Move!"

  The anger in Aer's eyes froze me, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at his father. Aer clenched and unclenched his hands, I guessed to keep from taking hybrid form.

  "You can't take the Great Dragon.” Mr. Gwindor was trying to use some ability on me. I felt it invade my mind only to be pushed away by another presence. I recognized that one as Leena.

  I turned slowly to face him and gave him my best “go to hell” look. I was about to dare him to try and stop me from taking the dragoness when Leena spoke up.

  "Touch me or Mother and loose a finger.” She sounded like an angry little girl, but I could feel her determination.

  "And you'll have to go through me first,” Aer added stepping forward to stand between the two of us.

  "And me as well, Father.” Shirak moved to stand beside his brother.

  That the three of them came so quickly and steadfastly to my defense, had me blinking back tears. I watched as Mr. Gwindor looked from Aer to Shirak to Leena and finally to me.

  I'd read in books about someone seeming to deflate and had always wondered what that would look like. I didn't have to wonder anymore. Mr. Gwindor's shoulders slumped, and he looked liked he'd aged ten years in a few brief seconds.

  "I apologize."

  Aer and Shir turned toward me to see if I would accept the apology. I wasn't sure I would, but the relentless pull from the storage area wouldn't let me leave the area no matter what I wanted. I sighed and looked at Aer. “I need the key to the storage area."


  "I shall see if I can locate it.” Mr. Gwindor turned and started back down the hall, Shirak following him.

  Aer and I waited by the door. The draft coming from under the door was making the hem of my dress sway lightly. I couldn't believe she'd put me in this stupid thing. I hated dresses. But I did like the appreciative glances Aer was giving my legs. Maybe I should consider wearing a dress once in awhile.

  "You think there are eggs down there?” His voice was reverent, like he was in a church.

  "I'm pretty sure. It's like when I was around Leena's egg.” It was similar, but I didn't hear the whispers I'd gotten from Leena.

  I heard the jingle of keys and stepped aside to let Aer's father by. Shirak stopped behind us.

  "The owner of the house?"

  Shirak supplied the answer. “We believe she is dead."

  The keys rattled in the lock,
and Mr. Gwindor pushed open the door. I stepped past him into the dark room, felt along the wall for the light switch and flicked it on. I was glad I paused when I looked down and saw the steep stairs inches from my feet.

  What was it with Rikashi and steep staircases? They were in my dreams, in Maedhros's home and now here.

  I followed the pull down the stairs into what was a typical basement filled with old furniture, boxes and trunks. One wall was a makeshift wine cellar with bottles covered in dust.

  I worked my way through the maze, trying to find the source of the pull. Further and further I traveled, always going slightly to the left. Behind me I could hear Aer, Shirak and their father following, some of the spaces had been tight for me and caused them to move items out of their way.

  At the back of the room there was an ancient door. I put my hand on it. Whatever was calling me was behind this door. I tried the knob.


  "Keys.” I held my hand behind me, never looking away from the door. I could hear the faint singing of the hatchling. Unlike Leena, this dragon was making up her own songs like most children do. It was a happy, nonsense song.

  The keys were placed in my hand. I tried every one of them with no success.

  "Break it down,” I said, stepping back out of the way.

  Aer moved forward, he hesitated a moment before testing the door. One pull and the old wood gave way, throwing dust into the air. All of us coughed. A breeze came up, and I turned to see Shirak in hybrid form using his wings to dissipate the dust.

  "Thanks,” I said, wiping the dust-caused tears from my eyes. Shirak just nodded.

  Behind the door was a smaller storage area, full of empty shelves. I stepped inside. There had to be something else, a secret storage area, the pull was coming from behind the wall. I began to run my hands along the wall and found it, a small crack in the wall.

  "Leena, go to Aer."

  She cooed sadly but did as I told her. With her out of danger, I wiggled my fingers into the crack and pulled. The hidden door swung open easier than I had thought it would. I fought for balance but still landed hard on my butt. “Ouch."

  Aer held out a hand. I grabbed it, and he pulled me to my feet. With a huff, I wiped the dirt and dust off the white dress, which now was more of a gray color.

  The light from the basement didn't penetrate into the crevice. Cautiously, I reached inside. It occurred to me after my hands were in there that there might be rats or snakes inside. Luckily, I wasn't afraid of them. My fingers touched something smooth and warm. I stuck my other hand in and wrapped it around the object. I rolled it forward to the edge of the crevice and into my lap. It was an egg, about three times the size that Leena's egg had been, the shell dark and splotched.


  I twisted around to let the others see the egg as I ran my hand over it. Leena trilled questioningly.

  "Another egg."

  "Bring it upstairs,” Mr. Gwindor commanded.

  I snorted. Did he honestly think I'd leave it down here? I wasn't an idiot, I thought about saying that, then I saw Aer's face.

  He had crouched down next to me, his jaw tight and a vein ticking in his forehead. I smiled at him and rolled the egg carefully into his arms.

  The thoughts of the hatchling inside began to grow stronger, they were a conglomeration of random thoughts and I had difficulty following them. This dragon was not focused as strongly as Leena and her brothers or sisters.

  "Are there any of the Tinuviel here?” The egg guardians would know what to do.

  Shirak shook his head as we walked carefully, all eyes on the egg. “No."

  "Where are they?” I demanded, sensing there was more he wasn't telling me.

  "From all reports, dead."

  "All of them?"

  "All but one."

  All but one, and I knew who that one was. Maedhros. Maybe it was time to get some answers out of this Council. What could have made him want to kill his entire clan and others of his own kind?

  As soon as we stepped off the stairs and onto the main floor, activity exploded around us. Several Rikashi offered to take the egg from Aer as we made our way to the ballroom. The two of us glared at the few who tried to touch it. I think I was more protective than Aer, something about these eggs triggered my maternal instincts. Who would have thought I'd have them?

  I went to grab some cushions and a blanket, but the healer was already leading others with blankets and pillows into the ballroom. When the makeshift nest was ready, Aer gently laid the egg in the center and stepped back. I reached out and touched the egg and felt the stirring of the dragon, then moved to Aer's side.

  All the Rikashi in the house filed in and made a circle around the nest. I couldn't blame them for being so awestruck. This wasn't the first Great Dragon egg I'd seen, but I still couldn't take my eyes off of it.

  Leena trilled nervously and nipped my ear for attention. I calmed my thoughts as I stroked the little dragon soothingly. It almost struck me as funny, a child worried that the new baby would take their place, even if the children in question were Great Dragons.

  I let the gathered Rikashi marvel at the egg for a moment as the final stragglers wandered in then whistled shrilly for attention. All eyes turned to me.

  "Now that I've got your attention again, and this time I'd appreciate no mind rapes...” I glared at each in turn, pausing at all the metallics since they were the telepaths who'd done it before. A few of them lowered their gazes immediately but some glared back until they realized I wouldn't drop my gaze. Guess all that “eye contact equals dominance” stuff was for real. “Shirak tells me there are no Tinuviel left.” A few nods. “Are there any journals or anything left by them? We need to know how to care for the eggs."

  They turned to look at each other, murmuring amongst themselves. Aer's mother stepped forward.

  "The Council Head has an extensive library. She might have recorded something."

  "Thank you. That gives us a good place to start. Now, why don't all of you start figuring out why this Maedhros guy wants you dead."

  "I hear he came before the Council several years ago?” Aer looked at several of the Rikashi nearest the egg, and I assumed they were Council members.

  Several of those Aer had looked at turned to his father, and I began to have a feeling that he was on this mysterious Council. “He was ranting and raving. No one took him seriously at the time."

  I snorted. “No one ever takes the madman about to slaughter everyone seriously at the time.” I felt a few turn my way but no one said anything. “So, just what was he ranting and raving about?"

  "He wanted us to break the Erestor, insisting that it was a mistake to ever go into hiding. He claimed to have information that would change our minds. We told him it was foolish dreaming. After that Rikashi began disappearing."

  "Dad ... exactly how long ago did this happen?” Aer's father was quiet a long moment, looking away as if lost in thought. “Dad? How long ago?"

  "Eighty years ago."

  My jaw hit the floor. Rikashi had been disappearing for eighty years and no one had lifted a finger to stop it. “And you didn't suspect that Maedhros was behind the disappearances?"

  "We did, but we couldn't find him. The disappearances were slow at first, but lately they have been more frequent. We were waiting for him to reveal himself."

  Real brilliant. Their whole race was dying and all they could do was sit back because they couldn't find him. I started to pace, thinking. “Okay, so we know the ‘who’ but we still don't know the ‘why.’ What you've said still doesn't make any sense. Who pissed this guy off in the first place?” No one could answer that question, and we were back to square one. “One thing's for certain. We need to find him and get the other eggs back."

  I didn't want the eggs or the hatchlings inside them near Maedhros any longer than they had to be. I worried he might harm them in his fanatical quest to protect them. I suppose it was my Tinuviel blood that made me feel this way. “Wait ...
you said all the Tinuviel are dead. Why would he kill his own clan first?"

  "Because he's crazy?” Aer suggested.

  I shook my head. “No, that can't be all it is. He's definitely crazy, but there's something more. What about the other clans? Which one has he attacked the most?"

  "Almost all the Rikashi in Asia, Africa, and South America are gone but if I am remembering correctly, it is our clan, the Gwindor, that seemed most targeted."

  "So, what kind of grudge is Tinuviel holding against Gwindor."

  Again silence met my question and I wanted to scream. They had to know something. Finally a voice spoke up from the back but I couldn't understand it at first. “What did you say?"

  "The Melwasul."

  I looked to Aer for an explanation.

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  Chapter 20

  Aerandir Cirdan Gwindor

  Of course, why had we not seen it before? I fought the urge to smack my forehead. “What idiots we are,” I muttered and then more loudly said, “Tinuviel clan blamed Gwindor clan for the Melwasul. Maedhros is still carrying that hatred. Now he's found or been given the eggs, and he wants to get rid of anything he sees as a danger to them."

  I saw realization dawning on the faces of Dad and the others. It all made perfect sense, or it would make perfect sense to a madman.

  "So, he wants to kill off all Rikashi who are keeping to the terms of the Erestor?” Phi was pacing again. “All that trouble for a couple of dragon eggs? You said this is worldwide. Why not just take the eggs to a remote location and kill off the Rikashi in the area?"

  I had no answer for that question and started pacing myself. The other Rikashi just stood there, like statues, seemingly unawares of the goings on around them, staring at the egg. “You're right, there has to be something we're missing."

  She stopped by the egg, resting her hand atop it. “Son of a bitch.” Her soft exclamation made me pause.


  "This isn't just for one or two eggs. He knows where there are more."


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