Maisy's Keeper: Club Drift, Book One (The Club Drift Series 1)

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Maisy's Keeper: Club Drift, Book One (The Club Drift Series 1) Page 12

by Saffron Hayes

  “Thank you who?” He said, his voice somewhere between playful and cold. He was definitely enjoying this. As his hands smoothed the pain into dark pleasure she realised she was enjoying it as well.

  “Sir! Sir! Thank you, Sir!” She exclaimed through laughter, knowing now what game he was playing.

  “Too late.” His hand landed again stinging her already pink and warm flesh.

  She growled softly and held back the torrent of swear words that she’d just love to unleash. “Thank you, S-”

  “Too slow,” he said. Maisy cried out as he spanked each cheek again, still on the same sore spot.

  “Thank you, Sir,” She said through gritted teeth.

  “Attitude.” He hit each cheek three times in quick succession.

  She hissed and cringed away causing her clamped nipples to rub against the sheets, the faint pressure from the clamps briefly surged into pain before merging back into a more intense pleasure along with the heat on her backside.

  “Give me your arse and take your one blow, Maisy.” His voice was perfectly calm. She opened her mouth to tell him how unfair he was being, but stopped when she realised that he wasn’t, not really.

  They were playing the game she’d agreed to and she wasn’t following the rules.

  She took a deep breath and arched her back, sticking her arse up in the air and offering her pink flesh to him.

  Crack, crack. “Thank you, Sir,” She said. And she meant it. The sharp sting from the blows quickly faded into warmth and she smiled, proud of herself.

  “Good girl.” Without warning, his hand was on her, tracing wide circles around her clit. She moaned and spread her legs a little further, arching up into his touch, willing him to touch her closer, more intimately.

  As if reading her mind he pushed one thick finger into her tight, wet hole.

  “Thank you, Sir,” She gasped without prompt as he stroked her inside and out. His left hand pressed down on her back as he added another finger. She stretched around him, wriggling between his strong hands as pleasure built in her core. The small tastes of erotic submission he’d given her up until now had served only to leave her in a constant state of arousal and she desperately craved release.

  He stroked her most sensitive spot inside with firm pressure, sending her thoughts spiralling. Then, just as she was settling into the rhythm, he started rubbing her clit with his thumb. He circled the sensitive nub, holding her in place with his other hand as she began to quake.

  He increased the speed and pressure, pumping her with his thick fingers and stroking her to wild heights. She clenched down on him as she felt herself near a peak, her breathing erratic, her cheeks flushed.

  He pulled away, adding insult to injury by lightly spanking the back of her thighs.

  She whimpered, pushing herself towards him, pleading with her body for her ruined climax.

  “Were you going to come then, sweetheart?”

  “Yes...No... I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know? You were certainly thinking about it. I give you a nice reward and you go and think about coming without permission? I don’t know, Maisy, I don’t think you’re learning very quickly.”

  “No! I am, please, I would have asked, I -” Confused by her eagerness to please and the frustrated, pulsing sensations in her cunt she could barely string a thought together.

  “Pick a number between one and ten.”

  “No! I...’ She stopped and struggled to tame her confused thoughts. She wanted this, she wanted to be good for him. Why was she trying to avoid the punishment that would help her learn?

  “Ten,” she said.

  “Ten?” He asked, quietly.

  “Yes Sir,” she said, determinedly pushing her arse towards him and trying to still the involuntary tremor in her legs.

  “Sweetheart,” he began, but seemed to think better of it and stopped. “Ten it is.” She heard him walk away to the other side of the room, heard rustling and movement. She stared obediently stared down at the bed the whole time, never giving in to her temptation to look and find out what he was going to deliver her punishment blows with.

  She cried out in surprise as he pushed his thick, long cock into her with one smooth, slow, and careful thrust. He was big and although she was wet and eager it’d been a long time since she’d taken anything other than his fingers.

  His hand pushed down on the base of her back again, steadying her as he filled her entirely.

  “Count,” he said, before pulling out and thrusting back in. It hurt, but not for long as her long denied nerves twitched into full awareness.

  “Count,” he repeated.

  “Two,” she said, “Ah!” He had smacked her arse as he pulled out again leaving her painfully empty.

  “It doesn’t add to the total if you’re not counting now, does it? Start at one.”

  Maisy was about to argue with his crappy logic, but all thoughts left her mind as his deliciously thick cock filled her again. “Ah! One,” she said, wriggling her arse towards him, wordlessly begging him to fuck her properly.

  He pulled out again and began to push back into her, but this time he went slowly - too slowly. She whined as he pushed his rock-hard length into her centimetre by centimetre. Her sensitive tissues stretched around him, waiting for the thrust she desperately wanted.

  “Please,” she said, pushing herself onto him as far as she could with his hands holding her in place, the moment the word left her lips he pulled out entirely again, causing a string of swear words to fall from her lips.

  He laughed gently and reached around to play with her clit. “Be a good girl, stay still, and you’ll get what you want soon enough. We’re still on one of ten.”

  She groaned, but she nodded and straightened her back. He kept massaging her clit in tight, infuriating circles as he began to enter her with the same tortuously slow pace. Her breath came in short, desperate pants as she fought the urge to push down on his cock. “Please?”

  He stilled, but didn’t withdraw, “Please what, Maisy?”

  “Please Sir!”

  He eased in another inch and pinched her clit roughly, Please Sir what?”

  “Please Sir fuck me, please, please, please,” she said, shaking with the effort it took to stay still.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, before filling her completely with one strong thrust. “Fuck,” his voice rumbled with obvious pleasure and relief - he’d been torturing himself as well as her.

  All thought of counting was gone from her mind as he began to fuck her in earnest. It was all she could do to breath a ragged, “Thank you,” as he drove into her again and again. He resumed stroking her clit, his other arm holding her up as she started to sag under his pleasurable weight.

  “Please, please, please,” mindless gasps fell from her lips with each stroke as she climbed towards release again. Her heavy breasts, nipples sensitive from the clamps, brushed against the bedspread. It felt like rough tongues laving at her sensitive flesh and that, combined with his hand on her clit and his cock filling her, urged her towards orgasm fast, quicker than she could control.

  As she reached the top off the cliff she remembered she should ask permission, but he increased the speed of his fingers on her clit and it was too late.

  She fell over the edge, every nerve in her body exploding with pleasure. She cried out her powerful release, the week’s many erotic frustrations pouring themselves into pure ecstasy. Dan kept up the rhythm, holding her while she bucked and moaned, but as she came down from the overwhelming high she felt rather than heard him chuckle.

  “Well, sweetheart, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

  She froze, “I couldn’t help it, it just happened. I’m sorry, Sir, I won’t do it again, I-” she stopped as she felt him shaking with barely controlled laughter behind her. “You did that on purpose.”

  “Of course I did, and now I get to punish you for it, isn’t that wonderful?” He turned her over so her tortured nipples pointed at the ceiling.
She scowled at Daniel as he massaged her stiff limbs until she relaxed into the bed, her legs spread wide for him.

  “I’d wipe that look off your face if I were you, Maisy,” the laughter had retreated to his eyes and his voice had become darkly serious again. She swallowed her retort and smoothed her features as best she could.

  “That’s better”’ Now she was allowed to look she drank him in. He tucked his sheathed erection back into his trousers where it bulged conspicuously, then shrugged his black t-shirt off as she watched with unashamed lust. The muscles on his broad chest rippled bewitchingly as he unfastened his black armband.

  “Now, do you think you can stay very still or would you like to be restrained properly?”

  She grinned up at him, made bold by post-orgasmic bliss. “Restrained please,” she said, coyly.

  His grin matched hers, “Good choice, brave little sub, you’re going to be wriggling in a minute.”

  She stretched languidly as he tied her wrists and ankles to each corner of the bed with rope he retrieved from the wardrobe’s bottom drawer. She was immobilised and it was somehow exquisite. She felt beautiful and helpless.

  She’d almost forgotten that she was in trouble, until he picked up a large mains powered...something.

  “What’s that?” She eyed the bulbous head of the thing in his hand warily, it was much too large to be insertable, she hoped, but that didn’t ease her apprehension.

  He plugged it in and stalked back to her, an infuriating smirk on his face. “This is my favourite toy. It could be yours too, but unfortunately you’re going to be punished with it the first time you meet it. What a pity.”

  She squirmed in her bonds, his words sending a pulse of nervous arousal through her, “Punished?”

  “Yes sweetheart, punished. You need to learn to ask for your orgasms, because they belong to me right now.” He climbed onto the bed and knelt between her bound legs while she watched with rapt attention. He covered the monstrous thing with a condom and placed it against her thigh.

  He ran a finger down her slick folds, almost nonchalantly, and smiled when she shivered. “You stopped counting at two, yes? I won’t make you start from one.”

  “Thank you, but-” she was interrupted by her own strangled cry as he switched the thing on and pressed the bulbous vibrating head against her clit.

  “Thank me and count when you come. You will get to that ten you asked for.” He pushed down on her mound with the palm of one hand and pressed the infernal vibrating thing impossibly close to her clit with the other.

  It took seconds for it to push her over the edge again, he moved it away from her while she caught her breath enough to pant “Three, thank you, Sir.”

  “Good girl,” he smiled approvingly, before pressing the wand against her far too sensitive clit again.

  “No, no, no, please, it’s too much, please,” she strained against the rope and the big hand pressing her into the bed. The vicious toy relentlessly buzzed against her tender and protesting flesh until, somehow, the cruel sensations turned back into pleasure and she flew into another orgasm.

  “Good girl. What do you say?” He brushed her clit with his thumb, holding the buzzing toy against her thigh.

  She hissed at the rough sensation, ‘Four, thank you, Sir.’

  “Good. Watch the attitude next time.” She screamed as he pushed the toy against her again.

  “Please, no, pleeeease, I can’t come again, I can’t,” she pulled against the ropes, unable to move an inch away from his unyielding attentions.

  “Yes, you can,” he said, before pressing something on the shaft of the toy that caused the motor to go twice as fast.

  “Oh God, no,” she cried out as it forced her to come again, the tidal waves of pleasure too intense, almost painful.

  “Maisy?” He moved it to her thigh again.

  “Thank you, Sir, five,” she spat out through gritted teeth.

  He slapped her right breast, rattling the clamped nipple and causing her to cry out again, then pressed the damned thing harder against her cunt, dialling up the intensity to even greater, more tortuous levels.

  “I said watch the attitude, sweetheart. I’m giving you all these lovely orgasms, you don’t even have to ask for them, and you can’t even thank me nicely.”

  “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” she went over in seconds, tears spilling over her cheeks, she was bewildered by the intense sensations. In a daze she heard him turn it off and she breathed, “Six, thank you, Sir.”

  He leaned over her and wiped a tear from her cheek gently, “Are you okay?”

  She saw the concern in his eyes and forced her scrambled mind to consider the question properly.

  Was she in pain? No. Was she really upset? No, just overwhelmed with the fierce sensations. Was she enjoying herself? Yes, the way he had taken control of her body in ways she’d never imagined was amazing.

  This was difficult, yes, but it was a punishment, it was meant to be - and it was thrilling.

  “I’m green,” she said, kissing his hand.

  “Are you sure? Remember, I need you to be honest with me.”

  She shook her head, “I’m fine. The wand is...It sucks, but I’m okay. I can take it.”

  He tilted his head as he assessed her intently, apparently making up his mind whether she was telling the truth, “Okay, you’ve got four left.”

  ‘Wait, no!” She said, but he’d already switched it on.

  By the time she screamed, “ten”, tears were running down her cheeks, her legs shook uncontrollably, and her clit was numb. He’d used every setting, every intensity, on the evil toy, and he hadn’t let up for a second. He’d taken her from orgasm to oversensitive torture to screaming, impossibly intense, orgasm again and again.

  He turned it off and she realised she was mumbling, “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” the words running into each other in a mindless puddle. Maisy stroked her limbs as he loosened the bonds that tied her to the bed and she slowly regained logical thought.

  After a moment of silence in which he watched her recover, she said, “Fuck me, Sir.” He raised an eyebrow and undid the fastenings of his trousers, releasing his straining erection.

  “You want more?” He pushed his trousers off and knelt between her thighs again, chuckling when she wrapped her shaking legs around his waist and pulled him towards her.

  “Please Sir, fuck me,” she desperately needed him to fill her, after coming on nothing again and again she needed to feel full.

  “My pleasure, sweetheart.” He didn’t hold back this time, plunging into her with a guttural moan and setting a fast rhythm. Her own arousal stirred again and she groaned in response as every thrust of his thick cock pulled new nerves into play, nerves that hadn’t been exhausted by the wand.

  There was no way she’d be able to come again even if she wanted to, but she wanted him to find pleasure like she had. She wanted to hear him come because of her, give him pleasure like he’d given much more than just pleasure.

  She clung to him and tried to match his frenzied pace, he had been denying himself the whole time and he was nearing his end quickly.

  “What do you think, sweetheart?” He said with a breathless grin, “Do you have one more for me?”

  She laughed and shook her head, “Fuck all chance, Sir.”

  She realised what she’d said the moment his eyebrow quirked. “I mean, I don’t think so, sorry, um...”

  He slowed the pace for just long enough to reach over and pick up the wand, before driving into her with as much force and speed as before. His forehead shone with the effort it was taking him to keep up the rhythm without coming, but he seemed determined to make her pay for her attitude before he finished.

  Maisy tried to pull him down onto her so he couldn’t use the wand, laughing in mixed terror and excitement, but he evaded her attempts easily and grabbed her wrists.

  “Grip the bed post,” he said, releasing her hands and glaring at her until she complied. “Good gir

  He was still fucking her with the same driving rhythm, eliciting small grunts of pleasure even as she fought to stop herself from pushing his arm away. He hadn’t even turned the damn wand on yet and she was terrified.

  He held her gaze and pushed down on the firm flesh above her clit as he fucked her. She started to forget about the menacing toy in his grip as she relished the feeling of him filling her, stretching her, owning her.

  Held by his gaze and hands she melted into his control, wanting nothing more than to please him.

  His thrusts became faster and more erratic as he neared release, his breathing becoming ragged. Just before he came he switched the wand onto full power and pressed it against her clit.

  The dark pressure of his cock and the new assault on her exhausted clit forced her into a shuddering orgasm in seconds. She let go of the bed and clung to his shoulders instead as the aftershocks shook her, moaning at every thrust as he pumped into her once, twice, then stilled and gave a rough groan.

  They lay for a long while in happy silence, a pile of sated limbs, the wand buzzing restlessly beside them. Eventually, Daniel opened his eyes and kissed her gently. “You’re amazing, sweetheart.”

  She laughed, “I’m exhausted.”

  “So you should be. Sorry about this,” he said. Before she could ask what he was sorry about, he unclamped her right nipple.

  “Jesus fuck, why?” She exclaimed, trying and failing to wriggle away from him. He held her steady and took her abused nipple into his mouth, gently suckling the pain away.

  “Hurt more coming off than going on, right?” He said, when he pulled away, “Sorry, probably should have warned you about that.”

  “Probably,” she said through gritted teeth, eyeing her remaining clamp with deep suspicion.

  “Come on, sweetheart. It’s got to come off. You can hold my hand if you want.”

  She glared at him, hugely unamused. To his credit, Daniel didn’t laugh, “Does it help if I say we’re going to have spiked hot chocolate when we get out of here?”

  Maisy sighed theatrically and offered him her left breast. He muffled the ensuing profanity speckled shrieks with a fiercely possessive kiss.


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