In His Eyes (Interracial Erotica)

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In His Eyes (Interracial Erotica) Page 1

by Violet Williams

  In His Eyes (Interracial Erotica)

  Violet Williams

  Published by Quiver Publishing at Smashwords

  Copyright 2012 Violet Williams

  Bree Kingston has always carried a flame for her handsome co-worker, Callum Rhodes. When they both end up at a conference in Vegas, his admission that he’s always had a thing for her too will lead to a night neither of them will forget…

  In His Eyes is an interracial erotica short story (5,041 words). It contains explicit sexual content.

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  Bree Kingston bit her lip as applause erupted from the crowd as she concluded her presentation. Two and a half years of teaching smart ass high-schoolers who cared more about twitter and the clock reading 3pm made stage jitters damn near irrelevant. The heat that radiated over her body had less to do with her lecture on engaging a new generation and getting them excited in the classroom and more to do with Callum Rhodes.

  As he gazed up at the stage with his piercing green eyes, she jetted back to her first day at Jamison High. She was fresh out of Baylor U., suddenly worrying if she was really ready to stand in front of a class and wrangle the inner city students that were looking at her like she was fresh meat.

  When some kid named T-bone tryed to 'holla at her', Callum's voice had rumbled just behind her, sending the kid off to class. Even then her attraction bloomed between her legs when she took him in. He had golden skin and an easy smile. When her eyes took note of his wavy brown hair and muscular physique beneath his Jamison Phys. Ed tee and jeans, she knew that the teacher fraternization rules were created because of guys like him. Guys that looked at women like they were the only person on earth. She'd stammered a hello and he'd introduced himself. Her arousal had turned to guilt when she saw the wedding band gleaming on his finger.

  He'd been off limits, but she found that she searched for any reason she could to cross paths with him, having lunch the same period as his, volunteering to be on committees he signed up for, always making sure her clothes, her hair was on point. Two and a half years later and he had a tan line on his left finger where that ring used to be. He was finally untethered. Ripe for the taking.

  She did a weird bow combo and her kitten heels clacked as she walked to the wings of the stage. Once she was out of sight, she breathed in and out, nice and deep. She gripped the table behind her and swiped a bottle of water, chugging it, trying to relax. It didn't do anything to quench her real thirst, her real desire.

  She wanted Callum to pull her close, raking his fingers through her dark, wavy hair, even though she'd spent almost an hour flat ironing it to make it fall just so. She wanted him to kiss her, breathe her in, even though she took her time outlining her plush lips. She wanted him to unzip the side of the cotton candy pink dress that hugged her curvy frame, regardless of the fact that she'd gone without for the pricey frock, all out of fool's hope. A hope that he'd get to the heart of her, strip off her lacy strapless bra and thong, and look at her with his emerald eyes as he drunk her in with his gaze before his hands took over.

  Those strong, sure hands that drilled the boys P.E. class on the track would run a circuit up and down her bare ebony skin, clutching her breasts, flicking at her chocolate nipples. It would be so hard to breathe as his hands continued to blaze downward, over her stomach, down and around to the curve of her bottom. He'd clasp her ass tight as he drew her in for another kiss. He'd taste so spicy, with hints of cinnamon and musk, that Irish Spring soap aroma wrapping her in an embrace as warm as his arms.

  She'd trail her hands down his ripped chest, pausing when she hit the dark tuff of hair that fanned out before she hit his groin. He'd be as hot for her as she was for him, his cock already swollen, ready for what came next.

  The bottled water would go flying as he lifted her and laid her out, the flimsy table standing in for the countless daydreams she'd had as she sat behind her desk, praying for a day when he'd come in and show her that those dimples, the way he licked his lips when he saw her, were all signs of the attraction on his end as well. He wanted her just as bad.

  She'd lean back and spread her legs, her lust wafting out as he inhaled as he stroked his erection and stepped forward. He'd look down at her, his eyes so rife with passion. With want.

  "Bree," he'd whisper. "Bree..."


  Bree gave her head a shake, her eyes focusing as she snapped from her fantasy. Suzie Cullen, her best friend since she started at Jamison, stood in front of her. Suzie was an art teacher with a penchant for screwing everything male that moved even though she had a doting hubby at home. Her features made a collective frown, a puzzled look on her face. "You okay, B?"

  Bree forced a smile, finishing her water and tossing it in the recycling bin. "I'm fine."

  "Good," Suzie grinned. "You did great, by the way. Real inspiring." She lowered her voice. “Callum couldn’t take his eyes off of you.”

  The admission sent a whole new flutter of butterflies to Bree’s already sensitive nerves. She hated to admit it, but she’d always thought Suzie was more his type: white, with long golden hair, a petite frame, and an outgoing personality. After all, the few times Bree had seen Callum’s ex-wife had confirmed it. She’d been the spitting image of Suzie, lean and blonde, with ice cold eyes.

  “R-really?” Bree stammered in disbelief. “He was looking at me?”

  Suzie nodded as she shepherded Bree toward the stairs where most of the audience had fanned out off to explore the city, just as stir crazy as the students they all taught. It was July and they were at a teacher's conference in Vegas, a month before it was back to the grind.

  Suzie waved at a small group of teachers that loitered near the stage, all Jamison teachers. Callum was in the center of the group, his handsome face lighting up as he laughed.

  Suzie looped her arm around Bree's shoulders, pulling her the rest of the way as she stepped up to the huddle. "Three cheers for Jamison's own!"

  Congratulations rippled across from her colleagues, but Bree heard only his.

  Callum flashed her a lopsided smile that melted her into a puddle every time. "You were amazing, Bree."

  She cleared her throat, looking down at her feet. "Thanks."

  Suzie leaned in, her face full of mischief as she scanned the group. "So who's up for a little sin tonight?"

  Almost everyone echoed their approval and followed her out into the lobby, but Bree hung back with Callum.

  He gave her a playful nudge with his elbow. "You headed out tonight?"

  Bree shrugged, kicking herself for retreating to her shell. She was always the hunter under normal circumstances, but there was something about Callum that turned her into a bumbling idiot. "I-I don't know. Are you?"

  He winked at her. "Well that depends if a certain English teacher comes out. Keeps me honest and what not."

  Bree's mouth fell open. He was talking about her. Was he flirting with her? She let out a nervous chuckle. "Well, when you put it like that..." She nudged him back. “Maybe I’ll make an appearance.”

  They pushed into the lobby, alive with dings and chatter as people milled around snapping pictures and huddled around slot machines. Suzie was eyeing a group of frat boys with interest, wiggling her hips for effect.

let out a groan. “I better keep an eye on her.”

  Callum touched her forearm, sending a jolt of electricity through Bree that turned her legs to Jello. "Hope I see you tonight."

  She watched him walk to the elevator, his muscular frame promising her delights that made her core clench. She should say something, something clever. "Yeah, uh, you too." She let out a groan. Real smooth.

  Suzie started backing it up to some invisible dancer and Bree laughed in spite of herself. She was really something.

  “Come dance with me!” Suzie begged, giving a shimmy that made her chest almost pop from her blouse.

  Bree walked toward her, steering her friend toward the elevator. "If you're this bad without any alcohol, Lord help us all when we go out tonight."

  As they stepped into the elevator, Suzie's blue eyes doubled in size. "We? You're coming out?"

  Bree nodded. "I'm coming out."

  "Oh my GOD!" Suzie squealed. "You're gonna have so much fun--just you wait and see!"

  Bree tapped her foot nervously, hoping her friend’s words were true. Hoping tonight would be the night she finally told Callum how she felt.


  The sounds from the club beat out a steady rhythm. The music was blissfully loud, blotting out everything except the blaring notes that made Bree bop her head from left to right. It kept her from hearing that niggling voice in the back of her head that told her this wasn't her scene.

  Sure, she was dressed the part—she wore this slinky crimson blouse that hugged her in all the right places and paired a sequin mini skirt with razor thin stilettos. She'd even pulled her hair into a bun and wore her crystal encrusted cat eye glasses, so she had this very naughty librarian thing going. But killer outfit or not, it didn't change the fact that she felt totally out of place.

  If Bree was on one side of the spectrum, Suzie was at the other end, totally in her element. She wore a little black dress that left, well, pretty much nothing to the imagination. She was gyrating in the middle of the dance floor with some guy that had his hands glued to her ever shaking rear. When Suzie threw her arms around the man's neck and started kissing him like she wanted to swallow him whole, Bree turned away, not wanting to see anymore. She loved Suzie like a sister--you know, the one that's gorgeous but always makes bad decisions and ends up butt ass naked in all the wrong guys beds—but she was a handful. Even though the rest of the teacher's had decided against lighting up the town and she would have been more comfortable tucked in bed with her Kindle, when Bree saw that Suzie was already two sheets to the wind, she knew she wouldn't get a lick of rest if she let Suzie go out alone.

  So there she was, stirring her cocktail, trying and failing in her attempts not to think about Callum. He'd seemed so gung ho about going out after the presentation earlier. Why had he changed his mind?

  Her inner crazy told her that some cocktail waitress had probably caught his eye and now they were having wild, unprotected sex.

  She downed the rest of her drink, regretting from coming out sinking in like a stone in the sea. "I wanna have unprotected sex."

  She damn near choked when she saw a familiar face saddle up beside her. It was Callum. "Hey!" His olive eyes glittered. "You look great, Bree."

  Her mouth worked, but nothing came out. He looked great. He'd swapped his usual casual wear for a blue button down shirt and dark jeans. His hair even seemed a little more coifed than usual.

  Speak girl, speak! "T-thanks. You look, um, great. Fantastic."

  He brushed off his shoulder jokingly. "I try." He signaled the bartender. "Rum and coke." He gave her an easy smile. "Whatcha drinking?"


  "And a screwdriver." He leaned in, trying to be heard over the music. "Everyone else bailed, huh?"

  Bree nodded. "Everyone except for Suzie."

  He let out a chuckle. "Why am I not surprised?" He passed her drink. "Let's toast."

  She furrowed her brow. "What are we toasting to?"

  "An unforgettable night."

  As she clinked her cup against his, she gulped before she drank. Three words and her body was already kicking into overdrive, her heart racing as her mind went to where she wanted the evening to end up.

  As she peered at him as she swallowed a sip of her drink, she swore she saw something in the way he stared back at her. The lights were dim, but his eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief, colored with a longing that Bree felt in her bones. He slid a little closer. "Bree, I-"

  "Oh my GOSH!" Suzie's squeal was so metallic that Bree was surprised it didn't shatter glass. She sandwiched herself between Bree and Callum. "You CAME!"

  Callum let out a throaty laugh as Suzie signaled the bartender for another round. "You sure about that Suz? I'm pretty sure people two states over are getting a contact buzz off of you."

  Bree's nostrils flared as her friend slid dangerously close to her crush, pressing her body against his. "What? You know I love a good time. If I remember correctly, you love a good time too."

  Bree's face fell. What the hell was she saying?

  Callum tried to extricate himself as he gave the bartender the 'cut her off' sign. He glanced at Bree. "Don't pay her any mind."

  Suzie tossed her hair, her words running into one another. "Maybe that's her problem. She doesn't worry about me or anyone else.”

  Callum’s face was pained. “Suzie-”

  “That's why I know that Callum has a birthmark on his left ass cheek and Bree'll only dream about it."

  Bree rose to her feet, anger washing over her in turbulent waves. "What the hell are you saying, Suzie?" She had an idea, but she had to hear her say it. Suzie was supposed to be her best friend--she had to hear it from her own mouth that she'd backstabbed her.

  Suzie just gave her a smug look, her pale eyes washed out as she struggled to maintain her balance. “Do I need to spell it out?”

  Callum's face turned a shade paler. "Bree, it was right after my divorce. It didn't mean a thing and-"

  "Right after the divorce, then a month later in my classroom, then like, a few weeks back beneath the bleachers." She threw an arm around Callum’s shoulders. “He’s been a very busy boy.”

  Bree's whole body went numb as the words sunk in. She thought about telling Suzie how much she liked Callum, way back when, years ago. She thought about confiding in her friend that she finally thought she had a chance with him now that he was single. All the while, Suzie had been all supportive, telling her to make a move. She’d been batting her eyes and planting seeds of hope in Bree’s mind. She’d been building Bree up, leaving out a very important detail--she'd been fucking him.

  Calm as death, Bree turned back to the bar. She gripped her drink so tightly that she was surprised it didn’t explode in a million little pieces. She turned to her right, where Suzie stood, dancing like she hadn’t just betrayed her best friend.

  Bree took the contents of her drink and tossed them in Suzie's face. "You BITCH!" She upended the chairs as she tackled Suzie, riding her down to the floor. She got one good jab to the jaw in before she felt arms lifting her up and back. She fought against the binds, her shoes flying as she clawed at the air. "I'm not done!" she shrieked. "I'm not done!" But she was being drug out the entrance, someone barreling through the riveted bystanders, the music screeching in her ears.

  Once she was outside, she was released. Her burly escort gave her a menacing glare as she took a step to go back in.

  "Get outta here," he grumbled. "Before I call the cops."

  Bree was suddenly very aware that she was standing on the strip, all eyes on her, barefoot, and looking like hell.

  She hobbled over to a waiting cab, but as she slid inside, she let out a curse. Her purse was still inside the club.

  "Where to?" the cabbie asked gruffly.

  She opened her mouth, but closed it when she saw the door on the opposite side opened. It was Callum. He was holding her purse and shoes and wearing an apologetic grimace that she almost believed. Almost.

  He slid onto the seat beside her. "We're at The Grand."

  As the taxi rumbled to life, Bree snatched her things from him and turned her attention forward. She couldn't look at him or she'd cry. She couldn't cry. She couldn't give him or Suzie the satisfaction.

  "Bree, I was in a very dark place-"

  "Yeah," she said with a snort. "You, and every Tom, Dick, and Harry have been to that place." It was funny, she'd go to blows if anyone else called Suzie a slut, but the fact that her best friend had slept with the one guy she knew she was into was enough to let the floodgates burst. "Suzie? Really?!"

  He hung his head. "I'm not proud of it."

  The cab careened to a stop in front of their hotel. Bree reached for her wallet but Callum stopped her. "I got it."

  She pushed out of the cab, not even waiting for him to catch up.

  He bounded after her. "Bree, wait! Let me finish."

  She kept stalking toward the elevator, not pausing for a beat. Nothing he said would change anything. She felt so stupid. So alone.

  She stepped into the elevator and tried to close the door, but he popped his arm in, catching it and sliding in beside her. When the doors closed, he turned to her.

  "I don't know what I was thinking, Bree."

  She shrugged. "I have an idea. Suzie's pretty. Easy. I know exactly what you were thinking."


  "What I don't get is, you and Natalie divorced because she was unfaithful," Bree cut in. "Yet, you'd go and sleep with Suzie, knowing she's got a husband. A family. You'd go and sleep with her instead of-" She stopped, the last word hot on her tongue. She maneuvered around him and punched her floor number.

  "Instead of who," Callum said softly as the elevator rumbled to life. "You?"

  As the elevator stopped on her floor, Bree shoved past him. "It doesn't matter."

  "It does matter," he called after her. There was something in his voice that stopped her dead in her tracks.

  When he touched her shoulder, she knew she should pull away, but she let him wheel her to face him. "Me and Suzie were a mistake-"


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