Steamy Fairy Tales

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Steamy Fairy Tales Page 5

by Bast, MaryLynn

His eyes narrowed holding up the white shorts. They matched what Jake was wearing. Slipping them on while Jake walked into the bathroom, he couldn’t help but wonder if Jake was that good of an actor or he really wasn’t part of the game. He decided it was best to continue as if he were. “As I told Alina, I don’t remember my name or anything other than waking up floating in the water.”

  Jake came out of the bathroom nodding. “Doc examined you while you were out and said you don’t have any physical injuries. You are barely sunburned, so you weren’t in the water too long. What’s the deal with no memory?”

  “Can’t say.” Neptune shrugged and walked over to the round window to look out over the water. Zeus, stop with this game and make the Fates return me to my throne.

  The boat pitched sideways. Zeus’ response to his demand.

  Inhaling slowly, Neptune steadied himself against the outer hull.

  Once the ships swaying motion settled down, Jake motioned towards the door. “I am to take you to the upper deck.”

  Neptune shrugged, he didn’t have anywhere else he needed to be anyway. If he had his choice, he and Alina would still be in bed. He followed Jake down the hallway, wondering why in the hell he had asked for clothing anyway.

  Passing the door where he had left Alina lying on the bed, he heard raised voices coming from the room. Another guard stood outside the door.

  His blood boiled at the thought of her being in the arms of another man. Neptune rushed toward the door, shoving the guard aside as if he weighed nothing.

  “You can’t go in there!” Jake grabbed at his shoulder.

  Neptune shrugged his hand off and burst through the door.

  Alina’s head whipped around, her mouth open to thrash whoever came through the door. Upon seeing Neptune, her mouth snapped shut. She calmly turned back to the couple standing in front of her. “Stay right there and don’t say a word to one another. I will return in a moment.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” The irritated looking couple responded in unison.

  The thinning of her lips being pressed together was the only outward sign she showed of being angry at his intrusion. She motioned for him to go to the hallway.

  Neptune wondered what the hell was happening to him. He never acted out without thought. He waved her on through the door ahead of him, not about to leave the room without her.

  With loud sigh she walked past him and out into the hallway.

  As soon as he closed the door, she was on him.

  “Don’t you ever enter my quarters without permission.”

  Her finger jabbed into the muscles of his bare chest. Totally surprised, he took a step back at the little spitfire she’d turned in to.

  “When I am working with a couple, I do not like to be interrupted!”

  “I thought…” Honestly he didn’t know what he thought.

  “What?” Hands on her hips, her eyes glaring daggers at him.

  He shook his head, at a loss for words. He didn’t understand the feelings that ran through him. He looked down at her. The flush in her cheeks, the way she stood up to him, was an instant turn on.

  His hand darted out and grabbed her. Pulling her to him, his mouth descended on hers. This time the kiss wasn’t aggressive. He kissed her softly.

  At first, she was stiff in his arms. He heard the rustle of clothing as Jake took a step towards them, but then stopped. When Alina relaxed into his kiss, he completely forgot about Jake.

  Alina melted into his warmth. Drawing her arms up around his neck, she pressed her body against his.

  Neptune groaned at the feeling of her erect nipples poking him. Deepening the kiss, his tongue delved into the dark cavern of mouth, his rock hard shaft pressing against her belly. The way that she responded to his touch, she reminded him so much of Lena. They were similar, yet so different. Lifting his head, he waited for her to open her eyes and look at him.

  “You win.”

  “I win what?” Alina looked confused.

  “Tell Zeus he got his wish.”

  “Zeus?” She lifted her hand and brushed his forehead. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Can we go somewhere we can be alone?” He jerked his head towards the end of the hallway.

  Jake leaned against the wall, not watching them but staying close in case Alina called for him.

  “I have clients I am working with right now.” Her eyes brightened. “In fact, I think I could use your help on this one.”

  He eyed her suspiciously. “What does this involve?” He loved the sounded of her laughter. His breath caught in his throat when the realization hit him. No way!

  “All you have to do is sit, watch and listen. You don’t have to say a word.” Alina grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her cabin.

  Once inside, she motioned for him to follow her when she walked over to the couple who still stood facing one another with aggravated looks on their faces.

  “I have a way of solving your dilemma.” Alina pointed to Neptune.

  The woman’s eyes grew big when she looked at him. She chewed on her bottom lip as she looked Neptune up and down.

  The man eyed him with a dismissive look.

  “If you want to make yourself comfortable on the bed.” She smiled at Neptune. Obviously enjoying what was about to take place.

  “Tom, come over here.” She lifted his arm and placed first one, then his second wrist in the restraints towards the top of the footboard.

  Neptune hadn’t noticed them there earlier, then again, he was kind of busy.

  “Tracy, show Tom the dance you learned last night, but don’t look at him. I want you to look past his shoulder at Neptune on the bed.”

  “Psssh.” Tom shook his head laughing. “Seriously, him?”

  Alina had walked around the end of the bed and picked up another leather instrument. The whip landed with a hard crack across Tom’s ass.

  Tom gave a yelp from the stinging pain. Her aim had landed the blow across both cheeks.

  “You will not speak to Neptune again, nor will you say anything to Tracy until you are told to do so.”

  His teeth were clamped together, but he responded with a “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Good boy.”

  “You may begin, Tracy.”

  Neptune propped a couple pillows under his head and watched as the cute, little brunette began to move her hips. Her dark, brown eyes bore into his.

  At first, her moves were a little hesitant. With Alina’s guidance, she began to loosen up. Whatever Alina was whispering in the woman’s ear put a flush on Tracy’s face and a smile on hers.

  Alina watched Neptune for his response to the woman dancing in front of him.

  Tracy was pretty, but Alina was beautiful and downright sexy. Watching her body glide around behind Tracy, her hands directing Tracy’s hips, made him rock hard. He was tempted to jump up from the bed and throw her down. To hell with the other couple. He wanted to ride her until Alina screamed his name…again.

  Alina’s eyes kept wandering back to him. She was watching his response to the woman dancing in front of him.

  “Tracy, take off your shorts and shirt.” Alina nodded as the woman immediately lifted the t-shirt up and over her head, then slid the shorts slowly down her legs. “Now dance close to Tom and whisper in his ear. Tell him what you want him to do to your body.”

  Tracy’s face flushed red. With only a slight pause, she moved closer to Tom and began moving her hips again.

  Obviously Tom was turned on by the way he pushed his hips towards Tracy, moaning when her body rubbed up against his.

  Neptune’s heart skipped a beat; Alina rounded the end of the bed with a hot look in her eyes when she crawled towards him. He pulled her into his arms, crushing her lips with his. Consumed with the heat of her mouth.

  Alina ended the kiss, pulling her head back. Her eyes sultry with desire, she quickly kissed him on the lips again. “I need for you to step out of the room for just a moment so I can finish my session with Tom and Tracy.” />
  She saw his expression of disbelief and laughed. “It will only be a few minutes. I don’t allow the couples to have sex in my quarters. This was an impromptu meeting.”

  Neptune nodded, but grabbed her again for another kiss. Releasing her, he rolled towards the edge of the bed and headed towards the door.

  Closing the door, she was already talking softly with the couple.

  Jake was leaning against the wall talking with the other guard who, at the moment, was scowling at Neptune.

  “What was that about?” Jake nodded towards the door.

  “Session with a client.”

  “No, her pulling you in on a session. Are you sure the two of you haven’t met before?”

  “I would remember if I’d met her before,” Neptune grinned. He was seriously having doubts that Jake was part of Zeus’ game. If Jake wasn’t, was Alina? He didn’t know what to think anymore. It was all just too perfect. She was just too perfect.

  It didn’t matter if she was part of the game or not. He felt a connection with her. Dammit, Zeus’ interference forced his hand and now he had to admit that his brother was right.

  That he was lonely and needed someone in his life. That someone was in the cabin right behind him and he wanted her with him. He didn’t care if she was a demigod, human or whatever.

  He heard the door open. Turning with a smile on his face, everything went black.

  Neptune landed with a thud on the marbled floor. “Dammit, Zeus!” Frowning, he stood up and glowered at his brother. “Why did you pull me back now? You sent me there to find true love.”

  “I didn’t send you, the Fates did.” Zeus laughed at the anger on Neptune’s face. “I called you back to remind you that you cannot tell her what you are.”

  “I didn’t plan on tell her.”

  “Oh? Are you planning to remain in the human world and give up your precious sea?”

  “Hell no!” Neptune spun on the new comer into the conversation. Ares stood behind him with a smirk on his face.

  “My day just keeps getting better and better.”

  Ares swiped his hand across his forehead dramatically. “Oh, the life of a God.”

  “You only show up to fuck with things. What do you want with me?” Neptune had a sinking feeling he was there because of Alina.

  Ares’ smirk turned into a full smile. “The Fates said you would find true love. They didn’t say you would keep her.”

  The staff appeared in Neptune’s hand. He pointed it towards the God of War, ready to blast him straight to hell when Zeus froze them both in place.

  “Now, children, play nice. I will not have you destroying my great room.”

  Neptune wanted to bellow in anger at the thought of Ares ripping Alina away after just finding her.

  Aphrodite sauntered down the long walkway. “You two at it again?”

  She shook her head, running her hand along both men’s muscular arms before she sat down in the chair to Zeus’ right.

  The frozen restraint on him released and Neptune could breathe easier once more. “When the two of you are together it never bodes well for anyone.” He looked between Aphrodite and Ares. “So, was meeting Alina just a game to you all? To see if you could torture me?”

  “No, dear.” Aphrodite shook her head. “The Fates prophesized your life and it is taking place as it should. We cannot interfere with that portion of it.”

  “So, she is not a demigod, just a human being?”

  “You say just a human as if it is something bad.” Zeus contemplated his little brother for a moment. “You really did care for her when we were kids didn’t you.”

  Neptune’s shoulders tensed. “I don’t want to discuss that.”

  “Well, dear, you are going to have to if you want to go back to your lovely Alina.” Aphrodite inspected her fingernails.

  Clenching his fists at his side he gritted his teeth. “Yes, I did care for her and she was taken away from me. Humans are too fragile.”

  “You recognize something in her don’t you?”

  “Yes, dammit. Instant attraction. Like I have known her…” His eyes opened wide and he stared at Zeus. No. He couldn’t have.

  The smile on Zeus’ face told him he had.

  Closing his eyes, Neptune sucked in a deep breath. “Does she remember me?”

  “Time for you to find out.” Zeus grinned.

  Neptune slumped against the wall, dazed for a moment at being tossed so suddenly back into the human form.

  Alina rushed forward. “Are you alright?”

  The touch of her hand on his cheek sent pleasure rushing through his body. It had been so long ago that he’d fallen for a human, but those feelings rushed back when he looked into Alina’s beautiful eyes.

  She smiled, a shimmer of tears glistening in her eyes. Her hand cupping his cheek, she leaned into him and kissed his lip before whispering. “Welcome back, now take me home!”

  The boat faded away and they were standing in Neptune’s chambers. The rush of overwhelming power seized his body as he pulled her to him.

  “I thought I would never see you again.” Neptune kissed her on the top of her head.

  “Your heart was closed to true love, so I couldn’t come back to you.”

  “When I lost you on earth, I swore to never love again.” A tear slid down his cheek and she wiped it away.

  “All that matters is I am here now.” She whispered softly, her own tears slipping down her cheeks. “I love you, Neptune.”

  “How did he bring you back to me?” Neptune leaned back and searched her eyes.

  “I was never really gone.”

  Neptune frowned, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. “What do you mean?”

  “I know you don’t like Aphrodite much, but she held my soul until you were ready for me to return.”

  His head dropped to her shoulder, throat constricting painfully. Holding her close. “I am so sorry!”

  “I am here now, that’s all that matters.”

  He wanted to kill the Goddess for not telling him that Lena’s soul was in stasis.

  “Darling, I had to go through the human process of dying for Aphrodite to bring me into your world. You weren’t ready.”

  Alina lifted his head gently from her shoulder and kissed him tenderly.

  Neptune’s eyes remained closed as he held her close. “I supposed I have to tell them thank you for not letting your soul go.” Opening his eyes, he looked into her beautiful green eyes and shook his head. “I should have seen it was you right away.”

  Alina smiled. “The last time you saw me, I was shriveled with age. I have my youthful appearance in a new body but the knowledge of centuries.”

  “And you chose to council couples in the art of lovemaking with that knowledge?”

  Alina laughed. “It is my way of helping people overcome their problems.” She saw the stormy look cross his face and tried to smooth his brow with her fingertips. “I never slept with my clients, nor any of the men on staff.”

  “But you slept with others.” His entire body tensed.

  “My soul went from body to body until you were ready for me to return to you. Three centuries is a long time to wait and, with all the children you are marrying off, you cannot tell me you did not sleep with others.”

  Neptune stared at her. Even though he didn’t like the idea of her with other men, he had to agree. “Point taken. Do you plan to continue with these tours?”

  “I’ll return on occasion to see how things are going. My staff is trained and I will ask Jake to continue in my place.”

  Neptune grinned down at her. The Fates could play their games with the human world. Let them tell their silly fairy tales. They could call him King Triton all they wanted as long as he had the woman he loved. “I love you, forever and always.” He sealed the promise with a kiss. His little mermaid was in his arms.

  Panther Pride Saga

  Coming Soon

  MaryLynn Bast Biography

n Bast moved from Texas to Las Vegas in July 2010. She is an author of paranormal romance and has published 7 books, 6 of which are part of the Heart of a Wolf Series.

  Currently a full time student working on her Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design, MaryLynn also works as a consultant for a contractor with the US Military, traveling from base to base across the US and around the world. MaryLynn is thrilled to meet many new people and experience the different cultures.

  MaryLynn is an active member of Paranormal Researchers of Nevada. Talking with the clients and going out on investigations is a favorite pastime. This combined with her travels provides many inspirations for MaryLynn to write her paranormal romance and fantasies.

  After visiting a pet rescue in search of a kitten and hearing the horrible story of how one of the animals was treated, she adopted a one and a half year of black cat. Magic won her heart immediately and has trained her very well.

  MaryLynn along with PRN group members has visited local animal rescues and will be holding a fund raiser to assist two different rescue groups. The fun part of all this is that a producer has contacted the group and they are in the process of setting up to film a pilot for a possible television series. In talking with the producer, there is also a chance that the series will be picked up and turned into a series as well. Keeping our fingers crossed! Check out her websites for details.

  Book reviews for other Indie Authors and news of upcoming works by MaryLynn.

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