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Jared'sfinal Page 6


  Traci had almost fainted when they told her that he was going to be fine. She didn’t know what she would do in a world without Jared. He had been her dream man for so long. All the boys and men she dated over the years had all been an attempt to find someone like him. She had failed; there was no one like Jared. His sweet smile and kind eyes. The way that his eyes turned hard and sexy when he was pissed. The rough tone in his voice when he ragged on Traci for doing something she wasn’t supposed to, man, she had it bad when she liked how he sounded when he was being a nag.

  She ran her hand across his back, thinking of him without clothes on and feeling his smooth skin under her fingertips. She had seen him naked once. When he was coming out of the shower in his office, she’d brought food over for dinner when he had a late night. She’d walked into the room without thinking and caught him literally with his pants down. That’s when her dreams had become much more erotic and specific.

  Seeing his hard body had been more than enough to spurn her fantasies.

  She could see horses and another four-wheeler riding parallel to them. She assumed it must be the guards and Colton. They talked about how they were going to be staking out the cabin. She felt bad the men were going to be outside. It was the spring in Colorado, but storms could be so unpredictable here. One day in the sixties and the next, fifteen inches of snow. If it looked like they were going to get a spring storm, she would have Jared call the men in. They could all share the cabin. It could get nasty out there.

  They pulled up to the cabin a few hours after they left the main house. It was pretty fast considering they were pulling the cart. She jumped off and began unloading the cart.

  Jared was not supposed to be lifting things. She frowned at him when he tried to help.

  “No, I heard what the doctor said, nothing over twenty pounds,” she said and shooed him into the cabin to check things out. They had aired it out but there were still things that needed to be done. She carried a box of food in and then went back for more as Jared began to put the stuff away. After a few trips she was done. Then they slowly worked together to put stuff away. She laughed when he put both of their bags in the bedroom. Whatever, she would deal later; first, she needed to get them settled in.

  Jared had gone into the bathroom to get cleaned up. The ride had been dusty and he wanted to make sure his wound was clean. She swept the dust and shook the cushions on the chairs. There was no television but they had a small radio that she turned on and found her favorite country station. She hummed to the music as she straightened up.

  When everything looked good she turned to the kitchen, she needed to cook some dinner.

  As she reached for the pantry, Jared said, “No, I have dinner taken care of. Why don’t you take your turn to get cleaned up? I have everything under control out here. Take your time. I wish we had a tub for you, but it’s only the shower. But the water is hot. So take your time,” he said and waked to her and kissed her lightly on the nose and pushed her to the bedroom.

  The bathroom was in the back. Jade and she had been there when they installed it.

  They had been so excited the men said they never cared one way or another, they always seemed proud of being manly and washing in the creek. Jade and Traci complained about having to go to the bathroom in a stinky outhouse in the dark and washing in a cold creek where anyone could see, so Jared had finally paid to have a septic tank installed and figured out how to pump water to the cabin from the creek and heated it with a small tankless water heater. They had fun that weekend, knowing that they never had to take the flashlights to go to the bathroom again. They were able to drink a little more than usual, and had bad hangovers the next day.

  She looked at Jared suspiciously and sighed. He was up to something; she just didn’t know what. As she got her first look at the bedroom she realized something had changed. Either they hadn’t used this as a line cabin in some time or Jared had been planning something here for awhile. The bunk beds had been replaced with a king size bed. The room was small so it was really all bed with two small night stands and an armoire in the corner. She turned and closed the door to the bedroom and took a deep breath, his scent was once again all she smelled. She wondered if it was shampoo or soap that made him smell so good. She went into the bathroom and saw the bar of soap that lay in the tray. It was the soap. She lifted it, smelled it, and closed her eyes.

  Blushing to herself, she turned and walked back into the bedroom. There were things to be done; she couldn’t stand there and moon over him all night. She pulled her bag up to the bed and looked for Jared’s; she saw he’d placed it on the right side of the bed. She smiled. She slept on the left.

  Traci opened her bag and snickered when she saw the note Jade had put in there on top.

  Pulling it out she looked around the room like someone would see what she had in her bag. She laughed at herself and read the note.


  I know you would never do this on your own so I did this for your own good. I love you! Go get him!


  She frowned and looked at the note again and then looked into the bag. Her clothes were gone. Everything she had packed was gone. In its place were slinky nighties and underwear. Shit, a whole bag of naughty clothes. The only thing she had to wear that was normal were the clothes she had on and they were dusty and dirty. She was going to have to wash them out before she wore them again. Shit, she was going to kill her best friend.

  Traci went to her purse, got out the radio, and pushed the button like Colton said.

  “Jade, I’m going to kill you. Get your ass out here with my clothes,” she whispered into the receiver frantically.

  She heard the click and then Jade said, “Nope, I told you it was for your own good. I will have them bring you clothes in a few days. Lance and Dom said that they didn’t expect movement for a few days, so you have time.”

  Traci growled into the phone and said, “I will get even for this you know. Just remember that I know everything about you. And remember, you’re the nice one, I’m the mean one.”

  She heard Jade laugh and click off the radio. Traci longed to throw it against the wall but Jared would come running. What was she going to do? She pawed through her bag and pulled out the outfits Jade had packed. At lease her favorite one was there. The full length, silver-blue gown actually fit her body nicely. It had spaghetti straps that led to a satin covered bra-like bodice that had a lace appliqué with small flowers on it. The satin ended just below the bodice, then a strip of sheer lace from there to just below her navel, then satin again until just past the tops of her thighs, then lace to the floor length hem.

  When she wore it she felt beautiful; it was classy and sexy at the same time.

  Traci looked at the little teddies and thongs her friend packed and decided that this was the safest. And she would feel good. Making her decision, she took the gown and her toiletries and went into the bathroom. Over the sound of the water she didn’t hear the soft knock on the door, nor the sound of the four-wheeler coming and going. She finished her shower feeling much better now that she was clean and no longer grimey.

  She pulled out the brush, pulled it through the tangles, and then dried it quickly. She wanted to look good if she had to go out there in a nightie. Her brown hair shone when she was done and she clipped it back so it was out of her face.

  Then she applied a little make up so she didn’t look like a scared, little rabbit. She pulled on the night gown, looked in the mirror, and smiled. She looked her best and felt her best. Jared may not think of her as a woman now, but when he saw her in this, he would have to.

  She stepped out of the bathroom and looked around. She wanted to make sure that things were perfect if there was a chance she was going to get lucky. She pulled the covers back and plumped up the pillows. Then smiled. She hoped she got lucky.

  Chapter 8

  Jared looked around the living room. He had planned this out to the letter late last night with the help of his friends. Col
ton brought the meal that Marguerite had prepared; it was warming in the small oven ready for him to pull out. He had also brought the candles and table covering and flowers. It took him time to make sure everything was right.

  There were two vases of flowers. One full of red roses, while the other had an array of wildflowers that looked nice against the white table cloth that Jade had insisted he put on the table, he figured she knew since she owned a restaurant. He set the table and smiled as he put out the dishes that they would need. The dessert was going to be amazing. Jade made it this morning for him. It was Traci’s favorite, Crème Brulee.

  He stopped when he heard the shower stop and held his breath, would she come out right away with her normal flannel rode and monkey slippers? He loved her monkey slippers that she and Jade found on one of their shopping trips. He recalled how excited Traci had been when she showed them to him. Jade had gotten bumble bee slippers; they had danced in front of the TV to a funny song while he and his brothers teased the women. They didn’t care, saying that every woman should have monkey or bee slippers.

  They made a person smile.

  He checked the food in the oven one more time before he lit the candles that he placed all over the room and turned off the lights. It was romantic, he hoped. Colton and Danny assured him that candles and flowers were the way to a woman’s heart.

  He heard the click of the bedroom door and turned after he lit the last candle and sucked in his breath. She was perfect, he thought. The way the candles danced off the shimmering night gown she wore did not do her justice. She was like a vision. He grinned and walked to her. He could see the worry in her eyes and wanted to make it all go away. He wanted her and she was going to be his.

  Without saying a word, he reached her, leaned over, and lightly kissed her lips. It was their first kiss and certainly not their last, but he wanted her to remember the first time they had kissed.

  She was hesitant at first and then she threw her arms around him and pulled him closer.

  He groaned. SHE deepened the kiss, not him, but he caught up quickly, taking over. He licked the seam of her lips and ran his hands down her body. She was curvy and luscious and all his. The satin feel of the gown made him smile. It would look nice thrown on the floor in a heap.

  He leaned back and growled. “Open your mouth, Darlin’.” She smiled shyly and nodded. He dipped his head back and she opened for him, allowing him access. He explored and touched every inch of her mouth before sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and nipping it softly. “Beautiful,” he whispered.

  He pulled back, grabbed her hand, and pulled her into the room. “Let's eat,” he said and she smiled.

  “What are we having?” she asked gently and looked around.

  Jared pulled two plates from the stove and turned around. “Marguerite’s famous enchiladas with homemade tortillas and green chili,” he said proudly and put the plates down.

  Traci clapped and smiled. “I love her enchiladas. She refuses to give me the recipe until after I’m married.”

  “She says that her mother would roll over in her grave if she did, family tradition,” Jared laughed and said. He pulled out a bottle of wine and poured her a glass. It was a local wine, one that she loved and stocked at the diner.

  They ate and talked about silly things. She was completely enthralled with the way the evening was going. He was not treating her like a child, but treating her like an equal.

  Like a woman who had thoughts and ideas. She loved it. He never told her she was wrong when she offered an opinion about something during the meal. They argued about cattle breeding and talked about the diner. The conversation was what she had always dreamed she would have with Jared.

  During the meal, he touched her often. Putting his hand over hers, or kissing her fingers. She felt loved. It was amazing. They ate slowly, and she savored every piece of her meal. She was not kidding when she said she loved the enchiladas and was pleased that Jared had remembered.

  He teased her about old cooking mistakes before she went to culinary school. She had tried to make everything and anything that caught her eye. Sometimes they were wonderful, and other times they were not, but Jared had eaten every single bite of food that she had ever made for him.

  They neared the end of the meal and she sighed and put her hand over her stomach.

  “Oh my, I am so full,” she said and leaned back in the chair.

  Jared laughed and said, “What about dessert?”

  She grinned and said, “I need a little bit.”

  “Maybe we can work off some of that meal,” he said huskily and stood up. He cleared the table quickly, when she got up to help him, he moved her away to the small couch that sat against the wall. She saw the flowers and smiled. He had really gone all out for this meal, for her. It made her feel safe and cherished. She wished they had gotten there sooner, the time they wasted, she thought and watched as he rinsed the dishes and put them on the rack.

  He dried his hands on the small towel and the tossed it on the counter. Hell, he was sexy. Suddenly the nervous feeling she had came back. Would he have made this move if the situation had not been what it was? She watched as he stalked her, finally coming and sitting next to her on the small couch.

  When he sat down, their legs touched and she almost scooted away, but he pulled her closer with his arm, putting it around the back of her. She shivered at his touch and he whispered, “Are you cold?”

  “No,” she replied softly not wanting to say it was the nearness of him that made her shiver. She had never felt this strong of a connection with anyone at just a touch. She sat silently with her hands in her lap not knowing what to do with them. He pulled her and moved her until she was cuddled in the crook of his arm leaning against him. She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. This is what she wanted.

  She thought of how the future would be if they got married and had children. They would sit on the couch like this and watch their children around them. The sense of peace and happiness flowed through her.

  “Traci, I wanted to talk to you about something,” Jared said and she felt his chest rumble when he spoke. She almost giggled but the serious tone in his voice stopped her.

  “Of course, we can talk about anything,” she whispered and waited. Either this was going to be the big brush off or something that she dreamed of.

  “Are you a virgin?” he asked softly.

  Traci sat up and looked at him in surprise. That was not what she was expecting.

  Maybe a declaration of love, or a, ‘I’m so sorry that I’ve ignored you and want to worship the ground you walk on for the rest of your life’. ‘Are you a virgin?’ was nowhere in the conversation. She narrowed her eyes and looked at him.

  “Why do you want to know?” she said.

  Jared knew that tone, he needed to say the right thing or this was going to go south right quick. He thought for a way to make the words come out without sounding like a total ass.

  “Weelll, I desperately want to make love with you, but I need to know how gentle I have to be. I’m a demanding lover honey, and I don’t want our first time to be painful,” he said honestly.

  She looked at him trying to decide if he was that much of a dumbass or truly clueless on women. She felt her heart melt when she saw the worry and honesty in his eyes. He had said first time, like there would be more, she thought. So maybe this was not an opportunity to get laid for him after all. She had to find out.

  “Before I answer that, let me ask you a question,” she said and watched as he nodded slowly.

  “I know this is the question men hate to be asked, but for me, I have to ask it. Where do you want this to go, to lead to? Are we gonna fuck and then go back to being friends?

  Am I just going to be the available woman at the time and when we get out of here you can go about your merry way and find someone else?” she asked.

  He frowned and said, “What the hell do you take me for? Of course not, shit, it’s good to know that you think I’m
such an ass. I mean, I’m an ass, but not that big of an ass. We discussed this at the hospital. I thought you finally saw what I’ve been trying to show you. I thought we were in agreement. This is the beginning. We are going to be together, as in exclusive, as in I will cut the dick off any man who dares to touch you other than me. I’m possessive about my woman. I was thinking that this is the beginning of our future. I know you, and not just as a friend. I know you’re not a morning person, and you have to have at least two cups of coffee before you can think. I know that you like to spend nights pouring over cookbooks looking for deas and inspiration for making new recipes of your own. I know your freezer is stuffed with food that you’ve cooked and are waiting to try out. I know that at night before you go to bed, you place your slippers on the floor facing out so that you can just slip them on in the morning. And I also know that you have a closet full of slippers in case the ones you are wearing tear, or get ruined. And they’re all the same, monkeys.” She laughed and said, “Well, everyone has to have a monkey in their life.”

  “Exactly, but I was explaining those things to get you to understand that this is not just a fling. I know these things about you because I’ve paid attention for years. I was just too stupid to act on it. I thought you needed a chance to see what you were going to be, what life was all about before I tied you down. That’s why I’m asking. Have you had sex before?” Jared said softly and traced a finger across the top of her night gown, brushing the top of her breast softly. She could feel her nipples tighten and she closed her eyes for a moment.

  When she opened them, she saw the hungry look that he was giving her and she swallowed. “Okay, honesty time. I’ve dated a few men and petted, but have never gone all the way. It didn’t feel right. I take birth control to regulate my periods, so I’m safe,” she said and hung her head down as if she was embarrassed. Was he going to stop now?


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