Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance

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Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance Page 43

by Caroline Lake

  They approached the maître d’ and were seated within minutes. Annika couldn’t help but notice that their table was in the middle of the action, whereas when she had dined there with Rhys, they had been tucked away from prying eyes. Of course he wanted to hide us; one of his other conquests may have seen us. She was immediately ashamed of herself for allowing her thoughts to travel back to Rhys. She vowed to focus her full attention of the charming man before her. But when Luke ordered a bottle of champagne, she felt her heart drop into her stomach.

  “I don’t drink, Luke,” she told him quickly. “I thought you knew that.” His dark eyes seemed to shadow but the umbra disappeared as soon as it appeared.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you meant you just didn’t drink often. I’ll cancel it,” he told her patting her hand reassuringly. And again, Annika recognized just how different this man was from not just Rhys but every other mate she had ever chosen for herself. Rhys would have tried to entice her into drinking, another man may have sulked or consumed it without her but not Luke. Luke simply smiled and waved away the bottle when it arrived saying, “We’re intoxicated enough with one another.” If she hadn’t been in love with him before, that moment sealed her fate. I have to tell him.

  “Luke, I – “

  “Ladies and gentlemen!” The piano player had finished his number and stood up on the podium on the rotating stage in the center of restaurant. The gentle murmuring of the crowd quieted to silence and everyone turned to watch the slender man in the tuxedo. His ebony skin gleamed like the piano flats, making the virgin whites of his eyes almost glow. He smiled and the pearls in his mouth lit up the entire establishment in an almost contagious fashion.

  “We have with us, this evening, the ever elusive Annika Van Houten. Many of you may have heard her singing at The Pocket Watch, that is, before she disappeared without warning, breaking hearts all over the city.” The musician turned and stared directly at Annika. She returned his look, completely dumbfounded. Then she glanced at Luke. To her surprise, he was grinning.

  “Come on up here, Annika!” He waved at her with a slender, well-manicured hand. She rose to her feet, still looking at Luke.

  “Did you do this?” she whispered, as she tucked in her chair. His smile widened.

  “Dickie told me you have a sensational voice. A quick Google search told me everything I needed to know. Go on. Let me hear your pipes!” Annika’s eye filled with tears and she hurried up to the stage before he could see her raw emotion. The piano player gave her a peck on the cheek and handed her the microphone.

  “I’ve heard you sing at The Pocket Watch many nights, Annika,” he whispered. “You have the most lovely, soulful sound. Never give it up.” He turned to the full restaurant. “Annika Van Houten, ladies and gentlemen!” There was a sprinkling of polite applause and the musician returned to the piano bench, awaiting her cue. She looked out into the audience but the only person she could really see was Luke. She let herself sink into his dark, smoldering eyes and opened her mouth.

  “When a man loves a woman…”

  She had ended up doing an entire set by incredible audience demand. The pianist was sweating by the time she finally claimed exhaustion and took her seat with Luke. His face was afire with pride and adoration.

  “There are no words to describe how undeniably amazing you are,” he told her when people finally stopped coming by their table every two minutes to speak to Annika. “You are my muse. You inspire me to be better while keeping me in awe of you constantly. You have this vulnerability which makes me want to coddle you and then you strike back at life with the force of lightening and I realize you don’t need anyone. But I hope you want me, Annie. Because I need and want you. I can’t imagine a time when I didn’t know you and I never want there to be a time when I don’t have you near me.”

  Annika was moved and warmed by his intense words. She felt like she was floating, drunk even.

  “I do need you, silly,” she told him, leaning in close to kiss him gently on the lips. “And I want you. I hope we are together every minute of every day. But if not, know that I am always thinking about you.” Luke leaned in a returned her kiss with roughness she wasn’t expecting.

  “Will you marry me, Annika Van Houten?” She jerked her head up and knocked him on the chin.

  “Oh my God – I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” Luke rubbed his face but didn’t answer. He stared deadpan into her eyes, unsmiling.

  “Marry me, Annie. I promise I will be a great husband and father to our kids…if you want kids. We can talk about that. I just want you. I don’t care about anything else.” At the mention of children, Annika shrunk back in her chair. You goddamn fool! You were actually thinking about marrying this man? You haven’t been honest with him for one second.

  “Luke, we haven’t known each other very – “

  “Don’t give me that crap, Annika. You know you love me and I know I have never felt this way about anyone in my life. You love my family, they love you. I have a good job so we’ll be set financially. We can get our own house. We will get you back singing in the city. What else could you want? It will be a good life.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Luke.”

  “Say yes! What else is there to say? Why wouldn’t you just say yes?” And Annika had no answer for him.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t. It’s not because I don’t love you!” Luke, stood up slowly. “Luke, please don’t go! I…I just can’t…not right now…”

  “Annika, if you can’t marry me, I can’t bear to be around you anymore. It’s not your fault. I just can’t look at you every day and not be with you.” With that, he left Shallot and Annika sobbing at the table.

  “Ugh, I had forgotten what a shitty roommate you are,” Dickie complained, picking up a dirty bowl off the coffee table. Annika was laying on her back on the sofa in Dickie’s apartment in Burrowsburg. Her stomach had really popped the past couple weeks and her back was sore. The chunky blonde had finally resigned to signing a lease in town and Annika had moved into the tiny one bedroom after the horrible un-engagement dinner at Shallot two months earlier. She had continued to work at the store but had quietly packed up from the house the very same night and sought out Dickie. She had not seen Luke since but she still took great pains to hide her pregnancy in case his grandparents caught onto her predicament. Lucy, Louisa and JJ had been devastated by her leaving.

  “Oh, honey, just because it didn’t work out with you and Luke, don’t mean that you two can’t be friends! Luke isn’t like that! He won’t be uncivil toward you!” Lucy had pleaded. Annika knew she was probably right but she also knew that her presence would put a strain on the family. There was no way that Luke would move out and leave Lucy in a financial bind so Annika knew that her leaving was the proper thing to do. She still hadn’t arranged for a proper adoption because every day, Dickie was whispering sweet nothings about raising a family together and every time he did, Annika grew closer to that idea. She was now entering her eighth month and her movements were slower, more sluggish. She was tired and irritable. She was finding that Dickie’s jibes were actually hurting her feelings even though she said nothing about them.

  “I was an awesome roommate,” she whined as he washed the bowl in the sink. “I was going to put that away. It’s just hard to get up now.” She pouted and blinked back tears that had sprung to her eyes. She recognized she was merely a mess of hormonal imbalances. She seemed to cry at every little movement. You miss Luke but you need to stay away. You would have ruined his life. You’re ruining Dickie’s enough.

  “I’m going to the store. Want any ice cream?” Annika perked her head up over the couch. He was standing at the doorway with his keys in hand. Her blue eyes lit up.

  “Yes please! Butterscotch or banana!”

  “Yeah I know. Anything else?” She shook her head.

  “Okay, I’ll be back.” He closed the door and Annika flopped her head back onto the arm of the sofa. Then she turned her head to watch televis
ion. For some reason, Dickie had put on Fox News and the remote control was just slightly out of her grasp. Grunting, she struggled to sit up and when she did, she was surprised to find she was lightheaded. As spots danced before her eyes, she felt a rush of wetness between her legs. As she dropped to her knees, she wondered where her ice cream was and fainted onto the hardwood floor.

  Chapter Eleven: I Can’t Quit You Baby

  Luke was leaning over her, whispering something but she couldn’t make out the words. She blinked her eyes, trying to make sense of where she was and what was happening but before she could register anything, she fell back into nothingness.

  The next time she woke, she was clearly in a hospital bed. Dickie was sitting in a hideous vinyl green chair, looking disheveled but thumbing through a magazine.

  “Hey,” Annika croaked. “What happened?”

  He jumped at the sound of her voice and tossed the book aside, leaning in toward her. Then she remembered. She jolted up and touched her stomach.

  “Where is my baby?” she screamed. “What happened?”

  “Shhh! Shhh! He’s fine, Annie, everything is fine. You lost a lot of blood. He was delivered last night. He’s very small but he’s okay.”

  “Where is he? Give me my baby!” A nurse hurried into the room.

  “Ah, Annika! You’re awake! Your baby is fine. He’s eating and pooping. We’ll bring him to you right now. Just relax, honey.” Annika stared at her for a moment and then eased her terse posture as the medical aide’s words registered. She nodded at the nurse who promptly left the room, presumably to get the child.

  “What happened?” she asked Dickie. “How did this happen?”

  “You are dangerously anemic. You never went to a doctor or they would have caught this. You could have died in childbirth, you dumb ass.”

  “Was Luke here?” Dickie looked uncomfortable. “I thought I saw him. Maybe I was dreaming.”

  “Luke…delivered the baby, Annika.”

  “What! How the fuck…what the fuck…what do you mean?” she gasped. Dickie rushed on to explain.

  “I found you on the floor when I got home and we needed to get you to a hospital. I knew an ambulance would take too long. We needed a car. Luke was the only person I could think of to call. By the time he arrived, the baby was coming. You were unconscious so you couldn’t push…so, um…so…”

  “So what?” Annika demanded, tasting bile in her mouth.

  “So…uh…Luke reached up in there…and, uh…”

  “Oh my God.” Annika began to gag slightly. Not only did he know about the baby, he was forced to deliver him in the worst scenario possible. “He’s never coming back, is he?”

  Dickie did not look up from the floor. At that moment the pert young nurse came back into the room, holding a small bundle wrapped in a standard hospital blanket. She gently dropped the package into Annika’s outstretched arms. It’s just you and me, little guy. He opened his half closed lids and she was staring into her own cerulean blue eyes. Then he gurgled and smiled and fell asleep.

  She named him Richard Luther but she and Dickie called him Richie. They moved into a small house near the Robinson’s farm so Dickie could help his parents. Annika was falling into a routine with Richie which consisted of mostly sleeping and eating. To earn some extra money, she had started teaching vocal lessons to the local kids, including JJ and Louisa. Lucy came often with casseroles and lasagnas but Annika knew that she was secretly there to play with Richie. She’s a natural born mom. I wish I had her instincts. Annika felt like she couldn’t do anything right when it came to Richie. He was always putting something in his mouth he shouldn’t, crying inconsolably or screaming bloody murder for reasons she could not discern. Yet when Lucy was around, he was an angel. Regardless of the constantly full home, Annika was incessantly lonely. She missed Luke terribly.

  Richie had finally given up throwing a fit that afternoon and resigned to a nap when there was a knock on the door. Dickie was on the farm and Annika was looking forward to taking a power sleep also. Dammit, Lucy! I could have used you twenty minutes ago! As Annika threw open the door, expecting to see the cheerful brunette, she was stunned to see Luke on her doorstep. Before she could utter a word, he stepped over threshold and kissed her. Annika went to step back but Luke overpowered her, kicking the door shut with his foot. His hand encircled the back of her neck and he pressed his mouth against hers, bruising her lips. There was no sign of the gentle, boyish Luke she had grown to know. He bit her lower lip and stared into her eyes as if challenging her to stop him. Time froze as they looked at one another. Suddenly, she pulled his face toward hers, their tongues meeting and teasing. He pulled her head back and ran his mouth over her slender throat, down behind her ear and met hers again. She backed up against the wall and allowed for him to pull off her sweater, hands trailing down her back and up her breasts to erect, full nipples. He bit her lip again, this time drawing blood. His hand rested on her throat, pinning her against the wall as his face moved around her engorged breasts. He licked the milk away and moved his free hand up her skirt between her legs and slid his fingers over her throbbing clit. He sighed when he felt her wetness. He began making soft circles with his finger over the pulsating button. Annika moaned quietly and his hand tightened around her throat. Her eyes rolled back and she closed her lids as she felt a rush go through her, bringing her closer to climax as his fingers worked up speed. She was beginning to rise on her tiptoes as she got more and more wet until suddenly she knew she was about to cum. Breathing heavily, she dug her hands into Luke’s shoulders and abruptly, her legs were wrapped around his waist as he plunged into her, hard and deep, without warning but in perfect time to her orgasm. She squirted hot and fast over his huge, rock hard cock as he continued to nibble on her neck, his hands firmly on her perfect ass, rutting into her like a rabid dog. She screamed out, lost in the heat of being pounded against that wall. The angle was hitting her just so that she was having orgasm after orgasm, soaking Luke so that her juices were dripping down his balls onto the floor. Faster he pounded on her, gearing up for his own ejaculation.

  “You are mine. You belong with me, Annika.” And he came so hot inside her, she could feel him in every inch of her body.

  The wedding was scheduled for the last Saturday in May. Annika didn’t want to push her luck by setting a June wedding date.

  “The universe has already been too good to me,” she told Dickie. He had laughed. “The universe only hands out equal and opposite reactions to what you put in, my dear Annika. If you’re getting good things, you must have done something right.”

  “Tell that to my step-dad,” Annika muttered. She was getting ready for the rehearsal dinner. Dickie was already set to go, looking exceptionally dapper in a black dress shirt and khakis.

  “Your step-father was a porn producer who seduced your mother, one of his actresses,” Dickie replied flatly. “He’s hardly one to give advice or opinions on anything.” Annika spun and looked at him

  “I never told you that. How do you know that about Larry?” Dickie shrugged and laughed.

  “I know you like to think you’re mysterious, Annie, but there is very little Google doesn’t know if you ask the right questions.” He smiled at her. “You have never looked more beautiful, fire crotch. Motherhood becomes you.” Annika ran a hand through her hair and smiled back at him. Then her beam faded as she saw sadness in her best friend’s eye.

  “What’s wrong, Dickie?”

  “Nothing! Why?”

  “I can tell something’s up.” His smile faltered a bit.

  “I am so happy for you, Annie. I really am. I…I just hope my time comes soon too.”

  They were late arriving and when they got there, Luke mockingly gave Annie a lecture.

  “Late to your own party? This won’t fly once we’re married!”

  “Once we’re married, I won’t have to dress a queen!” Annika retorted. Instantly, a man flew to Luke’s side.

  “Did someone say
queen?” he asked, delicately, extending a hand toward Annika. Luke rolled his eyes.

  “No one was talking about you, Andrew. This is my fiancée, Annie and her friend, Dickie. He’s the queen we meant…this time. Guys, this is my cousin, Andrew.” Dickie shook his hand and Annika noticed an instant spark between the two.

  “Let’s go, wife, before they start redecorating our house,” Luke joked.

  “That is ignorant and stereotypical!” Dickie yelled after them.

  “It’s not our fault you think garden gnomes are cute!” Andrew screamed simultaneously. Howling with laughter, Luke and Annika ducked into the garden and stole away to Louisa’s swing set.

  “I love you, Annika,” Luke told her, looking into her eyes with the same affection and adoration he had from the first day he had seen her. “I love you and our son and I will never let you go.”

  “Luke, I have something to tell you.” The look of bliss faded from his face. He squeezed her hands.

  “You can tell me anything and I will love you. I promise. Always. What is it?”

  “I’m pregnant. We’re going to have another baby.”

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  The Bad Boy’s Baby

  A Second Chance Romance

  Veronica Cross

  The Bad Boy’s Baby

  Copyright 2016 by Veronica Cross

  First electronic publication: December 2016

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.


  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


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