Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance

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Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance Page 68

by Caroline Lake

  “Mira, are you okay? Are you mad at me? What did I do?” Llewis asked impatiently after several deep breaths. She understands him. But she was doing this for her own good sake.

  “I want to go home. It’s suffocating having to stay in this house,” she grunted.

  It was a lie. She loved staying there. She liked seeing him. And she was scared going home without him.

  “But you know-“

  “I know! That’s why I’m pissed,” she dried her hands and marched away from him who was standing right behind her.

  Accidentally, Miranda tripped herself, forgetting to take a single step of elevation from dining area. The light was too dim for her to see it. And she was consumed with the annoyance she was feeling towards her inconceivable attraction towards Llewis Summers.

  She gasped in pain that she tears almost escaped her eyes.

  “What the fuck!” she grumbled, limping.

  In a split second, she felt her body being lifted in the air. And the next thing she knew she was sitting on top of the table with her left ankle on Llewis’ hand. The picture of him massaging her was more than enough to make her feel out of breath. His every touch sent surge of tiny bolts of electricity down her spine, melting every cell around her. She felt weak.

  Grunting in a mixture of pain and pleasure from Llewis’ massage, Miranda found her mind starting to picture out having indecent scenes with him – on that very table. Like his hands squeezing her ass as her legs crossed around his bare torso while his tongue nibbled her neck and licked her earlobes.

  She wasn’t shocked with the vulgarity her mind could asses. It was Llewis, after all.

  Get a grip of yourself, Miranda. Stop dreaming.

  His grip on her ankle was firm and his massage was tender – the kind that made sinful and sweet promises. Miranda felt her cheeks turning red when she saw the worried look on his handsome face.

  Maybe she was suffering from a fractured bone or a broken ligament or from a great loss of a family member or some disease that would explain why she wanted to grab Llewis and strip his pants down to every piece of clothing.

  Meeting his gaze, she saw Llewis eyes. They were dark and he was gritting his teeth – as if he was having a hard time. He planted both of his hands on the table, pinning her down with a savage look.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he whispered in a husky voice.

  But she did. She just couldn’t get enough of his handsome face. His breath touched her face, making her shiver in excitement.

  Llewis cradled her chin with a hand as she shuddered in anticipation when he lowered her face to his. It would be stupid to deny that she didn’t want his mouth. And so, when his lips landed on hers, she welcomed him – tasted him.

  With that, she dropped all her inhibitions on the floor and crossed her arms around his neck. She pulled him closer, feeling his firm body against hers. The kiss was tender and soft at first. But when her hands travelled across his bare back, he took up his pace – shifting into a hungry beast that he was. Llewis pressed his lips hard on her mouth, kissing her to the point that she could almost taste blood. But she didn’t care. She liked the thought that he wanted to kiss her that much – that he wanted her.

  And she wanted him too.

  Slowly, he laid her carefully on the flat surface of the table, making sure not to hurt her injured leg even more. She felt like a horny badger, always ready to wrestle him down on that table.

  He started kissing her again on the tip of her nose, her cheeks and her temple. His mouth travelled down to her sensitive neck, nibbling her skin until successfully making a hickey as if leaving his mark of ownership.

  She felt his hands travelling under the large t-shirt she was wearing. He cupped her breasts, making her moan in arousal.

  “I was thinking of taking you out to shop for clothes but I changed my mind,” he whispered before licking her earlobes.

  She felt her face flushing into tomato red as she smiled at him flirtingly. But Miranda was bold enough not to look away when Llewis stripped off his pajamas and boxers, showing off his wondrous arousal.

  She studied Llewis body a bit longer. His skin over his broad shoulders and perfectly chiseled abs was tanned. His legs looked as strong as his biceps and his erection was glorious.

  He was big and hard.

  Slowly, he took off her over-sized shirt and she gasped when the air-conditioned air touched her bare skin. After tossing her clothes on the floor, he paused, soaking his eyes with the sight of her lying with nothing but a piece of flimsy lace underwear.

  “You’re not wearing a bra,” he commented. His breath was heavy and fast.

  She looked away, starting to feel embarrassed with the way he looked at her nakedness.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  He bit the tiny scrap of lace down her legs. His tongue then hovered over to the pebbled tip of her breasts, encircling the firm flesh, making her breathless.

  Teasing her more, he tickled her dripping wet folds with his fingers before bringing them to his mouth – meticulously tasting every drop of her desire.

  “Ohhh…” she moaned in arousal.

  Llewis silenced her with a kiss, his mouth probing hers and made his way down to her wanting body. Miranda never thought she would feel so loved with the tenderness he was giving her with his every movement. She didn’t know sex could be that mind-blowing. Her mind screamed for more with his every touch. And her pulse beat started rising when his mouth travelled back to her most sensitive part, kissing her as intimately as someone could possibly could to anyone. Miranda gasped for air when his tongue pushed deeper into her entrance, feeling her stomach tighten.

  She wanted him.

  Her hands impatiently moved, touching his hard-on. Rubbing his cock with her fingers, she felt proud when Llewis let out a loud and long groan. He was at his maximum and more than ready. She held his balls earning herself a grunt as he held his breath before gripping her wrist in protest.

  “Not so naughty, young lady,”

  Miranda whimpered like a puppy as she swallowed hard when she felt a finger slid inside her wet entrance. She moaned irascibly, feeling her core tightening around his finger.

  “God, you’re so stimulating,” he said, grinning. He kissed her ravenously while rubbing the head of his erection against her swollen folds, gathering her anticipatory juices.

  “Llewis…” she whispered as he kissed her rashly, biting her bottom lip and groaning when pursuing her tongue slipped in his mouth. She was surprised with the sound she never thought she could make.

  Filling her with one thrust, Llewis cursed how good it felt to have her around him. He moved in and out of her, rotating his hips as when she tried to match his demanding strokes.

  “Ohhhh…” Miranda whimpered as her fingers combed on his wavy dark hair when his thrust turned powerful.

  Moaning and clapping of skin filled the air as they went on. Miranda cried as she began to feel her orgasm nearing, her legs locking tighter around his waist.

  “Say my name,” he whispered huskily in between heavy breathing.

  “L-Llewis…” she murmured, biting her bottom lip.

  Llewis’ thrusts grew faster and hard, reaching her G-spot. And so, she came violently – her back arching up and off the flat surface of the table.

  He took her lips in a passionate kiss as he scooped her small figure into his arms. A few moments more, she was already lying on the soft bed mattress. He claimed her body once more as they drove each other to another climax.

  Llewis moaned against her mouth as he shot his load, muscles stiffening and heart racing. His heart rejoiced knowing that she was also trying to catch her breath as he collapsed on top of her.

  Weeks passed and Miranda could swear that she didn’t feel like they were in the run. Being with Llewis was like having a trip around cloud nine.

  Llewis Summers was not only good-looking but also good-natured. He was sweet and nice and caring. He was always concerned for her. A
nd she knew he was sincere. He may not say it. But Miranda could feel that he was serious about taking care of her.

  Over the things that had happened to her, having Llewis was the only thing she was thankful of. She knew she was safer than ever – in his arms.

  “Mira,” she heard him whisper. “Are you okay?”

  Miranda blinked at the cup of espresso she was staring at. She was drifting too much in her own thoughts.

  “Y-Yeah,” she smiled, raising her head to see a worried face of the man who undoubtedly caught her heart.

  Yes, she liked Llewis Summers.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yep, I’m okay. I’m just thinking about how long it was since I went out,” she chuckled, looking out the glass walls of the coffee shop they were in.

  They went buying grocery stocks and a few clothes for her hours ago before she begged Llewis to have something in the nearest coffee shop. He didn’t like the idea at first. But with her charms, she was able to make him say ‘yes’.

  “What do you love about staying in a cafés anyway?” he asked.

  He has been watching over her for more than a decade. And Miranda knew half of it was in a café.

  “I love the smell of coffee and the cozy feeling,” she answered, giggling.

  Shaking his head, Llewis shrugged in response. As a man, she knew it was hard to understand what she was trying to imply. And being an individual, Miranda always loved spending time to herself. She was more comfortable being alone – before.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” she spoke out of the blue, feeling like she needed to pee.

  Llewis face stiffened. He looked alert and worried.

  “I’ll be fine. It’ll be quick. I’ll be back in a second,” she reassured him before taking her flight to the café’s restroom.

  Miranda finished her business in the restroom as fast as possible. Llewis can overreact sometimes and she didn’t want that to happen.

  She was on her way back to their table when she bumped into a blonde woman. She was about three inches taller than her and had overly sexy body. She was exceptionally beautiful and oozing with sex appeal.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she apologized.

  “No, no. It’s okay. I wasn’t looking,” the woman replied, tilting her head to Miranda’s direction. “Are you the woman with Llewis Summers?”

  With that, Miranda stopped in her tracks. She wasn’t expecting anyone who knew Llewis. In her knowledge, he barely had any contact with anyone for the last decade except his family.

  “Yes,” she nodded. “Can I help you?”

  “Oh, no. It’s nothing, really. We were friends back in med school.”

  “I see. Do you want to talk to him?” she asked, feeling happy that there was someone who could still remember Llewis.

  “Oh, no. There’s no need for that,” she heard the woman reply.

  Miranda pressed her eyes closed. Her head was spinning and she was having a hard time to balance herself. She didn’t know why but she was sure something was odd. There was so much sound but she could hear the woman’s whisper.

  “I wasn’t looking for him. I came to get you.”

  She thought the strange woman was just spouting weird things but then she felt her body falling into her arms. With that, Miranda knew her life was on the line.

  6 Choices

  Miranda opened her eyes with a throbbing forehead. Her vision wasn’t quite clear but she was sure she was in a cold and dark place.

  Where could she be? She didn’t have any idea.

  “Hello?” she called out, trying to get up from the cold concrete floors where she found herself lying helplessly.

  Looking around, Miranda realized that she was in a boxed room with brick walls and the only way out was the steel doors. The space was empty and dimly lighted with a five-watt yellow bulb.

  “Hello! Is anybody there?” she called again, pressing her ear against the cold steel doors, expecting to hear anything. But there was none.

  Where am I?

  She was starting to panic but it would be of no use. Nobody could hear her even if she screams on the top of her lungs.

  Instead, she quietly sat on one corner and tried to remember the last encounter she had before passing out. The only thing she could recall was the blonde woman who knew Llewis.

  Is she a wolf?

  Miranda shivered at her thoughts. The weeks she spent together with Llewis went really smooth, making her believe and think that everything’s turning out to be fine – that she was safe. But Llewis was right – one wrong decision and their lives will be in danger.

  And there she was – alone in a freezing cold and dark four-cornered room.

  As much as she wanted to think of a way to escape, Miranda thought it was useless. She didn’t have any kind of superhuman powers to destroy either of the brick walls nor the steel doors.

  Hugging her knees, Miranda felt tears streaming down her cheeks. She was feeling a mixture of fear, frustration and worry. If she was kidnapped, what would happen to Llewis? Where would he be right now? What’s he planning? Was he taken as well?

  No, she shook her head. Llewis was strong enough to protect himself. They can’t hurt him. And she believed that he’d come looking for her.

  A few more moments have passed, after she made up her mind, Miranda focused on conserving her energy.

  I need to be strong. This could be the chance to know about what happened to Papa. I need to be alert.

  It didn’t take long when she saw light illuminating the dark room. The steel doors creaked open, revealing a white five-inch pump shoes.

  Her heart raced when a beautiful brunette woman emerged from the other side of the steel doors. Despite the dim lighting, Miranda could see the resemblance they had. The woman had the same Italian features like hers. And if it weren’t for her overly-huge eyes, they would be mistaken as fraternal twins.

  Who are you? Miranda wanted to ask but she was choking with her own saliva.

  “Well, well, you must have been shocked, dear cousin,” the woman spoke in a high-pitched voice. She was grinning mockingly, looking down at her.


  “I’m Marcella. This is the first time you saw me and I had pretty much the same reaction when I saw you for the first time as well. We look like each other, don’t you agree?”

  “W-Where’s my father?” she asked in a quivering voice. They were so alike that it’s bothering her a lot. But she needs to know what she needs to know.

  “Your father?” Marcella chuckled taking few steps closer to her and then yanked to level their gazes. “Don’t worry he’s safe.”

  Miranda let out a deep sigh before speaking up again. She felt relieved. Questions about her father have been haunting her all these weeks. And now she got an answer.

  Her father was alive… But both of them were not safe.

  “Why are you doing this?” she hissed, gathering all the courage she had left. Rising up from the cold concrete floors, Miranda stood up and balanced herself as her knees grew wobbly a few times. She was still dizzy.

  Marcella raised both of her hands in the air before giving her a mocking grin. “You’re doing all the asking. I think I deserved to get some answers with mine too,” she leaned on the steel doors and looked at her. “Where’s my mate?”


  “I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Miranda asked confusingly.

  “Where’s Jacob?” Marcella questioned, glaring at her with gritted teeth.

  “Who’s Jacob?” Miranda swore she saw a glint of red flash on her cousin’s eyes when she said that. Did she say something wrong?

  “I don’t want to make this more complicated, dear cousin. Jacob is my mate. He’s mine. No matter how many times you sleep with him in his human form. His wolf is mine.”

  With that, Miranda felt a bucket of cold water splashed all over her weakened body. Did she mean Llewis? Why was she calling him Jacob?

  Mate? What the fuck is a ma

  “I don’t understand what you’re saying,” Miranda heard her voice croaked and her mouth twitched.

  “In human words, it means we’re engaged.” Marcella informed, confirming the realization she had in her mind.


  Miranda fell silent to think. Llewis was engaged. And she slept with him. Worse, she thinks she had fallen for a man who belongs to someone else.


  “Jacob and I had a bit of misunderstanding before he left the pack. He’s too loyal to your father. I did not understand why he had to leave me,” Marcella shrugged. “But he’s always like that. He decides on his own, thinking what is the best thing to do. But I couldn’t. I could never disobey my father.”

  Marcella smiled bitterly. “He told me that it’s going to be alright as long as we’re on the right path and we support and believe each other. But he left without saying goodbye.”

  “And why are you doing this?” Miranda raised a brow. She wanted to understand why her cousin was telling her all of these.

  “Because I realized that he was right. My father was too greedy and I can’t let him do what he wants.”

  “And you expect me to believe you?”

  Marcella sighed. “Look, I was not the one who kidnapped you. It was my dad. I’m sorry for all the trouble. I just wanted to fix things with Jacob. As for you…” she paused. “I understand that he was doing his job to protect you and he needed a diversion... We look so alike that he saw me in you…” her voice was gentle and sweet. But beneath the angelic and beautiful face, Miranda saw a woman willing to fight a dirty war.

  “Where’s my father?” Miranda asked in a firm and stiff voice. They need to get away from that place before anything else. She would think about her heart later.

  “Mira honey, do we really have to make him choose?” Marcella shook her head and clicked her tongue, masked with a sad look on her face.

  “I will tell you where he is in one condition.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I have arranged everything for you and your dad to escape,” Marcella informed. But she couldn’t get herself to trust the woman.


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