“I can think of a few as well,” Gissandra purred, tilting her head to give Kiraz better access to her neck. Things were getting hot and heavy. Giss wondered how far she should take it, considered if she needed to cling onto some last sense of propriety – since princesses didn’t dare do consummate until marriage. But then again, having broken every single rule in the manner of an arsonist setting fire to everything they could touch, this last inhibition seemed silly.
Of course, it helped to forgot that Kiraz wasn’t exactly human. He didn’t think entirely like one, and some of the ways he moved himself were more serpentine and smooth, than the plodded gait of a human. The way he examined her sometimes gave a hint of predatory possession, as if calculating her value, or how she tasted.
Before she could say something like a protest or encouragement, or flit into distracting conversation, Kiraz ran one rough hand under her plain servant’s tunic, over the skin hiding there, to brush against the cup of her left breast. Gissandra also noticed a distinctive bulge in his hemp pants, adding pressure between her thighs.
Oh my, she thought. She debated ending it, finding some excuse to wriggle out of the sexually charged situation, before Kiraz gently nibbled at her ear, breathing deliciously warm air onto her neck, breaking her body into a series of shivers, making her heart pound faster.
Any protest forming in her mind went straight out of the metaphorical window, along with several items of clothing. Within seconds, both had seized each other’s tunics and yanked them off. Kiraz was revealed with a sculpted, lightly furred chest, and Gissandra displayed her own boyish figure, with broad shoulders, small but pert breasts, and a smooth, flat and freckled stomach. Gissandra hooked fingers into his chest hair, liking the texture and how it brushed her skin. Kiraz met her mouth with his, lips parting wider and wider with each kiss until their tongues began to probe, plumping their lips, bolts of arousal shooting through their systems.
Kiraz’s bulge became more apparent, straining against its confines. Gissandra found herself rubbing against Kiraz, arousal sending her mind to dizzying heights, her body moving of its own accord. Kiraz groaned into her lips, fast and shuddering, and she grinned back, pressing fully into him so that their chests squished together.
“You realize I won’t be able to stop at this rate, princess,” he whispered, hoarse, hands trailing over the sides of her breasts, constantly gliding over her smooth skin, over her shoulder blades to her hips, and back up again.
“You really think at this point I plan to stop you?” Gissandra arched an eyebrow as she pulled her lips away from his. “I’m practically screaming ‘take me’ at this point.” For emphasis, she grinded over his crotch, smiling mischievously.
“But just in case, I can make it more obvious.” She tugged at his pants. “I seem to remember you mentioning something about this a few weeks back…”
Kiraz reacted instantly, a growl building in his throat. He pushed forward, so Gissandra’s back thudded into the sofa, and her legs angled upwards, allowing him to fall between. “No more warnings.”
He tugged off his pants, revealing a large, slightly tipped penis.
“Are they supposed to look like that?” Gissandra said. She had seen her brothers naked before – and she wasn’t entirely sure if the shape of this one was human. It matched Kiraz’s light skin color. The foreskin – she recalled the name – shielded the sensitive part, but narrowed inward to a thin tip.
“It’s not like I stare at dozens of pictures of human anatomy, princess. It should, uh, do the job. But tell me if it hurts. I rather not have my favorite princess not enjoying this moment…”
“Favorite princess, eh?” Gissandra grinned manically, the smile threatening to leap out of her face.
Kiraz kissed her on the cheek as he discreetly tugged off her pants, and panties along with them. Completely exposed now, Gissandra quivered in excitement. Kiraz leaned into her body, his penis pressing onto her stomach, teasing her as he focused again on kissing her, tongue eagerly seeking hers, their breaths and saliva mixing.
Wetness seeped out of Gissandra’s core. She was ready – she felt ready – and dug her nails into his back, scratching lines down it. She also wrapped her calf muscles around his hips, squeezing tighter, and he took the opportunity to lift her fully up, and lay her back in a more comfortable position. Kissing once more to her neck, he huffed short, hot breaths. His heart stuttered fast, faster than hers, as he flexed his hips backwards, allowing his penis to trail and brush over her clitoris – sending more ripples of pleasure – to rest against her entrance. She was so wet, he needed to readjust himself so his penis rested partly into her folds. Gissandra braced herself, holding her breath in excitement, as he slowly but surely eased himself inside her.
He took his time, observing her face the whole time to make certain he wasn’t hurting her, that she enjoyed it. If he expected a hymen, he found none – Giss had lost that a few years back during self-exploratory sessions, and Kiraz deeply embedded himself inside. He stopped moving, letting Gissandra grow used to the feel of his shaft pushing the walls within her core.
“Doesn’t hurt, princess?”
“Not sure,” she admitted, finally exhaling one loud, pent up breath. He chuckled, sending vibrations through them both. Gissandra suppressed a gasp. “Perhaps we better test further.” She smirked at his amused expression.
“Alright. As you wish, princess.” He rocked his hips, starting with tiny motions, and she felt him move slightly inside. He gradually increased the motions, until adopting a regular, thrusting rhythm, chest gliding over hers – he obviously liked the close contact – and rubbed his bearded face over her chin.
All sorts of sensations washed over Giss, hundreds of different things to focus on all at once. His rough hairs and hands touching her skin, the velvet sofa on her back, their breathing, his groans of pleasure and excitement – the way her chest rocked up and down with his, the way her toes curled as he moved into her – how sometimes one of his fingers would get tangled up in her long hair, which had worked itself loose; she gave up concentrating on anything in particular, instead drowning herself in the moment.
Flushed, heated bodies craving each other’s touch.
Gasps and sounds of pleasure. Kiraz touching her soul, as if he belonged there.
Something balling in her stomach, tight like a metal coil being pushed together, waiting to unleash. That ball became stronger and stronger, more noticeable as Kiraz continued moving, increasing his speed, now reaching down a hand to touch her clit, slipping over it often due to how turned on she was.
Then, he shuddered, and came inside her, his forehead pressing into the side of her face as he groaned deep and loud. Warmth flooded through her.
A sensation, almost disappointment, went through Giss. She had been close, she knew it. However, the annoyance vanished when Kiraz recovered enough to flick his finger more urgently over her clit, focusing instead on the little nub there, rather than continuing to thrust inside.
The feeling built up hard and fast as he hit the spot again and again, until it burst out of her in a wave of pleasure, sinking into her limbs and making them so heavy, she wondered if she would ever be able to move again.
They rested like that for a while, Kiraz still inside, but not moving, and Gissandra, boneless and blissful in the wake of her orgasm.
Eventually, Kiraz delicately extracted himself, nestling by Gissandra’s side.
She kissed him on the nose. “Wow,” she said. “That was something.”
“Understatement,” Kiraz commented, kissing her also on the nose.
“What in the thousand kingdoms did you do there?” Her flush grew redder. “Because for a dragon, you sure seem to know a lot about making a human body… happy.”
Kiraz shrugged. “I’m quite a bit older than you, princess. I learn some things. You may not want to ask for the details of how.”
“Oh.” The high in Gissandra fizzled down. “I guess that makes sense. I suppose some
part of me likes the idea I could be your first. Like you were mine, you know?”
“Hmm.” Kiraz tickled under her chin with one long forefinger. “I understand that. I won’t lie to you, princess if you have questions about the past. But I do think it is irrelevant to this moment. Right now… we enjoyed this, didn’t we?” He draped a casual arm over her stomach, nuzzling her cheek until she squirmed from the itchiness of his beard.
“Ah! Yes, you’re right. I can’t help but feel a little…”
“Pft.” He closed his eyes, settling into the sofa by her side. Giss craned her neck to examine his naked form, the beads of sweat on his forehead. Her limbs still hung strangely numb.
Petulance and jealously gave way to the joy of the moment.
“Well, ‘Pft’ sounds good to me.”
Gissandra closed her eyes as well, placing a hand on top of Kiraz’s. The warmth of their bodies together felt good.
I could get used to this.
Chapter Five: The Unexpected Visitor
Life after their bonding on the sofa became a lot more interesting. When Giss wasn’t trying to learn to cook with Brendag, or force another knight off the trail with elaborate ruses (though she didn’t repeat the second-hand princess incident again), or clumsily practice her sword fighting skills, Kiraz was keen to repeat what had happened between them. Several times over.
Giss certainly didn’t complain. She looked forward more than ever for Kiraz’s return flights – and a week into their newly sexed up relationship, where Giss also happened to be learning all sorts of new facts about human anatomy and what it could and couldn’t do, Kiraz decided that he could trust Giss with the treasury.
Outside the door, which consisted of a rectangular slate covering the entrance to the room, Kiraz spoke the magic word.
The slate rolled with a gurgling rumble to the side, allowing Giss to peer at the wealth that lay within.
“Are you serious? ‘Please’ is the magic word?”
“When has it never been? My other choice was ‘Open Sesame’, but a few too many creatures use that one.”
“You could like, use, I don’t know – something more difficult to guess. If you don’t want anyone actually stealing your hard earned treasures.”
“Point taken.” Kiraz bowed to her, holding out an arm to point inside. Gissandra prowled into the stone room, the walls conspicuously glowing yellow, helping to illuminate the room better.
“Makes everything look shiny,” Kiraz said, standing proudly at the sight of his treasure.
Giss’s jaw dropped. Mounds of gold coins were heaped all over the vault. Mixed into the gold was glints of jewelry, such as necklaces and rings, alongside transparent or opaque bottles. There was even a genie lamp nestled in a pile of golden statuettes. A lion statue with glittering green eyes towered above the rest. Giss spotted the Crown of Jaeland drooped over one lion ear.
“This is a fortune. Wow! What do you dragons do with this?”
“Sit on it, mostly,” Kiraz admitted. “We have compulsively bad hoarding habits. It does need to be sorted out at some point, but whenever I come in here, for some reason I just end up wallowing in all the coins instead.” Even as he said this, he walked towards the biggest mound of coins, transforming into a full-sized dragon. As he did so, his voice deepened into a booming growl, amplified by the walls.
“It’s just so wonderful to the touch…” He flicked a tail in delight as he crashed into the gold, burrowing his head into it, coins falling off his body in glimmering showers.
“Okay. Do you and your gold need a moment? Because I can leave and come right back.” Gissandra jerked a thumb towards the exposed entrance.
“It’s quite okay.” Kiraz wormed his head out of the treasure to face Giss. His orange scales blended in well with the various shades of gold.
“I’m not sure if organizing it will ever happen, if that’s what you like to do with it each time you come in.”
Kiraz squinted his amber, lizard-slit eyes. “The biggest issue is the enchantments and magical artefacts that I have buried amongst the gold. I don’t care so much about the individual bits of jewelry or seeing the coins bagged up. The enchantments, however, need sorting.”
“Okay. But how do I tell if something is enchanted?”
Kiraz reluctantly squirmed his way out of the coins, shrinking his form into human shape. Gissandra noticed a strange white clump of fluff drifting off his body as he did so.
“You get a feeling, or an uncontrollable urge to wear it, or rub a lamp, or to drink a potion. That’s when you know it’s likely enchanted.”
Gissandra resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Great. That sounds practical. And how do I stop myself from putting or drinking or rubbing things and accidentally cursing myself?”
“Good point.” Kiraz sniffed. “I guess I can look into finding an anti-enchant object. Brendag might know to concoct a good potion for that as well. She’s a troll, they love their herbal remedies.”
Gissandra took one last look at the treasure room as they left. It was more wealth than she could have ever dreamed of – even compared to the vaults of Jaeland. If all dragon hoards were like this, it remained a wonder that people didn’t steal more from them. Gissandra would be tempted herself, far more than rescuing an annoying princess. She also felt fairly certain she saw something move.
“We do get thieves,” Kiraz said, in answer to Gissandra’s unspoken question. “Sometimes they get away with trinkets, but usually only as much as they can carry. And sometimes they find accidentally cursed treasure and are transformed into something else. I’m pretty sure some of the necklaces here used to be a thief at one point.
We’ve played down on the rumors of our hoards over the years, so people think we’ve been robbed blind and have far less than we actually do. Sooner or later though, they’ll find out. Then the fun and games will recommence.”
The slate door rolled over the entrance.
“I still think you should change the password.”
“I’ll get around to it.”
“Good.” Giss gave Kiraz a quick peck on the cheek. “Though we should probably save the reorganization of that room for several years in the future.”
Kiraz seemed to like the implication that Giss planned to stay for an indefinite amount of time, and launched into a crushing hug, scooping her feet off the ground in his enthusiasm. He also sniffed her hair, which Gissandra found odd, but not too odd. She noted to herself to ask Brendag for any good brands of shampoo in the area.
Giss sat outside their cave entrance, watching Kiraz fly off into a clouded sky, scales glinting from the few strands of light that poked through. Although Kiraz made the promise to stay more around because of the influx of knights wanting to rescue Gissandra, for the high monetary reward and the prestige of having a princess for a wife, some duties still pressed on him. A tiny little white bunny hopped outside the cave – Giss had let it out of the treasure room earlier, and she continued to observe it hopping until it disappeared down one of the thin mountain paths, where the knights preferred to make their journey.
Naturally, Giss had questions. Lots of them. A small green dragon rested on a boulder a short distance away. She vaguely recalled it as Sastran. She wondered about the protocol for princesses when they approached dragons they didn’t belong to. Was it allowed, for example? Or did it invite her up for being taken by them, instead? She knew princesses could be exchanged between dragons, but not of the procedures of how. The encyclopaedia of monsters only mentioned interactions from the human perspective, and not any of the details of how dragons actually functioned as a society – or if they even possessed one. Giss wanted to find out.
I might even be able to meet some of the other princesses. It could be nice to meet another human, even if they’re complete airheads.
Surprisingly, Giss found she missed parts of home. The royal nanny looked after her and her siblings more than her parents, wh
o always wore their regal mantle for the rest of the kingdom to see. The nanny fussed and grumped, but did the best she could with a flock of spoiled, squealing princesses and princes. Home of course amounted to many luxuries that Giss did without here.
Home didn’t have freedom, or Kiraz, however.
Giss started in shock, yanked out of her reverie by the clattering of metal on stone. Someone clanked into view from one of the winding pathways, encased in full armor, wielding a longsword, and what looked like several anti-dragon fire enchantments. These were purple gem bracelets and necklaces, created by an ancient high-level magician, and were incredibly scarce. Giss’s eyes travelled to the insignia on the armor – that of a black rose unpeeling, the petals scattered on the ground.
“Oh, shit,” Gissandra said.
Spotting her, the armored man straightened up, striking an impressive appearance. “Princess Gissandra, I presume? I’m –”
“– Ardemar. Seriously, out of all the princes that could have eventually decided to come and rescue me, it had to be you?”
Ardemar, the one who had sent her dozens of letters. Ardemar, a prince of the most powerful kingdom in the world, Avelon. He held several titles, such as count of the Dark Waters – where he had fought single-handedly against an army of mermen and had won – or at least so the rumors whispered. He was also rumored to have demon blood, to be able to set things on fire with a glance, and would flay the skin from your living body without caring in the slightest. He was unmarried (for obvious reasons), and considered dangerous by his family, and could quite feasibly murder his two older siblings to wade his way in blood to the throne. Everything about him screamed I’m going to be an evil tyrant. So far, having a large patch of land in Avelon and impressive titles had worked to stave his influence, and his ambitions.
Yet for some reason, now he was here.
“You don’t look particularly pleased.” The prince pulled down his visor as he stepped closer. He spotted the snoozing dragon on the rock, barely blinking an eyelid. Gissandra gulped. Yes, this prince would be harder to faze. Or redirect. Eyes like burning coals stared into Gissandra’s face.
Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance Page 90