The Maxwell Series Boxed Set: Books 1-3

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The Maxwell Series Boxed Set: Books 1-3 Page 48

by Alexander, S. B.

  “Are you planning to go to college?” He studied me intently.

  I wasn’t here to discuss my future per se, and I didn’t have much time before Kross and Lacey returned. But I also didn’t want to brush him off. We’d really never had a chance to get to know one another. “At this time, no.”

  “When Lacey goes to ASU, how will that work for you and your relationship with her?”

  “I haven’t thought that through. Rest assured that I would never think of stopping Lacey from pursuing her dream. I promise you that.”

  “Then what’s on your mind?” he asked in a fatherly tone.

  “Jeremy Pitt. I know your adoptive sister is Pitt’s wife, and no, Lacey doesn’t know. You know she’s going to ask you more about your adoptive family. I’d like to ask that you tell her as soon as you can.”

  “You know Pitt how?” His nostrils flared.

  I explained the relationship between Hunt and me and Wes. Then I said, “Wes works for Pitt. Pitt is worried Lorenzino will find out who your adoptive family is and that it could put his family in jeopardy. Pitt wanted me to encourage you to take his help. He said you wouldn’t listen to them.”

  “I never blamed my sister for my father’s abusive nature. But it’s still hard for me to connect with her, even though he’s passed away. But what’s Pitt going to do for me?”

  “Work as a team. Tell him what you told us.” I cracked my knuckles.

  “If I do, he could make waves and piss off Lorenzino. I can’t take that chance. And if I tell him I could be related to a mob family, possibly a rival of his, where does that leave Lacey and me? How will he react?”

  Fuck. I hadn’t thought of that angle. Then again, I’d had a better shot at winning the lottery than concluding he’d be related to two mob families. I rubbed my neck. A headache was just waiting to bloom.

  “The devil you know or the one you don’t,” I said. “The way I see it, you have a better shot at your adoptive family siding with you than a family you never knew. I don’t know Pitt that well, although the couple of times I’ve spoken to him, he seemed like an understanding businessman. Apart from his arrogance, he’s a man who believes family is sacred, even adoptive families.”

  I was way too young to be counseling grown men. I should be getting laid, throwing parties, hanging out with Hunt and my brothers, and taking Lacey on dates. Instead, I was sitting with a man who was just as broken as his daughter, giving advice. Maybe I was headed for a career like my father’s.

  He released a heavy breath. “I’m not sure the devil I know is any better than the one I don’t. And I don’t want my daughter to know some of the things I’ve done. Like my birth mother, I wasn’t a good person. And how can I tell Lacey I’m related to two mob families?”

  Not my problem. I cleared my throat. “With all due respect, you’re putting me in the middle. This is not my story to tell. I’ve screwed up a couple of times with Lacey by not telling her something or lying to her. I promised her just yesterday I wouldn’t do it again. I want to respect your wishes, but she comes first with me.”

  He pressed his fingertips to his forehead.

  “Look at it this way,” I said. “She could be the conduit to help build that relationship with your sister. You know when you tell her that she’ll want to meet her and her cousin. This could be a win-win for both of you.” I could envision more win-win situations, like Lacey hanging with Chloe at Pitt’s place. I’d bet he had a Fort Knox set-up. I scrapped the thought. She had baseball, and the game schedule was brutal with three or four games per week once the season started.

  He lifted his head. “I need to think.”

  Friday was my day with Chloe. I hated to give him a deadline. I understood the man was wiped out. Today was Tuesday, and I should factor in a cushion. “Please talk to her by Thursday.”

  “What’s the urgency? There’s something you’re not telling me, son.”

  Now I was the one to press my fingers to my temples. “Pitt’s daughter needs a tutor, and I’m the guy. Friday is my day with her. I would like to tell Lacey what I’m doing. If I do tell her about my new job, she’ll have a thousand questions. And as I said, I can’t lie to her.”

  “Tell her about your job. She doesn’t need to know the girl is Pitt’s daughter.”

  “Mr. Robinson.” My voice dropped. “Lacey is going to be upset I’ve known about this for days now and haven’t told her. I haven’t lied to her, but I’m going down a road that is about to explode at the end. For you that may be okay. It’s not for me.” I had an urge to jump across the small distance between us and shake the cobwebs out of his brain.

  His gaze roamed around the room. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  I couldn’t force him. “I prefer her to hear from you. But I’ll tell her if you don’t. Besides, she’ll deal.” Earlier, I was the one worried about telling her about Lorenzino. I was surprised at how well she handled the news. “She didn’t go off the deep end when you told us about Lorenzino. She’s delicately strong. I know that’s a weird way to describe her. But if you peel back her outer layer, you’ll find layers of compassion, understanding, and tenderness that allow her to see past the bad in people. While her PTSD has hurt her psyche, I believe as she works her way out of it, the illness is shaping her into a greater and stronger person. Lacey’s my hero.”

  “I am?” Lacey asked.

  Oh fuck. Where the hell did she come from? I didn’t hear a door close or anything.

  Mr. Robinson and I whipped our heads around to find Lacey standing like a zombie with an armful of brown paper bags and the aroma of grease permeating the air around her.

  “How long have you been standing there?” The blood rushed out of me.

  “Long enough to know I’m your hero.”

  A door slammed before Kross showed his ugly mug. “You left the door open, Lacey.” He had more paper bags in his hands. “Um. Did I miss something?”

  A tear slid down Lacey’s cheek as her bottom lip quivered. I jumped out of the chair. Her father did too. He took the bags from her.

  “No need to cry.” I wiped a tear away with the pad of my thumb. “I hope those are happy tears.” I could use some happy tears.

  She blinked and gave me one of her heart-melting smiles.

  I pinched her chin lightly as I guided it up, then I placed my lips over hers. “I meant it,” I whispered. My pulse was on overdrive as I searched her face for clues as to how much she did hear.

  “Let’s eat,” Kross said.

  I flicked a quick glance at her father. He barely shook his head. I didn’t know if he was signaling that she didn’t hear our whole conversation or not. Lacey did wear her heart on her sleeve. So if she’d heard anything more than my last sentence, she’d be questioning and demanding answers. I tabled my panic as we dug into the hamburger and fries.

  Kross devoured his pile of food. Mr. Robinson took a bite out of his hamburger and went down to his office.

  “So, what else did you hear?” I nudged Lacey playfully with my shoulder. I was sweating bullets.

  “‘Lacey’s my hero.’” She nudged me back.

  “You said that, bro?” Kross stopped with a fry midway to his mouth.

  I glared at him. “You got a problem with that?”

  He shoved the fry in his mouth. “Nope. I know I was supposed to help clean up, but this is getting too mushy for my tastes. If you kids don’t need me, I’m out of here.” Kross wiped his face with a napkin.

  “Go,” I said. I’d mainly wanted his muscle in the event the shit hit the fan with Mr. Robinson.

  The only shit that would blow up now would be if Mr. Robinson didn’t meet the deadline.

  Chapter 18


  I lay on the couch in my theater room, staring at the ceiling. The past two days had
been hectic. Lacey and I had helped her father straighten up. He had work at his nightclub. We had school. Lacey had baseball practice. I invited Wes and Hunt to my house. Everyone, including my brothers, my father, her father, Lacey, and me, listened as Wes detailed a plan of bodyguards and schedules. Wes showed us pictures of the three men, in addition to Hunt, who would be working Lacey’s detail and of the two vehicles they’d use. Mr. Robinson had alerted the Ashford police to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. At that point, we had our bases covered.

  The outstanding issues were the red ledger and Lorenzino’s actions to get it. Mr. Robinson had yet to explain to Lacey about his adoptive family, someone had to tell Pitt the connection between Lorenzino and Mr. Robinson, and I had to tell Lacey I was tutoring Chloe, her cousin. I was waiting to do the latter until Mr. Robinson did his part. Otherwise, Lacey would have a host of questions that would lead right back to her father.

  Anxiety rolled through me, and I threw the covers off. The cold air of the theater room was a welcome relief. It was only four in the morning, and I couldn’t sleep. Mr. Robinson had planned on speaking with Lacey last night, except her practice had gone beyond their scheduled time. The season was starting in a week, and Coach Dean was working the team overtime. By the time Lacey got home, Mr. Robinson had left for the club. Now I was under a time crunch. I was scheduled to tutor Chloe after school today.

  A nightlight glowed below a family picture on the wall to the right of the TV. I stared at it as I thought about how easy our lives had been in Texas before Karen died. We were all happy in that picture. Karen was sitting on my father’s lap, kissing him on the cheek. My father had his arm around my mom while my brothers and I stood behind them. I remembered that day like it was yesterday. Karen had been so excited to take pictures, and we boys were not happy that our mom wanted to drag us to some studio when we could be out playing sports.

  Footsteps broke my concentration. I sat up to find Kelton walking in. His black hair was sticking out in all directions as he adjusted his sweatpants on his hips.

  “Couldn’t sleep?” I asked.

  He plopped down on the other couch. “I see you’re wide awake.” He scrubbed a hand over his bare chest. “Why are you down here? Dad isn’t home. You should be in your bed with that beautiful woman of yours.”

  I laughed weakly. “I told her old man we would sleep in separate beds.” I hadn’t told him we wouldn’t have sex though.

  “Always doing the honorable thing. You’re a better man than me.”

  Oh, I didn’t think so. “You okay from the other night?” I hadn’t had a chance to talk to Kelton in more detail about Lacey’s blackout.

  “I’ll be fine. I’m not doing love, bro. Just not. I have a newfound respect for you and Dad.” He kicked a leg up on the couch.

  “You’ll find that one girl, Kel. And once you do, it won’t be about the pain. Because all the good stuff that comes with being in love will overshadow any other emotions.”

  “So when are you tutoring Chloe? Is it today?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I tried to get Wes to postpone it, but she has a math test on Monday, and today is the only day she’s available.” I filled my brother in about my conversation with Mr. Robinson.

  “I can step in, man,” he said with a hitch in his voice.

  I bet he would. “I’m asking you to stay away from her. At least until things die down. The last thing we need is her father cutting off your balls.” I didn’t have time to worry about my brother.

  Silence stretched for a moment. Then the stairs groaned.

  Kelton sat up. My gaze traveled to the doorway. Lacey rubbed one of her heavy green eyes as she wound her way around the couch and the table. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She wore striped sleep pants that hung low on her toned hips while her pink tank hugged all her sexy curves, including her beautiful braless breasts. Every part of me stirred awake—as always— when she walked into a room, but more than that, she erased every thought I’d had before she entered the room.

  “I’m out of here,” Kelton said as he breezed by Lacey.

  Smart brother. An hour alone with my girl was all I needed.

  She curled up next to me, her hair brushing over my bare chest as she laid her head against me. “Why is your heart beating so fast?” she asked as her magic fingers slid down below my abs.

  I tangled my hand in her hair. “Do you even have to ask?”

  “Um, no. Not with Mr. Steel growing in my hand.”

  I chuckled then kissed her. “Only for you, baby.”

  She let go of Mr. Steel and traced a path up and down my abs.

  I wanted to protest. I wanted to be inside her. I wanted to ravish her gorgeous body, slow and steady. My brothers wouldn’t bother us, and my old man had gone up to visit my mom for the weekend.

  “Why are you awake?” I asked.

  “A lot on my mind. My dad sent me a text last night since we missed each other. He wants me to meet him at the house before school. We were going to talk about his adoptive family last night. He said it wouldn’t take long.”

  I did an imaginary fist pump.

  “Why are you and Kelton awake?

  “I’d rather not talk.” I snaked my hand under her tank top up to her breasts. Her nipples were hard. I caressed one breast then the other, following a lazy path around her hardened nipples.

  “Your brothers could come down here.”

  “Lace, Kel won’t, and Kross and Kody sleep through everything.” I gently pinched a nipple.

  She moaned ever so softly, sending my brain into overdrive. In a flash, I was on my back and had her rolled on top of me. A lazy smile tugged at her lips before she dug her hands into my bare chest. Then she pushed herself to a sitting position as she straddled me. Her lazy smile became seductive as she dragged her nails down my chest to my abs. I bit down on my lip, trying to keep from having my way with her. I wanted to enjoy every touch she had to offer.

  She shifted her hooded gaze from me to the waistband of my sleep shorts then back to me as though she was asking for permission. When she pulled at the waistband, Mr. Steel poked out, and she sucked in a sharp breath. My fingers tightened on her bare thighs, rough to soft, and I almost flipped her over and pushed inside her. But I was savoring every soft moan coming out of her mouth as she licked her lips. Then she started to move her luscious hips into me.

  My throat became dry, my pulse spiking instantly. I lost all my willpower. I sat up and tore off her tank top. She squealed as my lips found her breasts.

  “So soft,” I said kissing them.

  She arched back, bracing her hands on the sides of my thighs. Her hair fell behind her, grazing the tops of my legs, and the feather-like sensation sent a wave of heat straight to my groin.

  Then her breathing picked up and soft mewls and little cries fell from her beautiful mouth. I lifted my head and watched in quiet fascination as she got lost in her own world. I was riveted where I sat. I couldn’t look away. Hell, I didn’t want to.

  My own breathing increased, and I started to break out in a sweat. If I didn’t do something soon to tame the animal inside me, I was going to lose it, and I couldn’t. Her needs came first. They always did. I made sure of it.

  With her head back and her neck exposed, I trailed my fingers up between her breasts to her neck, settling on her lips. She opened her mouth, and I dipped one finger inside before she sucked then bit lightly, her body writhing on me. The way she continued to move, slow and erotic, made my dick harder than concrete. When she righted her head and opened her eyes, my heart practically stopped then tried to beat out of my chest. Lust—and something more—filled her eyes. I knew she loved me, but something deeper than love resided in those eyes. It was as though she’d just opened her soul for me. I knew I sounded like a lunatic, but I didn’t care.

“Love me, Kade.” Her mouth covered mine, her hands getting lost in my hair.

  I pulled my finger from her mouth then nipped on her tongue. She tugged hard on my hair, and I couldn’t control myself anymore. I flipped her onto her back, then I stood up.

  “Sit up,” I commanded.

  Her rosy lips split into a smile as she obeyed me. “I love when you get all rough and sexy.” Then she reached out to grab onto my shorts.

  “Patience,” I barely got out. Who was I kidding? My body was on fire as my gaze roamed her toned abs, breasts, pink cheeks, and messy hair and finally fell to her legs.

  She held her bottom lip hostage as she smoothed a finger over one of her nipples.

  The fire inside me blazed into an inferno. I dropped to my knees then removed her sleep pants. My eyes shot to hers. No thong or panties, and her tattoo was on display.

  My little minx just simpered then shrugged as she eased open her legs, exposing the one place I’d been dreaming of tasting.

  She whimpered as I stared. I couldn’t believe she was all mine. I trailed my tongue along the inside of her thigh, taking my time as I inched upward. I bypassed the one place she wanted me to touch, teasing and tasting over her hip, her tat, then her abs.

  She tugged on my hair, wiggling, trying to push me toward her sweet spot. I kept up my assault on every other part of her body until I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed her butt and pulled her toward me. When I covered her bundle of nerves lightly with my lips, she shot off the couch. I settled into a rhythm, sucking, tasting, and licking. Her breathing grew shallow, her moans louder, the muscles in her legs bunched. I knew she was close, so I eased up. I wasn’t trying to torture her. I wanted her pleasure to last an eternity. The problem was that I wasn’t going to make it another minute. This is about her, not you, idiot.


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