The Maxwell Series Boxed Set: Books 1-3

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The Maxwell Series Boxed Set: Books 1-3 Page 89

by Alexander, S. B.

  “I’m sorry for everything, Elizabeth,” Terrance said. “I truly am.”

  Behind Terrance’s gambling habit, he wasn’t a bad man. I’d never known him as well as my dad had, but I knew my dad would have done whatever he could to help a friend turn his life around. “You need serious help. I pray rehab works for you.”

  “Thank you,” Terrance said.

  “Good.” Mr. Davenport glanced at Terrance. “I appreciate you coming in. If I need anything else, I’ll be sure to call. I’ll walk you out.” Then he eyed Kelton. “I need a word with you and Ms. Reardon.”

  Kelton stiffened his chair.

  Terrance and Mr. Davenport left the office.

  “I’m so screwed. Did you see how he looked at me when Terrance said police van?” Kelton’s voice wobbled.

  Mr. Davenport came back in. For one beat, the room was silent. Then Mr. Davenport cleared his throat. “Before we get to the matter of your résumé, Mr. Maxwell, care to explain the events of last Saturday night? Mr. Malden mentioned how all of you ended up at a police station for illegal gambling.”

  Kelton’s knee moved.

  I would’ve reached out to comfort him, but even I was jittery. I knew I should leave. I had no business being part of Kelton’s job interview. I couldn’t let Kelton take the rap for what had been my fault though. If I hadn’t gotten angry, we wouldn’t have found ourselves in a police station.

  “It’s my fault,” I said. “I figured it was the only way to get Terrance’s attention. Kelton tried to talk me out of it.”

  “Is that true, Mr. Maxwell?” Mr. Davenport asked, his finger resting under his chin.

  Kelton sat up stoically. “I knew the consequences of my actions when I accompanied Elizabeth on Saturday night. And as much as I want to be a lawyer, Elizabeth is more important to me than the law. So, thank you for your interest in me.” Kelton started to stand.

  No way Kelton was jeopardizing his one dream of being a lawyer for me. I opened my mouth to speak.

  “Sit down, Mr. Maxwell,” Mr. Davenport said in a hard tone. “First, I admit that I was skeptical of your qualifications until I spoke to Brady, Schlenk, and Schiel. Then I was impressed when you contacted me about Ms. Reardon’s case. Then you didn’t show with Ms. Reardon for our meeting, so I thought you were irresponsible. However, you did surprise me by making a follow-up appointment to try and salvage your screw-up. I get that you’re dedicated and that you want this intern job. But I was serious when I said that any trouble with the law will not be tolerated in this firm.” His gaze fell to a sticky note on the outside of a folder in front of him.

  While he did, the silence was deadly.

  “After Mr. Malden explained the events of Saturday night, I made a call to a Detective Rayburn.” Mr. Davenport switched his gaze from the note to Kelton. “He said you kids were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Apparently his undercover agent, who he wouldn’t name, said Ms. Reardon and a friend of yours, Dillon Hart, were the ones playing poker. Regardless, Mr. Maxwell, none of this gets you off the hook. But…” He ran a finger over his eyebrow. “My gut tells me you will be a great lawyer. And we need great lawyers. So you get one shot with me. If you pull a stunt like that while working here, you’ll be fired on the spot. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, sir,” Kelton said as he stood and held out his hand. “Thank you.”

  I was about to explode, but I didn’t want to come off as a crazy person by jumping into Kelton’s lap. So I smiled as wide as I could.

  Mr. Davenport pushed to his feet and accepted Kelton’s hand. “You will show up on time. If for any reason you can’t make it, you will let me know immediately. In the meantime, work with Bonnie on your class schedule and what days you’re available to work. And you won’t be working on Ms. Reardon’s case. If you two are in a relationship, that would be a conflict of interest.”

  As long as Kelton got the job, I didn’t care if another intern was working my case.

  “No problem. Thank you so much. I will not disappoint you,” Kelton said with his head held high.

  “I have every confidence you won’t.” Then he said to me, “We’ve made long strides today. I’ll fill in Mr. Pilkington. In the short term, I’ll need you to stay in town in case I need you to sign any documents, if that’s okay.”

  More than okay. Kelton and I had some unfinished business.

  Chapter 31


  I was dying to scream, shout, and swing Lizzie in my arms. But I had to wait until we were out of the building so I wouldn’t come off as unprofessional. We made it down to the lobby, and I was just about to pick up Lizzie when Zach and Chloe rose from the lobby chairs. Zach took Chloe’s hand as they made their way to us. I hadn’t spoken to Zach since the day Chloe had told me he was the father. Even when I’d moved out, he hadn’t been around, and since I wasn’t modeling for Brew anymore and Zach and I didn’t have any classes together, I hadn’t bumped into him on campus.

  “Hey, man,” Zach said. His hair wasn’t messy, he was clean-shaven, and he was dressed in tailored pants. The dude appeared as though he’d shed years of worry.

  “What are you doing here?” Lizzie asked, swinging her gaze between Zach and Chloe.

  Chloe beamed. Gone were the puffy eyes that had seemed to become the norm for her. She stuck out her small hand to Lizzie. “I’m Chloe. I know we met when you had red hair, but since then we haven’t really met.” She laughed.

  It was good to see Chloe happy.

  Lizzie shook hands with her. “I’m Lizzie. Congrats on the baby.”

  Chloe blushed at Zach.

  Okay, this was way too awkward for me.

  “We came with my dad,” Zach said. “I wanted to thank Lizzie and apologize to both of you.” He let go of Chloe. “My dad told me what happened. He said Lizzie made him realize he needed to get his head screwed on properly. Well, not in those words.” He chuckled. “Anyway, I wanted to thank you. I also wanted to say how sorry I am. I was an ass to Lizzie at Rumors that day, and to you, Kelton, for everything. I should’ve told you Chloe and I were dating. I know we had a friend code, and when I put myself in your shoes, I get it. I would’ve been equally as pissed. I value our friendship, man.”

  I wasn’t one to hold grudges. He hadn’t slept with Chloe while she and I were dating, at least that was what Chloe had said. I’d never known her to lie either. Therefore, no one cheated. The only problem I had was Zach breaking our friend code on dating ex-girlfriends. But seeing how happy they were together, concerns about that friend code disappeared. I couldn’t fault either of them for wanting happiness. Hell, I was over the fucking moon with Lizzie in my life.

  I pulled Zach in for a man hug. “Congrats, daddy.” I laughed as I stepped back.

  Zach beamed from ear to ear. “Dude, thank you.”

  “Where is your father, by the way?” Lizzie asked.

  “He went to get the car,” Zach said. “He doesn’t want Chloe walking five blocks to the garage.”

  “We got to run.” I had some private celebrating to do with my girl.

  After we’d said our goodbyes, Lizzie and I headed to my Jeep. As soon as we were on the busy streets of Boston, I swung Lizzie in my arms. The only piece of news left that would make this great day complete was her decision about moving to Boston. Sure, Mr. Davenport wanted her to stay in town for the short term. But fuck short term. I itched to start hunting for an apartment right away.

  She squealed as I twirled us one more time. People passing by didn’t give us a second glance.

  “So.” I laced my fingers in hers. “We were interrupted when I asked if you’d made your decision.” She’d had days to think about it. “Boston or Miami?” I’d thought about moving to Miami if she decided that Boston wasn’t the place for her. But I had a year left at BU. I also had my mind set on a
ttending Harvard Law. I couldn’t disappoint my parents. My mom was beaming with pride that one of her sons was going to be a lawyer. Yet Lizzie was my future, too.

  We started walking.

  “Do you still want to get an apartment together?” she asked. “I mean, you did ask right after sex.”

  I came to an abrupt stop. A lady bumped into me. I pulled Lizzie into the doorway of a yoga studio.

  “You think I asked because we had mind-blowing sex?” I held my emotions in check. I got how people did or said things in the heat of the moment. “Baby doll.”

  Her blue-gray eyes met mine.

  “Do you know how difficult it was for me to say the words I love you? I’ve never been this crazy for any woman.”

  “I just had to be sure. I don’t have anything to go back to in Miami. BU has a great marine biology program. But…” She bit her lip, looking down.

  My insides took a nosedive. With my fingers, I guided her chin up. “What? Is it the money? I’ve been saving, and with the intern job, we’ll be fine.” I’d pick up a high-end modeling job if it meant she would move to Boston. Of course, nothing naked that would ruin my career.

  “No.” She sighed. “I didn’t think of this until now. What about your family? How will they feel about you and me living together? I know they offered me a place to stay. But will me being around your mom all the time be too much of a reminder of the past? Will she relapse?”

  It was a logical worry. “She can’t stop talking about you or how much she wants to see you. You’re good for her, Lizzie. We’re good for her. I believe we bring out more of the good memories for her too. And seeing her sons happy makes her happy. Aside from that, we both need to be closer to campus.” My stomach wouldn’t settle until she said yes.

  She wrapped her arms around my waist. “I want you and me to be happy too. I choose Boston.”

  “Don’t mess with me,” I teased.

  She lifted up on her toes then softly kissed my chin. “I can’t live without the other half of my heart.”

  I devoured her mouth as my own heart beat a wild cadence. At that moment, all I could think about were Lacey’s words. “When you do find that special girl, you’ll never be the same. Or maybe you’ll be less of an ass.”

  She was right on the first account, but I’d always be a lovable ass. Even more so now that Lizzie was by my side.



  Oranges and deep reds colored the trees surrounding the lake. The fall weather was warm with the sun beating down on us.

  “Okay,” Kody said. “I’ll throw the ball to Kelton. He’s the fastest. We only need one more touchdown to win.”

  Since March, I’d looked forward to our Sunday gatherings at my parents’ house. Not that I hadn’t liked spending time with everyone before Lizzie had re-entered my life. But now that sense of family I’d always had inbred in me had multiplied tenfold. My mom beamed with happiness every time Lizzie showed up. Even more when she saw us together. That alone made me as giddy as a schoolboy.

  Kody, Dillon, Josh, Zach, Allie, and I were on one team. Kade, Kross, Rafe, Lacey, Bee, and Lizzie stacked the other.

  “Break!” Kody clapped his hands.

  We fanned out into position, which was wherever we wanted to be. I made a point of facing off with Lizzie. I stuck out my tongue as I readied my stance to run.

  “You plan on using that?” she asked as she rolled her eyes.

  Kody yelled hike. I took off, sidestepping her then raising my left arm in the air, signaling to Kody to throw the ball to me.

  When the football landed in my hands, the spectators, consisting of Mom, Dad, and the very pregnant Chloe, shouted for me to run. I hesitated, watching Lizzie pump her legs, her hair blowing in the breeze. I grinned as she got closer, debating whether to stay put so she could tackle me or run for the woods where she would chase me. Then I could have my way with her.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Zach.

  He sprinted, catching up to Lizzie. “Run, you ass,” Zach shouted at me.

  Lizzie was two feet from me when I tossed the ball to Zach.

  “Go!” Chloe yelled as Zach hugged the ball, heading for the end zone.

  Lizzie dove hands first into me, knocking me backward. Before I fell, I reached out and grasped her wrists. No way was I going down without her. I landed in a pile of leaves with her on top of me.

  She giggled as we tumbled around like two dogs play-fighting.

  I bit her ear. “I do plan on using my tongue when we get back to our apartment tonight.” We’d found a brownstone in Boston that had three bedrooms and was close to BU. Since we couldn’t afford the rent on our own, Kade and Kross had stepped in as roommates. Kade was stoked at the idea of not sleeping on the couch at Rumors. And now he had a place for when Lacey came home on weekends. As far as Kross, he trained constantly in Boston. So he was happy not to drive back to Ashford after a hard workout. We’d asked Kody if he wanted to get in on the roomie action, but he preferred home for the time being. He’d said he needed the solitude to write songs.

  Chloe walked by us to hug Zach, who’d scored just before the others tackled him.

  “Is it weird to see your former girlfriend pregnant?” Lizzie asked.

  I jumped to my feet then held out my hand. “No.” It wasn’t a lie. I wanted the best for Chloe.

  She took hold of my hand. “What if I was?”

  I almost dropped her hand. “Come again?” My heart left my chest. The music from the trees’ leaves died. I hadn’t even thought about starting a family. We both had school. She’d registered at BU once Terrance had returned the three hundred thousand dollars, and she’d paid her debts, including the money owed from her trust to the IRS. “Don’t mess with me,” I said, holding my breath.

  She pressed her body into mine. “You don’t want kids?”

  “Baby doll, I want tons of kids with you. But we have school. Then there’s the money thing, or lack thereof.”

  “You know I’ll be a rich woman when I finish college.”

  True. I’d accompanied her to Florida. The judge had decided that Lizzie could manage the trust with Mr. Davenport’s supervision. But she couldn’t touch the 401K funds until she graduated, which was what her father had outlined in the trust. Considering that most of the cash she’d had available went to pay debts, she had just enough left to pay for college.

  “Lizzie,” I warned, enfolding her in my arms. “Are you?” My hands shook as I wracked my brain about how she could be. She was on the pill, but shit could happen.

  She frowned. “Nah. But you’re right. We need to finish college.”

  I blew out my nervous energy as I squeezed her. “Hey, we’ll have rugrats running around someday.”

  “I know. It’s just when I see Chloe glowing and happy, it reminds me of my mom. She would show Gracie and me pictures of her pregnant, and she said it was a glorious time in her life. I want that.”

  “You’re everything to me, baby doll. But let’s enjoy each other. We have seven years of catching up to do.” I wanted to make her happy. I wanted to give her the world. But right then, we needed to focus on building a foundation.

  “Let’s head in for dinner,” Mom said. “All of you get cleaned up.”

  Zach marched up to us then slapped me on the back. “Great game.”

  Since we’d made amends, Zach and I were back to our old selves as friends. “The best part of the game is when Lizzie tackles me for no reason.” I kissed her on the head.

  Chloe came up beside him. “I wish I could’ve played.”

  Lizzie hooked her arm around Chloe’s. “You will eventually.” They started for the house. “How are you feeling?”

  I tuned them out as Zach and I trudged behind the girls.

ave you told the family?” he asked low.

  “I will at dinner,” I said.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you. Would you be my best man?” Zach asked.

  “Fuck yeah. Is your old man going to be there?”

  “We haven’t set a date yet. But if he’s out of rehab.”

  The court in Florida had decided that they wouldn’t hold Terrance in contempt for two reasons. He had cooperated with them and Lizzie, and any court proceedings or jail time would cost the taxpayers far more money than what Terrance had stolen. She’d also been happy with their decision. She wanted him to get help. She’d said her father would’ve wanted that. As for me, I hoped for Zach’s sake that Terrance would come out of rehab a new man.

  Voices buzzed as we walked into the kitchen. Mom was filling glasses with water from a pitcher. Lacey, Allie, and Bee were huddled near the stove, laughing. My dad, Kade, Kody, and Kross were talking with Rafe, Josh, and Dillon in the hall just outside the kitchen. Lizzie darted over to my mom and swiped the pitcher away to help. Zach pulled out a stool for Chloe.

  I stood near Chloe and Zach at the end of the island and cleared my throat. With everyone in one room, it was the perfect time to announce my news.

  The voices died as everyone looked at me.

  Zach nodded. I’d only told him. Lizzie had never been good at keeping secrets when we were kids. I wasn’t sure if that had changed, and I wanted to see the surprise on my family’s faces.

  Lizzie set down the pitcher of water then glided to my side. “What’s going on?” Her eyebrows were mashed together.

  I grabbed her hand. “I have some news I’d like to share.”

  Mom swung her blue gaze from me to Lizzie. The men gathered around the island along with everyone else. My dad angled his head, hesitation flaring in his copper eyes.

  I kissed Lizzie on the back of her hand.


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