“That’s my girl.” Eva squeezed the hand that was laced through her elbow.
They turned down a dimly lit narrow side alley and Karma started to get concerned. It didn’t seem like a smart place to be at night, but she kept her thoughts to herself. Muffled footsteps followed behind them and Karma’s heart rate sped up. Of course there would be footsteps. They were probably going to the same place they were. It was a club, after all.
Up ahead she saw a door open, and a couple of people slipped inside. That must be the place. Karma had never been to an underground club before and was getting excited. Even if she didn’t get her cherry popped tonight, this could be pretty fun.
When they reached the door, Eva tapped on it four times in rapid succession, followed by a pause and two more taps. The door swung open. Cool.
Karma’s breath caught in her throat and she froze where she stood staring at tall, dark, and delicious. Seriously, it felt like time had stood still. The sort of moment she’d read about in romance novels.
A tall, muscular bouncer covered in tattoos, with inky black hair that looked a little too shaggy, a strong jawline, and the palest blue eyes Karma had ever seen gave them a once-over. He exuded self-confidence, masculinity, and perhaps a hint of danger.
“IDs.” His voice was deep and sent a shiver down her spine. She had a feeling he would never be caught in a situation he could not control. She envied him for that.
With a quick cursory glance at the front and back he handed them back. “Have fun,” he grunted.
“You too,” Karma said. She forced a smile and grabbed her ID from his huge hand. She was surprised to realize her fingers were trembling.
“Would it kill him to smile? Why do jerks have to be so freaking hot?” Karma mumbled as she walked away.
“Heard that,” the bouncer said in a deep, smooth voice.
Eva nudged her with her elbow, her eyes wide.
Karma shrugged and turned back, waving while flashing him a smile before they pushed through the large double doors. He really should lighten up.
They walked through a long, narrow, dimly lit hallway and then through yet another side door. Techno music hit her immediately, throbbing throughout her body making her want to move to the music. Karma wasn’t exactly the best dancer, but she didn’t care. It was fun to lose herself in the music.
A long line snaked around black velvet ropes to keep the mob of people in order. How had Karma not heard about this place before? Obviously, Eva was way more hip than Karma had given her credit for. And she’d been holding out on her. Not cool.
They waited in line for at least twenty-five minutes, slowly inching forward. Karma and Eva scanned the crowds, looking for anyone who might possibly catch Karma’s eye. There were a lot of Goth kids. For some reason, she couldn’t see her first sexual encounter being with a guy who wore more eyeliner than she did. Karma turned to talk to Eva, but she was already flirting with a guy in leather pants, chains around his neck, and a lip piercing. That girl moved fast.
When they finally stepped through the door, it was as if they walked into another world. Black strobe lights circled the room. Dry ice caused smoke to swirl around them. Karma took in the bodies pressed together on the dance floor, and smiled to herself as her eyes adjusted to the lights. So many scents filled Karma’s nose it was almost overwhelming—perfumes, colognes, sweat, alcohol, and smoke. Oh yeah, tonight was going to be fun.
Eva grabbed her by the hand and pulled her out on to the dance floor.
“I need a drink,” Karma yelled over the music into Eva’s ear. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her face; she wiped it away. The club was warm with all the bodies pulsing together. So far, no luck finding a potential one-night stand—maybe she really was too picky. Or maybe she should just buy a chastity belt and accept her fate.
Eva nodded and pulled Karma off the dance floor, and they shoved their way toward the bar. They had to squeeze to get a spot. The bartender was all over the place, so they had to wait a few moments before they got her attention. “Vodka with cranberry please,” Karma yelled.
The bartender, a tall, slender woman, looked toward Eva with a raised eyebrow.
“Just a coke for me, I’m driving.”
Karma rolled her eyes. “You could have one drink. I’m sure we’ll be here for a while.”
Eva shrugged and turned around leaning against the bar. “I don’t like to drink at all when I drive, it’s not worth the risk. What about that guy out there with the short blonde?”
“Practically every guy out there is with a blonde. You are going to have to be more specific than that.”
“Straight ahead, you can’t miss him. He’s the tall one with short dark hair, leather pants and vest.”
“You lost me at leather pants.” Karma picked up the drink the bartender had set down, and Eva handed the woman money.
“Fine. What about the guy with glasses four down sitting at the bar? Is he straight-laced enough for you?”
Karma let her eyes wander down the row. He was wearing a white button-down shirt and his eyes were cast down at his drink so she couldn’t get a really good look. But so far he was the only option. “Not bad, he could work. He’s definitely cherry-popping material.”
“Well, go talk to him. I’m going to find that hottie I was talking to earlier. Text me if you need me.” Eva didn’t wait for her to respond before she blended in with the dance floor. Karma stared in disbelief. A little help would have been nice.
Great. Karma downed her drink and yelled for another. One more drink and then she would have the courage to talk to him. She peeked over again. The guy was still sitting there staring into his glass. It appeared as if he were alone. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as she thought. It’s not like she was shy or anything. She just wasn’t sure how to approach the subject. Did she just blurt it out or see if he suggested going back to his place? Why hadn’t she talked this over with Eva? The bartender slid her drink across the counter, and Karma grabbed the cool glass, enjoying the sensation. It felt really good in the heat.
“Thanks,” Karma mumbled and handed the woman money. When she gave her change back Karma dropped it into the tip jar.
With the second drink, she took her time, rather than chugging it down like the last one. Maybe part of her was hoping the guy would get up and leave. That way, she wouldn’t have to go through with it. But when she finished he was still sitting there. Karma sighed, ran her hands down her skirt, and pushed through the crowd toward the stranger. She could do this. After all wasn’t that what people did at clubs, hook up?
Positive thoughts; tonight would be the night.
People sat on either side of him so Karma edged her way through until she was squished between him and a twiggy dark-haired girl. The girl gave her a dirty look, but Karma ignored her, turning to face the guy.
“Hey,” Karma said. He really was rather cute. Light brown hair that fell into his eyes, aquiline nose, but the glasses were what really drove her crazy. Seriously, was there anything sexier than a hot geek? No, there wasn’t.
The guy didn’t even look up from his drink. She nudged him. “I said hey. That’s your cue to turn and show how smooth you are with the ladies.”
He didn’t even glance up. “Not interested.”
“Not interested?” Karma huffed. “You didn’t even look at me.”
“I’m not here to hook up.” Now his eyes met hers, never leaving her face. What good was a push-up bra if he didn’t even look down?
“If you’re not here to hook up what the hell are you here for? It doesn’t look like it’s for the music.”
He shrugged and looked back down at his drink. “My fiancée and I used to come here a lot.”
Seriously? His ex? “Oh, so you’re here to wallow in self-pity because she broke your heart?”
“She died.” He took a swig of his drink and slammed the glass back down on the bar.
Karma felt like someone punched her in th
e stomach. How could she be such a bitch? “Oh, wow, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t expecting that.”
“No one was. We were supposed to get married next week.”
“I don’t know what to say,” Karma said softly. She doubted he even heard her over the music. He raised his hand, and the bartender brought him another drink.
“Are you driving?” Karma asked, concerned.
“Nah. I’ll grab a taxi home.”
“Oh, okay. Sorry I bothered you. My comment was out of line.”
He didn’t respond. She stood there awkwardly for about ten minutes before texting Eva.
Not available.
Nope. His girl recently died.
Yeah, that’s what I said.
That sucks.
I think he wants to be alone. He hasn’t said a word in ten minutes. Where are you?
Meet me in the bathroom.
“Damn, girl, you really do have bad luck with guys.” Eva dried her hands with a paper towel.
“I think this time it’s the guy who had bad luck. I can’t even imagine.” Karma leaned in and applied more lip gloss. She kept seeing the guy’s sad eyes in her mind. She felt like such a slug for making that comment, even though she didn’t know, but still. Talk about insensitive.
“Me either. Especially so young, that’s rough.”
“They were going to get married next week.”
“That’s ultra depressing.”
They stood there in silence for a few moments letting the information sink in. It’s sobering to be reminded that at any moment, life can be taken from you without notice. Or even with notice. Karma didn’t know which would be worse.
“We should get back out there,” Eva said.
“Did you find your guy?” Karma asked.
“Not yet. This place is a madhouse. But there is plenty of eye candy while I search for him.”
“Yeah, it’s really packed. You might not be able to find him.”
“Well, let’s go find the next poor sod you can try to take advantage of.” Eva was always mixing up phrases from other countries. She’d traveled extensively as a child, since her dad was a Foreign Service officer.
“I don’t know. I feel weird now. It seems so silly after talking to that guy. I mean he’s dealing with the loss of the woman he loved. I’m whining about being a virgin. Kinda puts it in perspective. You know?”
Eva put a hand on her narrow hip. “You don’t want to die a V, do you? What would be worse than that?”
“That would really suck,” Karma admitted. “Okay, one more try, but if I don’t get lucky I’m not going to be upset.”
“Fair enough. Let’s go back on the dance floor. Maybe we’ll see someone you consider fuckable.”
They made their way back to the dance floor. Karma had her eagle eyes roaming, but nothing caught her attention. She wasn’t sure if it was from the mood change or there just really wasn’t anyone there for her. Probably a little of both.
Suddenly, a hand was placed on her waist from behind, startling her. Spinning around, she looked up at a tall, lanky guy. His blond hair was long and greasy. He had small narrow eyes, a hawk nose, and a face covered in acne. He looked like a crack addict—just her luck.
Karma pushed his hand away. “I don’t think so.”
He raised his hands up in surrender, his head bobbing up and down to the music as he slithered closer to her.
Was this guy for real? Karma glanced over at Eva, who had her hand over her mouth trying to conceal her laughter.
Shaking her head no, Karma pushed the guy away. He quickly moved onto another chick. Gross. She was desperate to lose her virginity, but not that desperate.
Sometime during the evening Karma lost sight of Eva. Where are you? I want to get the hell out of this place.
Finally, after ten minutes, her phone vibrated. I’m a little busy.
Karma looked down at her phone, her mouth open. Did she mean what Karma thought she meant? Tell me you’re kidding!
Nope. Can you hang around for an hour or so?
Not like I have a choice, you’re my ride. Karma sighed. Figured she came to get laid, and Eva was the one to get lucky. But really, why should she be surprised?
Keep looking...Bye
Karma groaned and threw her phone back into her purse. All she wanted to do was go home and crawl into bed. Instead, she pushed her way to the bar and ordered another drink; might as well since the night was a bust. It was hot and clammy and the air smelled like a mixture of a thousand cheap colognes. She rubbed her temples, trying to ease the headache that was pounding through her brain. She was exhausted and damp with sweat.
With one look all that changed.
While Jax wiped down the counter, he flicked his eyes up as someone approached, and a hint of a smile crossed his face. The hot chick from earlier was at the bar. She was looking down, not paying attention, her dark hair shimmering with the strobe lights. He wanted her to look up so he could see those amazing silver eyes that made it hard for him to speak. He’d been hoping he would see her again. Hell, more than hoping. It was the only reason he agreed to take Lacy’s place while she was on break.
“Shot of vodka.” She looked up, and a hint of recognition flashed in her eyes. He was thrilled that she remembered him. How pathetic was that?
She studied him for a moment, and he wondered what was going through her mind. Finally she spoke. “Hey, what are you doing back here? I thought you were the muscle.”
His lip twitched, but he didn’t actually smile. He’d trained himself not to smile too much while at work. A friendly bouncer didn’t work quite as well as the tough-guy attitude. “I remember you,” he said.
“And I remember you—the man who doesn’t smile.” She grinned, and it lit up her whole face. He liked that he was the reason that caused the smile.
“I’m just covering for Lacey while she’s on break.” He slung the towel over his shoulder and poured her drink. She didn’t look like a hard alcohol girl. More like some sort of fruity drink with an umbrella. Yet another reminder that looks could be deceiving.
He slid the shot across the counter. “Rough night?” He cast his eyes down toward the shot glass.
The bar had started to thin out, but the music was still loud. So it was hard to hear her over the noise.
“Kinda.” A frown crossed her pretty face.
“What’s bothering you?” He leaned in closer to hear her better.
“Really? Spilling my guts to a bartender? That’s a little cliché, isn’t it?”
“Stand-in bartender,” he reminded her, keeping a straight face.
“Fine.” She sighed, her full lips parting. “I came here to have my first one-night stand and I’ve only been hit on by losers. So I’m going to have to go home empty-handed.”
Well, that clearly was not what he was expecting to hear. He tried to keep a straight face, but half of his mouth wouldn’t cooperate and turned into a lopsided grin. He’d never make it as a shrink, or apparently as a bartender either. He wished Lacey would get back so he could talk to the girl more. “I guess that is a problem.”
“Glad to see you’ve got a sense of humor,” she said wryly.
Someone called him for a drink, and reluctantly, he grabbed a beer bottle and opened the cap. He really didn’t want to leave her, especially not after that confession. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” He stood watching her for a moment.
She nodded, swirled the drink in her hand before throwing back her head and downing the shot. Jax was mesmerized by her long slender neck and had to pull his eyes back to her face.
“I’ll be waiting.” She smiled as she set the glass back down.
Jesus, that girl was going to give him a heart attack. She looked so sweet and innocent with those wide eyes, and then she dropped the bomb about having a one-night stand. At least
, she said first one-night stand. Barflies were not appealing to him, to say the least.
He hated the thought of her going home with any of the jerks at the club. He might have to do something about that, if she’d have him. It was the honorable thing to do, right?
Jax hurried through his tasks and made his way back to her as quickly as possible. Thankfully, she was still standing there watching him. Was that a hint of interest he detected? Damn, he hoped so. Perhaps tonight would be his lucky night. He could use it after all that had gone wrong lately. He wasn’t a fan of one-night stands, but he’d had a few in his younger days.
“Another?” He held up the bottle of vodka.
“One more, but add cranberry to it this time. I’m starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.”
“Good idea. Sure you don’t want water or a soda?” He definitely didn’t want her wasted. She shook her head, so he poured the drink and went light on the vodka.
“Thanks.” She looked at the drink but didn’t touch it.
He leaned forward so his head was close to hers and had to keep himself from reaching out and touching her hair. He wondered what she smelled like, but the smoke from the bar was too overwhelming. “What’s your name?”
“Didn’t you see it on the ID?”
“Nah, I just look at the pictures and the birthday.”
“I’ll tell you, but don’t laugh.”
“I won’t laugh. Why would I laugh?” She was so cute when she squirmed. I mean come on, the name can’t be that bad.
Sighing, she said, “Karma.”
“Karma,” he repeated. “I like that. It’s unique.”
“That’s one way to look at it. Or ridiculous is a better way, my way, of looking at it. You haven’t even heard my last name yet.”
“Tell me.”
“Points.” She rolled her eyes.
What the hell? Who would name their child Karma Points? But he wasn’t about to mess it up by laughing. “It’s not ridiculous, it’s kinda cute. I’m Jax. Well, Jackson, but everyone calls me Jax.”
“Jax, it’s very nice to meet you.” Her smile made his pulse quicken. He had to get to know this girl better. Unfortunately, he was still on the clock. And it was never good to look too eager.
The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Page 248