The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories

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The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Page 255

by Brina Courtney

  “Dating? Karma, how could you keep this from me?”

  “Gee, I wonder, Mom.” Her lips twisted. A dark bitterness lay beneath her words.

  Isabella’s eyes roamed down Jax’s body again like a cougar ready to strike, and he squirmed a bit. Isabella placed her fingertips on his forearm. “I’m sorry but I just have to ask. Why are you dating my daughter? Is it because of the money?”

  “Wh-what?” Jax asked, incredulous.

  “Guys like you don’t date girls like Karma. It’s just how it is.”

  Jax looked over at Karma. Was this woman for real? Karma’s face was a bright shade of red, and she had tears in her eyes. Real tears. Her beautiful gray eyes were glossy and mortified. He turned back and met the woman’s gaze. “I’m dating Karma because she’s kind, beautiful, makes me laugh, and everything about her drives me completely crazy,” Jax said, surprising himself and, obviously, Isabella.


  “Yes, Karma! And from the sounds of it, maybe if you took a little time to get to know your daughter you might see that too.”

  Isabella turned, mouth agape, to look at Karma’s father. “Garrett, are you going to let him talk to me like that?”

  “I’d say he’s spot on Isabella, and he’s welcome in my house any time he pleases. You, on the other hand, need to go. How dare you come in here and try to ruin her birthday. You really are a cold selfish bitch!”

  Isabella looked around, her mouth still hanging open. She pushed herself up to standing, brushed down her dress, and landed her eyes on Karma. “I really just wanted to spend your birthday with you.”

  “Maybe next year,” Karma said in a detached tone.

  Garrett took her by the arm and led her to the door. She walked out with her head held high without even glancing back at her daughter.

  What a freaking piece of work, Jax thought. She deserved to be tortured for destroying Karma’s self-confidence.

  “Yeah, so that’s my mom, sweet, isn’t she?” Karma had dropped the mask back in place, and tears were no longer evident.

  “I don’t even know what the hell to say about that bullshit. I can’t even believe that just happened.” Jax looked over at Matt for help.

  He just shook his head and held up his hands. “I can’t go there. I get too worked up. That woman is a vile snake,” Matt said, and Garrett placed his hand on Matt’s shoulder. “Sorry, Karma, I shouldn’t have said that. She’s still your mother.”

  “It’s the truth, no need to apologize.” Karma rolled her eyes and laid her head back on the cushion.

  Garrett stood back up. “Why don’t we take a break and have those cupcakes. I got ice cream, we can make root beer floats.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” Karma stood and plastered a smile on her face, but Jax knew it was a front. His sisters would be a blubbering mess if anyone had said anything so cruel to them, let alone their own mother. He had no idea how she was holding it together. Then it hit him—years of practice, he thought bitterly.

  Jax waited until Garrett and Matt entered the kitchen, leaving them alone. Jax grabbed Karma by the elbows and pulled her close. “I meant every word I said.”

  She buried her head in his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her. She didn’t say anything, but the way she squeezed him tightly said enough. He smoothed her hair down and kissed her on the forehead before they joined her dads in the kitchen.


  Whenever Karma’s mother was around, she felt like a hollowed-out version of herself. And to have Jax in the same room made the feeling that much rawer.

  Why wouldn’t she ever be good enough for her mother’s approval? And why the hell did she have to insult her in front of Jax? It was bad enough she’d had to deal with her mom’s snide remarks all her life, but for her to do it in front of him was unforgivable. Karma wrapped her arms across her chest. What she really wanted to do was run to her room and cry herself to sleep. But she had to put on a front and somehow make it through the rest of the evening.

  Her eyes flicked over to Jax. He looked up at the same time, his lips quirked up. She still couldn’t believe he’d defended her to the wicked witch of the west. She had to admit the look on her mom’s face was priceless. It sort of dulled the edge of the humiliation. His words were so sweet. He’d sounded so sincere, but as much as she wanted to believe him, she still had doubts. Her mother was right—men like Jax didn’t fall for girls like her. He was perfect in every way, and she was a broken disaster. As much as she tried to hold herself together she was always so close to cracking.

  “Karma.” Jax nudged her arm softly. “Your dad is talking to you.”

  She looked up and blinked her eyes a couple of times, pulling herself back to the present. “Sorry, what did you say?”

  Her father turned back to look out the window before speaking again. “I just said it looks like a storm is headed this way.”

  “Is it?” Karma loved storms; they relaxed her for some reason. She took a sip of her root beer float—cold and creamy with just the right amount of ice cream. “This is great. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I think it’s time for your present.” Garrett looked over at Matt, and they shared a secret smile.

  Karma had no idea what they got her this year. They kept it tight-lipped. Usually, she was dying to know but after the incident with her mother, she really wasn’t in the mood for presents. But she couldn’t disappoint them.

  “What is it?” Karma sat up straighter and gave them her undivided attention.

  “Well, we had a hard time deciding this year. I mean you are twenty now,” Matt said with a gleam in his eye. He loved surprises. It was sort of his thing. During Christmas, he’d hide presents around the house instead of under the tree. Made for some fun times and also huge messes that her father grinned and bore to humor Matt.

  “Well, I peeked at your bucket list...” her father said with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Jesus, not that damn bucket list again. Karma braced herself. Who knew what the hell they had done.

  Her dad opened the freezer and pulled out an envelope from an empty box of chicken patties. The envelope was covered in white and blue bows.

  “The freezer, Dad? Really?”

  “Hey, it’s the only place I could think of. You know all my hiding places.”

  He had a point.

  It took Karma nearly five minutes to get all the bows undone, and she opened the envelope slowly just to torture Matt. He loved the anticipation. She pulled out the papers and smoothed them out on the counter.

  Oh noooo! Two paid tandem sky dives. She looked up at her dads, who were grinning from ear to ear.

  “We thought you’d cross it off your list.”

  “How kind of you,” Karma said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

  Jax looked over her shoulder, and she could tell from the look on his face that he was excited. His eyes twinkled when they met hers. She started to feel a stir of excitement herself. It was crazy the effect he had on her. Only Jax could make the idea of jumping out of a plane sound like fun.

  “It’s way too generous,” Jax said, looking at her dads. “If it wasn’t her birthday present there is no way I would accept it. Thank you.”

  “We feel much better with her going with you than off on her own,” Garrett said, glancing at Karma.

  “I’d never do it on my own,” Karma said truthfully. She gave them both a hug. It couldn’t have been easy for her father to agree to the present. Clearly, it was Matt’s idea.

  They finished eating and went back to the movie. Her father was right; it wasn’t long before the thunder and lightning started. The lights flicked on and off a couple of times, but thankfully didn’t go out for real. Karma loved the soothing sound of the rain pelting the roof and hitting the window panes.

  It was almost midnight by the time the movie marathon was over. Karma felt much better after watching comedies with Jax’s arm wrapped around her shoulder. Thoughts of her mother’s visit didn’t sting
quite as much as they did earlier. It still boggled her mind that he really liked her.

  “We’re going to bed.” Her dad stood up and gave her a hug and Matt followed suit.

  Karma wished them good night, and then they were left alone in the quiet house.

  “It’s still raining,” Jax said with a smile.

  “Is it? I didn’t notice,” Karma shot back playfully.

  “I hope you don’t mind that dress of yours getting wet.”

  “It’s just a dress.” Karma’s heart was thumping against her chest. Just the thought of kissing Jax in the rain was enough to make her head spin.

  They were standing at least six inches apart, but she felt as if he was touching her. It was disturbing and exciting at the same time.

  “Walk me to the truck?” Jax trailed a warm finger down the side of her face. His touch was tender, and Karma wanted to melt into his big strong arms.

  She couldn’t speak so she just nodded like a fool. She would have walked with this man to the end of earth and back if he’d ask her to.

  They stood on the porch watching the rain.

  Jax turned her toward him. She was nervous.

  “You’re beautiful,” Jax said simply as if it was a fact and not a matter of opinion.

  Karma felt off kilter by his words. She looked down and whispered, “Thank you.” Her chest felt so tight it was hard to breathe.

  “I know you don’t believe me.”

  “I’m not beautiful, Jax. I see myself in the mirror every day. My eyes are too wide, my nose is too big, and my hips are huge. Don’t even get me started on my thighs. I could go on and on.”

  Jax smiled sadly. “Your mirror is cracked.”

  Karma looked up at him in surprise. His words totally disarmed her, because she could tell he was telling the truth. He really thought she was beautiful. He could have any girl he wanted, and he chose to spend time with her. It was utterly astonishing to Karma.

  Karma shook her head and refused to meet his eyes. “My mother is beautiful.”

  Jax pulled her closer. “Of course she is, she gave birth to you.”

  “That’s not what I mean. You’ve met her. You saw what she looks like—a walking billboard.”

  “She’s ugly on the inside and your shrink sucks,” Jax said, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “What?” Karma stammered, completely caught off guard once again.

  “It blows my mind you can look like you do and not see it for yourself.”

  Her throat tightened. Why did he keep saying things like this? Couldn’t he just drop it? “Please, stop.”

  He stepped closer and dropped his hand to the swell of her hips. “I love your hips and the way they fit perfectly in my hands, your nose gives you character, your thighs... Jesus, I can’t even think about them without getting a hard-on, and your eyes make my heart race like a schoolboy with his first crush.”

  Karma stood on her tippy toes and went in for a kiss, but Jax pulled back, laughing. “You’re not getting out of it that easily. We’re crossing another one off your list.” He pulled her down the stairs into the pouring rain.

  “You’re crazy, Jax!” She laughed, tilting her head up and spinning in the rain like a five-year-old. When she came to a stop she looked up and Jax was staring at her so intently it took her breath away.

  He yanked her toward him, and his hands slid down her back to the curve of her waist. His legs widened as he pulled her closer, and she could feel the hard ridge of need through his pants. “You’ve been driving me crazy all evening,” he said roughly.

  Wild desire tore through her body as the rain pelted down on them. Jax bent his head and his lips covered hers. A moan of pleasure escaped as her hands slid up and gripped his shoulders. The response to his body was overwhelming. She was trembling and it had nothing to do with the cool rain.

  Jax pulled her tighter, as though he never wanted to let her go. One of his hands released and cupped her breast, his thumb caressing her rigid nipple. A shot of desire ignited between her legs and her breathing became ragged. The burning pleasure was instant and spread throughout her. Her body was ready for him, moist, warm, and drunk on desire.

  “I want you,” Karma gasped.

  Jax looked at her for a moment and didn’t reply with words. His mouth was warm and his tongue slow and gentle. He seemed totally lost in the kiss, taking his time exploring her. Karma wanted to strip naked and ride him on the lawn.

  His hand trailed down her dress and up her thigh; he slowly pulled her panties to the side. His fingers stroked her and her back arched, pushing herself against him. She drew a shuddering breath at his touch.

  Her eyes opened slowly to gaze up at him. Jax’s eyes were filled with need as his fingers slid slowly in and out. Karma wanted to beg him to replace his fingers with his cock. She could tell by the look of pain and desire on his face that would not be happening. It was taking all of his self-control. His hair was plastered to his face and it only added to his sexiness. She probably looked like a drowned rat, but Jax was looking at her like she was the sexiest woman in the world.

  With a low growl Jax kissed her hungrily. With a stark possessiveness he slid his tongue deeply in her mouth. Her desire escalated rapidly.

  A clap of thunder startled them both, and they jumped apart with a laugh.

  “God, you make me crazy,” he muttered as his thumb caressed her jaw line.

  “The feeling is mutual.” Karma’s body sagged against his.

  Jax grabbed her hand and ran her back to the front porch.

  “I have to work tomorrow,” Jax said, pressing his wet body to hers. She could feel his heartbeat, and it was racing as fast as hers.

  “Twenty-four hours, right?” Karma was surprised how the thought of not seeing him for twenty-four hours made her sad.

  “Yeah, unfortunately.”

  Karma forced a smile. “I have to go to school and I have an appointment with my shrink. So I guess the timing is good.”

  Jax ran his hand down the sides of her arms. “You do know your mom is the one messed up, not you, right?”

  “I think she messed me up too,” Karma said quietly. “But I’ll be all right.”

  Jax looked down at her, and she could see the concern in his blue eyes.

  “I’m fine, Jax. That was nothing.”

  “If that was nothing then I really hate that woman,” Jax said through gritted teeth.

  “Can’t pick your parents.”

  “I guess not,” Jax said. He looked like he wanted to say more but he stopped himself. “I’ll see you on Sunday. Get inside before you catch a cold.”

  “Okay. I can’t wait to see you again.” Karma stood on her tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the lips before running back in the house. Her birthday had turned out sort of wonderful after all. Even after the horrid scene from her mom. She moved the blinds and watched him drive away until his taillights were out of sight.


  Jax woke up thinking about Karma. Seemed like she dominated all his thoughts these days. His desire for the girl was clearly evident from the way his sheet tented. He wondered what she was doing right now. Did she sleep in or wake up early? Was she a coffee or tea drinker? Did she sleep in pajamas or in the nude? Just the thought of her naked body underneath the sheets was too much to handle. Jax pushed the sheets off him and stumbled into the bathroom. His body throbbed with an aching need. Without bothering to turn on the light or look in the mirror he reached in and turned the shower on cold. Two weeks and four days, he muttered to himself. Each day he spent with her made it harder to walk away. Who the hell was he trying to fool? He wasn’t going anywhere unless she pushed him out of her life. And he wasn’t going to allow that to happen, not without a fight. He knew a good thing when he saw it, and he wasn’t about to screw this up.

  The cold water was a welcome shock to his body. He couldn’t go into work all distracted. He scrubbed his body clean, and once he was under control, he turned the water to lukew
arm. Of course, the cascade of the water reminded him of kissing Karma in the rain. The way the white dress clung to her skin leaving very little to his imagination. He closed his eyes, remembering the feeling of her erect nipples pressed against his chest. How his fingers moved against her beautiful ass, slowly gathering the hem of her dress. Even with hair plastered to her face, she was breathtaking. He couldn’t get the look of awe on her face out of his mind after they’d broken the kiss. She’d been just as blown away as he’d been. Jax had kissed a lot of girls in his time, but nothing had been as erotic as the kiss in the rain. He knew it’d be a memory ingrained in his brain for the rest of his life.

  His cock twitched, and Jax laughed; so much for being under control. Damn, he couldn’t wait to sink into her. Just the thought of having her legs wrapped around his waist and her firm breasts pressed against his... As if his hand had a mind of its own Jax wrapped his palm and fingers around his cock, stroking up and down, wishing it was Karma’s small hand or her pouty full lips wrapped around him. He had to get a release for the sexual tension. He closed his eyes and imagined Karma naked on her knees looking up at him with those innocent wide eyes, giving him a mischievous smile, running her tongue along her full lips before grabbing the bottom of his cock tightly and sliding her lips over him moving her hand and mouth in perfect rhythm. He could almost feel her body against his skin. Jax gasped, pumping his hand faster. It was as if her warm tongue wrapped around him, easing him in and out of her warm mouth until he was about to explode. He could clearly picture his hand wrapped around her hair guiding her head up and down his thick shaft. Jax threw back his head and shuddered as he came, thinking about spilling his seed in her beautiful little mouth. Damn.

  After a couple of minutes his heart settled back in his chest and his breathing returned to normal.

  Not a bad way to start the morning, he thought with a grin. Of course, it would have been much better to wake up with Karma naked in his arms. He shook his head to banish the vision. If he kept this up, he’d never make it to work on time. Jax rinsed off again and grabbed the towel off the hook. He whistled happily as he dried off.


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