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by P. Mattern

  Byron Chance:The Darkly Erotic Life of A Dhampir (Darkly Erotic Series)

  (Companion Novel to the Full Moon Series) by P.Mattern


  When he knew that she was close to climaxing he forced himself to pull out. Before she could protest, as she lay panting,he leaned down and began licking her inner thighs, his strong tongue moving in fierce darts around her opening.

  “Oh,” the woman said, and “Oooooooh.”

  Byron spoke,his voice still commanding even though a husky whisper.

  “I’m going to fuck you with my tongue.”

  There was no verbal response but the woman thrust her hips toward him, her body begging for what had just been promised.

  Pulling her hips into the air he effortlessly threw her legs across each of his well muscled shoulders for easier access. First he sucked on her clitoris, then nipped it lightly, making her cry out in either pain or pleasure.

  He suspected both.

  Then he extended his tongue out stiffly as far as it would go. His intention was to probe far enough inside the woman to hit her g-spot. He began to thrust his stiffened tongue in and out of the woman forcefully and rhythmically. Her moaning responses confirmed that he was on target.

  After a few minutes,when she was dripping wet with post climactic fluids,he lowered her hips slowly to the floor. It was obvious that she was sated,but that satisfied his ego-not his body.

  Quickly he thrust his member into her. He thought she might have come again immediately but he didn’t care. This part was all about him pressing himself as far up as he could get into the clinging wet velvet of her insides.

  His pleasure when he finally came was so intense that he thought he might pass out, but of course he satisfyingly didn’t. It was no mystery to him why the French called the orgasm ”la petit mort”, the little death.

  He had gotten what he’d come for-no pun intended.

  He smoothed the woman’s hair away from her eyes and asked in a confidentially teasing tone, ”Did you enjoy yourself?”

  The woman sighed.”Oh,so much.”she answered.

  “Can you do me a favor?” he asked.”A naughty one?”

  She giggled.”Of course.”

  He looked at her seriously.”I want you to go grocery shopping as soon as I leave.”

  She looked up at him ,puzzled, but said “Okay.”

  “That’s not all-you must dress in a skirt, no panties, and without cleaning yourself off in the bathroom first. Just go to the store like that, with our juices dripping down your thighs. And even if they flow to your ankles, you can’t wipe them off. Promise me.”

  The woman giggled again.”You ARE naughty, Byron Chance…call me later to hear about it?”

  “Of course,” he answered.

  Chapter one-Wake Up Call

  Byron Chance awakened, as he always did,a few minutes before his old school windup cartoon character alarm clock went off. Down the hallway from his room in the two bedroom apartment that he shared with his mother he heard his mother’s bedroom door open, and the low voices of two adults. One was male-speaking in deep resonant tones. The other voice, octaves higher, he recognized as the sweet, tremulous voice of his mother.

  Sleepily he padded to his door and opened it a crack, just to see what was going on.

  The man he saw was not Byron’s Dad. Byron had never known his father and his mother owned nary an old photograph to show him. He recognized the dark haired man who was kissing his mother ,with one hand on the doorknob and one clasping a handful of her bottom,as one of his mother’s regular boyfriends. Being nine years old he was old enough to observe and categorize the stream of male visitors to their apartment

  Too late, he realized that his mother had seen him peering out of the partially opened doorway.

  “Good morning Byron”, she called, ”You remember Thomas. Come say hello.”

  Reluctantly, his head down so that his too long straight blonde hair hung in his face,he padded down the hallway in his sock clad feet. Tall for his age,he didn’t need to look up very far to look into the man’s eyes.

  “Hello.” He said. And then stood there between his mom and the man named Thomas, saying nothing.

  After an awkward moment his mother leaned over Byron on her tiptoes to give the man a peck on the lips and chirp.”Bye now.”

  After the door shut, Byron raced up the hall to get ready for school.His mother, whose name was Chloe, pulled her wrapper more tightly around her and went to her room.

  Byron dressed for school, then practiced chin-ups on his doorsill for a few minutes to relieve his simmering rage. Strangely enough, he wasn’t angry at his mother, who was always kind but distant. Somehow he’d always had a sense that she was mentally disturbed. He also was old enough to understand that his mom couldn’t work and relied on contributions from her various suitors to pay the rent-that she allowed them to touch her and in that way paid the rent with her body.

  But he also knew that she took drugs. He’d come home from school more than once to find her unconscious on the threadbare couch with a needle in her arm. In his childlike mind THAT was what fueled his hatred. The drugs made his mom tired. The drugs made her sleep all the time.

  The drugs made him feel like he didn’t have a mother.

  Sweating, he grabbed his backpack and skateboard and ran out the door to school.

  As he was maneuvering down the street on his skateboard he felt better ,his confidence restored. At school he was a star-he was exceptionally intelligent, making straight A’s effortlessly, but for a third grader he was completely bad ass, and he knew it. He was faster, taller and stronger than anyone in the third and fourth grade ,and even most of the sixth graders.

  How he had come to be such a fine physical specimen was a complete mystery to him. He had noticed at an early age that his physical prowess exceed that of his contemporaries. He was also strikingly physically attractive, so much so that even his teachers seemed to stare at him at odd moments. And of course he was also the object of many school girl crushes.

  Byron had noticed that he was different from other pupils in other ways also. He had attained adolescent sexual maturity the day after he turned eight years old, and masturbated for the first time. Having signed his own permission slip to attend the sex education classes at school he knew that he could potentially accomplish the same sexual act that occurs between adult men and women.

  But that was one of the many secrets that Byron learned to keep to himself as he grew up.

  By the time he turned twelve he was nearly 5’11’’tall and had the appearance of a sixteen year old. Preferring to stay away from home as much as possible he excelled in sports, particularly football, where his skill and timing earned him the quarterback position. His skateboarding skills won him trophies and, once, a brand new bike-which he quickly put to use ,taking a gig as a paper carrier to make extra money.

  The morning that he decided to run away from home was a regular school day, and started as those days usually did-with his mom at the door saying goodbye to one of her boyfriends. That morning after the boyfriend left she didn’t immediately return to her bedroom however. Byron was shocked to hear her banging around in the kitchen preparing an actual breakfast meal for them both.

  As he slid into a seat at the worn kitchen table he was full of wonderment-his mother had prepared pancakes, eggs and bacon and even had 2 glasses at each of their places-one of juice and one of milk.

  Looking at him across the table brightly as though the
veritable feast was nothing unusual she said, smiling, ”Well hurry and eat your breakfast, Byron! It’s a school day after all.

  Byron took a huge forkful of pancake. It tasted delicious,and he smiled back at his mother happily as they both ate like the starvelings they were.

  At some point his mother cleared her throat.

  “Byron I have something I have to tell you, and its really good news!”

  Byron stopped chewing, some primitive instinct causing his nearly full stomach to clench.”What is it momma?”he asked, looking at her vacuously pretty face, trying vainly to discern what she could possibly have to tell him.

  “Well,” she said, taking a deep breath, more animated than he could remember seeing her in years.”Bob has asked me to move in with him!” She leaned expectantly toward Byron, as though inviting his response.

  Byron dropped his fork, which clattered on his nearly empty plate.

  “You mean we’re moving in with Bob? I don’t really even know Bob ,Mama.” He said plaintively ,guardedly, reproachfully. As difficult as life had been lately Byron was fearful of the prospect of dealing with a man who was a virtual stranger. He grabbed his milk glass and looked over the rim of it at her as he swallowed.

  His mom looked downward into her lap for a few seconds,then looked back at him again.

  “Byron Bob only asked ME to move in with him. And I’m happy about it. I won’t have to worry anymore. But he doesn’t have room for both of us at his place, and really he isn’t used to being around children. So I was thinking that you could stay with my sister and her husband in Nevada, Bob even said he’d pay your ticket. And as soon as we get a bigger place I could send for you.”

  Byron stood straight up from the table with enough force to make the dishes clatter. For a moment he thought he would vomit up his lovely unexpected breakfast. When he spoke his words came out with an air of authority and judgement far beyond that of a 12 year old.

  “I don’t mind that you’re a whore, ”he began, ”not even that everyone at school knows you are because the only time-and that was back in second grade-that someone tried to tease me about it I beat him so bloody that no one else would dare try the same thing.

  “I don’t mind that you hardly ever speak two words to me in a day. I don’t even count it against you that you take drugs and that I’ve had to get the neighbors when I found you passed out.

  “But the fact that you would LEAVE YOUR ONLY CHILD when it’s ME,it’s ME that kept you alive all these years makes me sick to my stomach.

  “I HATE you. You are dead to me. Do you understand you selfish ,drug taking whore? DEAD!”

  Byron turned abruptly to race up the hall to gather his things, his mother racing after him.

  “Wait!” she cried plaintively, ”Byron there are things that you don’t understand .Let me explain!”

  Silently Byron began stuffing his meager wardrobe into a duffle bag. He didn’t trust himself to answer ,and his rage was so great that he felt lightheaded.

  “Byron don’t you wonder why I never talk about your father?”she grabbed his chin so that he was forced to look at her. Tears were running down her face.”Your father raped me Byron. Do you know what that means? Do you have any idea how much pain that has caused me all these years?”

  It seemed to Byron that her voice had a hysterical edge to it. But when he looked into her eyes he sensed that her tears were being shed only for the one person she truly cared about- herself.

  Byron straightened up and threw the duffle bag over one shoulder. Giving his mother a brittle smile he answered,” Mother I’ve been listening to you get raped nightly for years now. Isn’t it how you make your living?”

  The slap came out of nowhere, ringing into every corner of the sparsely furnished room. Byron was shocked at the strength behind the blow.

  It was the only time in his memory that he’d been struck by his mother. Ever.

  She seemed furious now, following him down the hallway as he made for the front door. She was still crying but started laughing semi-hysterically as she followed him.

  “You’re a FREAK Byron. That’s why I can’t stand the sight of you. Your father was a vampire and you’re a half-vampire-THAT’S why you can run faster than anyone, why you’re stronger, why you’re so smart…”

  Robotically, without even turning his head to look at her again, even though her strange words alarmed him and made his heart pound even harder ,as he turned the corner to the stairwell he said, ”I don’t care. GOODBYE.”

  Once out of his apartment building Byron stood on the street momentarily as he decided where to go. His heart sank as he realized that his formal education would probably end at that moment-he couldn’t risk his mother coming to the school or contacting the authorities and having him returned home. Resolutely he began walking in the opposite direction from the bus stop, whistling as he walked to keep his courage up.

  Something about the breeze blowing through his hair calmed him and gave him a renewed sense of purpose. He was young and incredibly strong and could likely find some sort of work. He knew that if he kept walking south he would reach the seedy side of town, the areas where the prostitutes and runaways lived and hung out. His plan was to connect with them and find out how to live, as they did, on the streets of Seattle.

  After all he thought, it wasn’t as if he were running away from a GOOD home,so how much different could it be?

  As he continued to walk through neighborhood after neighborhood ,each more dilapidated than the next, he suddenly turned onto a street that appeared to be the epicenter of the city’s homeless. The weather had turned a bit chilly, and he saw several people in shabby clothes gathered around a couple of huge mental cans open at the top issuing forth tongues of flame and sparks .Against the wall of an abandoned business several younger people who didn’t look much older than he was,lounged against the wall or sat on the pavement, playing cards or smoking.

  A young girl wearing a pink “Hello Kitty” hoody and ripped jeans was staring at him intently. He found himself staring back,and eventually smiling. The girl flipped her bangs out of her eyes, and ,seeming to make a decision,put her half smoked cigarette out against the concrete wall behind her and started a slow walk toward him.

  When she stopped in front of him she didn’t speak for a few seconds. Then ,abruptly she shoved him back against the telephone pole he’d been standing in front of.

  “Hey!” Byron yelped in surprise ,recovering his balance.”Is that how you say hello around here?”

  The girl’s eyes narrowed.”Yeah it is. I don’t know you and I’ve never seen you. So before I like you- I DON’T like you-get it?”

  Byron found the girl amusing.

  “Well ,my name is Byron,and I do it the opposite way-before I DON’T like you I like you-get it? Unless you give me a good reason not to. Are you going to give me a good reason not to? Kick me in the balls or something? Because I’d appreciate a heads up on that.”

  Was that a smile playing around the corners of the girl’s cupid bow mouth? Byron couldn’t be sure.

  “Raven.” She said shortly. She reached into the pocket of her hoody and retrieved a pack of cigarettes.”Smoke, Byron?”

  Byron had never cared for smoking in general and didn’t like the taste but he decided he couldn’t throw away the potential bonding moment.”Thanks Raven.” He said, taking one of the long white cylinders from the package.

  Several minutes passed as they both smoked, continuing to check each other out.

  Byron had the impression that he should wait for the girl to speak again. And eventually she did.

  “You got a place, Byron?” she asked casually.

  Byron shook his head.”Not yet. I brought a sleeping bag.” He motioned to the nearby alley in which several people were either folding up sleeping bags or still hunkered down in them.”I see camping out is popular.”

  He could have sworn the girl almost smiled again. Then she said,”I might take you to Tansy and Herb’s, where I s
tay. If they like you they might let you work for them.”

  “Do you work for them?”Byron asked, curious.”What kind of work is it?”

  Raven smirked.”I don’t have to because I’m kind of Herb’s favorite. I do all the housework though. And some of the cooking, unless Tansy’s in the mood. Other than that I try to stay out of the way. Are you hungry?”

  Byron realized that as much breakfast as he’d eaten he’d been walking for quite a while and had worked up an appetite.

  “Sort of,”he said. He reached in his backpack to make sure the little money he’d managed to save over the years, usually given to him by kind neighbors, was still there. He was about to offer to buy dinner for himself and Raven when Raven pulled a ten dollar bill from underneath her hoody. As she retrieved it Byron caught a glimpse of her breast. When he looked at her face again he knew she knew what he’d seen. Smiling she said,”I’ll buy. This time. And after we eat I’ll take you to meet Tansy and Herb. And don’t get any ideas-Byron. I don’t give nothing away for free.”

  Byron followed after her as if she were leading him on a leash. He couldn’t help but notice how curvaceous the girl’s bottom was. In spite of her short stature she walked with confidence and authority, as if she owned the streets.

  He decided that he liked her already.

  The small diner that she turned into was crowded and smoky, obviously a community favorite. The prices were well suited to the rundown neighborhood also. A bowl of soup was only a dollar. A cheeseburger plate only $2.00.

  Raven turned to look up and speak to him over her shoulder.

  “Since I’m buying I get to choose. But I’ll give you a choice of either of my two favorites-we can get a breakfast plate or the cheeseburger plate. You can pick your own drink. What’s it going to be,Byron?”

  Byron smiled. Since he would never feel the same about breakfast again after the horrendous fight with his mother, he said.”The cheeseburger plate, and a coke .And thank you Raven.”

  Curiously Raven eyed him up and down, taking a few extra seconds for her eyes to rest on the zippered fly of his jeans.

  “Don’t worry Byron, you can pay me back later. I’ll show you how.” She replied. As a couple vacated they quickly slid into a red vinyl upholstered booth that sported duck tape repairs. As soon as they were seated, the girl insinuated her sneakered foot in between Byron’s own size 12 offbrand clad feet and said casually, ”So…I take it you’re a runaway and this is your first day on the street.”


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