Dark Titan Journey: Finally Home

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Dark Titan Journey: Finally Home Page 36

by Thomas A. Watson

  The man jogged up beside Nathan and kept pace, with Ares just a step behind Nathan. They jogged for half an hour, and the man pulled out a radio and spoke into it, then put the radio up. “Don’t worry, the cabin is only three hundred yards,” Nathan said.

  “You know a lot for someone who’s never been here,” the man said, trying not to gasp.

  “I can read a map,” Nathan said as they came around a curve. Nathan saw the outline of the cabin. “Just because you have three friends out doesn’t scare me.”

  “Then you are stupid,” the man said.

  “Nope, better prepared and trained,” Nathan said, and the man chuckled.

  “I doubt that.”

  “I don’t know which elite unit you’re from, but I’m not impressed. If you’re a loyalist I’m going to leave your body for the animals to eat,” Nathan informed him.

  “You do have balls, though,” the man said as he stopped jogging.

  Nathan slowed to a walk and hid his breathing. He’d be damned if this douche was going see him gasping. The front door opened, flooding the area with light and shutting out Nathan’s NVGs. He flipped them up. He walked up to the door to see a man standing in it.

  “How can I help you?” he asked.

  “First you’re not Frank. Second, you can get him,” Nathan said, turning his side to the two men.

  “How do you know I’m not Frank?” the man asked.

  “All right, I’m getting fucking tired of the questions. Ask me another one and I’ll knock your teeth out and skull-fuck you to death,” Nathan snarled. Ares crouched down, giving a rumble in his chest.

  The man in the door raised his hands. “If you know Frank like you say you do, then you should know why we are asking questions.”

  “Yeah, like a dumbass Homeland agent can say they were bringing a letter to Frank from his dad. Shit, they don’t even know who Bart is,” Nathan said.

  Nathan heard movement inside, and another man pushed the man in the doorway back. “When did you see my dad?”

  “Hello, Frank,” Nathan said, pulling a note out of his left thigh pocket. His right hand never left his weapon. “Your dad was worried about you and Homeland tracking you down. It’s my fault really, because I’m the one that said you were becoming a symbol for the patriots. He’s doing well. They had a few run-ins with some gangs and Homeland. He didn’t tell me anyone was bad off, so I don’t know about the rest of the family.”

  Frank took the letter like it was a holy relic. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Frank, are these boys holding you against your will? Because if they are, tell me and I’ll kill them and you can take off home,” Nathan said, and the man Frank had pushed back started laughing.

  “No sir, they are here to protect me,” Frank said, opening the letter.

  “I hope you keep it up, because I’ve heard what Homeland thinks about you, and it’s not nice. This is a letter from me about what I’ve learned, and it’s some wild shit,” Nathan said handing Frank another letter.

  “Sir, can you come inside for a second please?” Frank asked.

  Nathan sighed. “Frank, dropping that letter off is costing me four hours of traveling time getting home. I promised I would give it to you if you were here at this cabin, but if not I was leaving it here and heading home.”

  “Please, sir,” Frank begged.

  “Fine. You have ten minutes.”

  Nathan walked in and put his back to the wall. Ares stayed at his side. “You don’t have to worry about them, sir,” Frank said, looking up from his dad’s letter.

  The man who first opened the door walked over, extending his hand. “Name’s Keith.”

  “Nathan, and left hand if you don’t mind,” Nathan said, extending his left hand.

  “Nathan, you are something else. You mind if I read your letter to Frank?” Keith asked.

  “I don’t care, I’m gone in eight minutes,” Nathan said.

  Keith took the letter and started reading as Frank looked up. “You need anything? I’ll never be able to repay you for this.”

  “No, I’m good. I’m glad I found you, because I like your dad. He is a no-bullshit guy,” Nathan said.

  “Yes sir, he is,” Frank said.

  “Frank, it’s Nathan. I’m glad that drone didn’t get you,” Nathan said.

  Shock hit Frank’s face. “How did you know that?”

  “I talked to a deputy director of Homeland. They really don’t like you. Your programs are being rebroadcast over the entire country,” Nathan said.

  Keith looked up from reading. “Is this accurate?”

  “I wouldn’t have written it if it wasn’t,” Nathan replied.

  “You’ve seen this M-U?” Keith asked.

  “I have a Mew,” Nathan said.

  “I need to see it,” Keith demanded.

  “Sorry. I killed the assholes for it. You go get your own,” Nathan said.

  The man who had escorted him to the cabin stepped forward. “That wasn’t a request.”

  Nathan turned to him. “You and I are about to have a problem, and it’s going to prove lethal for you. What the fuck have you done since this started besides suck each other off? I’ve traveled from Georgia, killing gang bangers, murderers, rapists, loyalists, government contractors, Homeland officers, U.N. troops, and loyal units. So, little bitch, ready to join the list?”

  Keith stepped forward. “Don’t mind Don. But I really need to see this Mew.”

  “You won’t know how it works, and unless I give you the code it’s worthless. Try to open it and you’ll lose it,” Nathan said.

  “Yes, I read that. I just want to see one with my own eyes,” Keith pleaded.

  “Are there any booby traps for vehicles on the road?”

  “No, why?” Keith asked.

  “Because I’m going to have my wife to drive the kids up here. Just to warn you, they will kill you faster than I will. They’re still learning, but they don’t hesitate to pull the trigger,” Nathan said, keying his radio. “Come.”

  Frank handed Keith his dad’s letter. Keith read it very fast and looked up at Nathan. “It took you almost two weeks to get here?”

  “Hey motherfucker, two of my girls, my little girls, were shot by a Homeland Mac-J team. The team and their backup paid for that. So you can see why I didn’t want to stop and play mailman,” Nathan snapped.

  “I’m sorry, sir. Is there anything we can do for them?” Keith asked, and Nathan shook his head. “How did you find out so much about Homeland?”

  “We listened on their radio,” Nathan said, and Keith paled.

  “They can track those!” Keith shouted.

  “If you would read the letter you would know that if you keep two close to each other while they charge, they don’t track. Or replace the battery pack. That’s where the homing device is,” Nathan said, and Keith started reading.

  Hearing Don’s radio go off, Nathan walked to the door. “I’m bringing my family in here, one of my daughters wants to meet Frank. The dogs will be near our rides, and they will kill if any of you get close. Frank, I like you, but if your friends hurt my dogs I’ll kill you as well.”

  “Nobody will hurt the dogs,” Keith said without looking up.

  Nathan walked out as the two buggies pulled up. Jasmine jumped out, looking at the men around the cabin. “They are here guarding Frank,” Nathan said as he untied one of the Mew units. “Tell the kids to come in and say hi to Frank.”

  Nathan carried the Mew back to the cabin and the others followed. “Ares, Athena, guard,” Nathan said, pointing to the buggies. Walking inside, Nathan headed to the table. “Do not key a radio around this thing, because you can fry it. So can a microwave up close.”

  Keith and Don moved over as Nathan assembled it. When he picked up the pad, they moved over to look. “Excuse me,” Nathan said, hiding the pad as he punched in the code. When the pad came into scan mode, Nathan turned the screen around. “Yep, you’re a special forces A team.”

Red and white dots were scattered around the cabin, and several white dots were at the range of the Mew. “Holy shit,” Keith said.

  Amanda walked over to Frank. “ F-U, I’m Amanda.”

  “Frank,” he said, shaking her hand.

  “I know, but F-U sounds so cool,” Amanda said, smiling.

  Keith looked up from the Mew. “Nathan, you have to let me get up the chain.”

  “I don’t have to do anything,” Nathan said.

  Don stepped forward. “I’m getting tired of your attitude.”

  “Sergeant!” Keith shouted. “Keep on and I’ll let him take you outside, and I don’t care if you don’t walk back in. He has been down-range, and you will show respect.”

  “Yes sir,” Don said standing at attention.

  “Sorry, Nathan,” Keith said.

  “What do you plan to do with it?” Nathan asked.

  “Save American lives,” Keith said.

  “That’s what I’ve been waiting to hear since I walked up this fucking mountain,” Nathan said, leaning over the table and writing the code down. “You can have this one.”

  “Sir,” Don snapped. “One of the men says they drove up in Warthogs.”

  “Yes we did, and you don’t get either one or dyin’ time has arrived. That’s how we get home,” Nathan said, gripping his rifle.

  Keith looked at Nathan with a pleading look. “Can we just look at them?”

  “No. If you have some memory cards I can download the spec for you,” Nathan offered.

  “We can do that,” Keith said, and snapped his fingers at Don.

  “Don’t key your radio near the Mew because you will break it,” Nathan warned, seeing Don reach for his radio.

  “All radios off,” Keith said.

  “Depending on the power, you should keep radio transmissions thirty yards away,” Nathan suggested. “John, go get Lonny’s laptop.”

  “Where’s Lonny?” Keith asked.

  “Dead,” Nathan said, pulling out Lonny’s ID and throwing it on the table.

  Keith picked up the ID and sucked in a breath. “You killed Lonny Samson?”

  “No,” Nathan said looking off. “I just did some medieval shit and let the coyotes eat him alive. Just FYI, don’t let too many know that. His boss thinks he died in a helicopter I blew up.”

  “It won’t leave this room,” Keith said as John walked back in. “How much is on there?”

  “You can’t have it, there is shit on there I’m going to use after I get home and start my own fucking war. You guys don’t like killing to get this shit over with,” Nathan said.

  “Nathan,” Keith said.

  “Keith, you already owe me, not the other way around,” Nathan said.

  “Okay, I can give you the roads we control into Idaho,” Keith offered.

  “I will copy it for you but I want to say a few words on Frank’s next broadcast. I presume you record them now and rebroadcast them,” Nathan said.

  “Deal,” Keith said.

  “You are going to need a shitload of memory sticks,” Nathan said.

  “We have a terabyte notebook,” Keith said smiling.

  “You need two,” Nathan said. “This is going to take a while. Have a plug in?” Keith plugged it in and Nathan started uploading. Nathan looked up at Keith and Don. “You better make sure your families are protected when you report what’s on here. Make no mistake, when they find out, they will send people after them.”

  Don nodded. “Thanks for the warning.”

  “I mean it, Don, you make sure they’re hidden,” Nathan said as Frank brought over the recorder and set a microphone in front of Nathan.

  “I’m just going to do the introduction, and you say what you want,” Frank said, and Nathan nodded. Frank pushed a button. “Hello again, America, it’s me. I had a fan tell me F-U sounds really cool, so I’m staying with it. To my family, Nathan made it and I’m safe, so don’t worry and don’t come here. Now, Nathan would like to say a few words.”

  “Hello out there, its Nathan. To everyone in America, keep up the fight. To those in Georgia, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska, we’ve almost made it home. To my brothers and their wives who I call sisters at home, I’ll be there soon, and you will never believe what I found in this mess. I found my family. They’re great and I found someone I’m going to grow old with. Ares is doing well and I will keep my promise on that date. It hasn’t been easy, but with my family beside me and friends behind me, there’s nothing I can’t do. I owe those who helped a debt that can’t be repaid, and I killed everyone that tried to stop me, so I can’t threaten them.

  “F-U is going to be giving out information in the coming days that will change the course of the war. Listen to it and follow it. If you’re ever in doubt, ask yourself: ‘What would Nathan do?’ He would kill every loyalist he sees. I have to go now, since I’m almost home. But don’t worry loyalists, I’ll be back soon. I don’t bury you when you’re dead; buzzards and dogs have to eat too.”

  Frank pushed the stop button. “You want all of that played?”

  “Every word,” Nathan said.

  Don walked over. “Dude, you just put a big X on your ass.”

  “Good, then they’ll just come to me so I can kill them,” Nathan said with a grin.

  Chapter 25

  Day 62

  Nathan was laid out on the hood of his buggy with Jasmine beside him. They were just watching the sun go down. Keith had kept his promise and had given them roads that were controlled by patriots. They were only two hundred and twenty-five miles from home.

  They had listened to F-U’s broadcast, and Jasmine had to wipe tears out of her eyes. They didn’t know that all those they had met along the way had listened as well, and cheered knowing Nathan and his group were still alive and almost home.

  Trembling nervously, Jasmine grabbed Nathan’s hand. “Nathan, will your group like me?”

  “Yes, the wives especially. They won’t have to worry about fixing me up anymore,” Nathan said.

  “I hope so. You think so much of them. I want to make a good impression,” Jasmine said in a nervous voice.

  Nathan looked over at her. “Just be you, the cool you that learned the rules of the world.”

  Jasmine let out a snort. “You realize I have seven kids now. You sure you still want me?”

  “They’re half mine, so yeah, I can’t let ya go for that,” Nathan said, then looked back at the sky, wanting the damn sun to go the hell away.

  “Can we go yet?” Amanda whined behind them.

  “Hello, the sun is still up,” Nathan sang out.

  “Shoot the damn thing,” Amanda popped off.

  “Yeah,” Tom said. “Amanda’s giving us pop quizzes on everyone’s pictures.”

  “Amanda, they will love you, so relax. If they don’t it’s their loss. I love you and so does Jasmine,” Nathan said.

  “I know, but I want them to love me too,” Amanda whined.

  “If they don’t, I’ll break their bones until they do,” Nathan promised. Hearing movement behind him, Nathan glanced back to see Amanda climbing out of buggy and sliding down the windshield.

  Amanda lay on his chest. “You can’t do that.”

  “Who made that rule?” Nathan asked. “You realize because you’re out here, Emma’s going to want to come out here.”

  “Like that bothers you,” Amanda said patting his cheek. “You look for her every thirty seconds.”

  “Just checking on her,” Nathan clarified.

  “Okay, Nathan,” Amanda said, climbing off his chest back into the buggy.

  “You have enough beds for us?” Jasmine asked.

  “‘Us’ better be sleeping with me,” Nathan informed her.

  Jasmine tapped his chest. “You know what I mean.”

  “We have more than enough cots for now. We will go get some beds. The girls will have a room together, and the boys will share one too,” Nathan said.

  “Are you really going to fight?�
�� Jasmine asked.

  “Yes. I have something to lose now. If everyone who had something to lose fought, the war would be over,” Nathan said. He let her hand go and put his arm under her head, pulling her to his side.

  “Nathan,” John called out. “The sun is almost down. Once we get loaded up it will be dark.”

  “John, the only thing not loaded up is us,” Nathan said. “You guys should’ve slept today.

  “Can’t wait to get there,” John said with a grin.

  “That’s all good, but I get to shower first,” Nathan declared.

  “I don’t care,” Amanda piped in. “I’m getting in the hot tub.”

  Jasmine sat up, looking at Nathan. “Hot tub?”

  “Oh come on, Jasmine,” Tom called out. “Amanda’s only mentioned it a hundred times. Do you even listen to her?”

  “When?” Jasmine asked.

  “Jesus!” Tom exclaimed. “You open the front door and walk in. On your right is the living area with a projection TV. Walk five of Nathan’s steps and you have a door to your left, that’s Nathan’s room. Walk six more steps you have another door on your left, that’s Tim, Sherry, and Nolan’s room. Five more steps and to your left you will see the kitchen, on your right is the dining room. Ten steps to cross that brings you to a hall in the center of the house. Four steps farther, you have a door on your right that’s a laundry room. Two more steps and you have a door on your left, which is a gym with the hot tub and steam room. Ten steps and you have a door on each side facing each other. They were empty storage rooms, but now they are our rooms, and Amanda gets to pick which is the girls’. Nine steps you have a door on the left, which is Nathan’s gun room, and an open area to your right that Nathan doesn’t know what to do with. Past the open area ten steps you come to another hall with three doors on each side that are all storage rooms.”

  Jasmine looked over at Amanda. “You made them memorize a place you haven’t even been?”

  “No,” Amanda snapped.

  “Memorize, hell,” John said. “She repeated it twenty times a day.”

  Jasmine tapped Nathan’s chest with her index finger. “Amanda is your child, and there is no doubting that.”


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