Claddagh and Chaos (Shamrocks #2)

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Claddagh and Chaos (Shamrocks #2) Page 3

by Cayce Poponea

  Muscles had been watching the two slugs on my couch since the game first began. With a Cheshire grin on his face, he quietly set his beer glass on the bar and made his way over to a now drooling Caleb. All open eyes were on him as he swiftly kicked the recliner, sending the head rest into the wall behind him. Caleb’s head bounced once and then it was all over.

  “What the fuck ... ?”

  Caleb was quick, even dead asleep, and his .45 was pressed into Muscles’s throat, the distinct sound of the gun being cocked echoed in the silent room. Muscles suddenly hit the floor with a loud thud, his arms above his head and Caleb’s socked foot in the center of his chest. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, laugh at what we had become. Lazy assed, married men with nothing better to do than sleep, drink beer, and keep the hell out of our wives’ way.

  “Dude ...” Muscles laughed as Caleb helped him off the ground. The loud thud had woken Books and even he was finding amusement with the pair. “Fuckers, what is wrong with you? The game is on and Christi made us mega munchies.” He swiped his arm in the direction of the buffet lined up beside the bar. “You can all sleep when you’re dead,” he commented. He made his way over to the table, picked up and took a huge bite of a pulled pork sandwich that my wife had made for us.

  “Muscles, when your wife is in her second trimester and riding your fucking dick all night, then we’ll talk about sleeping when you’re dead,” Caleb grumbled, holstering his gun and crawling back into the recliner. His eyes once again closed and his arms crossed over his chest.

  I chose to remain silent. Christi hadn’t yet shown an increased interest in having sex. I was eagerly awaiting that particular side effect of pregnancy and was getting a bit irritated that shit hadn’t kicked in yet.

  “It can’t be that bad. I mean what guy in their right mind turns down pussy?”

  Books piped up at his question, “Muscles, does Ms. Ammo ever wake you up repeatedly during the night to fuck her?” His eyes closed again, his tone frustrated and very tired.

  “Well, yeah, dude, when we were first married.” Taking another huge bite of his sandwich, a small amount of sauce escaped and clung to his face. With a quick swipe of the back of his hand, he removed the red stain, and proceeded to drain his glass, washing it down. He then emitted a window shattering belch to announce his pleasure.

  “No, motherfucker, I’m not talking about honeymoon sex. I’m talking about being woken from a sound-ass sleep to your wife riding your dick, not even giving you time to enjoy that shit.” The raspiness and look of complete exhaustion told me that perhaps I should be glad Christi wasn’t waking me to fuck my brains out.

  “See, that’s the difference between you and I, Caleb.” Muscles never did know when to shut his mouth and leave well enough alone.

  “Besides the obvious, please enlighten me.” Caleb’s voice was too calm, and I knew it was time to step in and defuse the situation. We had all been on edge since the warehouse break-ins. Today was intended to be relaxing and not worry about stupid shit.

  “Books, how is Smiles? Nora said she had an ultrasound the other day.” Da, the true patriarch of the family, beat me to it. Right after Christi and I announced our pregnancy, Smiles and Books announced they too were expecting. Christi joked about the house turning into a mini Toys-R-Us with all the babies that would be running around the house.

  When Smiles confessed to Christi about being pregnant, she told her she already knew. After they left, I questioned her on what she meant and she told me that two of them had that ‘twins’ intuition thing. When they were growing up, they instantly knew when something had happened to the other, even if they weren’t together.

  “It was just a routine check-up. We had hoped to see what we’re having, but the ultrasound technician said our baby wasn’t cooperating. Everything is going fine otherwise.” Books refused to get involved with anything that had to do with the day to day running of the family. He came in everyday, sat in his office, and took care of all the legal aspects of our business. He still carried a gun and was one hell of a fighter; he just preferred to keep us out of trouble with the IRS.

  “Boss, if I wasn’t already married to my Ammo, I’d marry your Christi,” Muscles spoke around a mouthful of nachos. One thing was certain, that man could eat. Caleb had returned to his snoring and fuck-free sleeping, the prior argument as dead as he was to the world.

  Since Christi became pregnant, she had been cooking like a mad woman; hell I didn’t remember eating the same meal twice. She had jumped in headfirst with the decor and getting things ready for our baby. She came to me in a tear-filled confession that she felt awful that she had been neglecting me. As a result, the following week, she surprised me with the completion of this room.

  When I first found this house, I pictured this room with imported rugs and stuffy furniture we would never sit on, but Christi had other plans. She had a company come in and build a television center to fit one of the solid walls, and then had surround sound in. She had a furniture maker come in and design a bar, with seating, so that no matter where you sat, you had a clear view of the game.

  I was later told that Tonto helped her stock the bar and install a beer tap. She wanted me to have everything I would ever need when I wanted to escape. The day she led me by the hand into this room, I was so surprised I nearly squealed like a little girl ... nearly.

  “Boss ... ?” I quickly turned my attention to Books. “I’m meeting with my college buddy this week.”

  Books had recently discovered that one of his college friends was currently working for the FBI. He had been out of the country for the past few months. I told Books to make the visit worth his time. If they were snooping around, I wanted inside information as to what they were looking for. It wouldn’t be the first time an agent of theirs was able to retire from the department and start his own business. Our family was all too willing to pay for information that could be confirmed.

  “Find out if there’ve been any changes in procedure,” I instructed him.

  “Yeah, and tell those fuckers they’re going to get a bill for all the time I’ve spent away from my girl,” Muscles added, disdain in his voice.

  I was sick of the damage to my shipments. It had been months and we were no closer to knowing what was going on than when we started. I was at my wit’s end with the waiting and staying up all night.

  Tonto entered the room, a case of beer under his arm. He greeted each of the men with a one-armed hug and slap to the back.

  “Boss, I love coming over to your house to watch the game. You always have a house full of very hot women.”

  I gave him a puzzled look as he placed his beer in the fridge behind the bar.

  “You have all the ladies upstairs and a girl I’ve never seen before.”

  That got my attention.

  I changed the channel on the television, bringing up the house security system. Before we had even moved into the house, I’d had cameras placed in every room. We would be having children soon and I wanted Christi to be able to have an extra set of eyes on our kids. I hadn’t told her about the cameras yet. I wanted to surprise her when we brought our baby home.

  The camera in the kitchen filled the screen with a color picture of our wives sitting around the bar. They were all laughing at something; it must have been good because Ammo had her hand over her mouth trying to keep the contents within contained The counters were covered in massive amounts of food, again with my wife’s overzealous need for cooking these days. The mystery woman Tonto spoke of was none other than my new nuisance; Theresa Yancy. She had made it a point of being around Christi as much as possible. She would call at all hours of the day and night and show up almost as much. Unbeknownst to my wife, she also left not so subtle hints that she wouldn’t mind ‘getting to know me better.’

  “Ugh ... it’s fucking Theresa.” Her name came out as if I had swallowed a huge bug.

  Da crossed the room and sat beside me, quietly questioning me with his face. “Not
sure I like your tone, Son.”

  I tossed my head back and let out a long breath. I knew Da would not accept just a crass answer; he would want the entire story. I knew I would have to give him something.

  “She first came over when we had our open house. Ma told Christi to invite the entire fucking block, and she did. Theresa was one of the neighbors who came, although she came with her husband. She’s been over nearly every day since to visit with Christi. She’s also made it abundantly clear that she’d like me to fuck her.”

  I rose from the couch and made my way to the bar for a new beer. I hated admitting this to my da, knowing what this ring represented in everyone eyes.

  “I don’t need to remind you of the consequences ...”

  I didn’t let him finish.

  “Da, even if I wasn’t wearing this ring and I didn’t take that oath with all of you, I still wouldn’t do that to her, to ... us.”

  The room was silent as da crossed the room to join me at the bar, his stance mirroring mine. He placed his arm around my shoulder and leaned into my side, speaking to me as a father and not the former leader of this family.

  “I love you, Son, and I have high expectations that you’ll honor your oath.”

  I placed my glass back on the bar, before turning in his direction.

  “Da, my devotion to Christi has not one fucking thing to do with this ring.” I raised my hand to emphasize my point, the ring in question on display, the heart in center glistening off the lights in the ceiling. She held my heart, from the first second I saw her, she had it.

  “She’s my entire world, without her smile in the morning, my day is shit. If something ever happened to her, you might as well shoot me in the fucking head because my life would be over.”

  Da did nothing to acknowledge my statement; I could see his words in his eyes. He shared the same devotion for my ma . He would not live long if she ever perished.

  “So, this Theresa, what do we know about her other than she’s a card carrying whore?”

  I took a drink of my fresh beer before I set down the glass and turned again to face him.

  “She’s married, childless, and she lives in the house three doors over. She’s trying to get a clothing line started. I can’t remember the name ...”

  My da retrieved his phone from his pocket and sent a quick text to someone.

  “Do you think you need to look deeper into her record, make sure she checks out?”

  I shook my head no. “I think it’s just a harmless crush. I’m no stranger to crushes.”

  The Red Wings ended up winning, making Tonto a slightly richer man, cleaning house with the bet we’d had going. Everyone pitched in, helped clean up the dirty dishes and straighten up the place. Last thing any of us wanted was a pissed off wife.

  I made my way into the kitchen and found my Christi sitting at the bar, a huge smile across her face. I wrapped my arms around her and attached my lips to her neck, causing her to squirm as my two-day-old scruff tickled her skin.

  “Pa ... trick!” She giggled as she said my name.

  “Mmm,” I sounded into her neck. I placed my hands over her perfect round stomach and my cheek to hers as I rocked her back and forth.

  “How was your game, Babe?” She quietly questioned, her tone happy and content.

  “Don’t care; the food my fuck-hot girl made was the hit of the day.” She turned her face toward me, her smile even bigger than when I first came into the room. “Thank you.”

  I pressed my lips to hers, turned her more toward me, and deepening the kiss. I made certain everyone in the room saw that kiss and my hands that continued to rub her belly. I had my own way of sending subtle messages that I was in no way interested in Theresa.

  “I hear you two are having an ultrasound this week?” Ammo asked.

  I didn’t stop kissing my Christi’s face as I answered her. “Yes, we’ll see if the baby cooperates this time.”

  We’d had an ultrasound when Christi was twenty weeks, but our baby was stubborn and refused to spread those little legs. It seemed like the twin thing was continuing with their babes as well. Christi’s doctor offered us a second opportunity to see the sex of the baby.

  “Pfft! Doubtful; this is the child of you two, after all.”

  I didn’t even try to comeback at that one since Ammo was correct; Christi and I both had a stubborn streak.

  Monday morning found us heading to the doctor’s office. Christi was sitting beside me as we drove down the street, hands intertwined, and soft music playing . I carefully pulled into a parking space, then made my way around to help my wife out of the car. Luck was on our side as the elevator doors were wide open as we approached. Keeping Christi’s hand in mine, I placed her in the corner of the elevator and pressed the button for our floor.

  The nurse took us back into the ultrasound room and gave Christi a gown to change into. Once she left the room, Christi removed her shirt and bra. Last night she must have hit her horny stage in the pregnancy as she woke me up three times to have sex. This morning, I woke to her riding me like a rodeo cowboy, her beautiful breasts bouncing in my line of vision. The girls had grown another cup size in the last few weeks. You could bet your ass I took those fuckers in my hands and mouth; making my girl scream.

  Once Christi was dressed and sitting on the table, the tech knocked on the door and Christi told her to come in. Sandy was a middle-aged woman who wore her cat-eyed glasses on the end of her nose. She had short, bright red hair and red lipstick. She reminded me of a chubby Tammy Faye Baker.

  “Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Malloy. How are we today?”

  Sandy took her seat and began to type on her keyboard.

  “Very well, thank you,” I replied.

  “Are we ready to see what we’re having?”

  We both answered yes at the same time, laughing as I placed myself closer to my wife.

  “Good, then let’s get started.”

  Sandy lifted Christi’s gown and applied some of the blue gel to her stomach. I asked Christi if it was cold, but she told me no, it was actually warm. Sandy informed us that all of her ultrasound gels sat on a heating pad, as using cold gel was just a mean thing to do to a pregnant lady, causing all of us to laugh. Sandy moved the wand around Christi’s stomach for several minutes. The whoosh-whoosh sound of our baby’s heartbeat filled the room and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Dad, perhaps you should have a talk with your baby about cooperation.”

  I leaned my body over Christi’s stomach and placed my index finger above her belly button.

  “Hey, little one, can you cut your old man a break and do what Ms. Sandy wants you to do?”

  Suddenly, the baby shifted on the screen and Sandy hit several buttons that froze the picture on the screen. She then took the mouse and pointed at what appeared to be the head of a turtle.

  “Mom and Dad, I’m definitely a boy.”

  I looked at Christi to see her pointing at the monitor.

  “Patrick, we’re having a boy.” Her voice was full of emotion, which triggered my emotions. I lowered my head and began to kiss her face, tasting the salt from the tears that were landing on her delicate face. I, Patrick Malloy, mob boss, was crying on my wife’s face as I looked at the first pictures of my son.

  “PATRICK, I WANT TO HOST an engagement party for Maggie and Angus.”

  I gave my Christi the look that, without question, said, “Are you asking or telling me? ”

  When Angus came to me and asked me for the use of my boat, I thought he would be using it that weekend or the next. However, he waited several months. I didn’t, nor did I ever plan to, ask him why he’d waited. Listening to my Christi laugh and congratulate Maggie was my reward.

  Her heart-stopping smile made my pulse increase as she cleared the distance between us. Her lips tasted of apple and spices and pure Christi. Her warm tongue carefully slid out to play with mine, and I moaned at the essence of it all. The tease let me only have a small sample before she
withdrew and continued with what she was doing.

  “I promise to keep it simple,” she added, skimming the paperwork that now held her attention.

  “Christi, you don’t need my permission to spend money.”

  “I’m aware of this; I just like to keep you in the loop.”

  I tucked her closer as my hands drifted south to her hips. We were well into her pregnancy at this point. I had become very good at back and foot massages, as well as three o’clock in the morning supermarket and fast food drive-through runs. She continued to wake me at all hours of the day and night to take my cock in her mouth or her pussy, but I certainly did not complain.

  “I thought we could have it here in the house, just close friends and family.”

  I nuzzled my face into her neck, nipping and kissing the entire area. I could feel her nipples harden as I continued my exploration of her body. I didn’t wait for her to start things, I placed her on her side and began removing her pants. A small giggle escaped from her chest, but not a single word of objection was uttered. I kept her on her side as I entered her from behind; a position we both found worked well for us. I had access to all of her important triggers, and she could relax and get lost in my touch. My lips never left her neck as my hard cock slid gently into her wet folds. I loved my wife’s swollen belly. She had been sexy as fuck when we first got married, but now she was absolutely irresistible. The softness of her skin and the delicate smell of her fragrance did nothing to discourage me.


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