140 amazed stunned/bewildered
141 tide i.e. torrent of bad news
142 Aloft above, afloat in
144 sped succeeded/fared
145 express communicate/reveal
147 strangely fantasied full of strange imaginings 148 idle foolish/crazy
152 treading ... heels i.e. following him closely 153 rude unlearned/lacking in polish
154 Ascension Day celebration of the feast of ascension of Christ into heaven, the Thursday forty days after Easter 155 deliver up surrender
161 safety safekeeping, i.e. custody
162 gentle noble
163 abroad out there, in public
168 is was
168 tonight last night
169 suggestion instigation
175 the ... before i.e. quickly
176 subject enemies i.e. subjects who are enemies 177 adverse hostile
178 stout bold/determined
179 Mercury messenger of the Roman gods, often depicted with feathered sandals or feet 181 spirit ... time i.e. circumstances (conceivably spirit plays on the alchemical sense of "mercury") 182 sprightful spirited
184 betwixt between
188 tonight last night
190 wondrous bizarre, unbelievable
192 beldams old women
193 prophesy upon it make predictions based on it 196 one to one
198 fearful action frightened gestures
205 Had ... feet he had mistakenly put on the wrong feet 206 a many thousand i.e. many thousands of 207 embattailed drawn up in battle array
207 ranked arranged in ranks
208 artificer artisan
210 possess acquaint/occupy
211 urgest thou do you present, bring forward
211 oft often
212 cause reason
214 No had had none
214 provoke incite
216 humours whims, moods
217 bloody ... life i.e. the body
218 winking i.e. subtle signal
219 understand a law interpret it as a mandate
220 dangerous threatening
220 perchance perhaps
221 upon humour because of a whim
221 advised respect careful deliberation
222 hand signature
223 account judgment
226 means to do ways of doing, instruments for
227 by at hand
228 marked physically blemished/taken note of
229 Quoted noted, specified
229 signed marked distinctively
231 aspect face/appearance
233 liable suitable
234 faintly halfheartedly/tentatively
234 broke spoke
236 conscience i.e. matter of moral dilemma 239 darkly obscurely
241 As as though to
241 express specific
242 had would have
243 wrought created
245 parley negotiate
247 rude violent/unkind
250 state authority, sovereignty
250 braved challenged, defied
252 body ... land refers to England as a body, as well as to the king's own body (the popular metaphor of monarch as microcosm of state) 253 confine territory/limit/prison
254 tumult disturbance, insurrection/confused and violent emotion 259 maiden unblemished/virginal (a similarity continued in the idea of hymenal/murderous blood) 262 motion suggestion/impulse
263 form appearance
264 rude exteriorly outwardly harsh-looking
268 Throw cast (as if water on the fire of their rage) 269 tame submissive
272 imaginary imaginative/nonexistent
272 eyes of blood passionate, angry eyes/bloodshot eyes 274 closet private room
276 conjure entreat, ask earnestly
4.3 Location: England, a prison
4 semblance appearance
4 quite totally
5 venture risk
7 shifts stratagems (possibly puns on the sense of "changes of clothing") 8 die ... stay i.e. risk death by escaping than stay and face certain death 11 him i.e. Lewis the dauphin
11 Saint Edmundsbury Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk
12 safety best safeguard
13 gentle courteous/noble
16 private confidential talk
17 general universal, all-embracing
20 or ere before
20 we i.e. the English lords and Lewis
21 distempered vexed, discontented
22 straight straight away
23 dispossessed himself caused himself to lose possession, i.e. lost our support 24 line supply a lining for, i.e. fortify
24 bestained marked with stains
24 cloak cover for his deeds
25 attend the foot i.e. serve one
29 griefs grievances, complaints
29 reason speak, debate (the Bastard shifts the sense to "good sense, rationality") 32 impatience anger
32 privilege freedom/advantage
33 'Tis ... else refers to the proverbial saying "anger punishes itself"
37 as as if
38 lay it open reveal the deed openly
39 he i.e. murder
41 Sir Richard i.e. the Bastard
41 beheld ... think i.e. ever encountered or imagined (anything like this) 43 think wonder
44 That ... see what you see in front of you/that your eyes are functioning correctly 44 object sight (of Arthur's body)
46 crest heraldic device in the upper portion of a coat of arms (sense has shifted from "pinnacle") 47 arms coat of arms
49 wall-eyed pale-eyed/squinting
50 remorse pity
51 excused pardoned
51 in i.e. in comparison to
52 sole unique, unrivaled
54 times the future
56 Exampled compared with the precedent of
56 heinous infamous, wicked
58 graceless ungodly/coarse
58 heavy oppressive/clumsy
61 light foresight, indication
63 practice plot
66 breathless dead/inexpressible
67 incense perfumed smoke/breath
69 infected affected, stirred
71 set added
72 worship honor
73 religiously solemnly/devoutly
73 confirm strengthen, support
77 Avaunt be gone
79 rob the law i.e. by taking the law into my own hands and killing you myself 81 bright i.e. unused
81 up away
81 murderer's skin animal leather was the usual material used for sword scabbards 85 tempt test
85 danger damage/peril
85 defence legal defense/self-defense in a fight 86 marking paying sole attention to
88 brave challenge, defy
92 prove me so i.e. by making me kill you
93 Yet so far
93 Whose tongue soe'er whoever's tongue
97 by aside
97 gall injure
100 spleen temper/spirit
101 betime at once
102 toasting-iron i.e. sword (contemptuous) 105 Second support/act as deputy to
110 date duration
112 rheum watery matter/tears
113 traded practiced
116 savours smells
119 inquire us out seek us
126 black traditionally the color of the devil
127 Prince Lucifer the rebel archangel who fell from heaven to hell, i.e. Satan, the devil 131 but nothing but
132 want'st lack
132 cord rope (to hang yourself)
134 rush reed
135 wouldst should you/if you wish to
138 stifle suffocate, drown
139 grievously strongly
142 embounded enclosed
142 clay i.e. Arthur's flesh
143 want lack
146 amazed confused
148 take ... up i.e. lift up Arthur's body (playing on the sense of "cause the English nation to take up arms") 152 scamble scramble, struggle, make
152 part tear apart
153 unowed interest portion not owned by a universally recognized king (plays on the financial senses of the words: the nobles do not owe the king allegiance, imagined as monetary interest to be fought over) 154 for on behalf of
154 bare-picked ... majesty sovereign authority that has been almost stripped bare of dignity and grandeur by being fought over like dogs with a bone 155 dogged fierce/cruel/doglike
155 crest hackles/heraldic device on a coat of arms 157 powers armies
157 from away from
157 discontents discontented persons
158 line i.e. united purpose
158 confusion disaster/chaos/destruction
160 wrested pomp majesty seized by force
161 he is he
161 cincture belt
162 Hold out weather, endure
164 brief in hand will soon be underway/must be dealt with urgently 5.1 Location: England, the court of King John
2 circle ... glory i.e. my stately crown
4 as holding of in tenure, leasehold from (i.e. John must recognize papal authority once more) 8 inflamed consumed by fire
9 counties shires/counts, i.e. noblemen
11 love of soul deepest love
12 stranger foreign
13 inundation flood
13 mistempered humour anger, ill-temper/bodily imbalance 14 Rests remains
14 only alone
14 qualified calmed
16 present instant, taking immediate effect
16 ministered administered, given
17 overthrow bodily collapse (with political connotations) 19 usage treatment
20 convertite convert/penitent
22 blust'ring turbulent, stormy
28 give off give up, hand over
29 constraint compulsion
34 hear listen to, take notice of
37 doubtful fearful/untrustworthy
45 droop look downcast
48 motion movement
49 stirring as active
49 the time i.e. current events
50 outface defy
50 brow countenance
51 bragging boastful/bullying
51 inferior eyes i.e. the king's subjects 52 borrow ... from model their actions on
55 god of war i.e. the Roman god Mars
56 become grace/come to
56 field battlefield
60 forage overrun (an area)/ pillage
62 nigh near
64 happy fortunate, opportune
67 inglorious shameful
68 upon ... land standing on our own soil/because land is being paced by foreign soldiers 69 fair-play honorable, lacking cunning
70 Insinuation suggestions, attempts to gain favor 70 base dishonorable, cowardly
72 cockered pampered
72 silken effeminate/luxurious/clothed in silk
72 wanton spoiled child
72 brave challenge
73 flesh initiate (in warfare)/ plunge in (as one would a weapon into flesh) 74 colours battle flags
74 idly foolishly/frivolously
75 check resistance
78 purpose intention, plan
79 ordering management
81 prouder superior/more arrogant
5.2 Location: England, the French camp
3 precedent original (copy)
4 fair just/neatly written
4 order agreement
6 took the sacrament received communion (a way of confirming the sacredness of vows) 7 faiths pledges
9 albeit although
12 sore of time wound of the present
13 contemned despised, contemptible
14 canker ulcer/corruption
16 metal i.e. sword
18 rescue and defence rescue of England from John/defense of England against the French 19 Cries out upon appeals to/rejects
21 physic cure
22 deal but proceed in any way other than
23 confused disastrous, disorderly
27 step after march behind, support
27 stranger foreigner
30 spot place/blemish, moral stain
31 grace honor, support
32 unacquainted unfamiliar
33 remove move, depart
34 Neptune Roman god of the sea
34 clippeth embrace
35 bear carry
36 grapple bind, attach
36 pagan ... league i.e. the English and French might unite against a common non-Christian enemy 39 spend ... unneighbourly waste it in such an unneighborly manner 40 temper disposition
41 affections emotions, loyalties
42 earthquake i.e. tumult
44 compulsion necessity (of opposing John)
44 brave respect noble regard (for your country) 45 dew i.e. tears
48 ordinary commonplace, everyday
52 vaulty arched roof
53 Figured adorned
55 heave bear
56 Commend commit, entrust
56 those baby eyes i.e. babies
59 blood liveliness
62 nobles may play on the sense of "gold coins"
63 knit join
63 sinews muscles, i.e. strength
64 Even ... spake i.e. in this heaven supports us/I see already that the promise of financial reward will secure your support (alternatively, some editors speculate that the reference is to a trumpet signaling Pandulph's arrival) 64 angel gold coin/heavenly being
65 apace quickly
71 come in become reconciled, returned
73 see bishopric/seat of a bishop in his church
74 wind up furl
76 fostered ... hand brought up by hand
78 show appearance
79 back go back
80 propertied treated as an object
81 secondary at control second in command, deputy 89 right justice/a rightful claim
90 Acquainted me with introduced me to, made me aware of 90 interest valid claim
98 penny ... borne expense has Rome sustained
100 underprop support
101 charge expense
102 liable subject
105 'Vive le roi' "Long live the king" (French; also a phrase in playing cards) 105 banked besieged (within banks of fortifications)/ captured, confined/skirted around ("bank" may also be a card-playing term, perhaps meaning "to secure as a winning" or "a card player's stake") 107 match game, contest (may play on the sense of "marriage," given Lewis's union with Blanche) 107 crown royal crown/coin, i.e. bet at cards 108 set series of games (won at cards)
113 ample complete, great
114 drew gathered
114 head army
115 culled selected
116 outlook overcome/outstare
118 lusty vigorous
119 According to in accordance with
120 have audience be heard
122 dealt for him proceeded on his behalf
123 scope extent
124 warrant authority
124 limited designated, permitted
125 wilful-opposite stubbornly hostile
126 temporize negotiate
131 reason with good reason
132 apish apelike, foolish
132 unmannerly inappropriate, impolite (puns on "unmanly"--i.e. cowardly/not like a human) 133 harnessed armored
133 masque courtly entertainment involving dancing and elaborate costumes 133 unadvised ill-considered
134 unheard unheard of, extraordinary (plays on the literal sense as King John is not present, though he responds through the Bastard; some editors emend to "unhaired"--i.e. boyishly beardless) 136 whip i.e. drive
136 pigmy very small
139 take the hatch leap over the lower half of the door, i.e. retreat hastily 141 litter animal straw
141 planks floors
142 pawns goods pledged in exchange for a loan of money 143 hug i.e. curl up
144 vaults cellars/tombs
144 thrill tremble
145 crow cocker
el, the French national symbol
150 eyrie nest/brood
151 souse swoop down on
152 revolts rebels
153 Neroes the Roman Emperor Nero was supposed to have torn open his mother's womb after killing her 156 Amazons race of warrior women
156 tripping moving quickly and lightly
157 gauntlets armored gloves
160 brave challenge
160 turn thy face i.e. retreat
161 outscold outdo us in scolding/have more quarrelsome women than us 163 brabbler brawler/quarrelsome fault-finder
166 attend listen
172 ready braced prepared, with the skin tightened 175 welkin sky
177 halting hesitating
178 sport amusement
179 forehead countenance
180 bare-ribbed skeletal
180 office duty, task
183 find discover/suffer, experience
5.3 Location: England, the battlefield Alarums battle calls 8 Swinstead actually Swineshead, Lincolnshire
9 supply reinforcements
11 Goodwin Sands dangerous sandbanks off the coast of Kent 12 Richard i.e. the Bastard
13 coldly unenthusiastically
13 retire themselves retreat
16 litter bed for the transport of the sick or wounded 1 stored well supplied
2 Up once again i.e. onward, back to battle
3 miscarry fail
4 misbegotten wrongfully conceived
5 In ... spite despite everything
6 sore grievously
7 revolts rebels
11 Fly flee
11 bought and sold betrayed
12 Unthread withdraw (like thread from a needle)
12 eye needle's eye
16 He i.e. Lewis, the French dauphin
24 quantity small amount
26 Resolveth dissolves, melts
26 his figure its shape
28 use practice/benefit
30 hence from now on/in the next world
32 forsworn perjured
35 smokes grows misty/moves like smoke
38 fine penalty
38 rated assessed/rebuked
39 fine ending/penalty
42 respect factor
45 lieu exchange, payment
45 whereof of which
46 rumour tumult, noise
47 remnant remainder
50 beshrew curse
51 favour appearance/face/benevolence
51 form appearance/outcome
53 untread retrace
54 bated diminished
55 rankness swelling, excess (plays on the sense of "vileness") 56 bounds limits, boundaries
61 Right clearly
61 New flight i.e. toward King John
62 happy fortunate
62 old right i.e. loyalty to King John
5.5 Location: England, the French camp
5.5 train retinue
1 loath reluctant
2 welkin sky
3 measure travel (over)
4 faint retire weak retreat
4 bravely splendidly
4 came we off we left the field of combat
5 needless superfluous, unnecessary
7 tott'ring waving/tattered (from the battle)
12 are ... off have once again withdrawn their allegiance 15 shrewd harsh
19 stumbling i.e. causing the men to stumble 21 quarter watch
23 adventure fortune/hazard
5.6 Location: England, not far from Swinstead Abbey
5.6 severally separately
3 Of the part on the side
8 perfect accurate
9 upon all hazards whatever the risks
14 come ... of am descended from (via one of my parents) 15 Unkind remembrance! Unnatural memory! (Hubert addresses his own memory; unkind may play on the sense of "lacking proper kinship") 17 accent utterance/way of speaking
King John/Henry VIII (Signet Classics) Page 41