Sexy Bachelor

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Sexy Bachelor Page 47

by Maggie Monroe

  “Or we could go in there in the dark,” I whispered in her ear. “I’d listen for the sound of your breathing. Crawl across the bed until I found you. Pull you under me and fuck this gorgeous mouth of yours before putting you on your knees and taking you from behind? All in the dark, my love. Fucked to oblivion. Every fantasy. Every dirty thought. Every filthy desire you were afraid to ask some man for, all on the other side of that door.” I gripped her chin. “Have you ever asked for any of those things?”

  She shook her head. Her bright blue eyes wild with desire.

  “This can go so many ways,” I growled.

  Her arms folded around my neck gently, so softly it was as if she were a dancer, placing her arms in the next position. Still. Graceful.

  “You either tell me your fantasy, or you’re going to live in mine,” I promised. “And mine are all in the dark.”

  She whimpered as my hand slipped between her shirt and the tender silkiness of her waist. I took what I wanted. Her breast filled my hand, plump and heaving as I squeezed. I peeled back the fabric, twisting her nipple between my fingers until she cried out.

  Her mouth opened in a perfect O. Her breath was rapid as I made her tit pucker under my touch. Just wait, there were so many things I could coax from her body. I had to remind myself to take it slowly.

  “Yours,” she whispered. “I want to live in yours.”

  I grinned. “Exactly what I was thinking.”

  My mouth crashed against hers as I stripped the shirt from her arms. I found the zipper on the back of her skirt and shrugged it over the roundness of her ass.

  I was losing control faster than I should. My fingers dug into her thighs, rounding up. I squeezed her ass in my hands roughly, trying to steady myself. Trying to reign in the desire that had gone from a sparkler to a full-blown firework. She stood before me in white lace panties and a cotton bra. The picture of virginity. At least that’s what I told myself. But no virgin would sign a Titan contract. No woman would walk into the society’s club without wanting exactly what I was about to give her.

  Tonight, she was mine.



  My body was raging with fire. A kind of fire I had never felt. Every nerve. Every sense was on overload. His words. Holy shit, his voice and words were so dirty. So dark. But I wanted him to say more. I wanted those promises. They made me shiver and quake. My core quivered with a tingle that warmed everything between my legs. My clit throbbed with an aching pulse every time he looked in my eyes and spoke in his deep cool voice.

  It wasn’t the bourbon. It helped to ease my nerves, but I wasn’t drunk. I’d never felt more alert.

  My nipples were hard and I couldn’t ignore that my panties were increasingly wet every time he touched me.

  Damon Sauvage was about to take me to bed.

  His fingers gripped my bottom and I liked the pressure. I could feel the intensity that was bottled up in this man.

  “Come with me.”

  He pulled my hand, tugging me behind him. I left my clothes on the floor and followed him to his bedroom.

  For a brief second I saw the four-poster bed in the center of the room. There was a flat screen TV on one wall and a huge marble fireplace on the other. I imagined in winter months it lit the room with warm orange glows. But tonight he turned off the lights, throwing us into a cool, impenetrable darkness.

  I felt a sudden freedom in the dark.

  “Strip and get on my bed naked,” he commanded.

  I wondered if I could just take an order like that, but I didn’t hesitate. The dark must have turned on a kinkier side of me. I walked in the direction of the bed, slipping my bra off along the way. I found the mattress, sat on the edge and wiggled out of my panties.

  I couldn’t help the way my lungs searched for air. My adrenaline was pumping. I’d never done anything so reckless or erotic.

  I wondered how long it would take the king to find me in the dark, but I could already feel his large hands as he clung to my thighs, pressing them wide.

  “Oh God,” I whispered as he shoved my knees farther apart and I felt his breath blow across my heat.

  “Are you as sweet as I think, Molly?” he asked.

  My hands roamed over my body, coasting over my breasts, trying to find gravity somewhere inside myself.

  “I-I—” He didn’t let me answer before he slid a finger between my folds. I bucked when he flicked my swollen clit.

  “Ohh.” It ached.

  “You’re so wet. So ready to have me fuck you, aren’t you?”

  I nodded, knowing he couldn’t see me. I rubbed my nipples, my juices flowing.

  He spread my entrance, circling my clit with his thumb as his tongue ran a line up and down. The touch sizzled and I automatically tried to press my knees together.

  “No, my dirty girl.” His tongue flicked again, probing my folds. “You’re living my fantasy now. Spread your legs. This pussy is mine.”

  My knees fell to the side in sudden submission as he thrust his tongue inside me.

  “Oh God,” I moaned, gripping his thick black hair.

  He sucked and lapped as my hips began to rock with a natural rhythm. It was incredible. I wanted more. I was greedy for it. I bucked wildly into his face.

  “Oh you’re going to come so hard, my love,” he growled against my clit, sending delicious vibrations to my core.

  My head thrashed as the orgasm started to take shape. I couldn’t hold out as he fucked me with his mouth, tasting and relishing my pussy. I urged him to move faster, grinding my hips shamelessly into his mouth. I fisted my hands at the back of his head as he spread me wider, feasting until the current claimed me.

  “Come. Fucking come for me,” he commanded.

  And I let go. I let the rush of pleasure consume me.

  Damon climbed on to the bed next to me. He lifted me, moving me in the center of the mattress.

  His lips found mine in the dark. I clung to him, tasting my own honey on his lips mixed with traces of bourbon. I didn’t care. It was erotic and sexy. I felt the ripples of his strong muscles as my hands slid over his body.

  That was the downside of the dark. I couldn’t see how beautifully sculpted he was, but I could feel it.

  My hands traveled farther south until I felt the tip of his cock. Holy shit. He was huge. I touched the head of pre-cum, massaging it into his skin. My hand slid over his shaft as he groaned. I wanted to attempt to give him half of what he had just given me. My body still hummed from the orgasm.

  “Fuck, love,” he hissed.

  I worked his erection, tugging his balls as I moved up and down.

  “Wait.” His hands landed on my wrists.

  Before I could adjust he moved out of my reach and hopped from the bed. He pulled the drapes to the side. A soft stream of moonlight fell across the bed.

  “My fantasy. I want to see your eyes when my cock is buried in your throat.”

  My eyes widened as I licked my lips because now I could see it. I saw the bulging shaft between his legs. It wasn’t a standard penis and I didn’t know how that was going to fit in my throat. I’d never considered whether I was equipped for a man like Damon, but I was willing to try. I’d never wanted to rock a blow job so badly.

  He straddled me, pressing the smoothness of his cock to my lips. I adjusted to the dimness of the light, and I could see everything now. The lust in his eyes. The danger lurking behind his next glance.

  He was strong and confident. I was sure those were requirements to be a king, but the rest of the package was unreal. Muscle met muscle with perfect angles. I traced the lines of his chest with my nails. He groaned, sliding the crown between my lips.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He stared into my eyes and I opened my mouth to accommodate him, tasting the saltiness of the come on the tip. I closed my eyes reveling in this moment.

  The moment when I sucked the king of Galona’s glorious cock. He was at my mercy. He wanted me. He needed me.

sp; I tipped my chin, changing the angle and he thrust deeper, meeting the back of my tongue. I mewed lightly, loving how he felt. Loving the look in his eyes. I gave him this kind of pleasure.

  “Fuck,” he groaned as he began to lose control. His hips jutted faster as he moved with urgent rhythm. He stroked my face, his eyes never moving from mine. “Fucking amazing.” He gritted his teeth.

  I dug my nails into the rigid muscles of his ass, daring him to come in my mouth. Begging for him to let me finish him off.

  “It’s not ending like this.” He grinned. He slid he shaft free. It glistened with my saliva in the moonlight.

  He spun me around, gripping my wrists and wrapping them around the bedpost. A sliver of panic ran through me. Just how dirty would his fantasy get?

  “Hold on,” he ordered.

  He lifted my hips in the air as he licked my entrance, swirling his tongue around, tracing a torturous pattern. I clenched with the building ache.

  I whimpered.


  “Please, what?” He kissed my bottom, biting with playful nips. He was behind me. His hulking body, radiated heat and masculinity.

  I quivered. “Please now. Please.” I didn’t know I had one of those raspy sexy voices until now.

  “You want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes. Please. Yes.”

  I was like a live wire. I needed to be tamed. I needed to be soothed.

  Damon leaned over to the bedside table and opened a drawer. I heard him rip the corner from a foil packet. I waited in agony as he sheathed his cock with a condom. The seconds felt like hours. My body longed for release. For pleasure.

  I turned to look at him over my shoulder. I was on my knees. My hands anchored to the post. Suddenly, he twirled me from my position and I was on my back, looking into his dark eyes. The soft blankets floated around me.

  His mouth seared into mine and I tangled my arms around him.

  “I want to see you, Molly. I need to see you when I fuck you.”

  I nodded eagerly.

  He nudged my legs apart as he settled between them. His tongue coiled along mine and his hands locked my wrists over my head.

  It was only a fantasy. A night that didn’t mean more that this moment, but I was lost. Consumed by him.

  I inhaled when he pushed his cock to my entrance, stretching it. The twinge of pain eased as he sank into me with a full forceful rock of his hips.

  My nails dug into his shoulders.

  “Oh fuck,” he growled in my ear. “You’re so tight. God, you’re fucking perfect, aren’t you?”

  I couldn’t form words. Much less thoughts. He filled me so completely I thought I was going to burst. He filled me again and I cried out.


  “I want to fuck you all night,” he moaned.

  “Yes. God, yes.” I rocked my hips into him. The fullness was consuming. Burning. Singing my skin with the friction of his strokes.

  “More. I want more.” He kissed me feverishly. His hands tangled through my hair, yanking my neck forward. He pumped inside me, before rolling us over, so I was looking down at him.

  I began to ride him, recklessly and wildly. My hair fell over my shoulders. He reached up, twisting my nipples.

  “Oh, yes,” I called to him. I fucked him harder, taking him deeper inside me. My knees pressed into the sides of his wide chest. I reveled in his body. He was athletic and handsome. Chiseled like a work of art. I was glad the light shone through the window so I could admire how incredible he was.

  I abandoned my reservations. I ignored past inhibitions. I was submissive, yet powerful. I was sexy and adventurous.

  “Get on all fours,” he groaned.

  I turned onto my knees as Damon slammed into me from behind, gripping my hips. He pounded again as my nipples brushed over the sheets. Electric tingles shot through my breasts.

  “Oh, Oh. Do that again,” I begged.

  “You like being fucked like this?” His husky voice reached something inside me. A dark place that liked to be told what to do. A place where I didn’t have to think—only feel.

  “Yes. When you do it. I do.”

  The heel of his hand pressed into my low back as he fucked me once more from behind, hilting himself deeper than he’d ever been.

  “Oh shit,” I hissed.

  Damon’s hands clasped the upper part of my thighs, kicking them out from underneath me as he pulled me flat to my stomach. He bit my ear as his chest pressed into my back.

  My hips lifted for him as he pushed inside me. I still couldn’t believe how thick he was.

  His fingers locked in mine as he thrust against my counterthrust. His breath was in my ear. The sweat of his skin dripped along my back. It was intimate. A closeness I’d never experienced.

  I wanted him to fulfill his promise to fuck me all night. I didn’t want it to end. Because I knew when the sun broke, the dream would be over. Our skin slid together, scorching each other as our need grew. I didn’t know how to slow it down. How to stop the clock. We were powerless against the release combusting between us.




  He plunged inside me and Damon grunted as his orgasm gripped him. The final thrust ignited the flame that torched my veins, raging a smoldering fire that soothed and fueled me simultaneously. I had nowhere to go. He held me down as my body incinerated with flickering pulses.

  “Oh, I can’t.” I tried to wiggle free. It was too much. Too intense. I was overwhelmed by how my body reacted to him. I wasn’t this girl.

  “Feel it, baby. That’s it,” he whispered in my ear. My toes curled and I clawed at his hands. “Come hard on my cock.”

  “Oh God,” I screamed. Something unleashed in me.

  I stopped fighting it and let the orgasm claim me.

  “It’s so fucking good like this,” Damon groaned. “My cock is exactly where it should be. Deep inside your sweet pussy.”

  “Ohh.” It kept going. Wave after wave. His dirty words provoked a new rippling in my core. He had unbelievable power over me.

  “Fuck yeah.” He knew it. He could feel my walls squeezing around him like a vice. I convulsed as a third orgasm hit me.

  He pressed into me and I moaned with pleasure. “I’m so fucking deep inside you.”

  “I-I can’t,” I whimpered. “It’s too much.” Four in a row? I couldn’t.

  “You can come one more time. Because you like when I say dirty things to you. When I put my cock in your beautiful mouth. When I lick your pussy. When I claim it. Like I am now. Fucking you deep, baby. So deep you’ll remember me tomorrow, won’t you?”

  The room spun around as the last orgasm slammed into me. “Yes,” I finally screamed. “God, Yes. Damon, Yes. Fuck. Yes.” I’d never remember anything else after this. My pussy quivered until there was nothing left. He had fucked me senseless.

  “Shit, you’re sexy as hell, love.”

  Damon’s body was heavy and limp. He kissed my neck, rolling me with him to the side. I cocooned to his chest. I knew there was no way I could sleep. I had performed the ultimate sexual Olympics. Become a sex kitten. Been touched and licked in ways that women only dreamed about. And by a fucking king.

  But within minutes, my eyes slowly closed and I couldn’t fight the dark any longer.



  There was a soft sigh as sleep claimed her. I pulled the sheet over us and let her lie in my arms. This woman had taken me somewhere I didn’t know I could go—to my knees.

  I remembered the rules of the society. One night. The fucked up system had never bothered me before. I was always as pleased to see them go as come. She shouldn’t be any different. She had signed the contract. In the morning I would send her home in an unmarked royal car and I’d never see her again.

  I closed my eyes.

  I didn’t know if that was something I could do, just yet.

  What happened on this bed wasn’t supposed to happen. I had a tas
te of something that made me hunger for more. I craved her more now than before we stepped on the elevator.

  I ran my palm along her hip. She nuzzled next to me.

  I’d never had a night with a tally like this. It was supposed to be fucking. Plain and simple. I got my thrill from beating every man in the Titan for her. She got the thrill from having her fantasy come true. It was an even exchange. The contracts protected the society in case anything got out of hand. It never did. The mutual need was met without question.

  But there was something about Molly Washington that had gotten under my skin. By now I would have climbed out of bed and walked to my office. Maybe had another drink and looked at tomorrow’s agenda.

  But something in my chest urged me to stay. To hold on to her a little longer. Inhale the scent of her hair. Press my body to hers. Remember what it felt like to touch her.

  Daylight would be here soon.


  I steadied myself against the balcony railing. The wind whipped from the east. From here I could see the ocean. It looked still at sunrise.

  There was a cruise ship coming in to port. In a few hours, the tourists would be wandering Freychon, shopping for souvenirs, taking pictures. Posting about the beauty of my country. Some would vow they could never leave. Others would promise to return. Tourism was an economic driver for the country, but not the only one. We had more to offer than pretty postcards.

  “Your majesty.” Fernando cleared his throat behind me.

  I turned. He presented a cart of coffee.


  I watched as he placed the contents of the cart on the balcony’s dining table. Within minutes he had left the residence.

  I reached for the pot of coffee. I liked it black. The steam swirled from the top as I poured a cup.


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