Sexy Bachelor

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Sexy Bachelor Page 58

by Maggie Monroe

  I beckoned Molly to follow me. She was hesitant to leave Brooklyn.

  “Come, we’ll give them a minute.”

  We stepped into the hall.

  She searched my eyes for an answer. “What is going to happen? I didn’t know he was married. God, Brooklyn looks devastated. This is awful.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know, love. I’m just glad that’s not us.”

  “I think I should wait for her, in case she needs me.”

  “Unfortunately, that’s not an option.” I guided her to the side door. “We have guests to speak to and a waltz to dance.”

  “I can’t dance right now. Brooklyn is my friend. This is terrible.”

  I tipped her chin forward, staring into her brilliant blue eyes. “There’s nothing you can do. Roux knew what he was getting into when he agreed to marry Carina.”

  “But Brooklyn didn’t. What if that had been me? Our tenders could easily have been reversed and tonight you’d be presenting Brooklyn to your family while I had to watch Roux and his wife from across the room. What if she feels about him, like I do about you?”

  I brushed my thumb along her bottom lip. “And exactly how do you feel about me?” I challenged her. I wanted to see if she would say it.

  We could hear the music through the doors. The crowd chattered on the other side. The champagne flowed from the celebration.

  She sighed. “Like I’m falling in love.”

  My chest tightened. My cock twitched. I’d never wanted to take her to bed as badly as I did now.

  My lips crashed against hers. “I’m granting your first request as Royal Consort.”

  “What is that?”

  “We’re leaving the party,” I whispered.

  “But I thought …”

  I silenced her with another kiss. “Malcom will announce that we’re leaving and then I’m taking you upstairs.” If I had learned anything tonight, it was that time was fleeting. I didn’t want to waste a second of it arguing about someone else’s life when we had an enchanted future ahead of us, and a bed that was calling her name.

  “Everyone will know what we’re doing.” She blushed.

  I grabbed her ass, and squeezed it as we walked into the ballroom, slipping back into the crowd. I leaned to her ear. “After tonight, no one is going to doubt us again.”



  The doors to Damon’s bedroom burst open as he kissed me, kicking them out of our way. His hands tangled in my hair. I groaned as his tongue plunged inside my mouth.

  “There’s too much of this fucking dress,” he growled, untying the ribbon at my neck.

  The straps fell, exposing my breasts. He licked the nipple before sucking my tit between his hot lips.

  “Oh shit.” I pressed his head to my breast.

  “Everyone in that ballroom knew one thing tonight.” He kissed and nipped at my other nipple. “You’re mine.”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  He pushed the remainder of the dress over my hips. I stepped out of it, leaving a pillow of silk on the floor. I leaned to loosen the straps on the heels.

  “No. Leave them,” he ordered.

  I gulped.

  “I’m fucking you with those on.”

  I reached for his jacket. He had more layers than I did. I worked the tie under the collar, while he dropped the royal pants to his ankles. I admired every inch of his sculpted body. I could kiss him and touch him all night.

  His boxer briefs were the last to go as I shrugged them over his massive cock.

  His eyes lit with lust as I lowered to my knees to take him in my mouth. It was gorgeous. Solid and strong, pulsing for me. My tongue flicked over the soft crown, savoring the dew before kissing along the thick vein.

  As much as Damon liked to proclaim I was his, I knew he was just as much mine. That was the beauty of what our bodies had found together.

  I opened my mouth as he pushed his shaft inside with a groan. “Fuck, love.”

  My tongue swirled with control back and forth, making his hips jut forward. I reached around, grabbing his muscular ass. He sank to the back of my throat and my eyes closed in complete pleasure. I loved how he filled me. How my body reacted to him. How I could do things with him I couldn’t do with anyone else.

  “You look so perfect like that.”

  My eyes fluttered open and I caught his intense gaze. My core zinged with power. It tingled with electricity.

  He pulled out, rubbing the crown over my lips. “Mmm.” I smiled softly. Lost in the feel of his silky skin.

  I had waited for this night. Longed for it. Tonight, I wasn’t a guest visiting the king for a one-time fling. I was his. I belonged with him, in this bed. Our bed.

  He lifted me from my knees, spinning me toward the sheets. I landed on my stomach.

  “How many ways do you want me to fuck you, Molly?” His voice was low in my ear.

  “Every way.” I panted.

  His palm coasted over me, rounding my ass. I felt his lips against the small of my back before he spread my legs and descended between them. My hips had a mind of their own as I instinctively positioned myself to give him access to my most sensitive areas.

  He latched onto my clit before his tongue circled my entrance. I groaned with the added pressure of his thumb on my rosebud.

  “Ohh, shit,” I whimpered. He had hit every nerve ending with one swift motion. He was everywhere at once.

  He flicked back and forth. My juices flowed freely. I was out of control. My heels lifted in the air as I wiggled my ass toward him.

  His tongue traveled backward until he lapped at the tight ring of muscle.

  “Ohh.” I rocked into him. I couldn’t stop myself from wanting that heated sensation inside. I wanted his tongue deep in my ass.

  He growled, shaking my core with ecstasy. And then he pushed inside.

  “Ahh.” I sank against the heat. It ricocheted. I bucked with every thrust, loving how he felt. Loving how different it felt.

  He pushed his fingers inside my entrance and I knew my first orgasm was taking off. It spilled through me while he fucked me relentlessly with his tongue and fingers.

  “Damon,” I screamed his name into the sheets. There was no gravity. No balance. I was flying as the release took over my body.

  I shuddered with one more beautiful quake and then fell on my stomach.

  Damon crawled on top of me, rolling me to my back. He nipped my shoulder, slowly kissing my throat and neck. He took one hand and then the other, placing them at the top of the head board.

  I looked in his eyes for an explanation. He rose on his knees. He quickly grabbed a pillow and tucked it under my hips then took one ankle and put it on his shoulder and then the other. The glittery shoes sparkled in the air.

  He nudged his cock at my swollen pussy.

  He grinned wickedly as he stretched my entrance with his crown. I had to adjust to his thickness. He made a few shallow pumps, coating himself in my honey.

  I whimpered. I gripped the headboard as he slammed into me with a solid thrust.

  “Oh God,” I cried. He was deep. So far inside me. I was practically lifted in the air.

  He held my ankles as he surged again, this time stroking my walls in one deliciously slow thrust.

  “Fuck, Molly.” His teeth gnashed at my calf. “I can go so deep like this.”

  My knuckles tightened as I readjusted my hold on the bed. “Deeper,” I begged.

  His cock plunged inside me like a heated rod of steel. I bolted toward him, clinging to the headboard. Nothing had ever felt like this. As if our bodies had melted together, daring me to find where I ended and he began.

  His eyes bore into my gaze.

  “You. Are. Mine.”

  I nodded, matching his counterthrusts with everything I had. “Yours, Damon. I’m yours.”

  He sank into me with a powerful thrust and the world spun into oblivion. There weren’t people in the ballroom dancing the night away. There weren’t angr
y family members or heart broken friends. Only us. Only the universe we made in this bed.

  He kicked my ankles off his shoulders and his bare chest grazed over mine as we found a rhythm together. Our bodies slick with sweat. He kissed me, drawing the air from my lungs. I clawed at his back, climbing him, desperate to tie us together forever.

  His fingers curled over top of mine on the bed. It gave him resistance to bury his cock deeper.

  “Ohh,” I moaned.

  “Fuck,” he growled in my ear.

  We were reckless with our lust for each other. Our thirst for each other made us greedy. He pumped forcefully inside me as I sucked and nipped at his edible lips.

  “I love you, Molly.” He breathed heavily. “All of this tonight is because I love you.”

  My orgasm usually spilled through me because of the dirty things he said. But now I was useless to control my body from the purity of his words.

  I rocked into him. Clutching his cock. I wanted him to feel it. To know it.

  “I love you. I love you.”

  It shattered through me. A flurry of heat and electricity touched every nerve. My body was his. He had taken me. And I was never getting it back. He groaned as his final release attacked him, pulsing in my depths.

  He thrust as he climaxed, filling me with his hot come.

  “Oh shit.” He rolled on his side.

  I kissed his shoulder. “How was my first assignment as Royal Consort?” I giggled.

  He laughed loudly. “Pretty fucking perfect.” He leaned forward on his elbow. He made a lazy circle around my navel with his fingertip.

  “And the rest of the night? How do you think it went?”

  “Other than the bullshit with Roux, I think it was a success.”

  “That reminds me. You were going to tell me what he meant about the exit fee.”

  He looked at the ceiling. “You don’t want to talk about The Titan now.”

  I propped myself up to face him. His fingers moved to my breast. I loved how he touched me. How comfortable he felt with my body.

  “I do. I want to know.”

  He sighed. “It’s part of the membership. If a member breaks the contract with the tally, in this case that’s you, then he is ejected from the society with a penalty fee. It’s the cost of doing business with Lesage.”

  “You have to pay a fee because of me? How much?” I prodded.

  “Money isn’t a problem. You know that. Don’t worry about the number.”

  “How much?” He was distracting me with his fingers. My body was still zinging from the last orgasm.

  “Five million,” he stated.

  “That’s insane. You can’t be serious about paying that much money.”

  “Would you rather I stay in the society?” He raised his eyebrows.

  I bit my lip. “No, but that seems like extortion. You could do so much with that money.”

  “It’s to dissuade this from happening.” He twisted my nipple between his fingers. He lowered his mouth to it.

  I pulled his head between my hands to steady the impact. I didn’t want him to divert all my attention. I could only take about two seconds more of this before that happened.

  “Like Sebastian?” I questioned.

  “Mmmhmm.” He bit at my nipple. “See the problem there?”

  “Yes. But that’s an incredible price to pay.”

  “Membership does have its benefits,” he teased. His tongue raked over the hard point.

  I tried to understand the club. The society. The risk Damon took to be a member. What he was willing to pay for me. My head spun.

  My fingers relaxed, giving him full access to my breast.

  “Oh shit,” I whispered. I spiraled under his control.

  He crawled on top of me. “This night is far from over,” he warned. “No more talk about The Titan. I’m never going back there.” He knelt over me. His eyes smoldered with want.

  “Neither am I.” I tried hard to keep a serious face, but I burst into a fit of laughter.

  “Hilarious.” He smiled wickedly as he crashed his lips against mine. I knew Damon would never quench my thirst for him. But he would spend the rest of this night trying.

  His hands landed on my waist, twisting my hips until I was pinned on my stomach.

  I could feel the tautness of his thighs as he pressed into me, raising my ass in the air. Every ounce of him dripped with power and strength. There wasn’t a part of his body that wasn’t toned with athletic precision.

  His disciplined workouts might have been a leftover side effect of the Royal Navy, but when I looked at him I saw more than how hot he was. I saw a man who ran an entire country. Who had the weight of his citizens on his shoulders. A man who struggled to find freedom in strange places like The Titan.

  He was willing to give all of that up. For me.

  I had surrendered to him, but he had done the same. We had jumped off the cliff together.

  My palms supported me as Damon pushed inside, jostling me forward with his strength. Filling me. Connecting with me. Loving me.

  My body tightened with anticipation as he reared back and sank inside me again. I pushed into him, hungry for more. Eager for the friction his body gave.

  “Oh, Molly.” His fingers dug into my flesh as he thrust into me. “Come for me,” he demanded.

  “Ahh,” I cried. How did we keep doing this? Finding a higher cliff to climb. A higher place to jump. How did he keep showing me new ways to enjoy sex?

  My body was ready to detonate around him.

  “Fuck, you’re so sexy like this.”

  My breasts grazed the sheets, bouncing as Damon took me with possession and determination. He fucked me slow and deep, drawing the climax from my core with torturous strokes.

  “Come,” he commanded.

  And I was lost. I convulsed wildly as we both skyrocketed to the highest peak before collapsing in our rapture.

  Damon rolled on his side, tucking me next to him. He kissed me gently on the shoulder. “I do love you, Molly.”

  I could hear the sleepy haze in his voice.

  My eyes grew heavy. “I love you, too.”



  The lodestar was thicker than usual. Although, this morning it was the last thing I wanted to focus on. Molly was naked next to me. I had brought coffee to bed along with the daily briefing. I read the day’s agenda while she slept. I had a hard time keeping my eyes off her body.

  I’d never told a woman I loved her. I didn’t think it was in my DNA. But last night I spoke the words with full intention, meaning exactly what I said.

  I was in love with this woman. I realized she wasn’t the one the dowager queen or Sutcliffe would have chosen for me. But I was sure as hell not going to end up like Sebastian, wanting one woman while hating the one I had.

  Molly stirred next to me. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.

  “Bonjour, love.” I closed the lodestar and locked the seal.


  “How did you sleep?”

  She stretched her long legs. I couldn’t get enough of them. Graceful and strong. Her body was a work of art.

  “I can’t remember.” She giggled.

  I reached for a cup of coffee, handing her the extra one I brought in from the service cart. “For you.”

  She sat forward, taking the mug to her lips. “Mmm. I love waking up like this.”

  “Is it the coffee or me?” I teased.

  “The coffee.”

  I laughed at her coy grin.

  “I only have thirty minutes before my first meeting. Since the vote for irrigation in the olive groves passed yesterday, there is legislation that has to be reviewed.”

  “Don’t you have attorneys for that kind of thing?”

  “Yes. But I’m a hands-on king.”

  “In many ways.” Her eyebrows lifted over the mug.

  “After that, I’m going to see Lesage. I want to make sure the contract has been ended.”

  Molly’s eyes were a lighter shade of blue in the morning. It was hard not to stare at how fucking gorgeous she was.

  “Should I go with you?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “That is definitely not allowed.”

  “Ok. I need to check on Brooklyn. I sort of left her last night to deal with that situation. I’m becoming the world’s worst friend.”

  I rested my hand on her knee. “I doubt she believes that. I’m sorry she got mixed up with Sebastian.”

  “But he seemed sincere, don’t you think? The way he looked at her. I believed him. He looked miserable, Damon.”

  I exhaled. I didn’t have a soft spot for him. I never had. We had always competed through school. He resented my position long before I was king.

  “Doesn’t matter. He’s not going to leave Carina. And if your friend heard anything I said last night, she’ll stay away from him.”

  “Maybe it’s not that easy for them.”

  “Molly, it is that easy. Carina will destroy them both. If you speak to Brooklyn today make sure she doesn’t go near him.”

  She clutched the coffee. “I’m not going to tell her who she can and can’t have feelings for. Friends don’t do that. Maybe they have something real. Have you considered it could be serious?”

  My eyes cut to her. “It doesn’t matter if it’s real. He’s not going to leave Carina. Why encourage it if he’s only going to hurt her? The man is married.”

  “Then he shouldn’t have joined the society.” Her voice was angry.

  “You’re annoyed with Sebastian, not me.”

  “Maybe both of you.”

  I leaned to kiss her on the cheek. “While you figure that out, I’m going to sign the irrigation law and pay Lesage five million dollars for my freedom.”

  I saw the smile sneak on her lips.

  “Do you have to leave so soon?”

  I looked at my watch. “I have ten minutes. Join me in the shower.”

  She nodded and hopped from the bed, bouncing into the bathroom. I was already hard thinking about her slick body underneath the steam.

  When I stepped inside she was waiting on her knees. Fuck she was sexy. The water ran over her skin, dripping from her hard nipples. I could see the want in her eyes. She licked her lips when she saw how hard I was for her. Only I could satisfy her thirst.


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