Sexy Bachelor

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Sexy Bachelor Page 82

by Maggie Monroe

  “You ok?” I asked. She’d almost wiped out.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. You’re pretty quick.”

  “Years of practice with my sea legs.” I laughed. “I brought some blankets. Hold on.”

  I opened the bow storage and grabbed a few old quilts. By the time I laid them out, Sierra’s eyes held the same lust as mine.

  She reached up and pulled me toward her, brushing her lips over mine.

  I snaked an arm around her waist and lowered her on her back, flat against the deck. She greedily sought my mouth with her tongue and pulled me closer to her. Her lips were warm and hungry.

  My cock hardened as she hitched her legs around my waist, and slid her hands under my shirt.

  As my hand reached for her calf and traced a trail on the underside of her leg, a smile spread across Sierra’s face. One inch at a time, my fingertips approached the inner softness of her thigh and started a slow swirling motion, dipping under the hem of her shorts. She let out a groan and shifted her hips, giving my fingers more access.

  The more I toyed with her, the more she writhed under me. I fucking loved watching her lose control.

  She gave it over to me so easily. So steadily.

  I unclasped the button on her shorts. Her hips lifted as I tugged them over the curves of her thighs.

  I ran my palm over her center, pressing between her legs, feeling the wetness seep through her panties.

  I inhaled sharply. She was everything I remembered. Every fantasy. Every fucking dream.

  I peeled her panties off before she could protest, but I saw the hesitation waiting in her eyes.

  “Spread your legs for me, baby,” I growled under my breath.

  She shook her head. “We’re out in the sound. What if someone sees us?” She tried to look over my shoulder.

  “Then they’ll see me enjoying every sweet juicy drop of your pussy.” I eyed her. “Don’t you remember it? How I’d fuck you with my tongue?”

  She whimpered.

  “How I’d lick you until you shook in my arms? How you begged me to give you more? You remember the first time my tongue slid inside you? Tasted your clit. Sucked your folds so hard you screamed?”

  She shook her head. “I do.”

  “Imagine what I can do with my tongue now.” I grinned wolfishly. My skills had grown tenfold. She had no idea what I could do to her now.

  I watched hungrily as her knees fell to the side and her wet pussy glistened under the moonlight.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

  I lowered myself between her legs, taking a long slow lick from her center to her clit. I groaned, inhaling her scent. Remembering what it was like the first time I’d done this to her. How she purred under me. How I wanted to come all over her. How I was close to feeling that way again.

  I bit at that tight nub before plunging my tongue inside her.

  She bucked and writhed, but I couldn’t get enough, or give her enough. My tongue twisted and lapped, sucking her juices. Tasting her honey with a thirst I had thought was gone.

  I looked up as I was sucking on her clit and saw her hands splayed against her chest. I reached forward, unsnapping the rest of her buttons. She groaned, massaging her breasts.

  I was fucking hard as a rock. I tugged the lace down over her tits, jutting them over the bra.

  “Ohh,” she cried. Her fingers finding the hard tips and pinching them.

  “You’re a fucking siren. You know that?”

  I dove between her legs, pumping my tongue in and out when I felt her clench around me. Her hips lifted as she ground into me relentlessly. I felt the tension in her body cling to her just before she whimpered with the orgasm. I watched in horny satisfaction as she came on the floor of my boat.

  Her legs spread wide. Her fingers squeezing her hard nipples. Her pussy wet from me.

  “Oh, baby.” I looked at her when she eased off the cliff of her orgasm. “So many ways to fuck you, I can’t decide which one.”

  “Oh God.” She choked.

  I laughed. “I think we’ll figure it out.”

  I unbuckled my shorts and kicked them off my legs.

  I sat on the blanket. “I want your ass right here.”

  She sat up, crawling toward me. Her tits looked swollen and pushed together. They were fucking amazing.

  “Straddle me,” I commanded. “I want that tight pussy of yours on my dick.”

  She moved one leg and then the other until she was facing me.

  I leaned back, crossing my hands behind my head. “Now fuck me.”

  “Ohh, Blake.”

  She came down on my shaft in a groan of pleasure as her head lashed back.


  She felt too good. Hot. Tight. Wet. And she was so wild. She rode me with abandon. Her tits bouncing. Her hair flying. Her swollen clit grinding into me each time she landed against me.

  And she moved faster and harder.

  My hands moved to her hips, clutching at her. I speared my cock inside her as she screamed out.

  “That’s it, baby,” I coaxed. “The whole damn island needs to hear how I fuck you.”

  “Oh, Blake. I can’t,” she cried.

  “Yes you can.”

  I lifted her off my shaft and moved her to her stomach.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking this pussy how I want it.”

  “Oh God.”

  “You like it when I say that don’t you? When I tell you how much I want you?”

  “Yes,” she begged. “It’s yours. I want your cock inside me. Please, Blake.”

  I lifted her ass in the air, running my hand over the perfect roundness and softness of it. I wanted to bury myself in every part of her. Her mouth. Her ass. Her pussy. But her lips were already swollen and wet for me. I guided her back onto my dick and pushed inside her.

  She hissed with release.

  “Yes. More.”

  I shoved her to the floor, hilting myself inside her. Her hips tilted up and I rocked inside her. My body covered hers. I kissed her ear, her neck. She turned her lips to find mine and I bit at her. Kissed her. Licked and sucked her skin while my cock pulsed inside her.

  “It’s too intense,” she whimpered. “Please let me come.”

  “Come hard for me.” I bit her ear as she exploded around my cock, squeezing and clamping against it like a damn vise.

  “Holy hell, girl,” I groaned, knowing she had me. I couldn’t hold off.

  My spine coiled before it moved to my belly and the orgasm ripped through me. I filled her with my come. It erupted from my powerful dick, spreading through her like lava.

  Our bodies convulsed and shivered while the orgasms shook us and I knew that not only had I claimed her pussy again, but I had claimed Sierra.

  The past was behind us, and whatever in the hell this was—it was ours.



  It happened out of nowhere. Sort of like one of the storms that blew in from the ocean. Blake had blown into my life again—and I liked it. I completely loved it.

  It was hard to believe when I showed up on the island to pack up the house that instead I would end up in Blake’s arms again. That somehow we would find our way back to each other. I wondered if it was because we were like magnets who could never truly be pulled apart, or if it was because we were different people now. Older, wiser, bruised, hurt, but our new hearts were drawn to each other in a way that we never would have sustained if I had stayed.

  Maybe leaving the island was the only way we would have ended up back in this place. I smiled.

  I stretched my arms overhead in the big canopy bed. His huge body was sprawled out next to me. I bit my lip as I eyed his gorgeous skin and muscles. He was just pure sinful. That was the only way to describe him.

  And the new ways he had made me come alive under his command were unimaginable. Sure we used to sneak around and have sex when we were teenagers, but this took sex to an entirely different level.

was so much fun. It was as if our bodies were meant for each other. We just needed a little time away to learn new tricks. I giggled to myself. Because now, we were basically sexual dynamite, blowing each other’s minds with what we could do to the other.

  My hand slid under the sheet. I couldn’t stop touching him. Now that we had found each other again, I couldn’t imagine not being with him. Sure, that was fast-forwarding everything. I knew it.

  But my body was drawn to him in every way. And whether he was saying it because it turned him on, or because he really meant it—I was his again. My body belonged to Blake Wyatt

  My fingertips walked over his hip and slipped to his bugling cock, already hard. I sighed, taking it in my hand. I rubbed the tip with my thumb, bringing it to life. Waking him up one small pump of my hand at a time.

  He rolled on his back, not saying a word. Maybe we were past the part where we needed words.

  I climbed on top of him, straddling him with a wide stance and began to glide over his cock, rocking my hips back and forth. Each time I felt the wetness pool between us. His fingers dug into my waist, urging me to take him, but I reveled in this. How my body could drive him crazy. How with just the rock of my hips I could have America’s playboy demanding I satisfy him.

  His hands tightened their grip with urgency as I rubbed my nipples over his chiseled chest. The points tickled over his skin and he took my breast in his hand, squeezing and stroking it. My head reared back when he leaned forward flicking his tongue over my nipple. But I still resisted what he wanted. I slid over his shaft, grinding with primal desire, rubbing my clit with satisfaction.

  His hands snaked around my waist, tugging my ass wide, so that I lost the control. It was in his hands. His fingers massaged between my cheeks, prying and stretching me with certain precision until I panted from the force building inside me. He pressed into my tender skin, playing and kneading, pushing boundaries I hadn’t crossed yet. It felt so good. So warm and soothing. I let his fingers explore until the sensations drove me wild. I sank onto his shaft. My eyes locked on his as I rose forward and then lowered myself on him again. This time, my knees splaying wider. My body clinging to him harder.

  The rhythm moved faster as I slid up and down his slick cock. I whimpered when I felt the orgasm start to control me.

  Blake grabbed my face, crushing my lips to his. My body wracked with sensation and vibrations as he pushed inside me and I shattered around him. I opened my eyes.

  “Good morning.” I smiled.

  “Good morning.”

  I lowered my head to his chest. His heart beat wildly inside.

  His hand moved to my ass, cupping and gripping it gently. I hadn’t moved for him to slide out of me. I didn’t want him to. Blake inside of me was one of my favorite things.

  “You can fuck me like that every morning, darlin’.”

  “You too,” I whispered.

  I didn’t know I could feel content like this again. I hadn’t been content in so long I didn’t know it was even still possible. But it was happening. The love of my life was in my bed.

  “Maybe we should move this to the shower?” he suggested.

  “Can we just stay like this for a few more minutes?” I asked.

  “We can, but don’t you feel that?”

  My eyes flashed to his. He flinched inside me.

  “You drive me insane. I’m already hard again.”

  I sucked in a gulp of air. “Shit.”

  “And that little stunt you just pulled was really sweet. But it’s not my favorite thing in the morning.”

  “Oh?” I was afraid to ask, but I could feel how hard he was. He was going to show me.

  Before I had time to put any of it together Blake lifted me out from under the sheets and he was standing on the floor next to the bed. He rolled me on my stomach, his hand pressing into the small of my back.

  His cock nudged between my legs and I felt him fill me with a slow intense thrust as he groaned my name between his teeth.

  I clutched at the sheets in front of me, but he was dragging me backward, slamming into his hips. I grasped for gravity, but there was none. Only spiraling ecstasy. Over and over he slammed into me. My body shook with spasms as one orgasm hit me and then another.

  Finally. One pump. Then another and Blake thrust into me unloading his release.

  “Fuck.” He collapsed against my back.

  I tried to breathe under his heavy frame. That was incredible. Possessive. Undeniably hot.

  He kissed the side of my neck and I smiled.

  “Do you think we really have to leave the house today?” I asked.

  He rolled next to me. “Hell no. We can do whatever in the fuck we want to do.”

  I laughed. “Then that’s what I want to do.”

  “Fuck all day?”

  I nodded, crawling toward him. I kissed him. “Yes. All. Day.”

  He growled under me. “We have two days left?”

  I didn’t want to talk about our time table. I didn’t want to admit that our quick summer romance was getting ready to hit a crossroads. What did we do? How did I even begin to approach the subject?

  “Two days,” I echoed.

  “You know I’m going back to Florida.”

  “I know.” I had to keep the quiver out of my voice.

  “Camp starts soon. I have meetings. Press. I won’t be back here for a long time. Once the season starts I’m committed. And I hope it’s a long season. I want to make the playoffs this year.”

  I nodded. “I know that. I wasn’t trying to make this more than what it is.”

  But was I? What was it? It felt like the other half of my heart. It felt like every time I looked into his eyes I was breathing full breaths. That my soul was with this man. And how could it not be? He was my first. My first love. We had made a baby together once upon a time. He was all I had. And we were here together. Again.

  “Darlin’, I’m not saying anything one way or the other.” He closed his eyes. “Fuck. I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to. Let’s just enjoy the two days. I get it. You have your AFA life. I’ve never been a part of that.”

  He sat forward. His eyes brimming with fire. “Yeah, well I didn’t have all the facts did I?”

  I lowered my head. “I can never say I’m sorry enough.”

  He tilted my chin up. “I’m not angry at you anymore, baby. It sucks. It’s fucked up. But I can’t talk to my dad about it. I can’t talk to the eighteen-year-old you about it. Right?”

  I nodded. “Then what? We have this and then go back to our lives? Run into each other on the island next summer? We aren’t teenagers.”

  “Wait. Does that mean you’re coming back next summer?”

  I shrugged. “I live in Dallas. This isn’t exactly close. I can’t even sell Aunt Lindy’s china. I’m not having much luck with the estate. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I haven’t decided.”

  “I know what we need.”

  “What’s that?”


  I winced. “I have lots of coffee and wine.”

  “Then I’ll run to the grill.” He hopped out of bed. “Ham biscuits sound good?”

  I nodded. “I’m starving.”

  “Thought so.” He found his shorts on the floor and tugged on a T-shirt. “Don’t move. Stay right there. Naked.” He winked, leaning down to kiss me. “I’ll be back with breakfast and then we’ll decide.”

  “Decide?” I looked at him quizzically.

  “Yeah. Decide if two days is enough.”

  He walked out of the room and my jaw dropped.



  What the fuck was I thinking? This girl had me on some damn high I couldn’t come down from. She was the one who broke me. The one who made me the man I was now.

  And I was going to go for more?

  I pulled into the grill. There was a line of cars. The same fishermen had been coming here for forty years. My dad used to b
e one of them. I felt my forehead furrow.

  He was the one I was angry with. The man who had threatened the girl I loved. The man who had sent my child away from me. The man I had worshipped my entire life. The one I couldn’t stop grieving for in silence.

  One of the guys in the parking lot waved at me as he walked to his truck. I couldn’t sit out here all morning.

  I walked inside and ordered half the menu. Sierra didn’t even have crackers in that house. I needed food.

  On the mile drive back to the house I kept my eyes on the water. I turned onto the gravel drive and raced up the stairs, clutching the white paper sacks of food.

  My heart stopped in my chest when I opened the door.

  She smiled. Her gorgeous blond hair fell around her shoulders. Her breasts perked and her long slender legs covered the length of the bed. The white sheets twisted around her creamy skin.

  I dropped the bags on the floor and dove toward the bed.

  She giggled. “That took forever.”

  “You didn’t move.”

  “You told me not to,” she answered.

  “Fuck, Sierra. You’re killing me.”

  She brushed the hair off my forehead. “That’s pretty much the opposite of what I want to do today.”

  The sheet slipped off her shoulder completely. My eyes landed on her nipple. Sierra caught my expression and nuzzled under me, offering her breast, pressing it toward my lips.

  My tongue lashed out over it. I’d never turn down that offer. She had the most amazing breasts I’d ever seen on a woman.

  “Mmm,” she mewed.

  I sucked her hardened peak in my mouth, flicking my tongue over it rapidly.

  “Oh, oh.” She breathed. Her hands pressed into the back of my head.

  I lifted my eyes to her. “I’ve decided.”

  “What’s that?” she asked lazily. Her hands were on my crotch, trying to free my cock.

  “Two days isn’t enough.”

  She pushed the shorts off my hips and freed my shaft. Slowly she scooted down the bed until she was just under me. Her lips played with the head of my shaft. I groaned.

  “I’m trying to talk to you.” I never fucking talked. Why was she making this so damn hard?


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