Sexy Bachelor

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Sexy Bachelor Page 89

by Maggie Monroe

She had knocked the wind out of me as quickly as a linebacker.

  “You’re completely sure?” I asked like a fucking idiot.

  “I started not feeling well and I could barely keep my eyes open. And I’m late. Extremely late, but I didn’t think it was possible. I brought the test with me.”

  “I believe you. Of course I believe you.” I started to regain my senses.

  “I didn’t know what you would say? How you would react. I don’t know if I should tell you I’m sorry. I just don’t know what to do.” Her voice cracked.

  “Say you’re sorry? What are you talking about?”

  “I told you I was on birth control. I don’t know how it happened. I didn’t even think I could get pregnant to be honest.”

  “Why not?” I wasn’t following.

  “I was sure after I lost the other baby that it couldn’t happen. That there was something wrong with me.” Her eyes lifted to mine. “But I am pregnant. And I had to tell you as soon as I found out. I couldn’t wait for you to answer the phone or find out some other way. I didn’t want you to think that I’d keep it from you again—ever.”

  “No wonder your boobs look so incredible.” I cracked a smile as she hit me in the arm. “Sorry. But they do look fucking amazing, baby. Edible, really.” I tugged at her shirt, wanting to see more.

  “I just told you I’m pregnant and you want to look at my breasts?”

  “No, I want to do more than that to them.”

  “But the talking … there’s a lot to talk about don’t you think?”

  I crushed my lips into hers, sinking my tongue into her mouth with possession. Damn, this woman was mine. She always had been. And now my baby was inside her. I growled.

  “You just told me I’m going to be a dad.” I broke away. “I don’t have words that can do that justice right now. Understand?”

  She nodded. “You’re not mad?”

  “God no. I’m happy. I’m happy you’re back. I’m happy about the baby. I’m happy about what I’m getting ready to do.”

  “And what’s that?” She tried to wiggle out of my hold.

  “Make you happy, darlin’. Everything that makes you happy.”

  She let her shirt fall over her shoulders. “I love you, Blake. I love you so much.”

  Her lips found mine the shadows of the linen closet and I kissed her like it was the beginning.



  The world spun upside down and for the first time it wasn’t because I was pregnant, it was because Blake kissed me with the kind of fury and passion I’d longed for since the day he left me on the beach.

  I had dreamed about this moment. Now that it was finally happening, I couldn’t catch my breath. I held on to him. His tongue slipped between my lips, twisting and curling against mine.

  I shivered when he tugged the corners of my shirt. The air danced over my skin.

  “It’s cold,” I murmured.

  “I’d make a fire out in the living room, but I don’t think we have that kind of time,” Blake growled into my neck.

  I shook my head. “No, we don’t.”

  He scooped me up. “Lots of covers in here.”

  I nodded. “Lots. So, so many blankets.”

  He pulled a few of the quilts from the shelves, padding the floor. He lowered me on my back.

  “I promise you won’t be cold long.”

  I grinned, greedily sucking at his lips. I had dreamed about his lips and the firmness of his arms. I never thought I’d be with him again like this ever. I thought those dreams were all I had left.

  Blake lifted the shirt over my head and slid my bra from my shoulders.

  “Holy shit, baby. Do you know what these do to me?”

  He held one of my breast in his hand. It was heavy and sore, but he soothed the ache with the heat from his tongue. I whimpered as it lashed over my nipple, hardening it instantly.

  “So fucking perfect, baby.” He sucked me into his mouth, gulping and licking. Pressing until his teeth nipped the edge of the sensitive points.

  I inhaled sharply. My body responded differently now. Everything was heightened.

  “Oh, Blake.”

  He pushed me back on the soft bed he had made. I had already forgotten how cold I had been as he slipped the jeans from my waist.

  I laid before him. The woman who loved him. The woman who had always loved him. The woman who was carrying his baby.

  He pushed my legs apart, running a finger over the fabric of my cotton panties.

  “I love how wet you get when I touch you,” he groaned.

  I bucked a little, aching for his touch. Aching for the friction of his fingers against my clit. It was throbbing and pulsing for attention.

  He slipped one finger under the edge, toying with my slit. I hissed with want.

  He brought his finger to his lips and sucked the honey. “You’ve always tasted sweet to me. It makes me crave you.”

  “Oh God, Blake.” I almost cried as he lowered his head between my legs, moving the panties with his teeth.

  He pushed my knees wide, as his tongue dipped between the slickness of my folds and ran back and forth, tracing the edges of my clit before finally thrusting inside my entrance. I groaned, trying to hold him inside me. He began to twist and flick his tongue until I was a writhing sex nymph.

  “Ohh,” I cried. “I’m coming so fast.”

  I seized the quilts in my hand, balling up my fists, but the orgasm hit me at once. My body shook and shivered as it spilled through me. Blake lifted my hips, sucking my clit hard, pushing his tongue inside me, riding out the orgasm with me and lapping up every drop of it.

  Slowly he lowered me, grinning one of those devilish sexy smiles I loved so much.

  I heard the zipper on his jeans.

  “I have to be inside you.”

  I nodded. It was all I wanted. To feel his thick cock push inside me. To belong together like we did when our bodies slid against each other.

  He pulled the shirt over his head, tossing it behind us.

  I reached forward, stroking his glorious cock. He rubbed it between my slit, coating it in my juices. Time seemed to slow. The frenetic pace had been replaced with something deeper and tangible.

  “You’re not worried are you?” he asked.

  I smiled. “No. It feels so good. I know everything’s ok.”

  “God, you’re a fucking goddess.”

  He nudged his cock against my entrance and I moaned.

  “I love your pussy. And I’ve missed it, babe. I missed you.”

  He pushed inside me as we both bucked with sensation. He thrust deep and far until my hips lifted to greet him, sucking him inside me.

  “Ohh,” I whimpered. Nothing had felt this intense. Pregnancy sex was something completely different.

  His lips fell to mine and I bit and kissed him while he rode in and out, pumping with steady strokes.

  He hit my inner walls, rocking me to my core. I clenched and groped, wanting the orgasm to shatter me. Needing it to bring us back together.

  My eyes locked on his and we both knew it was coming. Blake’s fingers wound through mine as his breathing turned to ragged pants.

  “You’re mine, always.”

  I nodded. “Always.”

  And with a final thrust he moaned as he pumped his release inside me. He smiled slowly, his body rigid with pleasure and satisfaction.

  I pressed my lips to his.

  He pushed again and the world collapsed in on me. I screamed out, the orgasm pinching and firing shockwaves through my nerves.

  “Oh God, Blake. Oh shit.” My eyes closed as I tried to hold on, but he only picked up the pace, pushing deeper, spreading my legs farther apart.

  “Feel how good it is between us,” he growled. “Feel what we do together.”

  I bit my lip. My head thrashed to the side. Another orgasm built in my core and before I could handle the last one, the new one unleashed in my body.

  “Fuck, baby,” Blake gr
oaned, his eyes rolling back.

  I was squeezing his cock with everything I had. We rocked and thrust. Our bodies dripped with sweat. Our lips found each other, until finally the rhythm slowed and Blake settled next to me.

  He exhaled. “What in the hell was that?”

  I giggled. “I think that was pregnancy sex.”

  “Whatever it was, I liked it.” He kissed my shoulder.

  We stared at the ceiling. The candles flickered from the mason jars.

  “You know I’m not freezing anymore.”

  “Didn’t think you’d stay cold long.”

  He shifted to his side. His eyes drifted to my navel as he began to draw circles on my belly.

  “This is incredible.”

  “You’re happy?” I was hesitant to ask. Having a baby wasn’t an automatic pass for happiness. There was so much to discuss.

  “Of course I’m happy. We made a baby.” He flattened his palm. “When do you think it was? On the boat? The swing?”

  I laughed. “I think it was the first time. The couch.”

  “The couch. Really?” He raised his eyebrows.

  I nodded. “It was the first time I’d ever had sex like that. I just have this feeling.”

  “Magic position.” He winked.

  “It was magic, wasn’t it?”

  “Damn straight.” He tickled the tops of my thighs and I wriggled under the pressure.



  “Before the baby, before today, my answer was yes.”

  He sat forward. “Yes?”

  I nodded. “I missed you. Nothing mattered anymore. What I have in Dallas doesn’t matter. I want you to know that. I figured it out before this morning. But the baby—it changes things.”

  He brushed the hair from my face. The tendrils were damp. “It does.” He lowered his mouth to mine, inhaling with a fierce kiss.

  “I was never going to get over you, Sierra.”

  I smiled. “Now you don’t have to.”


  “What do you want to do with the house?” Blake asked as we locked up the door. We had kept in warm in the linen closet as long as we could. We had to head for somewhere with heat.

  I dropped the keys in my purse. “I’d like to keep it. What do you think?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, let’s do it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  We walked down the wooden stairs. There were so many repairs the house needed. There were leaks under sinks. A few of the gutters had broken away from the house. And now I knew without power I was setting up the scenario for possible frozen pipes.

  “I mean, let’s make this our island house. I’ll sell the business to Cole.”

  I stopped in my tracks. “What?”

  “Cole wants to build boats. There’s a pier here. We can build anything else we need. It’s where you grew up. You were happy here. I can see us here.”

  I was amazed. Blown away. “You’re serious?”

  He pulled me toward him. “Completely. Let’s do it. We’ll fix it up and it will be ready for us next summer.”

  “You realize next summer there will be three of us.”

  “Yeah, I do. You think I should buy some of those baby life jackets?”

  “I don’t know how much boating we’re going to do.”

  Blake held my hand, leading me down the stairs and toward the truck. I had one of the quilts wrapped around my shoulders. It was going to be a chilly ride over to his house.

  “And before that?”

  He opened the door for me.

  “Are you asking about Orlando?” I looked at him.

  “I am.”

  “I’m there if you’re there. I’m here if you’re here.” I leaned into him. “I swear this girl is never leaving you again.”

  He grinned. “I knew you’d leave this island with me.”

  He was cocky, but I loved it because he was right.


  I looked out over the water. The sun had almost set on another cold December day on the island. There were a few boats skimming the waves, making their way in for the night. I put the truck in reverse, cranked up the heat inside the cab, and made a U-turn out of Shell Point.

  There were a few lights glowing on Shirley Lane. The clay pots spilled over with purple and gold pansies. I sighed as I passed the house. It was where everything had started. Again. I knew as long as I lived, I wouldn’t pass that house without thinking about Sierra and that summer. I shook my head and reached for the radio.

  I slowed the truck before easing it onto a grassy lane. The grass was mostly brown now except for a few stubborn weeds, which refused to accept summer was long gone. I parked next to the marina office, but left the engine running. It was too cold to start the heating process all over again, and I knew Jojo would have the oysters ready for me.

  “Well, look who’s here.” Jojo beamed from behind the counter.

  “Hey, darlin’.” I strolled to the counter. “Did Willis get my order together?”

  “Sugar, you know it.” Jojo walked out from behind the register and turned to the line of coolers near the door. “How many bushels you need?”

  “I think one is plenty.” I withdrew cash from my wallet and placed it on the counter. I grabbed the canvas sack from her grasp. “Tell Willis I said thank you. I heard these were his best this year.”

  “He’ll appreciate that, Blake.” She smiled. “Take care, honey.”

  I heaved the fifty-pound sack into the bed of the truck and jumped into the cab, ready for the blast of heat. It didn’t matter to me what the temperature reading was on the dash; the cold had settled into all the nooks and crannies of the island. I continued south a few hundred yards. My thumb lightly drummed the top of the steering wheel. I couldn’t help but sing along with The Embers—somehow it made the summer not feel so far away.

  I pulled the truck to the sound side of the house. From the windshield, I could see the low glow of a fire on the beach. Good. Cole’s at least got that going.

  The oysters had slid to the tailgate. I reached over the side and retrieved the bushel Willis had sacked for me. By now, the sun had settled in the west, and the night sky was cast with a harvest moon that lit up the entire sound.

  “Cuz, what kept you so long?” Cole stood on the beach, poking the orange embers with a long fire stick. He had assembled a long sheet of metal over four stacks of cinderblocks that acted as sawhorses. “This fire has been ready for thirty minutes.” The coals burned two feet under the platform.

  I held up the canvas bag. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head. I’ve got the oysters.” I dropped the sack near Cole’s feet and scanned the empty beach. I took a deep breath of the chilled air.

  “I have the champagne!” Emily giggled as she bounded over the grassy yard toward the beach. She held up a green bottle and pointed toward Sierra. “And sparkling cider.”

  “I’m holding the good stuff. We are not smacking Moet into the sea.” Sierra smiled at me before my arms wrapped around her, and I buried my head in her shoulder.

  “Darlin’, you need to keep me warm tonight.” The words made her purr in my ear.

  My hand dropped to her belly where I could feel the small bump under her sweater. I rubbed over the fabric.

  “Hey, you two. We have serious oyster roasting and boat christening to do tonight.” Emily wagged her finger at us.

  Sierra tilted her head to the side. “We aren’t stopping you.”

  “All right. So what’s the game plan? It’s damn cold out here.”

  “This bottle is for drinking and celebrating.” Sierra held up the expensive French champagne. “And that one is for the boat.” She pointed to Emily’s bottle.

  “Looks like you two covered all the bases.” I reached for the high-end bottle and unwrapped the foil sealing the cork. I looked at Cole. “And what about the oysters?”

  “Ten minutes, tops,” Cole announced as he dumped half of the sack onto the metal shee
t. A low hissing noise rose from the table when Cole covered the first round with a heavy canvas.

  “Let’s make a toast.” Emily withdrew glasses from the bag she had brought to the beach, and held them up for me to pour.

  “Thanks.” I tilted the bottle and filled each glass with the chilled beverage. I grabbed the cider for Sierra and handed her a special glass.

  “I think you should do it, since you’re the songwriter.” Sierra poked me in the side.

  “I’m a QB,” I groaned. “A football player,” I added.

  “One who is not in the playoffs,” Cole called out.

  Fuck. I didn’t need him needling me about what happened with the Thrashers.

  “Songwriter doesn’t equal toast master, but I’ll give it a shot, baby.” I watched as the sharp flames from the fire caught the rise of the champagne’s dancing bubbles.

  I cleared my throat. “Here it goes.”

  I looked at Sierra and felt my heart swell a little. This was a moment I never saw coming, even if it was one I’d always wanted.

  “Cole, man, when you asked me to go in with you on this venture, I could have sat down and listed the pros and cons, run the numbers, and consulted every boat builder Down East, but I didn’t. You asked, and I said yes.” I shuffled my feet in the sand. “I said yes, because you asked.”

  Sierra and Emily smiled at each other across the circle.

  I continued. “And I’m sure as hell glad I did because I wouldn’t be here tonight. None of us would be celebrating your tenth boat and your five-year exclusive contract with Charleston yacht club if it hadn’t been for you. So, tonight, I know we’re christening her”—I nodded at the vessel anchored along the beach—“but this night is about you bringing all of us together. Without these boats, this business, and you as my family, I wouldn’t have my favorite thing on this island.” I winked at Sierra. “So, here’s to boats, summer, and never giving up.”

  “Here, here!” we all said in unison before drinking a few sips.

  “Blake, that was beautiful.” Emily hugged me hard.

  “I meant it.” I squeezed her again. “Let’s get this party going.” I pulled out my phone and hit play on my beach music playlist.


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