Morgana's Handmaid and the Creature of the Dungeon

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Morgana's Handmaid and the Creature of the Dungeon Page 7

by Purple Hazel

  And, oh, my God, what a lover he was! My passionate screams and moans echoed in the cave in such a way as to create a distorted reverberation unlike anything I’ve ever heard. It didn’t even sound like my own voice. Likely sounded like terrified wailing. Above us, townspeople must have cowered in fear upon hearing my “suffering” going on below them. If they only knew! But I was quite enjoying myself and riding my brave stallion as though he was carrying me on a headlong cavalry charge toward some unseen enemy.

  He spun around gracefully on the bed, changed positions constantly, yet lingered long enough in each steamy embrace to fulfill me completely. He took me missionary position like the Captain of the Guard used to, but then lifted up both my legs to penetrate me deeply. I cried out even louder, and the reverberations of my screams echoing back to me sounded both terrifying and thrilling. I knew I’d made the sounds, oh, yes, I just didn’t recognize them when they returned!

  Alguin penetrated me ever so gently, yet he drove in and out with such speed and force that my orgasms intensified beyond anything I’d ever felt before. He never seemed to tire. He merely changed the angle and started all over again. We twisted around the bed and altered our angles, depths, and speed so to maximize the moment for us both. He even did what I’d never experienced before - he poked his face in between my creamy thighs and licked my fiery, swollen clitoris with his tongue!

  My reaction to this must have really impressed my new lover, too, because he continued to suckle on my vulva until I bucked and quivered like I might climax that way. He snorted and gasped and panted while he licked and tasted me. He also groaned and snarled and growled with passion over his enjoyment of this apparently delectable treat. His calloused hands spread open my legs and gripped them harshly as though he would not let me escape until I came—as though I must accomplish this deed before he’d free me. Even when I finally did explode, he kept on going until yet another orgasm built up and I climaxed magnificently for yet a second time!

  When he mounted me again he planted his hands on the bed and placed my legs up over his elbows so that my entrance was spread wide open for him. And as he shoved in it felt like his manhood was driving up into my throat! I marveled at how he was still not the least bit fatigued in any way, and was able to glide in and out of me so fast and ferociously that I exploded in orgasm yet another time; my poor clitoris rubbed nearly raw by the shaft of his member as he plowed in to me. He ground into me. Spoke lovely words to me as well.

  “Thou art a lovely woman,” he said. “Thou satisfy me. Thou thrill me beyond aught that I recall, yet thou seem boundless in thy capacity.” Such a graphic compliment—like I’d never heard before. I never forgot it.

  Alguin was now my most amazing lover ever. We made love for an eternity, changing positions and altering our angles of his entry, giving me several more sweet sensations that seemed to build upon one another. He thrust and groaned and panted desperately before he finally pulled out and delivered his manhood to my lips, then expended himself, draining it into my mouth, holding my hair, and gently caressing my jaw as he exploded.

  He groaned and roared like a beast stabbed with a burning spear—like a man whose soul was being released from the fiery pit of damnation. And I swallowed him down mind you, while the reverberations of his roaring seemed to be coming at me from all sides as though the entire cavern was filled with him.

  I knew my heart and body belonged to the Dungeon Master now. I was his possession. He could have me and I would be his and his alone for the rest of my life if he so wanted it. No person had ever done for me what this loving and kind; yet very dangerous man could do, and I’d never want anyone else as long as I lived, I was quite sure of that! I made my decision right then and there.

  I’d lived over two decades on this earth and missed out on far too many opportunities to do the right thing or choose the correct path. I could see it all very clearly. When I’d chosen correctly, my life was bountiful. When I’d been sinful and selfish, life’s happiness and satisfaction eluded me. Now I was once again at a crossroads.

  No, I had no idea what life might have in store for me, but I was convinced of this one obvious fact. I’d be accompanying this big, tall, hulking fellow throughout the rest of his time on Earth, God willing. I didn’t fear him anymore you see? This was indeed my magical ogre from the dream I’d had. This was the man I thought Gilbert might turn out to be when I fell in love with the contemptible Captain of the Guard. This was the combination of a hundred different lovers I could have pursued at the castle if Morgana had allowed it. This man could do everything and anything for me that I’d ever desire. And there was even more to consider.

  He could never leave me for another, don’t you see? He would not break my heart nor lose his desire for me when I got old. I’d make sure of it, by God. I’d satisfy him every night or every day if he so chose; and I wanted him to find that out as soon as possible. I’d be the best lover he’d ever had, and care for him like no woman had ever done so since his cherished wife had passed away.

  That first time we finished making love, his sweaty body collapsed beside me, and we slept together, me wrapped in the warm robe made by his dearly departed wife, sleeping peacefully for several hours before he awakened and caressed me lovingly once again. Then I was delighted to reach down and find him quite ready and capable of having another go. How exciting!

  This most certainly wasn’t Gilbert. No, Gilbert never came close to something like this. Alguin was ready again—and again—to make love to me; and he did so with enthusiasm and intensity every single time—not just one beautiful experience then a steady decline into mundaneness and bland routine.

  I liked the way he did things and he liked the way I responded to copulation. Time no longer mattered for us. My very existence didn’t seem to matter either. I was a non-person now. I was free of the world and the world was most certainly done with me.

  Proper done! So I had no worries about my life or my time or my responsibilities or my burdens. Not anymore. I no longer needed to worry about my past. I no longer had to worry about tomorrow either. What was tomorrow anyway? There was only now, and I didn’t know if it was night or daytime frankly. There was only the darkness, the dying embers of the fire, and my big strong man lying next to me, remarkably ready and able to make passionate love to me.

  We repeated the performance, adding newer and more exciting positions to our routine. And for days after that, in the darkness of that horrible dungeon, he responded to me. He used no rough methods nor any unnecessary forcefulness. He never caused me discomfort. He pleased me endlessly until I felt like my soul had been wrenched from my body; then cleansed and purified only to be replaced inside me all fresh and new. I felt absolved and freed from my prior pathetic existence as the play-toy of the Captain of the Guard. I now had a genuine loving man by my side, making love to me and caring for me. I could never be his true love I knew—but then again, he had no wife waiting at home for him.

  In the darkness, I must say I finally felt at peace. I finally felt truly happy. I was the center of his attention, and he was all I saw or interacted with for many days. We cooked, ate, slept, made love, and then did it all over again whenever we awakened. I was joyful and playful; always attending to him and constantly goading him to come make love to me again or try something new. And his reaction? He’d only snicker and nod lustfully. Ready for action, my loving “ogre” truly was. Every time too!

  We even tried out the torture tables and racks! Tried positioning me with ropes to suspend my arms and legs so that I floated above the floor as he entered me, bringing me to blissful mind-numbing ecstasy. We kissed and caressed each other throughout, ever-experimenting.

  He even penetrated my bottom with first one, then two of his big fingers. And over the course of a few days using various forms of manipulation and repeated fondling of my hind end with fingers and various other torture devices, used gently and creatively, he penetrated me with his erect penis. Took some effort to fit hi
m in all the way. Butter helped! And after a while I learned to enjoy it immensely.

  He took a long time inserting himself as I recall, and by the time he was inside me all the way, I found a new excitement that was completely different from anything I’d ever experienced. I found now I had not just one but three different ways to satisfy his lusts, and all were at his beck and call for pleasuring his turgid manhood any time he desired me, which seemed to be constantly.

  Maybe it was a week, and maybe it was a fortnight, but after days and nights of dim firelight and incredible lovemaking, he finally gave me an even bigger shock than I was really prepared for. Despite all we’d experienced together, and what I’d promised him, he finally told me after several days that I was free to go.

  “My love,” he said sweetly to me, “you may go now. Today, I will show you the passage out of the mountain. I’m freeing you.”

  I couldn’t believe he was releasing me! It was like I had completed satisfying him, or perhaps it was him being finished with me; I wasn’t exactly sure. But for some odd reason, my dashing lover seemed to be setting me free like an exonerated prisoner whose sentence had been commuted by the King. The only problem was: I didn’t want to leave. It nearly broke my heart to hear him say such a thing! But Alguin was not a cruel man. On the contrary, he was only being compassionate.

  “A castle dungeon is absolutely no place for a young woman to live, my dear. And I, the dungeon master, am certainly no appealing prospect for any sort of long-term companionship.” I couldn’t have disagreed more.

  He said, “Thou hast satisfied my grieving soul. Thou hast made me feel whole again.” But nevertheless I begged him to let me stay with him.

  “I hold no further interest in the outside world, and frankly don’t care if I ever see the sunlight again!” I told him. “I am yours now, and though I could never replace your loving Allora, I simply have nowhere to go, nor desire to go anywhere else!” That’s what I told him. I embraced him and would not release him no matter how he tried to peel me away. Looking back, he probably didn’t realize just how strong I was until then.

  With tear-filled eyes and in a desperate plea I said, “I fear I’ll never find another like thee, and if I leave this dark dungeon, thou may lay to it, I’ll only long for thee the rest of my existence. I’ll despair of ever desiring another man for as long as I live. Not in the way I hast desir’d thee. Never! Prithee let me stay!”

  Yet he was quite adamant that I was free to go, smiling warmly and thanking me for the kind words. But even when he pried me off of him, I knelt and begged him pathetically from my knees, kissing his hand and crying uncontrollably. I never wanted to leave him and knew I couldn’t live without him.

  Alguin finally had to accept it. I truly was in love with him and he could not possibly reject me. He could believe in me what’s more, and we both knew it. However, he’d had something much better in mind for me all along. Once I calmed down a bit, Alguin knelt down with me in the cave and embraced me like a frightened child. Despite being such a big girl all my life, this behemoth dwarfed me when he put his gangly arms around me. I continued to sob quietly but he softly whispered it would be okay. I needn’t worry about a thing…

  Chapter 6

  Cottage in the Forest

  That’s when Alguin told me there was a little-known passageway out of the cavern, and it led to the far-off woods where his old cottage was still located. Merlin had originally brought him into the cavern through this tunnel when he and Allora had first arrived.

  “Most everyone who’s ever known of this secret pathway has long since moved on,” he added confidently. Therefore we could use it to spirit me out of the mountain completely undetected. “I used it almost every day back when Allora still lived in our secret hideout,” he then said. What’s more, he then bade me to go there with him that very morning!

  “Stay the night, stay for a year, stay ’til things die down a bit—whatever thou wish. Stay forever; if thou art so inclined.” He also said he’d show me the way to the cottage, then return to work come evening time. “I promise I will come to thee every morning—right ’ere dawn—and spend each day with thee as thy lover and companion, returning every night to the castle to fulfill my duties as dungeon master.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears! This was the answer to all my life’s hopes and wishes. A blissful existence with a loving man whom I could care for; living in a cozy little cottage out in the woods. How could I have asked for more? For that matter what girl ever could?

  But it all came with a stern warning, mind you. If he ever came home to the cottage and I was not there, he said, he’d never return—believing most certainly that I’d betrayed and abandoned him. That’s almost exactly how he said it, too.

  “I shall return to thee each morning at dawn—until I find yee not. Then nev’r again.” And I remember he smiled pleasantly after he said it, looking down on me as he smeared away tears from my eyes with thick, calloused thumbs. He was holding my face in his hands—right along with my heart—and though he spoke those words with no malevolence; they sunk deep into the very lining of my soul. This man would trust me only once. He simply would not allow himself to be hurt again nor disappointed in a woman who could not keep her word. I never forgot that.

  I followed his wishes, and he showed me the passageway out of the cavern to daylight and freedom. I trusted my lover completely of course, but truth be told I simply couldn’t imagine how I’d live by myself, and survive in the forest night after night without him. I kept those anxieties to myself though as we walked for miles through the countryside—me wrapped up in an old blanket and Alguin dressed in his sooty robe. He eventually led me to the forest and into the deep woods where his cabin was located, as the sun rose in the sky and our eyes slowly adjusted to the light, my bare feet stumbling over pebbles and twigs along the trail. It was so difficult to see and find, even in the daylight, that Alguin still had trouble locating it.

  On the long walk though, we chatted about the place and I learned about the life they had there when Allora was still around. At first, I dreaded that he’d tell me he’d been regularly taking female prisoners to his little cottage in the woods after Allora died! Maybe he’d been keeping them as “guests” until they finally abandoned him and went on with their lives as fugitives. That was not the case however. I boldly posed this very question to him and he promptly allayed my fears.

  “No, my dear. Female prisoners that I hath taken into the dungeon have all been treated like any other prisoner I was to interrogate,” he said gravely.

  That chilled my blood thinking about the inference that he’d tortured women before, and I almost felt inclined to ask him bluntly. What did he do to them to get those confessions? Did he strip them and fondle them like he did to me in the cave entrance? Did he take them into the torture device room, stretch them on the rack, whip them, burn them with a red-hot iron poker, suspend them from the strappado and snap their arms? Or perhaps did he penetrate their bottoms with the devices he’d used—albeit quite gently of course—on me?

  Did he hang them upside down with legs spread wide open, but instead of caressing them and bringing them to ecstasy, did he instead brutally whip their exposed private areas with a leather flail until they cried out their confession, perhaps even to crimes they’d not even committed? The thoughts of these things sickened me and made my stomach flutter with anxiety, especially since I was walking right alongside this giant who was fully capable of doing all these things and more.

  Yet for one of the few times in my young life, I decided I didn’t really want to know any more about it and kept my mouth shut. Who knows? I rationalized. Maybe the women were guilty of their crimes! And even if they weren’t, what in the world could I do about it? Or for that matter what if Alguin had received into his dungeon a female prisoner who he deemed to have been falsely accused? Would he have merely entertained her in his cave for a week or so, like he did with me, then set her free using the same tunnel through w
hich we’d both exited the mountain? Likely that’s what he did, but I never asked him. I only knew that I was the only one he’d ever chosen to live in his secret forest hiding place and await his daily return. In that I found some measure of comfort.

  When we finally arrived at his cottage, I was amazed to find the place had been practically swallowed up by the thick forest around it! We could barely even find it at first, even though Alguin knew exactly where it was, once he’d identified several landmarks. Vines covered the front of the house and bushes obscured the windows and little doorway from view; but with his freakish strength he made short work of uprooting them once he’d felt along the side of the hill and located the concealed entrance.

  The quaint little dwelling had been carved into the hillside out of a small cave that had been hollowed out and then bolstered by beams and joists to prevent cave-ins. Next the interior had been laid out with a fireplace for cooking, along with a very dusty and rickety table, and then a rather modest bed that desperately needed to be adapted to fit my lanky lover’s thick long shanks.

  Sure enough, the place had been unoccupied for some time—perhaps even years—like Alguin had indicated. I was indeed the first to be invited back with him; and by the sound that the door made groaning and creaking when he pushed it open, I could tell not even he had been back there since Allora’s death. That was indeed a relief; however my work was surely cut out for me turning the place into anything resembling the home his deceased wife had once made for them.

  Yet once I’d gotten the place spruced up a bit—and I must say Alguin was amazed at how fast I worked, even if he shouldn’t have been due to my background—I next chose to work on Alguin himself. I bathed him and scrubbed him clean once more, this time under the mid-afternoon sun using a horse trough as a bathtub due to his immense size.

  No, this was most definitely not a sponge bath. This man had suffered years of personal neglect; letting himself collect grime and filth in that dungeon, and this time I had daylight to see better what I was doing. I worked on him for nearly an entire afternoon. Gave him a shave using an old razor he sharpened for me on a water stone. He cleaned up quite well, I can tell you! In the full light of day, my sparkling new man was now my knight in shining white flesh that the sun’s rays had sadly not touched in God knows how many years.


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