When Fated Hearts Collide: Paranormal Romance Series

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When Fated Hearts Collide: Paranormal Romance Series Page 3

by Jenifer Shoemaker

  "Dude what the hell happened back there exactly, that was beyond intense?" Josh says.

  “Lord, did you smell her…….she smelled soooo good." Alex laughs.

  "While I agree she was a hot little number, what anyone has failed to say is why was she not scared of any us? How the heck was she staring you down and not even missing a blink, there was zero submission." Calin says.

  "Drake?" Mav says.

  "I have no damn clue guys, I had a connection with her like I have never felt before. The pack magic was at the highest point I ever felt, it was uncanny." I say still trying to breathe.

  "She belongs to Cole and I sure as hell hate it, I could rip his throat out for her." The words leave my mouth instantly.

  "The hell with Fated Mates,” Jace says in almost a whisper.

  I hear the guys question Jace’s words, I want them not to be true but in my soul I feel I would be lying if I said it out loud. No one can know either, if the word slips out and Cole finds out he would mate her out of spite. No way in hell was I going to take a chance on that. My mind is still spinning and all the guys are yelling at me to give them an answer.

  "Fated Mate, I don't believe in that shit, and you all know it. Gabriella was just a nice piece of ass. We all love the idea of a new toy to play with right guys." It slices me in pieces to even say that to them, but it was safer for Pixie that way.

  "So you wouldn’t mind if we took a piece of that ass huh?" Josh calls me out on my bullshit, I knew they could feel my anger rolling off in waves and knew it was a lie.

  "Listen, shut the hell up and I don’t want to speak of this matter again or I swear I will rip your throats out. Besides the girl belongs to Cole, so that is his territory. This information had best not leave this truck, I am not threatening you, I am making a promise."

  I growl and look at all of them and they shut their mouths, but know exactly that she's what they suspected. We got the rest of the supplies and head back to the compound. The women were already dressed to kill and waiting for us to arrive. The guys are high fiving each other, but not saying anything, as we drive home. The guys meet up and choose their latest conquests for the night. I crack a beer open and I hear a lot of giggling and calling my name with purrs. I feel empty and for the first time in my life I didn’t want to bed any woman. Ashley saunters up to me in a skirt showing her ass, what’ new. She is nice to look at, but she wasn’t Gabriella. Damn it! She bewitched me body and soul, I want her so bad and these others I know won't begin to satisfy the craving. The guys are watching in amazement as I am dodging these women. Ashley catches me off guard and rakes her hand down my stomach and slides her hand in the front of my pants. Josh and Talen snicker and the others are just gawking. I grab her hand and pull it out of my pants, pushing it back towards her.

  "Not tonight Ashley" I say and she looks pissed.

  Then Becca grabs me pushing her body into me and starts to grind. "No sweetheart, not you either". I gently push her away and they both yell at me.

  I stop and glare at them. But, then Ashley boldly says, "What about taking both of us tonight, usually I don’t share what is mine; but I think you need it," as she smiles at Becca.

  I look to Becca and she seems to be in agreement that she would be okay with that. Some of the guys stop their make out sessions and just watch us in awe of the situation. You could catch flies with those mouths open like that.

  "I said no the first time, didn’t you hear me?" With that I walked off taking a few more beers with me.

  The last thing I couldn’t do is screw any of them, not after meeting the girl that I thought could never exist. I knew I would catch hell for turning them down from the guys. The only thing I can think about is my little pixie, wondering if she was safe or not.


  We finally pull up to the estate. Even though it has been so long ago, I still remember it. I step out of the car facing the two story Victorian style house. I remember grandma meeting me at the door with a plate of fresh cookies, the memory triggers other emotions. I missed them and loved them dearly and would never understand why I was kept from them. I silently grab the suit case handle and start to roll it on the cobblestone path. The movers were already here and staged the house with our stuff, I see mom signing the papers and waving them off. She was mumbling about good service, already completed before we got there. I get to the doorway and feel a buzz humming in me again. I look around for Drake because that was how I felt with him earlier. But apparently, I was just being paranoid, I guess. Since I had been here before, there was no doubt which room I was taking upstairs. I hurry up the winding stairs and can see my reflection in the hardwood floors. I make it to the last room on the right, and open the door and smile. This was one of the largest rooms with a private bath and the best view. The view overlooked the yard into the woods. Abandoning my suitcase I open the French doors leading onto the balcony. My breath hitches taking in the splendor, as a gentle breeze flows through my hair. The sun had already started to set, leaving everything with a hazy glow. The blooms and trees in and near the yard were swaying gently. I could smell their sweet perfume scent. Beyond the house and yard was a beautiful field full of wildflowers and forest that seemed to go on for miles.

  I was in awe, this was so serene and felt so safe. But, then I hear a horn honking, jolting me back to reality. I see a few men exit a black SUV, and start walking towards the house. There was one that I notice that is really cute and looks about my age. I see a smirk on his face as he glances up in my direction. What the heck, I hope he can’t see me, so I step back in my room, peeking out the side curtain to conceal myself. I wonder who they are, better yet just wait until my overbearing parents talk to them. I shrug my shoulders and I start putting my clothes away when I hear a soft knock at the door. The door slowly opens and it's my mom. I was wondering what this was all about. Then she hesitatingly asks me if I called Megan yet, which is so weird. Why would she be concerned about that, I wondered? I shook my head no, and she just lingered, this was getter stranger by the minute.

  "Gabriella I would like for you to come downstairs. Your dad and I have some people we would like you to meet," she says.

  "Friends already mom, I thought that would come later, since it has been so long since we have been here. I say to her, because honestly, I am starting to freak out this is just too much, way too soon.

  "Oh honey they are your dads’ friends that he has known since he was a boy. Stop stalling and don’t be rude, we expect you to conduct yourself like a lady and not act like a spoiled princess." She says, in a disgusted manner.

  "Ummmm ok, sure" that’s all I could say, before I said something I would regret.

  She leaves my room and as I hear her going downstairs; I suddenly release the breath that I did not realize I was holding and try to calm my nerves. This day has been so weird and I have this feeling of dread and fear that seems to be building up inside of me…What the heck is going on? I ascend the staircase and notice that the conversation suddenly stops between everyone and they all watch me walk down the stairs. I round the bottom and they finally glance away. The young guy I had seen earlier steps forward. The other men move allowing him full access.

  “Hi Gabriella I have heard so much about you, my name is Cole." He extends his hand, in which I shake, firmly. However, I do notice that I don’t feel any emotions, like I did with Drake and Aleck. Obviously I think he is cute though, he has shaggy brown hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. He was muscular as well, but and little on the short, stockier side.

  "Nice to meet you as well Cole,” I say. He was smiling like the cat that had just ate the canary. Which does not even make sense. Hello, weird boy who do you think you are…?? The other men introduce themselves and I can't help but wonder why my parents who are “anti-boy” are throwing one at me upon our arrival. Mom pipes up, because she sees me start to question it.

  "I figured Cole could give you a tour of the area since you haven't been here, in forever." I look a
t her in shock, they officially have lost it, who are these people? I think we have an alien abduction on hand here. These possibly could not be my parents.

  "Sure I would like that." I want to say no, but I knew they would be seething if I did. They finally leave after being in my dad’s study for an hour. They must have had to really catch up on things, because they came out, all tense.

  True to his word the next morning I was greeted by Cole waiting to take me on the official tour. I was excited that I was getting to escape from my parents and get to scout out a semi-new place. Cole seemed nice but something in my gut told me to stay away from him.

  "So Gabriella, what do you think so far about our awesome town?" He says smugly, I hated that he let off the jerk vibe because I finally had a new person to talk to that wasn’t my parents.

  "I mean I guess what I have seen so far has been… ok."

  "You don’t remember me do you?" He says.

  "Remember you? I don’t believe so, have we met?"

  "Yes we have, when we both were kids" he says with a smile on his face.

  "Huh, sorry I don’t remember, I seemed to have blocked almost all my memories about here from my mind." I feel bad because obviously he was hoping I did remember him.

  "I remember when we were 7 or 8 and we had just got back from school and I kissed you. You got so mad and pushed me down in the mud." He says. My mind is reeling……he kissed me and I don’t remember it. Wow, must have not been much of a kiss, then. My childhood was going from strange to more strange.

  "Sorry, I don’t remember Cole, are you sure I was the girl?" I didn’t go to school here, why would it have been me.

  "Gabby, there's no man that could forget about you. I don’t care what the situation was." His smile is even wider and he's looking at me so intensely. My creep meter is starting to go wild here.

  "Cole you’re creeping me out." I say. All the while in my mind I am thinking you don’t know me and I don’t know you, back of freak boy.

  "Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you?" He tears his gaze away looking everywhere but at me. Can you say awkward…..We continue on, starting to talk amicably, with him pointing out every place and telling me the important stuff about it. I started to relax and enjoy my time with him as the hours go by. It finally is time to go back to the house and I am glad to be getting home. I am so worn out and am on information overload. We pull in the drive and my parents are apparently gone, because there is no vehicle in insight.

  "Thanks Cole I had a great time, I appreciate the tour." I start to feel a little nervous energy move through me.

  "It was my pleasure, I enjoyed spending time with you, and it seemed like fate." He says. I am thinking, what the hell is that supposed to mean. Seems like fate spending time with me….Gag me like a maggot, is he for real!!

  "Well goodnight Cole." I slide out of his truck, I couldn’t stand one more minute with him.

  "Gabby, do you have a boyfriend?" He says suddenly.

  I was taken aback, we had just met. I mean really why was it any of his business. If I lie though my parents will tell him otherwise.

  "No I don’t, there was this guy I was really close to and I perhaps thought it might have meant more. But, in the end we remained only friends." Why the hell would I even tell him that, seriously I need to duct tape my lips shut?

  "I am glad because I’d like to date you." He says.

  My mind is totally going bonkers, SERIOUSLY DUDE, we don’t even know each other.

  “Well Cole I am flattered that you ask, but right now I am not looking to date anyone. Besides I am sure there are a string of girls that are waiting to date you." I say, trying to remain civil because I have the feeling my mom wouldn’t tolerate any different.

  "Yes there are, but I am not interested in them. I am only interested in you. Soooo….I think we owe it to ourselves to try." By this time he has exited the truck and is in front of me, which I had not really noticed until he grabs my hand and kisses it without my permission.

  "Look Cole, sorry but I don’t think so." I pull my hand from him and start walking away from the truck. But, I should have known it would not be this easy, because I can hear his footsteps walking fast behind me. Why didn’t I have mace, so I could burn creepy boy’s eyes out?

  "Gabriella our parents want to see us together, that’s why we were introduced." He says, with his breath rapidly breathing.

  "This is not the arranged date times or the…..betrothed era, learn to take a hint!!!" I spat.

  Why in the hell would my parents want me to date him? They didn’t ever want me to date any other guys. I can’t fathom why they would decide to do this? Seriously something is majorly off here. With my mind rambling on with questions, I run into the house and lock the door behind me. What a freaking creep, that’s the last time I will ever go out with him.

  I go up to my room and see my doors are open and a box is sitting on my bed. Great, someone left me a gift, this might cheer me up. I wonder who it is from. I slide the top off the box and I see lots of papers and pictures of a man and woman. Getting a strange feeling that I know them, but can’t place them is spinning in my head. If I feel that I know them, why can’t

  I remember? Could this day get any weirder? I pick up the first paper and see that it is a document, which looks like a birth certificate that says Gabriella Elizabeth Kendrick. I was Gabriella Nicole Snider. Wonder what this means? Then, I see a hand written message that says "Gabby, please don’t show this to your parents". I hear the door open downstairs and my mother’s voice. I slap the documents into the box and slam the lid on it and shove it under my bed. I hear the creaking of steps and just know they are almost at my door. So I fling myself across the bed looking at my phone, when my mom and dad both appear in the doorway.

  "Hey honey, how was your tour?" She smiles.

  "Uh let's just say that Cole is a creep, I won’t be around him anymore." I see my dad’s face turn dark and mom’s frown.

  "Gabriella, Cole is a nice man don’t act childish" my mom crosses her arms.

  "He most certainly is not, and besides I get to choose my own friends. Furthermore, I don’t appreciate you guys playing matchmaker." I cross my arms in defiance, scowling at them.

  "Young lady you’re crossing a thin line, here." My dad says, his face blotchy red.

  "No dad I have to draw the line somewhere." I was thinking damn, I finally got ass in my britches, was I really saying this to my parents.

  "Fine Gabriella, let’s do this the hard way then. If you do not spend time with Cole when he wants, then you get zero money for college." My mom shakes her head confirming her stance. I was sooooo mad at this point I couldn’t even think. One thing was for sure something was majorly going on here and I was thinking this mystery box could possibly help me figure it out. I knew without a shadow of a doubt I needed to get away from them. College being my only way out. So I knew I had to play the game, until I could figure this out.

  "Whatever, please leave my room" I seethe.

  "We will leave not because you told us to, we will allow you time to think it over and Gabby let’s hope you make the right choice." He says and then they left the room.

  Oh boy, what they fell to remember is my brain is hard wired to defy; reality check people, I am still a teenager. I never had a strong connection with them, ever. While, I am thinking on this I remember the mystery box. I open the box once more and look at the picture of the mysterious woman. I begin to ache a little in my chest, realizing a connection here. My mind drifts to Drake on how a total stranger he was, but I still felt a connection with him. Then there is Cole who I feel nothing for, and is totally giving off the stalker vibe. A chill races down my spine just thinking about Cole and his piercing gaze, like he is going to pounce anytime. Also, let’s not forget Aleck, he became really strange before he left. I remember him saying over and over, about things I did not understand. I was beginning to think that somehow all this was intertwined, but my mind was fraught. I really need
to get out this crazy house.

  The next day Cole was already waiting for me downstairs at the breakfast table. I was totally shocked, to say the least. I felt trapped in this new lifestyle without choice. My mind drifts back to the photos and birth certificate that were left for me, yesterday. I believe they were clues to something. But what exactly? I mean the only similarities were the first names. Could it be that my name was really not my name, and who is the mystery person who left them for me to see? One thing for sure is that if my parents are not my real parents, who is then? How did my parents now end up with me? I decided to just play along until I figured out the whole mess. I go to the breakfast table and sit by Cole. He leans into me with a side hug, I cringe. I plaster a smile on my face to fool my parents and him. My parents look pleased at my intentions and breakfast continues as normal. I am just trying to stay quiet, and focus on my breakfast, but Cole has other ideas.

  “You look beautiful this morning Gabby.” I want to puke, I think I’d rather take my chances with the chainsaw guy.

  “Thanks Cole,” I muster, with another fake ass smile on my face. My look is submissive and coy. Man, I should get an Oscar for this performance.

  “So what would you like to do today?” Seriously, I had to spend the day with him again, give me a break.

  “I haven’t thought about it actually, I have a lot of things to get started on.” I was truly lying through my teeth, but who could blame me.

  “Maybe we can go and meet my parents?” He suggests as he reaches across the table to hold my hand. I take a deep intake of breath, how can this be happening to me? I close my eyes for a moment and think, please take me to Munchkin Land, I am tired of reality. I think I could deal better with the wicked witch of the East, right about now. I start to laugh at the silliness of this, but that is the only thing that is helping me hold it together right now.

  My dad clears his throat and speaks. I know that I will have to do this no matter what.

  “Actually that sounds like a wonderful idea since you both will be living together soon.” He looks menacing and alarm bells are going off in every direction.


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