Alexandria and Lance

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Alexandria and Lance Page 5

by Ayoola Olafenwa


  Alexandria and Lance woke up the next day, before Cyril went to work he warned them about leaving the house, because Glen had appointed some members of Pamsi to monitor everywhere in Jimbland in order to get any stranger that came to Jimbland and take them to Glen. They promised Cyril that they will remain indoors and he went to work. An hour after Cyril left, Alexandria discussed with Lance, telling him that they cannot stay in Cyril’s house forever and they should make sure they find their way back to Galmine. Lance agreed with his sister and said “You are right, our parents and grandmother would have been in great trouble and they will be searching for us everywhere.” They went out and decided to ask anybody they came across to help them back to Galmine. They asked from many people they came across if they knew the way to Galmine but none of them knew. They did this till close to evening and then quickly returned back to Cyril’s house. It was not more than five minutes that they returned that Cyril returned back from work. The second day they did the same after Cyril had gone to work. Both Alexandria and Lance had discussed that if they couldn’t find anybody who can show them the way back to Galmine they will inform Cyril that they will manage to find their way back to Galmine and leave Jimbland. That day, it seemed as if their dream of returning back to Galmine had come true. As they were going on the way they met a group of three persons “what are you looking for?” these people asked from them. “We are looking for anyone who can show us the way back to Galmine because we lost our way while going to Galmine” they explained to these people. These people promised to show them the way back to Galmine. They were very happy that they finally found someone that would help them return to Galmine. However, they noticed that these people were taking them towards the king’s palace and they suspected that they were members of Pamsi that Glen had appointed to monitor any stranger in Jimbland. “Why are you taking us to the king’s palace” Lance asked them. They replied him that the king wants to see them first and after the king has seen them, they will take them to Galmine. They became frightened, “Please do not turn us to slaves because we are strangers, we didn’t intend to come to Jimbland, it is because we lost our way back to Galmine that we accidentally came to Jimbland” Alexandria begged these people. “We are not going to hurt you, the king just wants to see you” These people assured them. They took them to Glen. “What are you looking for in Jimbland? It is known that strangers are not allowed in Jimbland, there is no stranger that can hide from me,” Glen talked to them rashly. They were not the only the strangers there, there were about six more strangers. Alexandria and Lance elucidated to Glen what made them come to Jimbland. Glen ignored their explanations and he ordered them to be taken to the slave home. This was very disgusting, Alexandria and Lance knew that they had reached the nadir of their lives and nothing as worse as this had happened to them in their lives. The slave home was full of several people, everything was so jam-packed. Lance and Alexandria and some people were taken to a place where food was used to make bricks. This is the occupation of some people in Jimbland but Glen employed few people in Jimbland and he decided to use strangers as slaves to do all the job in his palace. They were not allowed to eat in this food and they were given food once in a day. All forms of dirty job was done by these slaves and the older people were made to do the herculean tasks. The main reason why Glen maltreated the strangers that came to Jimbland is because he knew how they were able to take over Jimbland and to prevent Jimbland from being taken from them by any invader. He knew that the maltreatment of strangers will prevent foreigners from coming to Jimbland.

  Roy and his family were still searching for their children but never found them. Cyril was very worried when he got home and he didn’t meet them and he went out to search for them. He was afraid that it might have been known to the Pamsi members that there are some strangers with him and they might have come to take them to the palace. He searched everywhere but he couldn’t find them. At night, he returned home and he decided to go to the palace the next day. Very early in the morning Cyril rose up and he went to the palace but he was not allowed into the palace because Glen didn’t sent for him and he went home sad. After three days of slavery Alexandria and Lance could not endure this terrible situation again. One day Alexandria started to cry, “Don’t worry everything is going to be alright, one day we shall be out of this slave home and find our way back home.” Lance consoled his sister. The maltreatment of the people of Jimbland continued and when they could no longer endure it, they all gathered themselves to see Glen to talk to him that he should stop maltreating them. Glen talked to the people and said “I am your king, I can treat you any how I like and if you continue to be against my rule I have the authority to place a spell on Jimbland and Jimbland will suffer from drought forever”. One of these people told him that if the whole of Jimbland suffered from drought, he and the Pamsi shall also suffer from drought. Glen replied that he will not suffer from the famine, he brought out a crystal box and he showed it to everyone and said “This crystal box is not an ordinary substance, it consists of dust and wherever the dust is released the place will suffer from drought. You have all been fooled, there is no magical spell, it was so easy for we Pamsi to deceive the whole of Jimbland with a little trick that they were placed on a spell. I have the power to control this crystal box and it will only release the quantity of dust that it is required to affect the rest of Jimbland and my palace will not be affected. If you come to my palace and complain to me again I will put this crystal box in a hidden place where no one knows in Jimbland and you shall all suffer from drought while I and the rest of Pamsi will be enjoying in the palace.” Everyone was surprised and shocked beyond words and they all went home sad. Alexandria and Lance were watching this event “If it is possible for anyone to get hold of this crystal box and destroy it” Lance told his sister. “It is not possible for anyone to get that crystal box and destroy it. What matters most to us is to find our way out of this palace and find our way home” Alexandria said to his brother. They continued living in this slave home hoping that one day they will find their way back home likewise their parents were hoping that one day they will see their lost children.

  After two days the people of Jimbland held a meeting and they concluded among themselves that Glen and the Pamsi might be tricking them again that the crystal box is responsible for the cause of drought in Jimbland. They therefore agreed among themselves that Glen and the Pamsi is by no means behind the cause of the drought in Jimbland and decided to go to the palace the next day and inform Glen that they cannot be tricked again and he and the Pamsi should get out of Jimbland or else they will make Jimbland very difficult for him to govern. The next day, they all trooped to the palace and they told Glen flat that he and Pamsi were not responsible for the drought that they cannot be deceived again by his crystal box and he and the Pamsi should get out of Jimbland or they will make it difficult for him to govern them. Glen was very annoyed with the people of Jimbland, he showed them the crystal box and he told them that he will make sure that they all suffered from drought. He ordered some members of the Pamsi to take the crystal box outside the palace accompanied by some guards. When it was known to the people that Glen had sent out the members of Pamsi to put the crystal box in Jimbland there was disorderliness in the palace, with everyone rushing out of the palace to know where they were going to put this crystal box. During this state of pandemonium Alexandria and Lance managed to escape from the slave home and found their way out of the palace. They very were happy that they were finally out of the palace, the whole Jimbland was also full of chaos due to this event. It seemed as if Glen sent the Pamsi members to put this crystal box in an imaginary place in Jimbland, no one knew where the Pamsi members had gone to put the crystal box. Some had the fear that it might be true that the crystal box is responsible for the drought while others thought that the crystal box was just another trick by Glen. At last the Pamsi members put the crystal box where Glen ordered them to put it and immediately a great storm fell upon th
e whole land, everywhere became dry and everyone started to run into their various homes. As Glen had said that his palace won’t be affected by the drought, the storm did not extend to his palace.

  Alexandria and Lance were also running for their lives and as they were running, they saw the Pamsi’s members escorted with guards coming out of a bush located at the extreme end of Jimbland. “It must be inside that bush they put the crystal box” Lance told Alexandria. “Nothing concerns us with where they put the crystal box what matters most to us is to find our way back home” Alexandria replied Lance. “I am going into that bush to destroy that crystal box” Lance said to Alexandria. “Please do not try anything funny, you should not dare to go to into that bush” Alexandria warned Lance. Lance did not listen to his sister. He began to run towards this bush and Alexandria was also running after him shouting at him that he should stop and the storm became stronger and stronger and she couldn’t see very well because of the stormy sand and she had to hide under a tree. She wondered at the great power of the crystal box that had caused such a great problem in Jimbland and she became very frightened of what will befall Lance if he went into the bush but she couldn’t look for Lance because of the storm. Lance continued to run in this terrible storm, getting closer to the bush and he finally entered into it. The storm was extremely great in the bush. He became completely sure that the crystal box is inside the bush. Despite this storm he walked through the bush whether he will find the crystal box. He continued to walk through the storm. As he was walking through the bush he reached under a tall tree which is probably the tallest tree in the bush, the storm was greatest under this tree. He thought that the crystal box might be put on this tree. He managed to look up in this terrible storm and he saw something strange on the top of the tree. The thing was sparkling like a crystal, Lance immediately knew that it is the crystal box. The tree is a tall tree with different branches. Lance was extremely determined to get his hands on this crystal box he tried to climb this tree with the help of the branches. This wasn’t his first time of climbing trees. He loved climbing trees when he was still young and he recalled what happened to him that made him decide not to climb a tall tree again in his life. Now he is stronger and he didn’t allow what happened to him in the past to intimidate him not to climb the tree. He climbed the tree despite the difficulty and finally got to its top where the crystal box is located. He took this crystal box and he climbed the tree down, he smashed it on the floor and a great wave came out of this crystal box and pushed him away and the crystal box broke into pieces. At the same time, the storm that fell upon Jimbland stopped instantly, everywhere in Jimbland returned back to normal and no one knew what stopped the storm.

  Alexandria was still hiding under a tree and when the storm had stopped, she quickly rose up and began to run towards the bush. Lance still remained in the bush severely wounded and noticed that the storm had stopped and suddenly a man arrived at the scene. The man said “Do not worry I will help you, I am one of the guards that escorted the Pamsi members, I saw you when you were running into this bush and I followed you.” he proceeded “I saw you when you climbed the tree and took the crystal box and smashed it on the floor”. The guard packed the remains of the crystal box that scattered on the ground and he assured him that he will tell the people of Jimbland what he had done to the crystal box. He took Lance outside the bush, as Alexandria was running she sited Lance afar of and increased her speed to quickly meet him. “What! What has happened to you? You are seriously wounded you must quickly get treated” Alexandria said frighteningly. “Do not worry Alexandria, I have destroyed the crystal box” Lance said happily. The guard showed her the pieces of the crystal box, she was perplexed and couldn’t utter a word, wondering how it was possible for Lance to destroy the crystal box. The guard called many people together in Jimbland and he explained to them how Lance destroyed the crystal box. The people were flabbergasted and wondered that a boy like Lance could destroy the crystal box and they decided to go to the palace to inform Glen of what had happened to the crystal box. When Glen saw the people of Jimbland in his palace he thought that they had come to beg him so that he can put an end to the drought. These people informed Glen that they have rejected him as their king and will punish him and other members of Pamsi. They further told him that they will make the person who destroyed the crystal box their new king and they showed him the pieces of the crystal box. Alexandria and Lance couldn’t imagine what they heard and Lance wondered if it is possible for him to become a king for just destroying the crystal box. Glen told them that the destruction of the crystal box will not put an end to his ruling and he ordered his guards to take all the people to the prison. The guards refused his order and they told him that they can no longer accept him as their king and instead they took all the members of Pamsi including Glen to the prison.

  All the people of Jimbland agreed to make Lance their king because he is their hero who saved them from the ruling of the Pamsi. A week after, Lance was made the new king of Jimbland, he and his sister were surprised beyond words, they never thought that such a great thing can happen to them and they wished that their parents were there. The day of coronation was an unforgettable day in Jimbland, there was plenty of food since the town is blessed with great food. Lance promised the people that his ruling will favour everyone in Jimbland. One of the first thing he did as a king is to free the strangers who had been used as slaves and he allowed them to stay in Jimbland. He also returned the belongings which had been taken over by Glen to the people and he used the former place which was used as palace before Glen extended the palace to half of Jimbland. This made everyone in Jimbland very happy, they were glad that they have a good king that won’t terrorise them and any stranger that comes to visit them. Alexandria and Lance were now living in the palace and they wished to see their parents and their grandmother. There is a particular man called Jed who also lives in the palace and knows almost all the places in the world. Lance told this man to take them to Lemna. Here in Lemna Roy and his family did not know what their children had become in Jimbland and they remained in despair whether they will see their children again and Kian also had the same feeling. Alexandria and Lance wasted no time in going to visit their parents and Jed took them to Lemna. They were very happy to be back to Lemna after a very long period of time. They went straight to their parent’s house and they came on horses accompanied with a number of guards. Everybody in Lemna was surprised to see them, they knew that it is a king that came to Lemna but they wondered who the king was, it had been known to them that Alexandria and Lance had been lost. The news spread rapidly throughout Lemna that a king from another town came to Lemna and it was immediately known to Elmer.

  They reached their parent’s house finally, their mother was the first to see them through the window, she couldn’t believe what she saw and she thought that it must be a vision. She rushed out of the house to have a better view of what she saw outside and she realised truly that it is reality. She was the happiest in the world to see her lost children and she hugged them and cried tears of joy. By this time Roy had come out and he saw his children, he was very happy and he hugged them. Roy impatiently asked “Where have you been to since all this period? We have searched everywhere for you. Lance why did you dress special like a king and who are these people that followed you?” “It is a very long story, let us go inside and discuss” Lance replied his father “Is it the people that followed you that brought you back to Lemna” their mother asked them. Alexandria said “Mother do not worry yourself, let us go inside and discuss”. Lance told his guards and Jed to stay outside and he entered into the house with his family. When they got inside Lance informed his parents that he is now the king of Jimbland, his parents couldn’t understand what he meant that he is the king of Jimbland. “Which place is called Jimbland and how did you became their king” Roy asked his son. Lance narrated to them how he and Alexandria went to the Relaxation centre with Kian and they didn’t follow Kian home at t
he right time and they were unable to find their way back to Galmine. He further narrated their journey through the forest, how they finally got to Jimbland, what they suffered in Jimbland as slaves, how he saved Jimbland from the ruling of the Pamsi and how the people of Jimbland made him their king. Their parents were perplexed and they couldn’t utter a word, finally, their mother said “We are extremely happy to see you but we are astounded by what you and Alexandria passed through and how you became the king of Jimbland. If we knew Jimbland we would have come to Jimbland to search for you”. Alexandria informed her mother that Jimbland is the “Blessed town” and the people outside were the guards that accompanied them to Lemna. Roy said to Alexandria “I still find it hard to believe that Lance is the king of the “Blessed town”. “We are happy that we see our children and that Lance is now the king of “Blessed town” Roy said happily. Lance reminded his father what he explained to him concerning the “Blessed town” when he was still a kid. “I never knew that my son will have the opportunity to become the king of the ‘”Blessed town” Roy said laughing happily. “How is my grandmother and Kian” Lance asked Roy. “My mother and Kian helped us to search everywhere for you and they have been in a very sad mood” Roy replied his son. Lance and Alexandria told their parents that they were in hurry to see them.

  Soon, someone knocked on their door, Roy got up and opened the door for the person. The man said “I am a messenger from Elmer, he heard that a king came to visit you and he wished to see the king”. Roy was surprised, Lance listened to their discussion and he got up and said “I am the king”. “Elmer, the king of Lemna wants to see you” said the messenger. Lance and his guards including his parents went to see Elmer in his palace. “You are the king of what town and what have you come to do in Lemna?” Elmer asked Lance. “I am the king of Jimbland and I have come to Lemna to visit my parents” Lance answered Elmer. Elmer was surprised and said happily “Lemna must be very lucky that a king from Jimbland can pay her a visit, we welcomed you freely to Lemna and the whole of Lemna will be very happy to trade with you”. Lance explained everything to him, how he got to Jimbland and how he saved them from the ruling of Pamsi and became their king. Elmer was astonished at his explanation and said “I have once heard that Jimbland was ruled by a king whose ruling made life difficult for everyone, who maltreated strangers that came to Jimbland, I didn’t see anything wrong in it because I always had the belief that a ruler should not always make life comfortable for his people or else they will take him for granted but my belief has been changed by how you became the king of Jimbland, the people that are appreciated most are the ones that risk their lives for the benefits of other people and they are the ones that are fit to be leaders” Lance and his family were extremely surprised and happy to hear this from Elmer. Lance said “I will be very happy if Lemna and Jimbland can be business partners”. Although Lemna is a land rich in agriculture but its food production is little compared to that of Jimbland. Lance had a lengthy discussion with Elmer on good leadership, later Lance and his family accompanied with his guards and Jed went to Galmine.

  Their grandmother was extremely happy and she embraced them happily. Kian lived near the grandmother’s house, he came out and was surprised to see Alexandria and Lance and he embraced them happily. Lance and Alexandria apologised to Kian for not following him home the day they went to the Relaxation Centre but he told them not to worry about what had happened in the past, telling them that he is the happiest in the world to see both of them. Lance explained to his grandmother and Kian what they passed through and how he was made the king of Jimbland. They felt amazed and very happy that Lance is the king of Jimbland. They all went to Jimbland including Kian, Roy informed his son that he had never been to Jimbland. It was a long journey to Jimbland, after some hours, they got to the palace. Roy and his family had never seen such a beautiful palace in their life, everything was so magnificent. Lance and Alexandria and their family went to see Cyril and thanked him so much. Cyril was very happy to meet Lance’s family. Lance allowed Cyril to live in his palace. Jimbland and Lemna truly became good business partners. Elmer learned from Lance and he decided to change his attitude towards his people and ruled favourably in Lemna which made life comfortable for everyone in Lemna. The whole family lived in the palace but Kian returned back to his family in Galmine and they all lived happily in the palace.


  Ayoola Olafenwa is a young Christian born on October 9, 1998 in Ota Ogun State Nigeria. She is a preacher, writer, poet and student. She has a great passion for influencing lives positively and spends much of her time preaching the Gospel of Christ.




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