Half Shelled Heart (Oyster Cove, #2)

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Half Shelled Heart (Oyster Cove, #2) Page 7

by Foor, Jennifer

  “I deserve that. At least it’s off my chest.” He jumps into his truck, yet doesn’t close the door. “I gotta get back to Leigh. She’s making dinner and forgot some of the ingredients. She’s famous for it.”

  I nod, still trying to hide my dismay. “It happens.”

  He closes his door and as we both start to be on our way he rolls down his window. “For what it’s worth, I did love you, Jamie. I don’t know what you’re going through with your life, but I think after all this time you should know that. It changes nothing, but for my own personal reasons I needed to say it. Have a good night.”

  And just like that, Brant drives away, leaving me in a pool of misery and heartbreak all over again.

  Chapter 10


  I had to do it. I couldn’t go for another day letting her think I was a terrible person. I suppose in many ways I still am in her eyes, but at least she doesn’t think I’m a cheater. Now that it’s off my chest I feel like a weight has been lifted.

  By the time I’m back at the apartment Leigh is ready to give me the third degree. I decide I need to tell her the truth, because it’s better than lying about what’s taken me so long to grab butter and Greek yogurt.

  “Did you have to go to Food Lion or something?” That store is off the island, which would make sense for the time I’ve been gone.

  “No. I ran into someone and we talked for a few minutes. It’s not like I was gone a half hour.”

  “Who was the friend? Anyone I know?” I can sense that Leigh has been a bit on edge since she learned about Jamie being back. It’s not like I’ve been sneaking away for secret meetings, but now that I’m aware she knows Jamie’s assistant there is little I can keep from her without causing a huge falling out.

  “It was Jamie. I saw her in the parking lot when I was leaving. We only talked for a few minutes.”

  “The old girlfriend, huh? Should I be worried?”

  A guffaw escapes me. “Not at all.” I wrap my arms around her as she stirs something on the stove. “Just being friendly that’s all.”

  “Don’t be too friendly,” she says as she turns to face me. “I don’t feel like fighting for my man.”

  “That could be extremely entertaining though. Add some mud, or Jell-O and all my dreams could come true.”

  She playfully shoves me away. “You would say something like that. Keep your fantasies to yourself.”

  I smack her on the ass. “You owe me nookie, by the way. You said if I went to the store you’d give me whatever I want. Tonight. Ten sharp. Be in bed.”

  “I’ll be asleep. I have homework and then I need to rest.”

  “Five minutes max, and that’s with foreplay.”

  She shakes her head while refusing to turn away from the boiling pot. “I’ll give you ten just to sweeten the deal. I wouldn’t want you going elsewhere for ass.”

  I grab both of her butt cheeks and shake them. “I wouldn’t. I’ve got enough right here.”

  “You better.”

  The following morning Leigh is up before the sun rises. She showers and gathers her things before heading out the door without kissing me goodbye. I’m not into feeling suspicious, but it’s unlike her, so she’s either mad at me or something is wrong.

  The first thing I do is sit up in bed and call her to check. When I hear her phone ringing in the other room I realize she’s left it at home. Now I’ll have to wait until she returns to figure out what’s going on.

  Working on the water is distracting. My brothers’ try to make the best of the workday, playing jokes on each other and giving us a hard time. When it’s time to pull in our catch I know I only have a few more hours before Leigh comes home and my worries will be put to rest.

  I no sooner walk in the door when her phone is ringing. I ignore the first call, seeing that it’s an unknown number. Using my own device, I look up the number without a name and discover it’s a hospital. My nerves go into overdrive when I consider she could be in danger. The phone rings again with the same number, so I answer it.


  “I’m looking for Leigh Clarke.”

  “She’s not here at the moment. Can I take a message?”

  “I’m sorry sir, I’m not allowed to give out personal information at this time.”

  “Can you tell me if she’s okay at least?”

  The call ends. Now I’m freaking out, so I plug in her password and start going through her phone. There isn’t much until I get to her text messages to her best friend. The things I’m reading make my stomach twist.

  Are you sure you’re ready for tomorrow? – Dee

  Yes. I need to get it over with. If he finds out he’ll try to change my mind. – Leigh

  Okay. Be at my house at seven and I’ll drive you there. I’m going to work on my project while you’re having the procedure done. Are you scared? – Dee

  No. It just sucks I’ve had to go through this twice now. I hate the cramps that come afterwards. Plus I feel bad when I’m around him. He wants kids, but I’m not sure I do. I like having the freedom to do what I want. – Leigh

  Totally get it. I’ll see you soon, girl. No worries. I’ll be your driver and take care of you. – Dee

  Thanks. I’m leaving in five. – Leigh

  I read it over and over again, finally taking a picture of the conversation from my phone to show my brother. If this is what I think it is then I have no idea how I’m supposed to handle it.

  The quick drive to my parent’s house makes me more angry. By the time I step inside and see my step-mom Alice, I’m about to blow a gasket. “Brant. I didn’t expect you. Everything okay?”

  “Where’s Dad?”

  “He and your brothers went to winterize the sailboat. What’s wrong?”

  I take out my phone and pull up the pictures of the conversation before handing it to her. “Read this and tell me what you think it is.”

  I watch her eyes widen as she takes in the whole conversation. “This is Leigh’s phone?”

  “Yeah. She accidentally left it home.”

  “I know what it sounds like, but...”

  “She’s pregnant right? She’s going to get an abortion? Apparently this is the second one?”

  “So it seems.”

  I spin around cursing. “Damn her. What the hell?”

  “You didn’t know anything?”

  “Not at all. She’s been on me about moving, and even acting jealous about Jamie, but not a mention about being pregnant. I didn’t notice a test. She hasn’t been sick, not that I’ve noticed.” I run my hand through my hair. I’m so damn angry I could easily put my fist through a wall. “I can’t believe this. She’s been on me about trust and goes and does something like this behind my back.”

  “I’m sorry,” Alice tries to comfort me.

  I’m shaking my head. “No. Don’t be.”

  “What are you going to do?” She asks as I start to exit.

  “I don’t have a clue. Keep the couch open for me. I have a feeling I’m going to need it.”

  Not wanting a lot of people to know what’s going on, I head to the bar to have a drink and figure out how I’m going to approach this. I love Leigh. I want a future with her, but this kind of betrayal makes me feel sick. She’s been keeping this a secret. She probably has no intention of ever telling me, and it’s not even the first time. It’s possible she’s taken the lives of two of my children, before they had a chance to be born. I want to hurt something, because I know if I hold in this anger much longer I’m going to burst.

  A few hours later I’m stumbling to my truck. I know I shouldn’t drive, and that the bartender is probably calling someone downstairs to get me before I can get behind the wheel wasted. My phone tells me I have eight missed calls from Leigh, though I refuse to call her back. The thought of hearing her gentle voice makes me cringe. I’m furious over this. It’s enough to make me question our future. I feel betrayed in the worst way, so I decide to walk it off. I’ll take a stride throug
h town until I make it to Oyster Cove and call it a night.

  Except that’s not where my drunken feet take me. A few minutes after starting my journey I’m standing outside of Jamie’s house. Feeling like the whole world is crashing down on me, I decide to knock, because my belligerent self needs to hear her say she forgives me. I need something positive to outweigh the devastation I’m experiencing.

  She opens the door wide eyed and annoyed. “What are you doing here?”

  “We need to talk, woman. I ain’t leaving until you let me in.” I’m swinging my arms around as I talk and I swear it’s making me rock back and forth, but I can’t be too sure in my current state.

  She crosses her arms. “Have you been drinking?”

  I take two fingers and spread them an inch apart. “Maybe I’ve had this much.”

  Her eyes roll. “I’m betting it’s a little more than that, Brant.”

  “You going to let me in or not?”

  “You’re drunk. I’m not in the mood to have a conversation with someone who is basically incoherent.”

  “Jamie Sorenson. In the flesh. Back in town. It’s my worst nightmare. My eyes defy me. She’s as stubborn as she was when we were together.”

  “Not stubborn enough apparently. Go home Brant.”

  I shake my head. “Nah. I don’t want to go home to that lying bitch right now.”

  “Wow, you really know how to be an asshole, don’t you? You’re bad mouthing your future wife.”

  I sit down on her steps and burst into a laughing fit. “Future wife. Yeah, just what I need; a wife who lies and breaks my heart. She’s a real piece of work.”

  “Whatever. You have no idea what you’re saying. Go home and sleep it off.”

  I refuse to move. “Not leaving until we talk.”

  “We are talking and you don’t make a lick of sense.”

  “Let me in so I can explain.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “You know you want to.” It’s the alcohol talking. I’d never taunt her.

  Jamie goes back into her house and closes the door on me. I’m distraught, so I’ve already made up my mind that I’m not leaving. At this point I can’t even remember why I’m here or what I wanted to say.

  After waiting for what feels like an hour, which is probably five minutes, I walk around back and start beating on her screen door.

  She opens it and shakes her head. “I’m going to call the cops.”

  “Don’t. We’re friends. They’ll tell you to let me in.”

  “They will not,” she argues.

  “Yeah, they will. Come on. I won’t bite. I just need to...”

  She opens the door to allow me to step inside. “Five minutes Brant. I’ll make you a cup of coffee for the road.”

  Once inside I look around. I’ve been in here before but she’s changed a lot. She leads me to the kitchen table in the back of the house where I entered and pulls out a chair for me. “Sit down.”

  I watch her putting a cup under the Keurig and starting to brew the coffee. She turns with her arms folded across her chest. “I can’t believe you’re drunk and in my kitchen.”

  “I could have been a father.” It comes out easily, which is unfortunate. I’m not sure I need to be telling Jamie my problems.

  “What? Maybe it’s better if you don’t talk until you sober up. You can still be a father. You’re getting married soon.”

  “No. You don’t get it. I could have been a father. I didn’t know about it. I can’t go home. I’ll say things I might not mean. Maybe I will mean them.”

  “Brant, you’re not making any sense at all.”

  “Leigh. She lied to me. She’s a liar.”

  I can tell I’m amusing her, like my undoing is her personal entertainment. Coming here was obviously a mistake I’ll regret in the morning. “What did she lie about?”

  “She killed my kid. She didn’t want it, so she made sure the problem went away.”

  As soon as I say it I watch her demeanor change. She’s concerned and aware, while her eyes never leave mine. Then I see a fire ignite and what she says next reveals a side of Jamie I’ve never witnessed before.

  “Get out of my house!”

  Chapter 11


  I’ve never been so mad, felt this betrayed in all life. This drunk bastard thinks he can come in here and mock my situation by twisting it around to be his own problem. Obviously Avery ran her mouth to Leigh, which in turn got back to Brant. I’m angry. I feel like there’s no one I can turn to here on the island. My secrets have been shared. I hate myself for trusting.

  I watch Brant pout as he leaves my yard. It was a mistake letting him inside. I’m not sure if he’ll be able to manage making it home, and frankly I don’t even care. I’m humiliated.

  Nothing can deter me from breaking down. I spend the rest of the night distraught and at a loss for words. By morning I’m still angry, so much that I shoot Avery a message telling her we need to talk as soon as she arrives to work.

  She comes into the room, unsuspecting. “What’s up, Jamie? Has the schedule changed?”

  I shake my head. “No. Please sit down. There’s something I need to say to you.”

  Her innocent gaze isn’t going to prevent this conversation from happening. I’ve told no one else about my divorce or the reasons behind it. “This is about trusting you with personal information.”

  “Okay. I told you that you could count on me.”

  “Cut the innocence. I know you told Leigh about my divorce and what I went through.”

  “What?” She stands, displaying a defensive demeanor. “I didn’t tell anyone. I swear. I wouldn’t do that.”

  “No one else knew. Maybe you did it by accident, or somehow thought you were helping, but you made my life uncomfortable.”

  “Jamie, I swear to you, I didn’t tell a soul.”

  I can’t bring myself to believe her. How else would Brant know about my business? “I think it’s best if you take a couple days off.”

  “Please don’t do this. I need the money.”

  “I’m sorry. I need time to get over this. As you already know, I have trouble trusting people. My business is out for everyone to talk about now. I’m hurt. I feel betrayed.”

  “It wasn’t me,” she continues to plead. “I haven’t spoken to Leigh in days. Your friendship means more to me.”

  “I appreciate you saying that, but my mind won’t be changed. I’ll message you tomorrow when I can calm down.”

  “What about your scheduled patients?”

  “I’ll manage.”

  Avery is crying when she leaves the animal hospital. In a way I feel sorry for her. I know what it’s like to be young and hear a juicy story. As humans we’re inclined to communicate and this island loves to gossip, especially the old folks.

  My day is crazy. By the time I close up shop I’m ready for bed. I no sooner change into my pajamas when I hear someone knocking at the door. Reluctant to answer it, I can’t avoid the chance that an animal is needing immediate attention. My uncle wasn’t too keen on cell phones, so in the evenings people would show up at his door to get his attention.

  My stomach knots up when I realize it’s Brant. “Can’t you take a hint? I need you to leave, right now, Brant. I’ve tried to be nice, but you stepped over a line last night.”

  He waves his hands around. “Hear me out, okay?”

  He’s messing with his neck, like he’s injured it. The doctor in me gets distracted as he continues speaking.

  “Last night is a bit foggy, but I remember enough. I have no idea what I said to make you so angry.”

  “You mocked my life, Brant.” I’m already furious. “You took my past and twisted it around, like you were somehow making fun of me.”

  “What?” Why does he appear confused?

  “You literally took my story and turned it around. Who does that? I can’t look at you. You make me sick.”

  Before I turn fully in order to close th
e door on his face, he breaks the distance between us and pushes past me. Once inside he throws his hands in the air. “Hold up. I’m confused. Last night I had a lot to drink. I shouldn’t have brought my problems to you, but it happened. Whatever you think I’ve done you’re mistaken. Yesterday I found out Leigh was having an abortion. She left her phone at home and I saw some messages.” His face contorts as he struggles to explain. “I didn’t even know she was pregnant.”

  My hand goes over my mouth. This. Is. Not. What. I. Expected. Last night he was telling the truth. I feel like a fool. All I heard was my story being retold, but I misconstrued the entire situation. Brant wasn’t at my door to mess with me. He was hurting and reaching out to anyone who would listen. “I thought...”

  He doesn’t let me finish. “It’s fine. I was drunk and you probably thought I was being a dick.”

  “No. It’s not that.” The room is silent for a second. It’s awkward. My cheeks flush as I consider asking him to stay for a minute. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know.”

  Like we’re old friends, I lead Brant inside the living room and sit down across from him. He rubs his hands on the legs of his jeans. “It’s still not real. You’re the only person who knows. I couldn’t bring myself to talk about it at work today. I’ve been avoiding all of her phone calls, and refuse to go back to the apartment we share. I don’t even know if I can look at her right now.”

  “You didn’t know she was pregnant?” I need him to tell me again.

  “No. Worst of all, her messages said this was her second pregnancy. Why would she keep it from me? I get that she isn’t ready, but that’s my kid, or was. God, I don’t know what to call it.”

  “I’m sorry I was harsh last night. I thought Avery ran her mouth to Leigh.”

  “About what?” He inquires.

  I fidget while getting the courage to talk about it again. “My story. My reason for coming to the island. It’s similar. I thought you were making fun of me.”

  “Why would I do that to you? Jamie, do you think that I would purposely want to hurt you?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  He leans forward and stares me right in my struggling eyes. “All I’ve ever wanted to do was take away the hurt I caused you. I’d never make fun of you. I respect you.”


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