Lassoed by Love (The Cowboys of BlueSong Series Book 3)

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Lassoed by Love (The Cowboys of BlueSong Series Book 3) Page 11

by Rose Verde

  She accepted the call. “Good morning, sir.”

  “Can you come to the office?”

  She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, warmth seeping through her suit. “Is there a problem?”

  If there was, Nick wouldn't sound so happy, but she needed to know. He hadn't called her since she left the company last week.

  “I'll be waiting,” he said.

  The phone went dead in her ear. Trust Nick to behave like that.

  She hadn't missed working with him at all. Luckily, his company was just a few blocks down the road.

  She arrived minutes later, panting. A blue truck sat in front of the company's entrance that looked just like Wyatt’s. She frowned. What would he be doing here?

  Her pulse sped up and she scolded herself to stop being ridiculous. Even though it looked like his truck, there had to be thousands more that looked just the same. Even if it was, he was probably here for something else. Had he read her email? She swallowed the ball of ache that rose in her throat every time she thought about the fact that he obviously wasn't giving her another chance.

  She'd be fine, eventually. Time healed wounds. Didn't it?

  Crissy pushed through the door and entered.

  Becca gave her two thumbs up. The others also had curious looks in their eyes. Shrugging it off, she made the short walk to Nick’s office.

  She recognized that cologne anywhere. It seemed to hang over the clothes she wore the last couple of weeks. Or she imagined it. Standing at the door, she took in a couple of deep breaths to coral her runaway feelings, then stepped into the room. “Wyatt, what are you doing here?”

  She hoped her surprise didn’t show in her voice. Thinking he was here and seeing him, were two different things. She didn't like the way her heart pounded away as his blue gaze held hers. His blond bangs had grown longer, hanging over his eyes. Handsome as ever. Breathe!

  He rose, smiling. “I came to see Nick and to give my consent for the article.”

  “He's also agreed to get his friends to feature for us.”

  “Us? What do you mean? I no longer work for you.”

  He pushed her letter across the table. “Here it is. You have forty eight hours to think about it.”

  “Are you giving me an ultimatum yet again? I'd rather not take it back. Just because you two have reached an understanding, what has that got to do with me?” she asked, not looking at Wyatt.

  His proximity was affecting her ability to think.

  “Crissy, can we go somewhere and talk?”

  She glanced at him then. The plea in his eyes was her undoing. She turned her gaze to Nick. “You wanted to see me?”

  “He wanted to see you.” He pointed to Wyatt. “Let me know your decision.”

  She nodded and walked out, Wyatt at her heels. He pulled open the passenger’s door of his truck and waited for her to get in. When he climbed in, he said, “Your place or mine?”

  “My place.” She rattled off the address. Her insides were so mushed up she wondered if she wasn't going to lose her breakfast. When they got to her place, she opened the door and led the way in. Dropping her bag and key on the table in her studio apartment, she stepped out of her pumps.

  “Why did you quit? Nick gave me the impression it was your decision.”

  Crissy had a few choice words for the man but kept them in. “It was my only option. You want something to drink?”

  “After we talk.”

  Crissy dropped onto the only sofa in the room. Across from it sat her small bed. Her room was organized, always was, but she hadn’t thought of the close proximity the size would put them in. She hadn’t been thinking, really. She scooted to the extreme far end of the seat to give him room if he wanted to sit down but didn't offer him a seat.

  He looked around at her small apartment. She'd done some frugal decorations with splashes of pink, white curtains and trims.

  “I like this.”

  “Thank you. But I guess that's not why you came?” Hovering over her like he was doing, sent her pulse into overdrive. Maybe she should've let him sit instead. Yet, she couldn't make herself get up. Crissy licked her suddenly dry lips.

  “No.” He held her gaze. For a heart stopping moment, they stared at each other. Crissy had to fight the urge to run into his arms. Only the thought that it may not be reconciliation that brought him, held her to the seat. She blinked against the ache that blindsided her, her lungs burning with the effort of pushing air in and out.

  “I read your email and your write up.”

  “And ignored it,” she couldn't help saying.

  “It was last night.” At her raised brow, he said, “I know. I check my email once in a while. I'm sorry I didn't hear you out or give you the benefit of the doubt.”

  Crissy burst into tears. She covered her face. What was wrong with her?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Wyatt closed his eyes, inhaled and exhaled. He expected anger, not tears. That way he’d have felt better for what he did. At a loss, he sat beside her and gathered her into his arms. She didn't resist him. “I've no excuse whatsoever,” he said into her hair.

  She wrapped her arms around him and for moments, just wept.

  Wyatt rested his chin on her head and held her. Seconds morphed into minutes.

  “I've known misery in no small measure since you left. I know you’ll be wondering why I hadn't called. I'm not going to excuse that either.” Wyatt held her away. He tilted her chin so that she looked into his eyes. “I've missed you, Crissy. This weekend was a disaster for me because I couldn't stop thinking of you. What did you do to me, Crissy Spencer?”

  She smiled amidst her tears. Her eyes were blotchy now, veins popping on her forehead.

  “I... spent all week, wondering why you didn't respond to my email. I thought you hated me that much.”

  Fresh tears slipped from her eyes. Wyatt thumbed them away. “Even when I didn't know what you wrote, I couldn't hate you.”

  “I missed you too.”

  “To think that you lost your job because of me.”

  “I don't know if I'm relieved or not.”

  “You have time to think about that, I don't. I can’t wait to do this.” He dipped his head and found her warm lips, her perfume stimulating his senses. He pressed her closer as he kissed her. Coming up for air, he smiled. “Didn't realize how much I missed you. I love you, Crissy.”

  “I love you too, Wyatt Danner.”

  “Want to grab some lunch?”

  “Not yet. Unless you're hungry.”

  “Whatever you want, baby.”

  “I just want you to hold me for some time.”

  “That's easy.” He chuckled. “I can't imagine myself climbing a rock, but if that's what you want, I'd do in a heartbeat. Anything other than the sinking feeling I battled for days.”

  She cuddled against him. “I didn't fare better either. Here I was beginning to believe I was worth loving and the whole thing was gone like a puff in the wind.”

  Wyatt hid a wince. He kissed her on the head and wrapped his arms around her tighter. “I'm sincerely sorry I became an architect of doubt. The fact that I'd been pigheaded doesn't change the reality or God’s truth about you.”

  She looked up at him as though to gauge his sincerity. Wyatt dropped a soft kiss on her lips.

  He checked his wristwatch. “I have something to show you.”


  “You'll see.”

  WYATT HELD HER HAND, his eyes twinkling as he smiled down at her. Crissy smiled back, her pulse racing that Wyatt was right here with her. But for his plan to show her something, something they drove this far to find, she wanted to just stay curled up in his arms for the whole day.

  The sun was warm against her back as they walked the deck south of Pizza at the Queen's Gorge Park.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You'll soon find out, sweetheart. Patience.”

  “I don't know what that is. Not my strong suit.”

p; Wyatt grinned at her. Through the two hour ride from Silverdale, he'd refused to tell her where they were headed. That was cool, though. She loved surprises. Knowing Wyatt, it would be worth her while.

  The launch area of the Soaring Eagle zip line loomed ahead. “Is it what I'm thinking?”

  “You need to stop talking before I lose my nerve and go back.”

  Crissy giggled.

  “What’s funny?” He stopped.

  “You told me there’s hardly anything a bull rider fears.” She placed a finger at the base of his neck. “You're blushing and your pulse is racing.”

  He grabbed her hand and kissed it. “You’re too smart for your own good.” He winked. “Let's go.”

  He dragged her on and she swallowed another giggle and followed him. There were several people already waiting for their ride. Wyatt talked to the guy in charge. He told them there were two sets of people before them.

  By the time it reached their turn, Wyatt spotted fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

  “We could always go back,” Crissy said.

  “I paid for it yesterday.”


  “Your turn, Wyatt Danner.”

  Crissy didn't have the opportunity to ask how he guessed they’d work things out, let alone her agreeing to go see whatever he wanted to show her.

  Both of them were strapped on in no time.

  Crissy had only mentioned it to Wyatt once. She'd loved it the first time she rode—the rush of adrenalin, the exhilaration, better experienced than imagined.

  “Are you ready?” the guy asked.

  “Not yet.”

  Crissy glanced at Wyatt. He was sweating for real. She reached out and squeezed his hand. “You'll be fine.”

  “I know.”

  He was fiddling in his pocket. Did he have a safety charm? Crissy giggled at the thought.

  “You have your day, but I'll make you pay.” He smiled apologetically to the man beside them. “One minute more and we're ready to go.”

  Wyatt produced a red velvet box, turned to Crissy and opened it. Crissy’s gaze flew to his, her hand to her mouth.

  “Crissy, from the day you tackled me, somehow, I knew my life wouldn't be the same again. I have a phobia for heights but chose to come here today knowing this is one of your favorite places. I've not been the best of persons, but I want to be your biggest support from this day on. You make me happy and I don’t want another day to pass without asking you. Will you marry me?”

  Crissy blinked to clear her vision. “Yes, Wyatt Danner. I love you to the moon and back.”

  He slipped the solitaire on her finger and kissed her amidst cheers and claps.

  Her heart overflowed with joy as she held her hand out to admire the ring. Wyatt gave the man a thumbs up and their chair zipped backwards parallel to the Gorge, below the aerial tram towards the ridge north of the visitor's centre.

  Crissy lifted her face to the wind, enjoying its caress.

  By the time they were zooming back to the launch area, Wyatt’s death grip on her hands had eased some.

  “Looks endless, down below.”

  She glanced beneath them as the beautiful scenery changed below and smiled at him. “Looks like someone has conquered his fear.”

  “With you by my side, I guess I can do anything, but don't count on me repeating this anytime soon.”

  She smiled at him, her heart welling up with joy. “You knew I would let you back in.”

  “I wasn't sure, but I always like to prepare.”

  The same thing he'd told her weeks ago.

  Their chair came to a stop just then. One thing she had no doubt about was Wyatt Danner was full of surprises. There'd be no dull moment here on out.

  God, I can't thank You enough.


  Within minutes, Wyatt’s siblings and friends had the barn cleared. Crissy glanced around at the faces surrounding them. One face filled her with joy -Fred. It was too early to know if his trial treatment was going to be the final battle, but the fact that he could come out for Crissy’s wedding ceremony was a great thing.

  She turned and encountered Wyatt’s gaze. He winked at her and gave her a smile that always had the potency to make her legs weak. She returned his smile. Wyatt came over to her and reached out his hand. Crissy slipped hers in his and let him lead her to the makeshift dance floor. They'd practiced the moves a million times and Crissy hoped she'd do the dance justice. It didn't help that for Wyatt, country dance was like eating bread and butter. He’d laughed when she reminded him he was supposed to have two left feet as far as dancing was concerned.

  The cameraman stepped forward and took a couple of snapshots.

  Wyatt’s friend and DJ, Luke, gave them a thumbs up and started the music. Wyatt wrapped his hands around her waist while Crissy kept hers around his neck. He stared into her eyes for a moment, then kissed her.

  For a few seconds, they waltzed to the beat of This is Home with You.

  “I've got you, baby?” he whispered.

  Crissy smiled, her heart swelling at the thought that this was the man she was spending the rest of her life with. “I know that.”

  “Here we go.”

  Their guests erupted in laughter and claps when he spun her out and she came back into the sweetheart position. Crissy counted each move in her head-spin out, spin in, pretzel.

  Wyatt dipped her and gave her a swoon-worthy kiss before righting her. Friends screamed and whistled. Crissy burst out laughing. That wasn’t part of the script. But in the past one year, she'd learned to expect the unexpected with Wyatt.

  He swung her out again and she returned in. For the first time, Crissy elicited the trust fall without tripping. His grin was the size of the Arkansas River.

  A couple of moves later, the song ended.

  “You did great.”

  “I learned from the best.”

  “Okay, everyone is dancing to the next song,” Luke announced. “Grab your partners. It's super easy. We’ll do stomp, kick, triple steps, then eight counts of shuffle steps. Are we good?”

  There was a chorus of ‘yes’.

  Within minutes, the dance floor was occupied to do the line dance to With You Forever.

  Crissy didn't know most people in the barn. But the support from Wyatt’s family and friends brought tears to Crissy’s eyes.

  “You good?” Wyatt asked, apparently sensing her mood. He nuzzled her neck.


  The next song began and for a few minutes, they danced. When the song ended, everyone meandered to the buffet table. Crissy couldn't ask for a better day, especially with the man who seemed to sense her every need and emotion.

  His brothers said he'd been lassoed by love. If anything, Crissy was the one caught.

  “I love you, babe.”

  “I love you, Wyatt Danner.”

  His kiss promised the love of a lifetime. She couldn't have wished for a better ending.

  I hope you enjoyed the Cowboys of BlueSong series like I enjoyed writing them. If you did enjoy them, please leave a review. If you haven't checked out my medical series, I hope you do.

  Looking forward to bringing more stories your way.





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