Madeleine & the Mind

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Madeleine & the Mind Page 8

by Felicia Mires

  She dropped into a chair near Steven. Miss Reynolds had given up trying to speak to him. He stared out the window as if neither of the women existed. Madeleine desperately felt the need to touch him and offer encouragement. But she didn't want to appear intimate in front of his fiancée. She finally took his wrist and looked at her watch. She could take his pulse again and then his blood pressure. At least she'd touch him for a few seconds.

  "Is he all right?"

  "Yes, his blood pressure is fine. Maybe a little low. But he hasn't been moving around this morning."

  She cupped his cheeks and forced him to look at her. His eyes seemed normal in the light from the window. As she turned away, she could have sworn he winked at her. She stared at him, but he kept his gaze level with her chin.

  "What is it?"

  "Uh, nothing. I think he's fine now. Would you like to go for a walk?"

  "Is he up to that?"

  "I would imagine. We don't sit in this room all day. Come on, Steven. Take his hand, Miss Reynolds. Sometimes he runs off."

  "You mean like a child? He runs away?"

  "Yes, but he's been very good lately."

  Madeleine led the way to the elevator. Steven lagged behind, but he was walking on his own. Madeleine considered that wink. Did it really happen?

  They reached the ground floor, and Madeleine meandered through the flower garden to the maze. She was more than a little tempted to leave Miss Reynolds in the maze and see if Steven ran off and left her. But what would that accomplish?

  They reached the center, and Steven dropped down on the grass and pointed up at the sky.

  Miss Reynolds stood wringing her hands and shaking her head.

  "He wants you to look at the clouds. Pick out a shape, and see if he can find it."

  Steven tugged at Miss Reynolds skirt.

  "You'll have to lie down with him."

  Miss Reynolds gingerly arranged herself in the grass and stared up at the sky. "I…I don't see anything."

  Madeleine looked up. "Let me see. What about that fat pig? Or is it a dog?"

  Steven pointed at the sky.

  "Well?" asked Madeleine. "Is he pointing at the correct spot?"

  "How should I know?"

  The irritation in Miss Reynolds' voice echoed the irritation Madeleine felt. She wanted to slap the woman. Had she no imagination at all?

  Madeleine dropped on the other side of Steven. "Show me the pig."

  He pointed up again.

  "Yep, that's it. Now, I want you to look for a rabbit."

  He pointed.

  "You see how easy it is, Miss Reynolds?"

  "I don't see why you called me. I've no idea what to do, and he obviously prefers your little…games than my attention."

  Was she giving up already? That could set him back even further.

  "What did you think you were going to do when you got here? Surely, you would try anything to help him. If you make him comfortable…safe, he'll speak. Let's go to the lab. You can see how brilliant he is. Have you ever been in his lab?"

  "No. There was never a need. Of course, I know he was brilliant."

  Madeleine ground her teeth. "Is brilliant."

  Miss Reynolds was already walking away, so Madeleine took Steven's hand and pulled the big man to his feet. "You're heavy, you know. I think you're almost a foot taller than me." He put his arm around her shoulders and leaned on her. "But I fit perfectly under your arm."

  She smiled up at him, and he smiled back. He was so sweet. She moved his arm from her back and held his hand. "Miss Reynolds might not like it if you do that."

  The smile left his face.

  "Miss Price!" yelled Miss Reynolds. "How do I get out of here?"

  Madeleine and Steven caught up with her and showed her the way out.

  At the lab, Miss Reynolds was very popular. Each of the scientists vied for her attentions and attempted to explain what they were doing. Madeleine sat back in a corner and watched while the preening peacocks tried to outdo each other.

  Steven was the only one not buzzing around the vibrant flower Miss Reynolds had become, effervescent, gay, even a little flirtatious. Quite different from the way she'd acted most of the morning.

  Steven left the closely-knit group and sat on a stool beside Madeleine. She looked up at him. His face seemed very aware now. He reached out a finger and traced down her cheek.

  "What was that for?" she asked him.

  He gave her that innocent, boyish grin, and she smiled back at him.

  "Queenie seems fine with her entourage, and you look much better, too. I think I'll go to my room." She lowered her voice. "Someone kept me up all night, and I'm tired."

  His mouth opened as if he might laugh, but no sound came out.

  "Well, I'll see you later. Be a good boy and don't run off."

  She walked past Miss Reynolds and the three scientists. "I'll be in my room until lunch."

  No one seemed to hear.

  When Madeleine reached the solitude of her room, she shut the dividing door. With a quick flick of the wrist, she opened the curtains in front of the balcony then sat on the bed. For no reason at all, tears slipped down her cheeks, and she pushed at them.

  Lord, I care so much. What will happen to him when I leave? I guess I've got to trust you. Show me the way.

  The door opened, and Madeleine whirled around.

  "Steven." She wiped the tears off her face. "You're not supposed to be here. What will everyone think when they realize you've wandered off again?"

  He sat on the chair by her bed and reached for her face. He wiped a tear then held her chin in his hand. They gazed into each other's eyes. He looked so handsome, so appealing in every way.

  He reached for the ribbon on her hair and let the long strands fall around her shoulders. His hand trailed through the thickness. He held out his arms to her, and Madeleine leaned into his embrace. The second she felt the swift beat of his heart, she got a hold of herself. She jumped back and walked to the balcony.

  "What am I doing? I'm the one that's crazy, taking advantage of a sick man. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I mean…I'm sorry. I can't…Please do…something."

  She hadn't looked at him, but she could tell when he stood and walked across the room. He held out the Bible.

  Tears sprang to her eyes again, and she accepted it gratefully. "Thank you. You're so sweet. That will make me feel better. Do you want to sit on the balcony while I read?"

  He pushed her toward the door, and Madeleine went outside. "What should I read today?"

  He reached over her and turned to the Song of Solomon.

  Madeleine laughed. "You really do have a wicked sense of humor. If you think I'm going to fall in love with a man that's engaged to Miss Perfect, then you really…"

  He quirked an eyebrow at her.

  "…then you don't know much about women. I can't wait until you speak. There are a lot of things I'd like to say that come across better when there are two of us talking."

  He still smiled, a beguiling light in his eyes, and it felt to Madeleine as if…No, she couldn't think that way. She turned the pages in her Bible.

  "This is my favorite book in the New Testament…James. Most people say it was written by the brother of Jesus. Chapter one. 'Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.'" She sighed. "That's for me, I'm afraid your fiancée is going to be a trial for me.

  '"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.' That's for you. 'But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.' Do you believe, Steven? It's more important than anything we've talked about, it's more
important than your rocket laser."

  She looked at him briefly. He sat in the chair opposite her, his chin resting on his raised hand and his eyes intently studying her. If only he was paying attention. She read some more until they were interrupted by the sound of voices at the connecting door.

  She looked at Steven, and his eyes immediately faded into emptiness. She leaned over and peered into his wide blue eyes as the others walked toward the balcony.

  "How do you do that?" she whispered.

  Miss Reynolds and Mike brought the lunch trays in…except for Madeleine's.

  "I'm so sorry, Miss Price. I couldn't handle two trays. Yours is in the hall." Miss Reynolds smiled sweetly at Steven, but he ignored her. "Do you need help with your food, darling?"

  He lifted the lids from the plates and opened sugar packets and poured them in his tea. As he stirred, he picked up a fork and began to eat.

  Madeleine stifled a laugh. Few people managed to do two things at once, and here sat a man who could barely chew at breakfast, but now…

  Madeleine left them to find her tray.

  Mike and Miss Reynolds kept up a lively banter over lunch. He related all the sights she should see while she was in Spain.

  Madeleine had already seen most of the places he mentioned, but she didn't add to their conversation. When lunch ended, everyone left the table. Madeleine glanced at the discarded trays and started gathering up the mess.

  You know, Lord, it's very tempting to get irritated, but I'm not going to do it. Even though I'm a therapist and not the maid.

  She put the trays in the hall and looked in Steven's room. Mike was gone. Miss Reynolds seemed to have adjusted to her role as caretaker.

  "Steven, darling, go and change so you can escort me to the gym." She trailed her blood-red nails down his cheek.

  Madeleine leaned on the door. "Would you like to come in here and change, Miss Reynolds?"

  "Whatever for? Steven and I don't have anything to hide from each other. It's a little late for that now."

  "I'll be in my room this afternoon if you need anything. You might enjoy the pool after your workout." Madeleine shut her door.

  Oh, God, he belongs to someone else. What was I thinking?

  She heard them leave as the phone rang. "Hello, this is Madeleine Price."

  "Senorita Price! How pleasant to hear your voice. I trust you have had no further mishaps?"

  "Everything's fine, Inspector. Did you find anything?"

  "I did. Would you be available in the near future? I hesitate to discuss such things on the phone."

  "Yes. Dr. Faraday's fiancée arrived, so he's occupied for the time being."

  "Excellent. I can be there in thirty minutes."

  "I'll meet you out front."

  Madeleine waited twenty minutes then took the elevator to the ground floor.

  What had the Inspector discovered that was so interesting? As she walked past Institute employees, she kept her eyes averted. She didn't wish to invite the attention or conversation of anyone. Hopefully, no one would notice she'd come outside to meet a stranger.

  Chapter 5

  Inspector Banderas arrived a few minutes early and insisted that Madeleine accompany him in the car.

  "We will not be long, Senorita. But we must avoid prying eyes."

  Madeleine glanced back anxiously at the Institute. What if Steven came looking for her? "I'll have to hurry, Inspector. It hasn't exactly been smooth sailing for Dr. Faraday and his fiancée. He still wanders away."

  The Inspector drove to the end of the circular drive and stopped. "Is this close enough?"

  Madeleine laughed. "Absolutely."

  Inspector Banderas opened a file and took out a sheaf of papers. "This Institute is a very interesting place. At first, it did not appear to be owned by anyone. I enlisted the aid of someone in our government. He reluctantly revealed that this was a think tank used primarily to engineer technology.

  "Since the Muslim terrorist attack against my country's rail system, the government has been investigating alternative methods to fight the war on terrorism. The Institute was asked to participate in this endeavor.

  "You were right to suspect Dr. Giliteau." He pulled out several pictures. "I have no idea how he was approved to work on such a project. Although he has never been involved in anything suspect, he maintains contact with several Muslim extremist groups, and his father is related to one of the most infamous terrorists of our age."

  "What are we going to do?"

  "He is not going to give anything away on an outing with you, and I think it would place you in more danger to accompany him. Can you enlist the aid of Dr. Faraday's fiancée? Perhaps she could accompany you on your shopping expedition. If not, then I will take you shopping myself."

  Madeleine laughed at the woebegone expression on his face. Apparently, shopping was not something that interested the Inspector. "I'm sure I can work something out. Will you have someone follow us anyway?"

  "Of course. The man could be very dangerous. He's really the only suspect we have, and we'll have to devise a way to force his hand."

  "I have an idea. Everyone here is looking for Dr.Faraday's solution to the laser. I could say I found it and wait to see who comes after it."

  "Hmm, let's tread carefully. For the present, watch everything you do. Never, are you to be alone with Dr. Giliteau."

  "What about the others?"

  "The Israeli has nothing incriminating in his past. And Dr. Hanover has been Dr. Faraday's associate for years. They came here together. Incidentally, the American Embassy didn't just throw you to the wolves. They are closely connected to the Institute and aware of everything that transpires."

  "So, you're saying I landed in a bunch of techno-spies."

  "Essentially, that is correct. And your life has little meaning when compared with their purposes."

  "Great. What do I do now?"

  "Wait and see. And guard your genius closely. I have a feeling he would not have fared so well had he not lost his mind."

  "You mean they'll kill him if he regains his memory."

  "Quite probably. For now, they are waiting for his discovery to come to light. You better get back."

  The Inspector dropped Madeleine at the front door. When she stepped inside, Dr. Giliteau met her. He studied her intently for a moment then smiled.

  "Mademoiselle Madeleine, where have you been, my dear?"

  "I was outside talking to someone."

  "Please, call me Franc. I wasn't aware you knew anyone in Spain."

  Madeleine thought quickly. It would be better not to lie in case he checked her story. "That wasn't anyone I know. It was the police officer who found me after I'd been hit on the head. They haven't recovered any of my belongings or the thief, so I guess I'll have to go shopping after all."

  "What an excellent idea. How about tomorrow? I can arrange to take you about ten."

  "That would be great. I'll let you know this afternoon. Will you be in the lab later?"

  "Of course. My home away from home."

  Madeleine stepped into the elevator and gave him a little wave. Inwardly, she fumed. He thought he was so irresistible, and he might be nothing but a terrorist.

  Madeleine stopped at the second floor to check on Steven and his fiancée. They weren't in the gym, and they weren't in the library. She waved at Dr. Hanover in the lab as she walked by then she went up to her room.

  Through the door, Madeleine could hear the strident tones of Miss Reynolds berating Steven for something.

  Madeleine knocked on the door. She would not have that woman upsetting Steven. He would retreat even further into his own little world, and they might never get him out.

  Miss Reynolds opened the door. Her face was a mask of polite indifference. "What is it?"

  "Dr. Giliteau has offered to take us shopping in Madrid tomorrow. Would you be interested?"

  "I'd love to get out of here. What time will we leave?"

  "About ten." Not once had Miss R
eynolds wondered what would happen to Steven if they both left him. "By the way, you get more out of Dr. Faraday if you talk sweetly to him. He's really like a large child."

  "Miss Price, do not tell me how to speak to my fiancé. It is none of your business."

  She went to close the door, and Madeleine stuck her foot in the gap.

  Even though the other woman was much taller, Madeleine pushed her way into Steven's room. "It's time for Dr. Faraday's therapy. Come along, Steven."

  He stumbled to his feet, giving Madeleine one of those heart- rending smiles. She smiled back at him, but she was concerned. He was not having a good day. How much time could he spend with his horrid fiancée before he completely relapsed in a state of regression?

  She took his hand and led him to the elevator. She wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around him and kiss him on the cheek. He seemed such a frail, pathetic figure.

  Once inside the elevator, she didn't say anything; she was too upset. When the door opened, she stared unseeing, and Steven squeezed her hand.

  "Ah, right. Let's go."

  They walked through the garden, but Madeleine was too preoccupied to notice the lovely flowers. Steven stopped at a rose bush and pulled off a blossom which he handed to Madeleine.

  She smiled wistfully at him. "Thank you, sweetums. I wish…well, it doesn't matter what I wish. Let's go to the maze."

  They were still walking hand-in-hand. Madeleine knew she didn't need to hold onto him, but she didn't care. The slight contact made her happy.

  When they arrived at the grape arbor, Madeleine sat on the bench. Steven sat beside her, watching her face. "Don't look at me like that. I can't think."

  He smiled and raised their clasped hands to his lips.

  She pulled her hand away. "Now Steven, be a good boy. You can't do that. Miss Reynolds wouldn't like it."

  Her hand burned where he'd kissed it. How had a simple kiss caused such a sensation? She looked up at him. She loved him. He'd never said a word to her, and yet she knew she loved him. She longed for him to be whole, to understand the things in her heart, in her spirit. She wanted to know all about him.


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