Tempting Love - Haley & Eddie

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Tempting Love - Haley & Eddie Page 21

by Melanie Shawn

  Her face crumbled as if his words had somehow hurt her. Eddie had to stop himself from rolling his eyes.

  “Haven’t you missed me? Even a little?” Standing, she crossed the deck and stopped in front of him. Lifting her hands, she ran them up his chest. “I know I’ve missed you,” she purred.

  He grasped her wrists and leaned down, speaking deliberately. “I don’t know what you thought was going to happen here. But this isn’t it.” Removing her hands from his chest, he walked to the screen door. “Time to go, Lacey.”

  She planted her feet where she was and placed her hands on her hips. “I know you’re mad at me, Eddie. So just yell at me, scream, tell me off. Get it over with so we can move past this.”

  Eddie could not believe what he was hearing. Was she honestly so delusional that she thought there was even a shot that the two of them could get back together? “I don’t have anything to say to you except it’s time to go.”

  “Fine. But I want to see Emily tomorrow,” she said, her voice sounding aloof and detached as she brushed past him and slipped on her designer heels.

  “How long are you planning on being in town?” Eddie hoped she would hop in her car, make a left on Maple Drive, and keep driving right past the city limits…but he knew he wasn’t that lucky.

  “I don’t know.” Looking over her shoulder as she opened the front door, she said, a sly smile crossing her face. “As long as it takes, I guess.”

  The door shut, and Eddie wanted to bang his head against the wall. Her cryptic parting shot gave him a bad feeling. He had hoped that Lacey’s intentions were good and she was really just here to connect with Emily. But Eddie had a sneaking suspicion that that wasn’t the case at all.

  Nope. Lacey was here to connect with someone…but Emily wasn’t that person.

  * * *

  “Have you seen her over there?” Chelle asked as she shredded cheese, seated at the kitchen table.

  “Yeah. A few times,” Haley answered, glad that she’d chosen dicing onions as her task now that the ‘Lacey’ subject had been brought up. She’d shed more than one tear over Lacey’s arrival this week. At least now she’d have a scapegoat if a few decided to make an appearance.

  She’d almost bailed on her mom’s family fiesta dinner tonight. Haley was exhausted. This past week had been emotionally and physically draining. Haley had been working night and day to get ready for the grand opening at Tempting. The party was tomorrow night. And then the store officially opened on Monday. Haley didn’t know what she would have done if she hadn’t had the store to keep her mind occupied this past week. Well…mostly occupied. Actually, occupied just enough that she hadn’t gone crazy.

  The truth was that her mind had still been on Eddie and Emily even when she’d been setting up the computer system, pricing all the merchandise, going over her advertising budget, setting up her social media sites.

  “I haven’t seen her yet.” Amber seemed frustrated by this fact. “What does she look like?”

  “Kate Beckinsale,” Katie, Chelle, and Haley all answered in unison.

  Amber looked around the kitchen at the three girls with an assessing gaze. “Did you guys plan that?”

  “No.” Katie shook her head, “She just really looks like Kate Beckinsale.”

  Haley hadn’t remembered Lacey being as pretty as she was. She’d only gotten a brief glance at her the first day that Eddie opened the door, but since then, she’d seen her when she’d been walking out to her car. Not that Haley was spying or anything. She just happened to be sitting at her window for an extended period of time. That’s all. So she might have caught a few glimpses of her here and there.

  From what Haley had seen, Lacey was even more stunning now than she had been in high school. And in high school, she’d been voted best hair, best eyes, best smile, and prom queen. So it’s not like this was an ugly-duckling-turned-swan situation. Nope, this would be more like Mila Kunis turning into Angelina Jolie.

  “What’s she like?” Amber asked.

  Not only did they not answer in unison, but none of them answered at all.

  After a few moments of silence, Amber said, “Oookay. I forgot. You three are the ‘nice’ ones. I’ll ask Sophie or Krista for the dirt.”

  Katie stood at the stove heating the tortillas and asked, “Jason said that Eddie’s been working from home this week so he hasn’t seen him. Has Riley? Or have either of you talked to him?”

  Thank God for onions. Haley felt tears welling in her eyes. She shook her head no.

  “I’ve talked to him a couple times. He sounds, I don’t know, not like himself…” Chelle’s voice drifted off as she made the last statement.

  “How are you doing with all this, Hales?” Amber asked. “It seemed like you and Eddie were getting close before this all happened.”

  Haley took in a shaky breath. She might have been able to disguise her tears with the onion, but if she started blubbering, then the jig was up. As convincing as she could possibly sound, she assured Amber. “I’m fine. Just worried about how Em is doing with everything. I’ve been so busy at the store I haven’t been home to check on her.”

  “That’s my concern too.” Chelle stood and dumped the shredded cheese into a bright green ceramic bowl. “I really thought she would be just bursting at the seams with excitement over meeting her mom. But the few times I’ve talked to her, she’s seemed withdrawn.”

  Katie shook her head. “I feel so responsible for all of this. When I spoke to Eddie, I simply gave him the same advice I would give any parent in his situation. I was looking at it from a legal standpoint. Maybe I should have—”

  “No,” Chelle cut in. “It’s not your fault, Katie. He came to you for legal advice and that’s what you gave him. I was the one who told him, as his sister and Emily’s aunt, that he should ask Em what she wanted. If anyone should have said something different, it’s me.”

  “Oh this girl is good.” Amber looked around the room, a knowing look on her face as she nodded.

  Haley, Chelle, and Katie all stared back at her then looked at each other to see if anyone knew what she was talking about.

  “What?” Haley finally asked.

  “Look at you three, all blaming yourselves. You for not being there for Emily and you two for giving Eddie bad advice.” Amber slowly shook her head back and forth. “This chick has been back in town less than a week and look at how many people she’s upset. Yet I haven’t heard one of you blaming her for it. I haven’t met her, and normally I like to form my opinions of people after I’ve met them, but I think Miss Lacey is quite the manipulator.”

  “She is,” all three girls said at once. And they were being kind. If Amber did ask Krista or Sophie, she would get more than an earful.

  “Well, on a happier topic, I can’t wait for the party tomorrow night,” Amber said enthusiastically. “The whole town is going to be there. I was going over the RSVPs today and I couldn’t believe the response.”

  “Eddie’s supposed to come. Gina from down the street is watching Em and Mya at our house,” Chelle said.

  We’ll see, Haley thought to herself. Eddie had arranged that before Lacey had shown up. Now she felt like all bets were off. Reaching up, she ran her thumb over the silver locket Eddie had given her. She missed him so much it hurt, and Em too.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “This place is beautiful.” Haley’s mom wrapped her thin arms around her tightly. “I am so proud of you, honey.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” Haley returned her mom’s hug and was surprised as she realized how much she’d missed her. She’d seen her several times over the past few weeks but hadn’t really had a chance to talk to her. She’d been so busy with the store. Maybe tomorrow, Haley thought, since it was her day off, she would go over and spend some mother-daughter time.

  “It really is, sweet pea.” Haley’s dad took a sip of his champagne. He looked over the railing as the three of them had a rare moment alone up in the loft. “I know I wasn’t thrilled a
bout the idea of you getting into the underwear business, but you have really outdone yourself. This space is amazing.”

  Haley took a moment to take it all in. She gazed over at the people mingling below. The place was packed. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres were being passed around by the amazing catering company Amber had hired. There was a DJ, in a booth set up in the corner, who was spinning great music, giving the atmosphere a really nice vibe. By the looks of things, everyone was having a great time, talking, laughing, and most importantly, checking out the merchandise.

  “Thanks, Dad, but honestly, I couldn’t have done it alone. Amber has been amazing and Eddie and his crew really brought my vision to life.”

  “We only did what was on the paper,” the voice that had been haunting her dreams for the past week sounded behind her.

  Eddie. He was here. Haley had put a lot of energy into not getting her hopes up that he would make an appearance and just enjoy her night. She’d actually been doing a great job at it. But he’d come.

  Her hands were shaking and her belly quivered as she turned to face him. When their eyes met, a tingling sensation swept through her. She felt a smile spread across her face.

  “You’re here.”

  Eddie looked down at her with warmth and, if she weren’t mistaken, a flicker of heat in his eyes. “I told you I would be here.”

  He had. And of course she knew that Eddie always kept his word. Still, neither of those things changed the fact that she wanted to do cartwheels like Em did all over the backyard because he’d actually shown up.

  “You look beautiful.” As he made his observation, his lips curved up in a disarmingly sexy smile. It wasn’t a smile that a friend gave another friend or a coworker put on when they complimented you. No this was the kind of smile that made your lady parts sit up, take notice, and say, ‘How you doin’?’ The kind of smile that held a promise of things to come.

  She felt a flush rise up on her neck as she heard Jason calling Eddie’s name.

  “Hey, man.” Jason stepped up into the loft next to Eddie. “I’ve been looking all over for you. Mr. Jones, the owner, is here and would like to personally thank you for the amazing job you’ve done.”

  As happy as Haley was that Eddie was getting the recognition he so very much deserved, she couldn’t help feeling a twinge of disappointment at the fact that he was getting called away.

  His eyes, not just his lips, smiled as he spoke in husky tone, staring straight into Haley’s eyes. “I’ll be right back.”

  Haley found herself nodding as she gently fell under the spell of his sexy voice.

  Before he headed down the stairs with Jason, Eddie raised his hand. “Nice to see you, Mr. and Mrs. Sloan.”

  Holy crap!

  Haley froze. She’d completely forgotten that her parents were even up in the loft area. Once she’d turned and locked eyes on Eddie, everything else had just disappeared like magic and they were the only two people that existed.

  “Nice seeing you, Eddie,” her mom said in her high sing-song voice.

  She heard her dad grunt his response, which could only mean that he too had picked up on the intimate vibe that had clearly been happening between herself and Eddie. Heck, so many sparks had just been flying between the two of them that Haley wouldn’t be surprised if she turned around and saw that they’d been scorched by them.

  Blank face, she told herself as she tried to mask any hint that would lead them down the something-is-obviously-going-on-between-you-two path that she was sure they were both already halfway down with a map that led them to Lake What-Exactly-Is-Going-On-With-You-Two.

  “Well, I better get down there and mingle,” Haley happily chirped, glancing over her shoulder with a nothing-to-see-here, move-along smile plastered on her face as she double-timed it, heading for the stairs.

  “Not so fast, young lady.” Her father’s words stopped her dead in her tracks.

  In the Sloan household, two things made you stop what you were doing and pay attention. One, Mom using your middle name. Two, Dad referring to you as ‘young lady.’

  Pivoting on her heels, she slowly turned around. She knew that, even though as of a week ago she was twenty-eight years old, owned her own business, and had just paid off her car—which she’d been so proud of herself she wanted to frame the pink slip!—there was no way she was worming her way out of this conversation.

  “Yeah, Daddy?” she asked.

  “What is going on between you and that boy?” Her father’s tone was deadly serious.

  “Now, Pete, Haley is a grown woman. That’s none of our business.” Her mom patted her dad’s husky arm as she winked at Haley.

  “The hell it’s not, Sandy.” Her dad shot her mom a look that said he didn’t appreciate her opinion right now.

  Haley could see that her dad was getting worked up. After her Uncle Bob had suffered from his first heart attack when he was five years younger than her dad was now, Haley had been worried that her dad was going to follow in his big brother’s poor-cardiac-health footsteps. He certainly wasn’t doing a lot to prevent that from happening. His diet was atrocious; he ate too much red meat, and he took in about four times the amount of sodium than he should. There was nothing she could do about his food choices, but there was no way she was going to sit back and let him stress about her.

  “Dad, there’s nothing to get upset about. Eddie and I are just friends.”

  Well, technically friends with benefits, but that was really just splitting hairs and definitely not something her parents needed to know.

  Her dad raised his eyebrow. “Sweet pea, I wasn’t born yesterday. That man is interested in being a lot more than just your friend. And I saw him just a couple days ago with that tart he used to run around with.”

  Haley knew that there was no way on earth he would understand the complexity of the situation Eddie was in, but she knew he meant well so she tried to explain it anyways. “Her name is Lacey, Dad. And she’s not a tart. She’s Emily’s mom.”

  “I don’t think those two facts are necessarily exclusive in this particular situation,” her mother offered as sweetly as if she had been complimenting someone’s new dress.

  “Mom!” Haley couldn’t believe she’d just heard her mom kinda-sorta speak an ill word towards someone. The only other people Haley had ever heard her mom say something even close to the range of being negative about were Eddie’s parents and Haley’s aunt Cheryl.

  That’s it. Three people total. Not that she’d actually said anything that mean. She’d only stated that she “didn’t understand how Mr. and Mrs. Thomas called themselves parents” and about Aunt Cheryl she’d said that her “heart went out to her because that woman has serious issues.”

  Sandra Sue Sloan lived by the creed, ‘if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.’ Growing up, they’d had a wooden plaque hanging in their kitchen that said Rule #1: Be Nice. Then beneath it was Rule #2: See Rule #1. So to hear her mom basically call Lacey a ‘tart’ was seriously out of character.

  Haley’s mouth was gaping open like a largemouth bass as she stared at her mom.

  “Well, if tart fits,” her mother stated matter-of-factly.

  Her dad puffed out his chest, obviously feeling justified in his stance now that Haley’s mom was on his side—at least when it came to Lacey.

  “Listen, I know you worry about me. But Eddie has a lot of stuff going on right now and he is just trying to do what’s best for his baby girl.” Haley thought that if there were anything her dad could relate to and identify with, surely it was that. Haley and her sisters were the apple of her father’s eye.

  Although his voice still held bravado, Haley saw in his hazel eyes that he was softening. “Well, that’s all fine and good. But I just want what’s best for my baby girl.”

  With that, her dad pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the top of her head. For a moment, she let herself soak in the cherished feeling she got from the strength of his embrace.
/>   “I know, Daddy,” Haley said as she squeezed him once more. Stepping back, she wiped a little moisture that had slipped from her eye off her cheek and clapped her hands together, saying brightly. “I really better get back down there.”

  “Go, sweetie.” Her mom nodded with an encouraging smile. “Enjoy your night. You deserve it.”

  Haley turned and went downstairs with renewed determination to do just that.

  * * *

  Eddie stood against the wall that faced the dressing room area, watching as people walked in and out of it, admiring the chandelier, the décor, the size. They had no idea what had transpired there. He smiled to himself. He’d never forget what had gone on in there.

  “Hey.” Riley moved past several people to stand beside him. “Great turnout, huh?”

  “Yeah,” Eddie agreed as he looked around the packed room. He was so happy for Haley. She’d worked so hard to make this place perfect and she’d succeeded.

  “So…” Riley crossed his arms and moved so that he stood in front of Eddie, feet planted shoulder-width apart. Then, in a tone that Eddie had only heard used by Ward on Leave it to Beaver when he was talking to one of his sons, Riley asked. “Got anything you want to tell me?”

  “You practicing your dad voice?” Eddie asked, not addressing his friend’s question.

  Riley, in turn, completely ignored Eddie’s smartass remark and waited, boring a hole into Eddie as he did.

  Eddie stood up a little straighter. He’d known this talk was bound to happen. When Riley and Chelle had gotten together, Eddie had not been happy about it and had not only confronted Riley about it but almost kicked his ass over the whole thing. He’d figured that if his friend ever caught wind of whatever the hell it was that Eddie and Haley had going on, Riley would want to return the favor.

  “If you have a question, ask it,” Eddie said, staring right back into Riley’s eyes.

  In a low voice that was only audible to Eddie, Riley asked, “Is it true? Is there something going on between you and Haley?”

  “Yes,” Eddie answered. He might not have known what exactly, but there was definitely something going on.


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