Tempting Love - Haley & Eddie

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Tempting Love - Haley & Eddie Page 25

by Melanie Shawn

  He felt Haley’s fingers digging into his shoulders. She arched her body into his unrelenting mouth as she writhed beneath him, moaning and begging for more. With his middle finger, he traced up and down the seam of her pulsing core, teasing her with tantalizing pressure until he felt her body clenching with release and a rush of moisture covered his finger. Eddie continued his suckling kisses, absorbing her essence into his very cells as she rode out her orgasm against his mouth.

  As her body relaxed, her limbs going limp, he reached for his shorts to grab a condom. Haley sat up and grabbed his wrist. Through labored breathing and with need shimmering in her eyes, she said, “I’ve been on birth control since I was twenty-one.”

  Eddie knew exactly what she meant—that he didn’t have to use protection. With his lifestyle, he’d always worn condoms and got tested every six months. At the thought of being inside of her, skin to skin, no barriers between them, his dick twitched against her leg.

  A mischievous smile tilted her lips. “Well, he obviously likes the idea.”

  Damn, she was so cute.

  As ravenous desire spiraled through him, he dropped his shorts and moved onto the bed over her, capturing her mouth in a kiss. Slowing the pace, he took his time, exploring her as his tongue made love to her mouth, mimicking what his body was going to do. Reaching between them, he took himself in his hand and positioned the broad head of his shaft at her opening.

  Breaking their kiss, he rested his head on her forehead. Threading his fingers in hers, he lifted her arms above her head and slowly pushed into her tight, warm passage. A guttural moan ripped from his chest at the erotic oblivion that washed over him. He could feel her inner walls pulsing against his steel-hard member as her fingers gripped his hand tightly.

  “I love you,” he whispered, looking down into her heavy-lidded blue eyes as he held himself perfectly still, buried deep inside her.

  Then he continued to whisper those three words between each of his soft kisses. He kissed her forehead, her chin, her cheeks, declaring his love each time his lips touched her soft skin. She whispered her own declarations of love as he began moving slowly in and out. With each thrust, he was overwhelmed by the delicious friction of the motion. Every illicit stroke filled his body with a pulsing rush of unrestrained release.

  Haley’s hands gripped his as she begged him not to stop. As he moved over her, her hardened nipples grazed his chest and she began quivering beneath him, crying out in pleasure. Pinning her hands above her, he leaned down, covering her mouth with his, swallowing her sounds of ecstasy as he surged once more into her and rode out the hottest, longest release of his life.

  As he came back down from the cloud of bliss, he felt Haley’s soft touch trailing up and down his back. He didn’t want to leave her, but he knew he had to get back to Emily.

  “Come home with me,” he said.

  “What?” she asked.

  He lifted up on his forearm and looked down into her glowing crystal blue eyes. “I have to go back and be with Emily, but I need you tonight. I need to hold you. Be with you.”

  “Okay,” she agreed with a smile.

  Eddie knew in that moment that he never wanted to spend another night without her by his side.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “No peeking,” Eddie repeated for probably the tenth time in the last five minutes.

  “I’m not,” Haley said again as she touched the blindfold that covered her eyes.

  “Then stop touching,” Eddie said, pulling one of her hands away from her face.

  The truck bounced and Haley grabbed on to the door as she smiled and laughed. “Sorry, I can’t help it. I’ve never been blindfolded before.”

  She heard Eddie groan beside her. “Then I think I might just keep that for later.”

  A shiver of anticipation and excitement raced through her from his suggestive words. The thought of being blindfolded while Eddie did wicked things sounded like her personal definition of heaven. Especially now that she knew that when you couldn’t see all of your other senses came to life. Her sense of touch, smell, and hearing were currently heightened, each one so much more acute.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked. “I’m sorry I forgot to make you breakfast.”

  “I’m not hungry,” Haley replied. And she wasn’t. Eddie had more than satisfied any hunger she might have had.

  That morning, Eddie had woken her up by carrying her into the bathroom, where a steaming shower had already been running. Then he’d stripped her out of her pajamas, washed every inch of her body, and pleasured her with his hand and his mouth before making hot, passionate love to her against the hard tiled walls.

  Then he’d dried her off, pointed to a pair of jeans and a shirt he’d laid out, instructed her to get dressed and meet him downstairs. When she had, he’d been waiting with a blindfold. He’d put it on her and led her out to his truck, and now she had no idea where they were headed.

  “Can I have a hint?” she asked.

  “No,” he said.

  “Please?” she begged.

  “Nope,” he answered, totally unmoved by her pleas.

  She tried to stop smiling but she couldn’t. In fact, her cheeks were already hurting and they couldn’t have been driving for more than ten minutes or so.

  “Okay, now put these in,” she heard him say before she felt him place something with wires and little rubber ends in her hands.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “Oh sorry. I forgot you can’t see. They’re earbuds.” His voice sounded excited as he spoke.

  “I have to wear earbuds too?”

  “Yes. When we get to our destination, you would guess it before I took off the blindfold if you didn’t have those in.”

  “Aha,” Haley said, pointing her finger up in the air, “a clue. I would guess it if I didn’t have earbuds.”

  “Yes,” Eddie said flatly in a mocking tone. “We’re going to a place that has sounds.”

  “Whatever. That was a clue,” Haley maintained.

  “Fine. It was a clue. Put your earbuds in.”

  It took a few tries because Haley’s hands were shaking with excitement and it was actually a lot harder than you would think to do things while blindfolded. But after several attempts, she was successful.

  “They’re in,” she announced probably a little too loudly.

  When she did, she heard Eddie chuckle and then music began playing in her ears. As soon as she heard the opening chords, she felt herself tearing up. It was the song they’d danced to at her birthday.

  She sniffed, breathing in a shaky breath, and she felt Eddie’s warm, comforting touch as his hand covered hers. He rubbed his thumb, lovingly caressing the top of her hand as they drove.

  Haley still sometimes had a hard time believing this was all really happening. The last few months had been a whirlwind. So much had happened over the summer.

  The store was so successful she now had two part-time employees. The driver who had hit Emily had pleaded no contest, mainly because there had been eye witnesses who had seen him on his cell phone. Since it was his first offense, he’d received two years’ probation and one hundred and fifty hours community service. Lacey had gotten arrested the same week of Emily’s accident for punching a woman at The Grill. She’d hightailed it out of town the morning she’d been released from jail. No one had seen her in over two months.

  And the best part of the summer by far was that she and Eddie were together. Really together. He even wanted Haley to move in with him, but she just didn’t feel like it was the right example to set. Not for Em. The only night Haley had ever spent there when Emily was home was the first night she’d gotten out of the hospital. Now she only stayed when Emily was at a friend’s house or, like last night, when she was at Chelle’s.

  Haley rocked forward in the seat as the truck came to a stop. Her first instinct was to take off the blindfold but she resisted. Eddie had gone to a lot of trouble to plan whatever he was doing and she didn’t
want to ruin it.

  She felt the truck rock as Eddie got out and shut the door, and the next thing she knew, he was at her side, helping her out of the truck. Instead of setting her down on the ground, he picked her up and carried her like a groom would his bride. Haley’s arms flew around him and she nuzzled her face into his neck. She honestly didn’t care if this was the surprise. Being held in Eddie’s strong arms while she kissed his sexy neck was definitely her idea of a good time.

  She felt his neck vibrate against her lips but she had no idea what he was saying because she still had the earbuds in.

  He stopped and set her down. She was a little unsteady on her feet. The ground was not even. She waited. She could sense movement around her but she was scared to reach out so she stood still. While she still had the blindfold on and the earbuds in, she felt Eddie take her hand. For a second, she thought he was going to lead her somewhere, but then the blindfold came off and the earbuds popped out.

  The sun was bright, so it took her a moment to see anything at all. She lifted her hand as she squinted. Then she heard a short blast of air. Hot air balloons. Quickly looking behind, away from the sun, she saw the most beautiful hot air balloon sitting on the grass a few yards away.

  She turned back around with tears in her eyes over the fact that he’d remembered how much she loved hot air balloons and had gone to this much trouble to surprise her. When she did, she saw that not only was Eddie standing in front of her holding her hand, but her parents, sisters, cousins and their wives, friends, and Emily were all there too.

  When she looked back at Eddie, he dropped to one knee and she covered her mouth in shock as tears fell down her cheeks. Staring up at her with love pouring out of his eyes, he said, “Haley Sloan, I love you. You are the sweetest, sexiest, most loving and kind person I’ve ever met. You have the biggest heart and you give of yourself totally, selflessly, never wanting or asking for anything in return. But you deserve everything and more. That’s exactly what I want to give you. I know that I haven’t always been what you deserved. But if you give me the chance, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. And you know I’m a package deal.”

  Haley smiled, and there were scattered chuckles in the crowd as he waved Emily over to them. She ran up the small hill Haley and Eddie were on and stopped beside her dad. Eddie wrapped one arm around Em and with the other took out a ring.

  “Haley, you have been a part of us, this family, for years. So we were wondering…” He gave a nod to Emily.

  “Ok,” Em chirped, her pink sundress swishing back and forth as she wiggled excitedly. There was more laughter from the crowd. Emily smiled up at Haley as she said proudly, “We were wondering if you want to make it official?” Then she gave her dad a high-five and ran back down, stopping beside Chelle, to whom she also gave a high-five.

  Haley was laughing through her tears as she looked back at Eddie. He was smiling, but when their eyes met, his face grew serious. “Haley, will you make me the happiest man on the planet, not to mention the luckiest, and do me the honor of being my wife?”

  “Yes,” Haley said, tears pouring down her face as Eddie slipped the most beautiful antique ring on her finger. Her friends and family burst into applause, cheers, and whistles.

  As soon as the ring was in place, Eddie was on his feet, lifting Haley up in the air. He kissed her as he walked up the hill to the hot air balloon basket.

  He set her in it and hopped over the side. She looked up at him, asking, “What about them?” pointing to all of their loved ones who had gathered.

  “They’ll be there when we get back,” Eddie said, motioning to the pilot for takeoff.

  Haley’s fingers wrapped around the basket as they lifted into the air, Eddie stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her.

  “I have one more surprise,” he said against her ear.

  She looked back at him in disbelief. “You do?”

  He nodded, smiling. “I already set the date for our wedding.”

  “You did?” Now she was really in shock.

  “Yep. Last week while I was up at Whisper Lake, I booked the chapel for December twenty-fifth.”

  Just when she thought she was all cried out, more tears sprang up in her eyes. “We’re getting married on Christmas?!”

  “If you want to.”

  “Of course I want to.” Haley still couldn’t believe that he knew her as well as he did. “What did I do to deserve you?” Haley asked, repeating back to him the same thing he always said to her.

  “You loved me when I didn’t deserve to be loved.”

  Eddie leaned down and kissed her softly as they floated into the sky. Haley knew that she would love this man forever…and now they were going to make it official.

  Excerpt: Crazy Love

  The Crossroads Series

  Relief swept through Krista. Abby had woken up, she was speaking, and she was hungry. All of those facts were very good news. She should call Chase and let him know. Even if he hadn’t returned her phone calls up until now, he deserved to know how his mom was doing.

  Then a thought struck Krista. Just because he wasn’t contacting her did not necessarily mean he wasn’t checking in. “Have there been any calls to check on Abby’s condition?”

  “I haven’t fielded any.” Jamie shook her head as she swiveled in her chair and began typing. “There’s nothing reported on the call log either.”

  “Okay, thanks. I’m gonna go check on her. I have to be back downstairs in fifteen. Send in a search party if I’m not out by then. I have a feeling the second I sit down I may be out like a light.”

  “Will do,” Jamie acknowledged before answering the ringing phone at the station.

  Krista stepped around the yellow sign that cautioned that the floor was wet and into the darkened hospital room. Abby was lying peacefully in the bed farthest from the door, her eyes closed. The heavy drapes were pulled shut and the only noise was the beeps and swooshes of the monitors.

  As Krista moved across the small space she noticed that Abby’s coloring was a little better than it had been yesterday. Her skin, however, looked paper thin. Her small frame appeared frail beneath the blue knit hospital blanket that covered her. Dark strands of hair fell across her pale forehead.

  Krista slumped down into the recliner chair beside the bed. The physical demands her job put on her were so much greater than most people assumed. Her body ached from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. She knew it was impossible but she was so tired it even felt like her hair hurt.

  Leaning her head back against the mauve pleather Krista decided to close her eyes for just a moment. Her heavy eyes closed and she felt her chest rising and falling in an even rhythm.

  The sound of the door clicking shut stirred her out of her restful state. Had fifteen minutes already passed and Jamie was coming in to get her? Forcing her eyelids open she saw the outline of a man, not Jamie standing by the door.

  Standing to her feet she was about to ask if she could help him when the figure took one step towards her and she could clearly make out his face. Her entire body immediately responded to what her eyes saw. Her mouth went dry. She was so dizzy it felt as if the room was spinning. Goosebumps broke out all over her skin. She tried desperately to take in air but it was as if the wind had been knocked right out of her.

  Krista’s voice was barely audible as his name fell from her lips, “Chase.”

  * * *

  Chase knew that he wasn’t hallucinating. Krista was really here. Standing in front of him. All night he’d been mentally preparing himself for what it would be like when he saw her again after all these years.

  Now he knew the truth that nothing could have possibly prepared him for the jolt of awareness coursing through him as his eyes scanned down her body. Every cell in his body came to life just being in her presence. His hungry gaze greedily roamed all over her trying to take her all in at once.

  His pants grew tight responding to the curves that he knew lay benea
th her loose scrubs. His hands tingled wanting to reach out and touch her silken skin. As his eyes made their way back up and met hers he noticed that there were dark circles beneath them.

  “Are you okay?” concern instantly flooded him as he took one step closer to her. “You look tired.”

  A look of irritation flashed in her beautiful sapphire eyes, her back stiffened as she responded with a clipped, “I’m fine.”


  “I didn’t mean… I was just worri…you look beautiful,” he stumbled over his words as he quickly tried to pull himself out of the hole he’d managed to dig for himself with his unfortunate choice of words. Instead of trying to explain what he knew she already knew he just said the words that he’d wanted to say to her every hour of every day since he’d left Harper’s Crossing, “God, I’ve missed you.”

  Krista’s posture was defensive and her tone flatter than a pancake. The only evidence that this reunion was affecting her at all were the tight buds of her nipples that were clearly visible through the thin cotton material of her scrubs and the shallow breaths that she had not been able to disguise. Her thick, dark lashes dipped as her gorgeous eyes narrowed. She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “You can save the charm, rock star.”

  Other titles by Melanie Shawn


  Sweet Reunion


  Sweet Harmonies


  Sweet Victory


  Home Sweet Home


  Snow Angel


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